Seattle Mayor Challenges Authority of President Trump

Just read at the tweets back and forth by the mayor and the governor against Trump.
If Trump really want to help. Why not talk to them instead of these threatening tweets. If he has nothing good to say just like other mayors, Chief of police, governors and senators are saying against this MORON....... Just STFU.
Trump called them. Neither one of them accepted the call.

And Seattle Chief of Police is OK with Trump. She has lambasted Jerky Jenny. CNN/MSNBC didn't tell you ?
My guess is not for long.

Trump needs to stay out of it, unless he gets a call from the mayor. This is her problem, and any crimes that occur there, they can sue her and the city of Seattle for not protecting their citizens.
Trump needs to stay out of it, unless he gets a call from the mayor. This is her problem, and any crimes that occur there, they can sue her and the city of Seattle for not protecting their citizens.
It's not a "problem" for her. She's part of it. She's one of them. But it is a problem for residents and business owners, they are the victims, who apparently need federal help.
Send in the troops.
In the end he has little choice but he told Trump no but Trump listens to no one. That's why so many who are no longer confined by their oath have condemned him.
FALSE! He told Trump OK, and changed his position to agree with Trump. (explanation # 4) Trump should have fired him, for his idiotic original comments.

Esper said >> "The option to use active-duty forces in a law enforcement role should only be used as a matter of last resort and only in the most urgent and dire situations," We are not in one of those situations now. I do not support invoking the Insurrection Act."

Oh no, not one of those situations, just dozens of American dead, millions in damages, businesses destroyed, and the whole thing spreading all over the world, that's all. Jeez, even the Rodney King LA riot was small by comparison, and US troops got called out for that. How Esper is still in his job, I don't know.

Using military like the marine or army against Americans is totally wrong. It is used against foreign enemies NOT against Americans.
That is what Trump been promoting violence against his own people. His rallies the democrats the democrats the democrats inciting violence against democrats. Be very careful what you wish for.

But I’m very disappointed why he has not ordered the military to come in and fight the Americans. Then see what will happen politically. Do you honestly believe Trump knows or give a shit or even care what the hell he is talking about? Do you honestly believe he is following his advisers? The answer to both are NO.

Esper was just doing his jobs. Showed he has backbone not impotent like these GOPs.. ..... But I also like him to fire Esper to show its difficult to work with unfit president and all these turnovers that left or fired. Some no explanation why they got fired.

What/Why do you think the National Guards are there for? Why not use them before the army? But NOOOO here comes this fatso tough guy bully amateur inept president. Sending tweets........ I will send the military. Totally incompetent MORON..
The freaking Seattle mayor gave up his own authority to a drug infested area of lawless gun toting drugged out humanity that declared itself a country. You almost gotta laugh if it wsn't so typical of democrats.
Her lack of leadership and ability to maintain law and order has been severely compromised. She is in no position to question Trump.

Because she is trying to avoid violence. Trump- is the one who is showing no leadership.
Letting anarchists take over part of your city doesn't avoid violence, just postpones it! This will end badly for the Mayor because appeasement almost always does!

As usual you have no clue what you are talking about. You sound like a dictatorial thug. This is not a banana republic.
I'm a "thug" because I point out how silly this all is? Remember this conversation when it all turns to shit out there in Seattle, BB! I'll try not to say I told you so! :)

You are a thug. You seem to want violence. You won't be telling us anything.

Look at ANTIFA. Look at rioters, looters, and the killings during the George Floyd protests. Look at the gun toting CHAZ warriors. Collectively, the images price these people want violence but you get yourself wrapped around the the use of the word “thug”.

You mean that digitally altered photo Fox used? There is no Antifa. I also see many peaceful protestors as well. You are indeed a thug as you support using violence against peaceful protestors.

Antifa doesn't exist? Is that REALLY what you're claiming, BB?

They don't exist. There is no organization called antifa.
Her lack of leadership and ability to maintain law and order has been severely compromised. She is in no position to question Trump.

Because she is trying to avoid violence. Trump- is the one who is showing no leadership.
Letting anarchists take over part of your city doesn't avoid violence, just postpones it! This will end badly for the Mayor because appeasement almost always does!

As usual you have no clue what you are talking about. You sound like a dictatorial thug. This is not a banana republic.
I'm a "thug" because I point out how silly this all is? Remember this conversation when it all turns to shit out there in Seattle, BB! I'll try not to say I told you so! :)

You are a thug. You seem to want violence. You won't be telling us anything.

Look at ANTIFA. Look at rioters, looters, and the killings during the George Floyd protests. Look at the gun toting CHAZ warriors. Collectively, the images price these people want violence but you get yourself wrapped around the the use of the word “thug”.

You mean that digitally altered photo Fox used? There is no Antifa. I also see many peaceful protestors as well. You are indeed a thug as you support using violence against peaceful protestors.

