Season 5, Game of Thrones

People finally realized that there's 650 pages of filler in a 700 page GRR Martin book, so they had to cram stuff in unwritten books 6 and 7 to make this interesting

Great episode tonight. I knew the Wildling chick was a Red Shirted Trekkie as soon as she kissed her kids goodbye. She was sweet
It was a very good episode. That battle was insane and terrifying at times b/c I hate anything that deals with the undead fighting the living. I loved the whole exchanges between Tyrion and Daenerys as well.
Dani having tryion is gonna ROCK that world. He's better than the dragons.

He is certainly more useful than they are at the present.
People finally realized that there's 650 pages of filler in a 700 page GRR Martin book, so they had to cram stuff in unwritten books 6 and 7 to make this interesting

Great episode tonight. I knew the Wildling chick was a Red Shirted Trekkie as soon as she kissed her kids goodbye. She was sweet


The instant she decided to move her people south with The Night's Watch my neighbor said, "Someone get her a red shirt b/c she is as good as dead." I laughed b/c I knew it was true. lol
I figued she was dead meat but hoped I was wrong. I was also a tad worried about Jon, cuz you know how they love to kill of beloved characters.
I figued she was dead meat but hoped I was wrong.

Same here. Getting devoured by all those children; some of whom were likely Children of the Forest at one time, was pretty creepy. When all those dead folks started jumping off the cliff to get into the town I about died. I would have been in that water swimming before the first one even hit the ground.
At first, when they were all looking at the sky, I thought the dragon was gonna swoop down. It was a pleasant surprise to see Walker Dude King and his minions cuz i wondered when we were going to see more of that part of the storyline.
Holy shit what a good episode!

that last scene... damn...
People finally realized that there's 650 pages of filler in a 700 page GRR Martin book, so they had to cram stuff in unwritten books 6 and 7 to make this interesting

Great episode tonight. I knew the Wildling chick was a Red Shirted Trekkie as soon as she kissed her kids goodbye. She was sweet

I think her last word was "Khaaaaaaannnnnn!"
stop it damn it.....when i attempted to use my friends password this did not work....i was too prideful to call and go wth...i want my hbotogo...back....guess who i ran into guessed it...and he was all over me for not calling get it...but now i have to catch i wont be back to this thread for a while and yes i read the recaps when i could....

And I only caught the last 10 or so minutes.Crashed just as the encore was starting figuring I'll catch one of the gazillion repeats, or more likely get it on on-demand.

But how cool was that undead assault? :) Eery start to it, the wildlings rushing the camp, gates close, see their shadows and hear em pleading, then suddenly nothing. "Uh oh..." :)

And the sheer futility fighting them at the end as the Whitewalker raises its' arms and revives the slain. Sorta predictable what's gonna eventually happen. But in the meantime. :)
It was a very good episode. That battle was insane and terrifying at times b/c I hate anything that deals with the undead fighting the living. I loved the whole exchanges between Tyrion and Daenerys as well.
Dani having tryion is gonna ROCK that world. He's better than the dragons.

The sad part is that absolutely amazing and well written interaction between Tyrion and Danny was over-shadowed by the Dead assault on the Wildlings.
It was a very good episode. That battle was insane and terrifying at times b/c I hate anything that deals with the undead fighting the living. I loved the whole exchanges between Tyrion and Daenerys as well.
Dani having tryion is gonna ROCK that world. He's better than the dragons.

The sad part is that absolutely amazing and well written interaction between Tyrion and Danny was over-shadowed by the Dead assault on the Wildlings.

Hell, I was just happy that exchange even happened this episode. When I learned of the title I figured the entire hour would be all north of The Wall. I was sure glad I was wrong. Both scenes with them to were wonderful!
I loved how the giant just strode out to sea. No boat needed, lol.

I yelled "please do not kill giant" at the television at least four times. lol

I thought the Giant was a goner also and I was pleased to see him live!

Rejected the possibility pretty quickly since an undead giant would wade out and sink all the boats ending the entire storyline right there for at least those people. :)
There's no reason to expect the giant, or anyone else who jumped into the water, to live. Lest we forget, this takes place in a frozen wasteland. Anyone jumping into that water has a good chance of freezing to death. :p

It's been a while since I read them, but they seem to be going way off book at this point.

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