Seattle Mayor Challenges Authority of President Trump

Trump has always been all talk and no action. How did his promise to go out and arrest a million illegals go?

He will call the mayor a few names in a tweet and his followers will be happy.
The longer this farce goes on the worse it's going to be for the Mayor because she's the one who signed off on letting it happen in the first place! You think those idiots won't screw things up? They're progressives! They don't have a clue how things work in the real world! Unless someone is taking care of them...providing them with electricity, water and trash removal for free...that entire "zone" is going to be uninhabitable in a matter of weeks! If I were Trump I'd simply state it's Seattle's problem. You broke it! You fix it! Let the rest of the country see what we've got in store for us if we ever let the left wing of the Democratic Party run things!

Kinda like Wall Street. We have been providing for them for decades now. How about we quit and see how well they do on their own?
This is like Wall Street? Did you just make that analogy? Go have another cup of coffee and wake up! You need a "mulligan" this morning!

We have been funding Wall Street for years. That it shoots down the arguments that we have a capitalistic economic system doesn't change that fact.
What does Wall Street have ANYTHING to do with a bunch of progressive morons taking over a few square blocks of a city and declaring it THEIRS? Talk about getting "off topic"?

The complaint was that they wanted things supplied to them. Just like Wall Street is always begging for.
Do you even know what Wall Street's function is, Pknopp? Or is it just another "symbol" to you?

What it's function was supposed to be is not what it is now. I can only guess that you are defending the trillions we have pumped into it but want to condemn others for asking for the basics.
Can't answer the question...can you, Pknopp? Does it ever bother you that you're SO ignorant about so many things? Or do you just soldier on and pretend that you DO have a clue? answer was accurate. Why have we had to pump trillions into the markets? Is that how it's supposed to work? In Capitalism we are supposed to bail out failed entities?
When you refer to trillions being pumped into the markets are you talking about investors that buy into securities...or are you talking about something like TARP? If you ARE referring to TARP kindly explain why it was wrong to "bail out" large financial institutions when those institutions ended up repaying the money that was loaned to them along with interest?

This gets so old. They did not repay it.

They got Tarp. Then the politicians passed HARP. HARP was supposed to go to the homeowners but it didn't. The banks used it to "repay" TARP.
Love to see you back up your claim that HARP money was used to repay TARP loans! Care to share?

This isn't specific to TARP but it wasn't just TARP. I understand there is a paywall but you can still get the general gist.

WASHINGTON—A number of small banks used $2.1 billion in government cash intended to boost small-business lending to repay bailout funds from the financial crisis, a government watchdog said Tuesday in a report that also concluded the banks lent less money than firms that didn't take bailout aid.

Among the 332 banks participating in a small-business lending program run by the U.S. Treasury, 137 used more than half of about $4 billion disbursed by the program to help fund their exits from the Troubled Asset Relief Program, according...

Lenders Used Aid to Repay TARP

You do note that GM failed to pay their loans back. What they did pay back consisted of taxpayer money also.

Repaying Taxpayers With Their Own Cash

“So it’s good news in that they’re reducing their debt,” Mr. Barofsky said of G.M. But he went on to note that G.M. was using other taxpayer money to make the loan repayment, according to the transcript of his testimony.

There is a start. I'll have to find other links but this stuff is getting old and buried.

HARP was not a small business program! It was a Federal program designed to help homeowners! Stop trying to pull shit out of your's just making you look more ignorant than you already were!

As for GM? I already told you that one of the only TARP loans not repaid was the one Barack Obama made to GM.

I didn't say it was a small business program. You know what I said and pointed out.

Banks Repaid Fed Bailout With Other Fed Money: Government Report

Neat Trick: Banks Repay Taxpayers With Taxpayer Money
You said that banks used HARP funds to repay TARP loans. I'm still waiting for you to show proof of that ever happening.

I'm still looking but the fact that I've shown is that TARP was not paid back like we were told. Banks used other taxpayer funded programs to pay it back, just as my links note. Be it HARP or something else.

The entire thing was a scam on taxpayers.
For god's wasn't HARP! Why do you keep trying to claim that it was?
As for TARP? It was paid back with interest. All except the GM loan that Barry used to bail out his buddies in the UAW!

I showed it wasn't. It was paid back in part by other programs funded by taxpayers. Links provided. You (and all of us) were scammed.
Trump has always been all talk and no action. How did his promise to go out and arrest a million illegals go?

He will call the mayor a few names in a tweet and his followers will be happy.
The longer this farce goes on the worse it's going to be for the Mayor because she's the one who signed off on letting it happen in the first place! You think those idiots won't screw things up? They're progressives! They don't have a clue how things work in the real world! Unless someone is taking care of them...providing them with electricity, water and trash removal for free...that entire "zone" is going to be uninhabitable in a matter of weeks! If I were Trump I'd simply state it's Seattle's problem. You broke it! You fix it! Let the rest of the country see what we've got in store for us if we ever let the left wing of the Democratic Party run things!

Kinda like Wall Street. We have been providing for them for decades now. How about we quit and see how well they do on their own?
This is like Wall Street? Did you just make that analogy? Go have another cup of coffee and wake up! You need a "mulligan" this morning!

