Search the Scriptures

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
Search the Scriptures for in them you find Christ. All creation longs for a connection to God. It is the most natural thing in the world to desire to have a relationship with God. To know the LORD and the beauty of who He is. My experience came late thanks to a false church which misrepresented God to me as One who was incapable of being known - unless I bowed down to a statue which the Roman priests said represented a (human) woman named - Mary - and from the beginning I was not buying into it.

My grandparents were very well known in "the Roman Church" and it was not unusual for the priest to be sitting at the table with my grandmother having a scotch and water. They all drank (the Priests). Most of them smoked cigarettes. I found nothing unique about them having studied their behavior carefully.

Long story short, I saw through the hypocrisy and it was not until years later that I learned the full truth about the Roman Catholic Institution. It wasn't a church at all! It was a cult! I will be eternally grateful to God for His saving Dr. Alberto Rivera's soul and delivering him from the Jesuit Order of the Roman Vatican and even more so - for having Alberto tell the world the truth about Roman Catholicism and the reason for Ignatius Loyola creating "The Society of Jesus" - otherwise known as the Jesuits. What was the reason? To destroy Protestants! By any means necessary!

Oh! What a diabolical plan the Romans had to destroy the faith of those who would come to Jesus Christ through the message of the Gospel. I never understood why the Catholics were taught to despise Protestants. Now I do.

Anyone who has not read the story of Alberto Rivera should do so. I'll provide a link where you can read the entire comic series for free.

Alberto Rivera The Jesuit Priest Who Told The Truth

It was decided by Jack Chick Publications long ago to use comic format to deliver messages of information about Jesus Christ, Salvation, and exposing false cults. There was a very special reason for it.

As for knowing Jesus Christ and receiving eternal life through Him. Search the Scriptures for yourself. Do not let any man tell you that Mary is the mediator between God and man. That a priest is the mediator between God and man. That the Pope is the mediator between God and man!! They speak abominable lies.

If you desire to know Christ, to receive Christ, Search the Scriptures!!

Study the Word of God every single day. Make it a priority. How much time do you put into the relationships that are most valuable to you? If you desire to have a deep and abiding relationship with Jesus Christ then you must spend quality time with Him.

Read His Word. Think upon His Word. Hide His Word in your heart. Speak to Him in prayer and commune with Christ. The Lord desires to have a relationship with us. When we draw near to God, He draws near to us. Search the Scriptures.
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Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.
John 5:39
The Revelation of Jesus Christ - Last Book of The Bible US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Behold, he cometh with the clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him, and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.

I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.

The Revelation of Jesus Christ 1:7,8

Did you notice that there is not one mention of Mary in the last Book of the Bible? Not one mention? Why is that? Because she has nothing to do with your salvation. She has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not you are able to enter the kingdom of heaven. In fact, the very thing that will keep you out of heaven is to bow down to any statue depicting her, prayer to her, treating her as a deity, referring to her as the "Queen of heaven" ( a pagan goddess) or any such thing. Being a part of the Roman Catholic anti-Christ system. These are the things that would send you to hell. You must be born again. Jesus Christ warns - Come out from among them. Receive Christ and depart from all false institutions - Catholicism is an anti - Christ institution - the enemy of God - Christ never asked for a Vicar - He does not need a Vicar - Jesus Christ is the Mediator between God and Man. Jesus Christ said at the cross, IT IS FINISHED. He does not need a Pope to act as if he is God to rule the earth. It is a satanic lie. Depart from the Roman Cult of Catholicism.
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In 1979, Chick Publications printed the first in a series of highly controversial comics based on the life of ex-Jesuit priest, Alberto Rivera. Once converted to Christ, Alberto began exposing the Vatican's most closely guarded secrets. His information shocked the world. The following are the six publications that tell his story:Alberto Rivera The Jesuit Priest Who Told The Truth

"Alberto" (1979) – The testimony of former Jesuit priest Alberto Rivera – how he found Christ and began to expose Rome's innermost secrets.

"Double Cross" (1981) – After his salvation, Alberto is a hunted man. No Jesuit can leave his order alive! He reveals the infiltration of Protestant organizations, and warns of false "brethren" in our midst. (The Vatican planned the infamous Jonestown massacre in Guyana in 1978. Jim Jones was a Jesuit under that secret oath with instructions from Rome to commit mass murder in order to discredit Christian camps.)

"The Godfathers" (1982)
– This is the book the Catholic press is afraid to mention. Alberto tells how the Roman Catholic Institution, as the "Mother of Abominations" (Rev. 17), has caused many wars throughout history.

"The Force" (1983) – This comic reveals how the Vatican is using it’s occult force to deceive millions. The Vatican is the "habitation of devils" described in Rev. 18:2.

The Four Horsemen” (1985) – Here's a clear description of how the papacy fulfills Bible prophecies of the antichrist described in Rev. 6:1-8.

