Sean Spicer resigns

no more spicey :(

Spicer didn't want Anthony "The Mooch" Scaramucci as communications director, so he left.

Sean Spicer Resigns as White House Press Secretary
Trump hired a hedge fund manager with no experience in communication.
Remember when he said during the campaign that" I'm going to hire the best people. Experienced people."
He lied. And he keeps on lying and you idiots keep buying it.
This guy has as much experience as Jarrod Kushner does to broker Mid East peace.
This administration is like a carnival.
Trump being the carnival barker..
Why do we need a mouthpiece speaking to a bunch of rube opinion writers.

Anyway, I was not Sean fan. He lacked the polish to deliver daily BS

I like SH however

Stabbed Trump right in the back. Just like a typical liberal does. At least it's another Traitor gone. Too bad like mentioned it wasn't Sessions too.
So many resignations, so much winning!

We're going to whine so much. You're going to get tired of whining. you’re going to say, ‘Please Mr. Resident of Mar-a-Lago, I have a twitterache. Please, don't whine so much. This is getting terrible.’ And I'm going to say, ‘No, we have to make America grate again.’ You're gonna say, ‘Please.’ I said, ‘Nope, nope. We're gonna keep whining.’
One bad decision after another.
We warned you dupes before the election this guy would be clueless in the WH.
Each day we're proven right.
Like any new business, early employees eventually outlast their usefulness or abilities and are replaced. Trump keeps his people at each other's throats to make them compete with each other to find better ways of doing things. He's not an easy man to work for...he's totally transactional...nobody can rest on past victories with him.

Nobody has past victories.
Healthcare repeal and replace - FAIL
Tax reform - FAIL
Infrastructure - FAIL
Mexico pay for the wall - FAIL
no more spicey :(

Spicer didn't want Anthony "The Mooch" Scaramucci as communications director, so he left.

Sean Spicer Resigns as White House Press Secretary

Not too surprising if you ask me. He was unsuited to the job, and while a smart guy, not quick on his feet, as someone needs to be when you are under constant attack. His problem was he was too nice and not thick skinned enough.
who could handle a job with the only requirement is to lie for the president?
Sean Spicer resigns

I suspect that he feels a massive sum of relief as a result. I mean really. How much can one stand having to damn near lie to the word such that the only thing sheltering one's reputation from resounding obloquy is the fact that one had no choice but to do the president's bidding?
no more spicey :(

Spicer didn't want Anthony "The Mooch" Scaramucci as communications director, so he left.

Sean Spicer Resigns as White House Press Secretary

Not too surprising if you ask me. He was unsuited to the job, and while a smart guy, not quick on his feet, as someone needs to be when you are under constant attack. His problem was he was too nice and not thick skinned enough.
who could handle a job with the only requirement is to lie for the president?

There's loads. Look at the assholes who did the job for obummer! That was pretty much all they did was lie to the American public. Those sorts of soulless scum are easy to find. People, like Spicer, who are caring, and honest are hard to find.
Like any new business, early employees eventually outlast their usefulness or abilities and are replaced. Trump keeps his people at each other's throats to make them compete with each other to find better ways of doing things. He's not an easy man to work for...he's totally transactional...nobody can rest on past victories with him.
Good try. Next time, more lipstick
Sean Spicer resigns

I suspect that he feels a massive sum of relief as a result. I mean really. How much can one stand having to damn near lie to the word such that the only thing sheltering one's reputation from resounding obloquy is the fact that one had no choice but to do the president's bidding?

"resounding obloquy"? what the fuck is the matter with you? :eusa_eh:

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