We have been funding Wall Street for years. That it shoots down the arguments that we have a capitalistic economic system doesn't change that fact.
What does Wall Street have ANYTHING to do with a bunch of progressive morons taking over a few square blocks of a city and declaring it THEIRS? Talk about getting "off topic"?

The complaint was that they wanted things supplied to them. Just like Wall Street is always begging for.
Do you even know what Wall Street's function is, Pknopp? Or is it just another "symbol" to you?

What it's function was supposed to be is not what it is now. I can only guess that you are defending the trillions we have pumped into it but want to condemn others for asking for the basics.
Can't answer the question...can you, Pknopp? Does it ever bother you that you're SO ignorant about so many things? Or do you just soldier on and pretend that you DO have a clue? answer was accurate. Why have we had to pump trillions into the markets? Is that how it's supposed to work? In Capitalism we are supposed to bail out failed entities?
When you refer to trillions being pumped into the markets are you talking about investors that buy into securities...or are you talking about something like TARP? If you ARE referring to TARP kindly explain why it was wrong to "bail out" large financial institutions when those institutions ended up repaying the money that was loaned to them along with interest?

This gets so old. They did not repay it.

They got Tarp. Then the politicians passed HARP. HARP was supposed to go to the homeowners but it didn't. The banks used it to "repay" TARP.
Love to see you back up your claim that HARP money was used to repay TARP loans! Care to share?

This isn't specific to TARP but it wasn't just TARP. I understand there is a paywall but you can still get the general gist.

WASHINGTON—A number of small banks used $2.1 billion in government cash intended to boost small-business lending to repay bailout funds from the financial crisis, a government watchdog said Tuesday in a report that also concluded the banks lent less money than firms that didn't take bailout aid.

Among the 332 banks participating in a small-business lending program run by the U.S. Treasury, 137 used more than half of about $4 billion disbursed by the program to help fund their exits from the Troubled Asset Relief Program, according...

Lenders Used Aid to Repay TARP

You do note that GM failed to pay their loans back. What they did pay back consisted of taxpayer money also.

Repaying Taxpayers With Their Own Cash

“So it’s good news in that they’re reducing their debt,” Mr. Barofsky said of G.M. But he went on to note that G.M. was using other taxpayer money to make the loan repayment, according to the transcript of his testimony.

There is a start. I'll have to find other links but this stuff is getting old and buried.

HARP was not a small business program! It was a Federal program designed to help homeowners! Stop trying to pull shit out of your's just making you look more ignorant than you already were!

As for GM? I already told you that one of the only TARP loans not repaid was the one Barack Obama made to GM.

I didn't say it was a small business program. You know what I said and pointed out.

Banks Repaid Fed Bailout With Other Fed Money: Government Report

Neat Trick: Banks Repay Taxpayers With Taxpayer Money
You said that banks used HARP funds to repay TARP loans. I'm still waiting for you to show proof of that ever happening.

I'm still looking but the fact that I've shown is that TARP was not paid back like we were told. Banks used other taxpayer funded programs to pay it back, just as my links note. Be it HARP or something else.

The entire thing was a scam on taxpayers.
For god's wasn't HARP! Why do you keep trying to claim that it was?
As for TARP? It was paid back with interest. All except the GM loan that Barry used to bail out his buddies in the UAW!

I showed it wasn't. It was paid back in part by other programs funded by taxpayers. Links provided. You (and all of us) were scammed.
What TARP loans weren't repaid with interest? Which TARP loans didn't turn a profit for the US taxpayers? The answer to those questions are two. One was the TARP loan made to General Motors that we lost money on and the other was the TARP loan that was made to Chrysler which we also lost money on. Every other TARP loan we MADE money on!
Her lack of leadership and ability to maintain law and order has been severely compromised. She is in no position to question Trump.

Because she is trying to avoid violence. Trump- is the one who is showing no leadership.
Letting anarchists take over part of your city doesn't avoid violence, just postpones it! This will end badly for the Mayor because appeasement almost always does!

As usual you have no clue what you are talking about. You sound like a dictatorial thug. This is not a banana republic.
I'm a "thug" because I point out how silly this all is? Remember this conversation when it all turns to shit out there in Seattle, BB! I'll try not to say I told you so! :)

You are a thug. You seem to want violence. You won't be telling us anything.
Her lack of leadership and ability to maintain law and order has been severely compromised. She is in no position to question Trump.

Because she is trying to avoid violence. Trump- is the one who is showing no leadership.
Letting anarchists take over part of your city doesn't avoid violence, just postpones it! This will end badly for the Mayor because appeasement almost always does!

As usual you have no clue what you are talking about. You sound like a dictatorial thug. This is not a banana republic.
I'm a "thug" because I point out how silly this all is? Remember this conversation when it all turns to shit out there in Seattle, BB! I'll try not to say I told you so! :)

You are a thug. You seem to want violence. You won't be telling us anything.

Look at ANTIFA. Look at rioters, looters, and the killings during the George Floyd protests. Look at the gun toting CHAZ warriors. Collectively, the images price these people want violence but you get yourself wrapped around the the use of the word “thug”.
Trump has always been all talk and no action. How did his promise to go out and arrest a million illegals go?