"The Prophet" (1988)
– Learn how the papacy helped start Islam, only to have this new daughter rebel against her. You'll understand the Arab's place in Bible prophecy.

Read the Alberto Series Comics online (click on the pictures):

there are 4 more in the series but the Godfathers is one you cannot miss. If you only read one read the Godfathers. You are in for the biggest surprise of your life.
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There are 6 comics in the series - you can see on the link. It didn't post all the covers - if you click the cover you can also read them and scroll down to bottom to turn the pages - just click next.

It is my prayer that every Catholic in America and in the world will come to learn about the testimony of Dr. Alberto Rivera - the ex-Jesuit who exposed the truth about the Roman Catholic Institution. It is indeed the anti-Christ Institution warned about in Rev. 17:4. There is a link to the Book of Revelations (Revelation of Jesus Christ - last book of the Bible) so that the reader can see the Bible Scriptures. Now you know why the Roman Vatican kept the Bible from their people and refused to permit even the priests to read the bible! Alberto Rivera read the bible under his covers at night with a flashlight - while he was Jesuit (he was a Jesuit priest and a Bishop who answered directly to the Pope) and did this for 3 years leading to his need to wear eye glasses. He learned the truth. Will you? You will if you search the Scriptures!

Click the page to enlarge it and read this.
Here are a couple of clips from the first comic - this shows the verification of Dr. Alberto Rivera being a former Jesuit. He speaks here of attending a black Mass. Note what he says. Click the page to enlarge the image:


Alberto continue 6
If you prefer to read the comic on youtube - this is a 6 part youtube video series for the 1st comic - Alberto - and you can read it here. The others you'll have to read on link in OP or Jack Chick Publications - which still prints these. To God be the Glory.

Click the box in the bottom right hand corner and open up the screen so you can read more easily.

Dr. Alberto Rivera led many precious Catholic people to Jesus Christ through His testimony. And they departed from the Roman Catholicism cult they had been brainwashed by. How many did he lead to Christ? THOUSANDS.

But today? There are still millions of precious Roman Catholic people perishing because they do not know Christ as their Savior. Please share Jesus Christ with Roman Catholics and give them the Dr. Alberto Rivera testimony available at Jack Chick publications ( also ) or share links given here - but do not keep this information to yourselves. God loves the Roman Catholic people and sent His Son Jesus Christ to set them free!
Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.
John 5:39

While searching the scriptures is excellent and can surely lead men to Christ, that scripture is actually a rebuke that should be translated "ye search the scriptures for in them ye think ye have eternal life"

Christ was rebuking them for thinking they are saved because they search the scriptures when they missed the fact that the scriptures are designed to bring people to Him. Christ is the source of Eternal life. Not the scriptures. The scriptures are a tool that leads men to Christ.

Unfortunately some deify the scriptures over the Lord who spoke them
Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.
John 5:39

While searching the scriptures is excellent and can surely lead men to Christ, that scripture is actually a rebuke that should be translated "ye search the scriptures for in them ye think ye have eternal life"

Christ was rebuking them for thinking they are saved because they search the scriptures when they missed the fact that the scriptures are designed to bring people to Him. Christ is the source of Eternal life. Not the scriptures. The scriptures are a tool that leads men to Christ.

Unfortunately some deify the scriptures over the Lord who spoke them

That wasn't where it ended though. Because by searching the Words of Christ spoken even the night he came to see him (Jesus) - Nicodemus - who was a Jew - did - after Calvary - receive the revelation of what was spoken to him and believed on Christ.

Scripture isn't always something that is revealed that very second - the seeds were planted and later there was a harvest. There is an ongoing harvest to this day.

How many here have heard the Scriptures - have had an encounter that reminded them again of the Word spoken to them - and later will get the revelation of Jesus Christ and receive Him as Lord and Savior, Avatar?

It is hearing the Word mixed with faith - that produces. It's God's timing. Not our own.
Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.
John 5:39

While searching the scriptures is excellent and can surely lead men to Christ, that scripture is actually a rebuke that should be translated "ye search the scriptures for in them ye think ye have eternal life"

Christ was rebuking them for thinking they are saved because they search the scriptures when they missed the fact that the scriptures are designed to bring people to Him. Christ is the source of Eternal life. Not the scriptures. The scriptures are a tool that leads men to Christ.

Unfortunately some deify the scriptures over the Lord who spoke them

Some deify a man who teaches Scripture rather than the LORD who spoke the Word too. That is where religion comes from Avatar. Men lifting up men instead of Jesus Christ who is God. It happens every day.
Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.
John 5:39
The next verse is very important to include in my opinion.....

40 .) And ye will not come to me, that ye might have life.
Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.
John 5:39
The next verse is very important to include in my opinion.....

40 .) And ye will not come to me, that ye might have life.

Of course it's important because Jesus is still rebuking the pharisees for looking to the scriptures for eternal life instead of to Him, the one who the scriptures testify of

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