He will call the mayor a few names in a tweet and his followers will be happy.
The longer this farce goes on the worse it's going to be for the Mayor because she's the one who signed off on letting it happen in the first place! You think those idiots won't screw things up? They're progressives! They don't have a clue how things work in the real world! Unless someone is taking care of them...providing them with electricity, water and trash removal for free...that entire "zone" is going to be uninhabitable in a matter of weeks! If I were Trump I'd simply state it's Seattle's problem. You broke it! You fix it! Let the rest of the country see what we've got in store for us if we ever let the left wing of the Democratic Party run things!

Kinda like Wall Street. We have been providing for them for decades now. How about we quit and see how well they do on their own?
This is like Wall Street? Did you just make that analogy? Go have another cup of coffee and wake up! You need a "mulligan" this morning!

We have been funding Wall Street for years. That it shoots down the arguments that we have a capitalistic economic system doesn't change that fact.
What does Wall Street have ANYTHING to do with a bunch of progressive morons taking over a few square blocks of a city and declaring it THEIRS? Talk about getting "off topic"?

The complaint was that they wanted things supplied to them. Just like Wall Street is always begging for.
Do you even know what Wall Street's function is, Pknopp? Or is it just another "symbol" to you?

What it's function was supposed to be is not what it is now. I can only guess that you are defending the trillions we have pumped into it but want to condemn others for asking for the basics.
Can't answer the question...can you, Pknopp? Does it ever bother you that you're SO ignorant about so many things? Or do you just soldier on and pretend that you DO have a clue? answer was accurate. Why have we had to pump trillions into the markets? Is that how it's supposed to work? In Capitalism we are supposed to bail out failed entities?
When you refer to trillions being pumped into the markets are you talking about investors that buy into securities...or are you talking about something like TARP? If you ARE referring to TARP kindly explain why it was wrong to "bail out" large financial institutions when those institutions ended up repaying the money that was loaned to them along with interest?

This gets so old. They did not repay it.

They got Tarp. Then the politicians passed HARP. HARP was supposed to go to the homeowners but it didn't. The banks used it to "repay" TARP.
Love to see you back up your claim that HARP money was used to repay TARP loans! Care to share?

This isn't specific to TARP but it wasn't just TARP. I understand there is a paywall but you can still get the general gist.

WASHINGTON—A number of small banks used $2.1 billion in government cash intended to boost small-business lending to repay bailout funds from the financial crisis, a government watchdog said Tuesday in a report that also concluded the banks lent less money than firms that didn't take bailout aid.

Among the 332 banks participating in a small-business lending program run by the U.S. Treasury, 137 used more than half of about $4 billion disbursed by the program to help fund their exits from the Troubled Asset Relief Program, according...

Lenders Used Aid to Repay TARP

You do note that GM failed to pay their loans back. What they did pay back consisted of taxpayer money also.

Repaying Taxpayers With Their Own Cash

“So it’s good news in that they’re reducing their debt,” Mr. Barofsky said of G.M. But he went on to note that G.M. was using other taxpayer money to make the loan repayment, according to the transcript of his testimony.

There is a start. I'll have to find other links but this stuff is getting old and buried.

HARP was not a small business program! It was a Federal program designed to help homeowners! Stop trying to pull shit out of your's just making you look more ignorant than you already were!

As for GM? I already told you that one of the only TARP loans not repaid was the one Barack Obama made to GM.

I didn't say it was a small business program. You know what I said and pointed out.

Banks Repaid Fed Bailout With Other Fed Money: Government Report

Neat Trick: Banks Repay Taxpayers With Taxpayer Money
You said that banks used HARP funds to repay TARP loans. I'm still waiting for you to show proof of that ever happening.

I'm still looking but the fact that I've shown is that TARP was not paid back like we were told. Banks used other taxpayer funded programs to pay it back, just as my links note. Be it HARP or something else.

The entire thing was a scam on taxpayers.
For god's wasn't HARP! Why do you keep trying to claim that it was?
As for TARP? It was paid back with interest. All except the GM loan that Barry used to bail out his buddies in the UAW!

I showed it wasn't. It was paid back in part by other programs funded by taxpayers. Links provided. You (and all of us) were scammed.
What TARP loans weren't repaid with interest? Which TARP loans didn't turn a profit for the US taxpayers? The answer to those questions are two. One was the TARP loan made to General Motors that we lost money on and the other was the TARP loan that was made to Chrysler which we also lost money on. Every other TARP loan we MADE money on!

Obviously even government reports stating the opposite isn't going to change your opinion. Whatever.
Her lack of leadership and ability to maintain law and order has been severely compromised. She is in no position to question Trump.

Because she is trying to avoid violence. Trump- is the one who is showing no leadership.
Letting anarchists take over part of your city doesn't avoid violence, just postpones it! This will end badly for the Mayor because appeasement almost always does!

As usual you have no clue what you are talking about. You sound like a dictatorial thug. This is not a banana republic.
I'm a "thug" because I point out how silly this all is? Remember this conversation when it all turns to shit out there in Seattle, BB! I'll try not to say I told you so! :)

You are a thug. You seem to want violence. You won't be telling us anything.

Look at ANTIFA. Look at rioters, looters, and the killings during the George Floyd protests. Look at the gun toting CHAZ warriors. Collectively, the images price these people want violence but you get yourself wrapped around the the use of the word “thug”.

You mean that digitally altered photo Fox used? There is no Antifa. I also see many peaceful protestors as well. You are indeed a thug as you support using violence against peaceful protestors.
Trump has always been all talk and no action. How did his promise to go out and arrest a million illegals go?

He will call the mayor a few names in a tweet and his followers will be happy.
The longer this farce goes on the worse it's going to be for the Mayor because she's the one who signed off on letting it happen in the first place! You think those idiots won't screw things up? They're progressives! They don't have a clue how things work in the real world! Unless someone is taking care of them...providing them with electricity, water and trash removal for free...that entire "zone" is going to be uninhabitable in a matter of weeks! If I were Trump I'd simply state it's Seattle's problem. You broke it! You fix it! Let the rest of the country see what we've got in store for us if we ever let the left wing of the Democratic Party run things!

Kinda like Wall Street. We have been providing for them for decades now. How about we quit and see how well they do on their own?
This is like Wall Street? Did you just make that analogy? Go have another cup of coffee and wake up! You need a "mulligan" this morning!

We have been funding Wall Street for years. That it shoots down the arguments that we have a capitalistic economic system doesn't change that fact.
What does Wall Street have ANYTHING to do with a bunch of progressive morons taking over a few square blocks of a city and declaring it THEIRS? Talk about getting "off topic"?

The complaint was that they wanted things supplied to them. Just like Wall Street is always begging for.
Do you even know what Wall Street's function is, Pknopp? Or is it just another "symbol" to you?

What it's function was supposed to be is not what it is now. I can only guess that you are defending the trillions we have pumped into it but want to condemn others for asking for the basics.
Can't answer the question...can you, Pknopp? Does it ever bother you that you're SO ignorant about so many things? Or do you just soldier on and pretend that you DO have a clue? answer was accurate. Why have we had to pump trillions into the markets? Is that how it's supposed to work? In Capitalism we are supposed to bail out failed entities?
When you refer to trillions being pumped into the markets are you talking about investors that buy into securities...or are you talking about something like TARP? If you ARE referring to TARP kindly explain why it was wrong to "bail out" large financial institutions when those institutions ended up repaying the money that was loaned to them along with interest?

This gets so old. They did not repay it.

They got Tarp. Then the politicians passed HARP. HARP was supposed to go to the homeowners but it didn't. The banks used it to "repay" TARP.
Love to see you back up your claim that HARP money was used to repay TARP loans! Care to share?

This isn't specific to TARP but it wasn't just TARP. I understand there is a paywall but you can still get the general gist.

WASHINGTON—A number of small banks used $2.1 billion in government cash intended to boost small-business lending to repay bailout funds from the financial crisis, a government watchdog said Tuesday in a report that also concluded the banks lent less money than firms that didn't take bailout aid.

Among the 332 banks participating in a small-business lending program run by the U.S. Treasury, 137 used more than half of about $4 billion disbursed by the program to help fund their exits from the Troubled Asset Relief Program, according...

Lenders Used Aid to Repay TARP

You do note that GM failed to pay their loans back. What they did pay back consisted of taxpayer money also.

Repaying Taxpayers With Their Own Cash

“So it’s good news in that they’re reducing their debt,” Mr. Barofsky said of G.M. But he went on to note that G.M. was using other taxpayer money to make the loan repayment, according to the transcript of his testimony.

There is a start. I'll have to find other links but this stuff is getting old and buried.

HARP was not a small business program! It was a Federal program designed to help homeowners! Stop trying to pull shit out of your's just making you look more ignorant than you already were!

As for GM? I already told you that one of the only TARP loans not repaid was the one Barack Obama made to GM.

I didn't say it was a small business program. You know what I said and pointed out.

Banks Repaid Fed Bailout With Other Fed Money: Government Report

Neat Trick: Banks Repay Taxpayers With Taxpayer Money
You said that banks used HARP funds to repay TARP loans. I'm still waiting for you to show proof of that ever happening.

I'm still looking but the fact that I've shown is that TARP was not paid back like we were told. Banks used other taxpayer funded programs to pay it back, just as my links note. Be it HARP or something else.

The entire thing was a scam on taxpayers.
For god's wasn't HARP! Why do you keep trying to claim that it was?
As for TARP? It was paid back with interest. All except the GM loan that Barry used to bail out his buddies in the UAW!

I showed it wasn't. It was paid back in part by other programs funded by taxpayers. Links provided. You (and all of us) were scammed.
What TARP loans weren't repaid with interest? Which TARP loans didn't turn a profit for the US taxpayers? The answer to those questions are two. One was the TARP loan made to General Motors that we lost money on and the other was the TARP loan that was made to Chrysler which we also lost money on. Every other TARP loan we MADE money on!

Obviously even government reports stating the opposite isn't going to change your opinion. Whatever.
You have government reports stating that we didn't lose money on General Motors and Chrysler? Let's see them! You have government reports stating that the other TARP loans were not paid back with interest? Let's see them!
I see you've given up your claims about HARP!
Her lack of leadership and ability to maintain law and order has been severely compromised. She is in no position to question Trump.

Because she is trying to avoid violence. Trump- is the one who is showing no leadership.
Letting anarchists take over part of your city doesn't avoid violence, just postpones it! This will end badly for the Mayor because appeasement almost always does!

As usual you have no clue what you are talking about. You sound like a dictatorial thug. This is not a banana republic.
I'm a "thug" because I point out how silly this all is? Remember this conversation when it all turns to shit out there in Seattle, BB! I'll try not to say I told you so! :)

You are a thug. You seem to want violence. You won't be telling us anything.

Look at ANTIFA. Look at rioters, looters, and the killings during the George Floyd protests. Look at the gun toting CHAZ warriors. Collectively, the images price these people want violence but you get yourself wrapped around the the use of the word “thug”.

You mean that digitally altered photo Fox used? There is no Antifa. I also see many peaceful protestors as well. You are indeed a thug as you support using violence against peaceful protestors.

Antifa doesn't exist? Is that REALLY what you're claiming, BB?
Trump has always been all talk and no action. How did his promise to go out and arrest a million illegals go?

He will call the mayor a few names in a tweet and his followers will be happy.
The longer this farce goes on the worse it's going to be for the Mayor because she's the one who signed off on letting it happen in the first place! You think those idiots won't screw things up? They're progressives! They don't have a clue how things work in the real world! Unless someone is taking care of them...providing them with electricity, water and trash removal for free...that entire "zone" is going to be uninhabitable in a matter of weeks! If I were Trump I'd simply state it's Seattle's problem. You broke it! You fix it! Let the rest of the country see what we've got in store for us if we ever let the left wing of the Democratic Party run things!

Kinda like Wall Street. We have been providing for them for decades now. How about we quit and see how well they do on their own?
This is like Wall Street? Did you just make that analogy? Go have another cup of coffee and wake up! You need a "mulligan" this morning!

We have been funding Wall Street for years. That it shoots down the arguments that we have a capitalistic economic system doesn't change that fact.
What does Wall Street have ANYTHING to do with a bunch of progressive morons taking over a few square blocks of a city and declaring it THEIRS? Talk about getting "off topic"?

The complaint was that they wanted things supplied to them. Just like Wall Street is always begging for.
Do you even know what Wall Street's function is, Pknopp? Or is it just another "symbol" to you?

What it's function was supposed to be is not what it is now. I can only guess that you are defending the trillions we have pumped into it but want to condemn others for asking for the basics.
Can't answer the question...can you, Pknopp? Does it ever bother you that you're SO ignorant about so many things? Or do you just soldier on and pretend that you DO have a clue? answer was accurate. Why have we had to pump trillions into the markets? Is that how it's supposed to work? In Capitalism we are supposed to bail out failed entities?
When you refer to trillions being pumped into the markets are you talking about investors that buy into securities...or are you talking about something like TARP? If you ARE referring to TARP kindly explain why it was wrong to "bail out" large financial institutions when those institutions ended up repaying the money that was loaned to them along with interest?

This gets so old. They did not repay it.

They got Tarp. Then the politicians passed HARP. HARP was supposed to go to the homeowners but it didn't. The banks used it to "repay" TARP.
Love to see you back up your claim that HARP money was used to repay TARP loans! Care to share?

This isn't specific to TARP but it wasn't just TARP. I understand there is a paywall but you can still get the general gist.

WASHINGTON—A number of small banks used $2.1 billion in government cash intended to boost small-business lending to repay bailout funds from the financial crisis, a government watchdog said Tuesday in a report that also concluded the banks lent less money than firms that didn't take bailout aid.

Among the 332 banks participating in a small-business lending program run by the U.S. Treasury, 137 used more than half of about $4 billion disbursed by the program to help fund their exits from the Troubled Asset Relief Program, according...

Lenders Used Aid to Repay TARP

You do note that GM failed to pay their loans back. What they did pay back consisted of taxpayer money also.

Repaying Taxpayers With Their Own Cash

“So it’s good news in that they’re reducing their debt,” Mr. Barofsky said of G.M. But he went on to note that G.M. was using other taxpayer money to make the loan repayment, according to the transcript of his testimony.

There is a start. I'll have to find other links but this stuff is getting old and buried.

HARP was not a small business program! It was a Federal program designed to help homeowners! Stop trying to pull shit out of your's just making you look more ignorant than you already were!

As for GM? I already told you that one of the only TARP loans not repaid was the one Barack Obama made to GM.

I didn't say it was a small business program. You know what I said and pointed out.

Banks Repaid Fed Bailout With Other Fed Money: Government Report

Neat Trick: Banks Repay Taxpayers With Taxpayer Money
You said that banks used HARP funds to repay TARP loans. I'm still waiting for you to show proof of that ever happening.

I'm still looking but the fact that I've shown is that TARP was not paid back like we were told. Banks used other taxpayer funded programs to pay it back, just as my links note. Be it HARP or something else.

The entire thing was a scam on taxpayers.
For god's wasn't HARP! Why do you keep trying to claim that it was?
As for TARP? It was paid back with interest. All except the GM loan that Barry used to bail out his buddies in the UAW!

I showed it wasn't. It was paid back in part by other programs funded by taxpayers. Links provided. You (and all of us) were scammed.
What TARP loans weren't repaid with interest? Which TARP loans didn't turn a profit for the US taxpayers? The answer to those questions are two. One was the TARP loan made to General Motors that we lost money on and the other was the TARP loan that was made to Chrysler which we also lost money on. Every other TARP loan we MADE money on!

Obviously even government reports stating the opposite isn't going to change your opinion. Whatever.
You have government reports stating that we didn't lose money on General Motors and Chrysler? Let's see them! You have government reports stating that the other TARP loans were not paid back with interest? Let's see them!
I see you've given up your claims about HARP!

I can only surmise that you are here only to increase clicks
Trump has always been all talk and no action. How did his promise to go out and arrest a million illegals go?

He will call the mayor a few names in a tweet and his followers will be happy.
The longer this farce goes on the worse it's going to be for the Mayor because she's the one who signed off on letting it happen in the first place! You think those idiots won't screw things up? They're progressives! They don't have a clue how things work in the real world! Unless someone is taking care of them...providing them with electricity, water and trash removal for free...that entire "zone" is going to be uninhabitable in a matter of weeks! If I were Trump I'd simply state it's Seattle's problem. You broke it! You fix it! Let the rest of the country see what we've got in store for us if we ever let the left wing of the Democratic Party run things!

Kinda like Wall Street. We have been providing for them for decades now. How about we quit and see how well they do on their own?
This is like Wall Street? Did you just make that analogy? Go have another cup of coffee and wake up! You need a "mulligan" this morning!

We have been funding Wall Street for years. That it shoots down the arguments that we have a capitalistic economic system doesn't change that fact.
What does Wall Street have ANYTHING to do with a bunch of progressive morons taking over a few square blocks of a city and declaring it THEIRS? Talk about getting "off topic"?

The complaint was that they wanted things supplied to them. Just like Wall Street is always begging for.
Do you even know what Wall Street's function is, Pknopp? Or is it just another "symbol" to you?

What it's function was supposed to be is not what it is now. I can only guess that you are defending the trillions we have pumped into it but want to condemn others for asking for the basics.
Can't answer the question...can you, Pknopp? Does it ever bother you that you're SO ignorant about so many things? Or do you just soldier on and pretend that you DO have a clue? answer was accurate. Why have we had to pump trillions into the markets? Is that how it's supposed to work? In Capitalism we are supposed to bail out failed entities?
When you refer to trillions being pumped into the markets are you talking about investors that buy into securities...or are you talking about something like TARP? If you ARE referring to TARP kindly explain why it was wrong to "bail out" large financial institutions when those institutions ended up repaying the money that was loaned to them along with interest?

This gets so old. They did not repay it.

They got Tarp. Then the politicians passed HARP. HARP was supposed to go to the homeowners but it didn't. The banks used it to "repay" TARP.
Love to see you back up your claim that HARP money was used to repay TARP loans! Care to share?

This isn't specific to TARP but it wasn't just TARP. I understand there is a paywall but you can still get the general gist.

WASHINGTON—A number of small banks used $2.1 billion in government cash intended to boost small-business lending to repay bailout funds from the financial crisis, a government watchdog said Tuesday in a report that also concluded the banks lent less money than firms that didn't take bailout aid.

Among the 332 banks participating in a small-business lending program run by the U.S. Treasury, 137 used more than half of about $4 billion disbursed by the program to help fund their exits from the Troubled Asset Relief Program, according...

Lenders Used Aid to Repay TARP

You do note that GM failed to pay their loans back. What they did pay back consisted of taxpayer money also.

Repaying Taxpayers With Their Own Cash

“So it’s good news in that they’re reducing their debt,” Mr. Barofsky said of G.M. But he went on to note that G.M. was using other taxpayer money to make the loan repayment, according to the transcript of his testimony.

There is a start. I'll have to find other links but this stuff is getting old and buried.

HARP was not a small business program! It was a Federal program designed to help homeowners! Stop trying to pull shit out of your's just making you look more ignorant than you already were!

As for GM? I already told you that one of the only TARP loans not repaid was the one Barack Obama made to GM.

I didn't say it was a small business program. You know what I said and pointed out.

Banks Repaid Fed Bailout With Other Fed Money: Government Report

Neat Trick: Banks Repay Taxpayers With Taxpayer Money
You said that banks used HARP funds to repay TARP loans. I'm still waiting for you to show proof of that ever happening.

I'm still looking but the fact that I've shown is that TARP was not paid back like we were told. Banks used other taxpayer funded programs to pay it back, just as my links note. Be it HARP or something else.

The entire thing was a scam on taxpayers.
For god's wasn't HARP! Why do you keep trying to claim that it was?
As for TARP? It was paid back with interest. All except the GM loan that Barry used to bail out his buddies in the UAW!

I showed it wasn't. It was paid back in part by other programs funded by taxpayers. Links provided. You (and all of us) were scammed.
What TARP loans weren't repaid with interest? Which TARP loans didn't turn a profit for the US taxpayers? The answer to those questions are two. One was the TARP loan made to General Motors that we lost money on and the other was the TARP loan that was made to Chrysler which we also lost money on. Every other TARP loan we MADE money on!

Obviously even government reports stating the opposite isn't going to change your opinion. Whatever.
You have government reports stating that we didn't lose money on General Motors and Chrysler? Let's see them! You have government reports stating that the other TARP loans were not paid back with interest? Let's see them!
I see you've given up your claims about HARP!

I can only surmise that you are here only to increase clicks
I can only surmise that you have no government reports stating what you've claimed!
Her lack of leadership and ability to maintain law and order has been severely compromised. She is in no position to question Trump.

Because she is trying to avoid violence. Trump- is the one who is showing no leadership.
Letting anarchists take over part of your city doesn't avoid violence, just postpones it! This will end badly for the Mayor because appeasement almost always does!

As usual you have no clue what you are talking about. You sound like a dictatorial thug. This is not a banana republic.
I'm a "thug" because I point out how silly this all is? Remember this conversation when it all turns to shit out there in Seattle, BB! I'll try not to say I told you so! :)

You are a thug. You seem to want violence. You won't be telling us anything.

Look at ANTIFA. Look at rioters, looters, and the killings during the George Floyd protests. Look at the gun toting CHAZ warriors. Collectively, the images price these people want violence but you get yourself wrapped around the the use of the word “thug”.

You mean that digitally altered photo Fox used? There is no Antifa. I also see many peaceful protestors as well. You are indeed a thug as you support using violence against peaceful protestors.

ABC News is calling CHAZ a "festive event". How come the need then for the wall, necessary search and frisk, businesses owners and landowners run off by gun-toting thugs, and checking ID's of "unknowns"? If it is so peaceful, why so many guns? Why forcing takeover of buildings and land that is not theirs. Keep denying ANTIFA and hurling the thug tag on everyone but you are going to need to explain and account for who/what these people are. HINT: not solely peaceful protestors.
Trump has always been all talk and no action. How did his promise to go out and arrest a million illegals go?

He will call the mayor a few names in a tweet and his followers will be happy.
The longer this farce goes on the worse it's going to be for the Mayor because she's the one who signed off on letting it happen in the first place! You think those idiots won't screw things up? They're progressives! They don't have a clue how things work in the real world! Unless someone is taking care of them...providing them with electricity, water and trash removal for free...that entire "zone" is going to be uninhabitable in a matter of weeks! If I were Trump I'd simply state it's Seattle's problem. You broke it! You fix it! Let the rest of the country see what we've got in store for us if we ever let the left wing of the Democratic Party run things!

Kinda like Wall Street. We have been providing for them for decades now. How about we quit and see how well they do on their own?
This is like Wall Street? Did you just make that analogy? Go have another cup of coffee and wake up! You need a "mulligan" this morning!

We have been funding Wall Street for years. That it shoots down the arguments that we have a capitalistic economic system doesn't change that fact.
What does Wall Street have ANYTHING to do with a bunch of progressive morons taking over a few square blocks of a city and declaring it THEIRS? Talk about getting "off topic"?

The complaint was that they wanted things supplied to them. Just like Wall Street is always begging for.
Do you even know what Wall Street's function is, Pknopp? Or is it just another "symbol" to you?

What it's function was supposed to be is not what it is now. I can only guess that you are defending the trillions we have pumped into it but want to condemn others for asking for the basics.
Can't answer the question...can you, Pknopp? Does it ever bother you that you're SO ignorant about so many things? Or do you just soldier on and pretend that you DO have a clue? answer was accurate. Why have we had to pump trillions into the markets? Is that how it's supposed to work? In Capitalism we are supposed to bail out failed entities?
When you refer to trillions being pumped into the markets are you talking about investors that buy into securities...or are you talking about something like TARP? If you ARE referring to TARP kindly explain why it was wrong to "bail out" large financial institutions when those institutions ended up repaying the money that was loaned to them along with interest?

This gets so old. They did not repay it.

They got Tarp. Then the politicians passed HARP. HARP was supposed to go to the homeowners but it didn't. The banks used it to "repay" TARP.
Love to see you back up your claim that HARP money was used to repay TARP loans! Care to share?

This isn't specific to TARP but it wasn't just TARP. I understand there is a paywall but you can still get the general gist.

WASHINGTON—A number of small banks used $2.1 billion in government cash intended to boost small-business lending to repay bailout funds from the financial crisis, a government watchdog said Tuesday in a report that also concluded the banks lent less money than firms that didn't take bailout aid.

Among the 332 banks participating in a small-business lending program run by the U.S. Treasury, 137 used more than half of about $4 billion disbursed by the program to help fund their exits from the Troubled Asset Relief Program, according...

Lenders Used Aid to Repay TARP

You do note that GM failed to pay their loans back. What they did pay back consisted of taxpayer money also.

Repaying Taxpayers With Their Own Cash

“So it’s good news in that they’re reducing their debt,” Mr. Barofsky said of G.M. But he went on to note that G.M. was using other taxpayer money to make the loan repayment, according to the transcript of his testimony.

There is a start. I'll have to find other links but this stuff is getting old and buried.

HARP was not a small business program! It was a Federal program designed to help homeowners! Stop trying to pull shit out of your's just making you look more ignorant than you already were!

As for GM? I already told you that one of the only TARP loans not repaid was the one Barack Obama made to GM.

I didn't say it was a small business program. You know what I said and pointed out.

Banks Repaid Fed Bailout With Other Fed Money: Government Report

Neat Trick: Banks Repay Taxpayers With Taxpayer Money
You said that banks used HARP funds to repay TARP loans. I'm still waiting for you to show proof of that ever happening.

I'm still looking but the fact that I've shown is that TARP was not paid back like we were told. Banks used other taxpayer funded programs to pay it back, just as my links note. Be it HARP or something else.

The entire thing was a scam on taxpayers.
For god's wasn't HARP! Why do you keep trying to claim that it was?
As for TARP? It was paid back with interest. All except the GM loan that Barry used to bail out his buddies in the UAW!

I showed it wasn't. It was paid back in part by other programs funded by taxpayers. Links provided. You (and all of us) were scammed.
What TARP loans weren't repaid with interest? Which TARP loans didn't turn a profit for the US taxpayers? The answer to those questions are two. One was the TARP loan made to General Motors that we lost money on and the other was the TARP loan that was made to Chrysler which we also lost money on. Every other TARP loan we MADE money on!

Obviously even government reports stating the opposite isn't going to change your opinion. Whatever.
You have government reports stating that we didn't lose money on General Motors and Chrysler? Let's see them! You have government reports stating that the other TARP loans were not paid back with interest? Let's see them!
I see you've given up your claims about HARP!

I can only surmise that you are here only to increase clicks
You don' you? So now your response is to hit me with a laugh? How pathetic...
Her lack of leadership and ability to maintain law and order has been severely compromised. She is in no position to question Trump.

Because she is trying to avoid violence. Trump- is the one who is showing no leadership.
Letting anarchists take over part of your city doesn't avoid violence, just postpones it! This will end badly for the Mayor because appeasement almost always does!

As usual you have no clue what you are talking about. You sound like a dictatorial thug. This is not a banana republic.
I'm a "thug" because I point out how silly this all is? Remember this conversation when it all turns to shit out there in Seattle, BB! I'll try not to say I told you so! :)

You are a thug. You seem to want violence. You won't be telling us anything.

Look at ANTIFA. Look at rioters, looters, and the killings during the George Floyd protests. Look at the gun toting CHAZ warriors. Collectively, the images price these people want violence but you get yourself wrapped around the the use of the word “thug”.

You mean that digitally altered photo Fox used? There is no Antifa. I also see many peaceful protestors as well. You are indeed a thug as you support using violence against peaceful protestors.

ABC News is calling CHAZ a "festive event". How come the need then for the wall, necessary search and frisk, businesses owners and landowners run off by gun-toting thugs, and checking ID's of "unknowns"? If it is so peaceful, why so many guns? Why forcing takeover of buildings and land that is not theirs. Keep denying ANTIFA and hurling the thug tag on everyone but you are going to need to explain and account for who/what these people are. HINT: not solely peaceful protestors.
They'll be peaceful until they don't get their way...and then they'll resort to violence. It's what the far left DOES these days!
Trump has not even talk to the mayor and the governor.
I dont know who trump talked to and neither do you

there is no love lost between trump and far left politicians like the ones running Washington State

the two sides are so far apart on the issues that the choice is simple

if the lib mayor and governor dont want trump messing in their business then they should get off their ass and do something
Just read at the tweets back and forth by the mayor and the governor against Trump.
If Trump really want to help. Why not talk to them instead of these threatening tweets. If he has nothing good to say just like other mayors, Chief of police, governors and senators are saying against this MORON....... Just STFU.
Problem with that is ........ Trump has not even talk to the mayor and the governor. Trump sents these tweets blasting both the mayor and the governor. Both responded back..... go back to your bunker.

Is that sign of a president or a goons?
He talked to them. He said fix the problem or I will.

And it shouldn't matter if Trump talked to them or not. These 2 stooges are in charge, and they are not doing their jobs. Simple as that.
He sent them a tweet. And they should react by stupid tweets?
It shouldn’t matter? Really? According to a dictator rules or just an amateur and incompetent president?
Threat is a sign of weakness.

Fox News published digitally altered and misleading images on its website's homepage Friday that made a demonstration in Seattle, in which a group of largely peaceful Black Lives Matter protesters have occupied six city blocks, appear violent and dangerous.

The deceitful tactic was called out by The Seattle Times. The local newspaper reported that when it asked Fox News about the images, the network removed them.
If the Seattle Times said the takeover was not violent and dangerous, they are either uninformed, or they lied. The police chief has reported crime has tripled, as has response time.

And your links supposed to be credible?
He sent them a tweet. And they should react by stupid tweets?
It shouldn’t matter? Really? According to a dictator rules or just an amateur and incompetent president?
Threat is a sign of weakness.
Communication is a sign of strength. :biggrin:

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