ABC News is calling CHAZ a "festive event". How come the need then for the wall, necessary search and frisk, businesses owners and landowners run off by gun-toting thugs, and checking ID's of "unknowns"? If it is so peaceful, why so many guns? Why forcing takeover of buildings and land that is not theirs. Keep denying ANTIFA and hurling the thug tag on everyone but you are going to need to explain and account for who/what these people are. HINT: not solely peaceful protestors.

There is no evidence they have any guns. You are just spreading Trump propaganda.
Her lack of leadership and ability to maintain law and order has been severely compromised. She is in no position to question Trump.

Because she is trying to avoid violence. Trump- is the one who is showing no leadership.
Letting anarchists take over part of your city doesn't avoid violence, just postpones it! This will end badly for the Mayor because appeasement almost always does!

As usual you have no clue what you are talking about. You sound like a dictatorial thug. This is not a banana republic.
I'm a "thug" because I point out how silly this all is? Remember this conversation when it all turns to shit out there in Seattle, BB! I'll try not to say I told you so! :)

You are a thug. You seem to want violence. You won't be telling us anything.

Look at ANTIFA. Look at rioters, looters, and the killings during the George Floyd protests. Look at the gun toting CHAZ warriors. Collectively, the images price these people want violence but you get yourself wrapped around the the use of the word “thug”.

You mean that digitally altered photo Fox used? There is no Antifa. I also see many peaceful protestors as well. You are indeed a thug as you support using violence against peaceful protestors.

Antifa doesn't exist? Is that REALLY what you're claiming, BB?

They don't exist. There is no organization called antifa.

NBC mentioned them tonight. Go back to your mirror about Denial only being a river in Egypt.
Her lack of leadership and ability to maintain law and order has been severely compromised. She is in no position to question Trump.

Because she is trying to avoid violence. Trump- is the one who is showing no leadership.
Letting anarchists take over part of your city doesn't avoid violence, just postpones it! This will end badly for the Mayor because appeasement almost always does!

As usual you have no clue what you are talking about. You sound like a dictatorial thug. This is not a banana republic.
I'm a "thug" because I point out how silly this all is? Remember this conversation when it all turns to shit out there in Seattle, BB! I'll try not to say I told you so! :)

You are a thug. You seem to want violence. You won't be telling us anything.

Look at ANTIFA. Look at rioters, looters, and the killings during the George Floyd protests. Look at the gun toting CHAZ warriors. Collectively, the images price these people want violence but you get yourself wrapped around the the use of the word “thug”.

You mean that digitally altered photo Fox used? There is no Antifa. I also see many peaceful protestors as well. You are indeed a thug as you support using violence against peaceful protestors.

ABC News is calling CHAZ a "festive event". How come the need then for the wall, necessary search and frisk, businesses owners and landowners run off by gun-toting thugs, and checking ID's of "unknowns"? If it is so peaceful, why so many guns? Why forcing takeover of buildings and land that is not theirs. Keep denying ANTIFA and hurling the thug tag on everyone but you are going to need to explain and account for who/what these people are. HINT: not solely peaceful protestors.

There is no evidence they have any guns. You are just spreading Trump propaganda.

You really have no fricken clue as to how stupid you are.
Her lack of leadership and ability to maintain law and order has been severely compromised. She is in no position to question Trump.

Because she is trying to avoid violence. Trump- is the one who is showing no leadership.
Letting anarchists take over part of your city doesn't avoid violence, just postpones it! This will end badly for the Mayor because appeasement almost always does!

As usual you have no clue what you are talking about. You sound like a dictatorial thug. This is not a banana republic.
I'm a "thug" because I point out how silly this all is? Remember this conversation when it all turns to shit out there in Seattle, BB! I'll try not to say I told you so! :)

You are a thug. You seem to want violence. You won't be telling us anything.

Look at ANTIFA. Look at rioters, looters, and the killings during the George Floyd protests. Look at the gun toting CHAZ warriors. Collectively, the images price these people want violence but you get yourself wrapped around the the use of the word “thug”.

You mean that digitally altered photo Fox used? There is no Antifa. I also see many peaceful protestors as well. You are indeed a thug as you support using violence against peaceful protestors.

Antifa doesn't exist? Is that REALLY what you're claiming, BB?

They don't exist. There is no organization called antifa.

It’s a movement, you find them on Facebook. The organize through social media.

Be sure to contact them and tell them they don’t exist.
Her lack of leadership and ability to maintain law and order has been severely compromised. She is in no position to question Trump.

Because she is trying to avoid violence. Trump- is the one who is showing no leadership.
Letting anarchists take over part of your city doesn't avoid violence, just postpones it! This will end badly for the Mayor because appeasement almost always does!

As usual you have no clue what you are talking about. You sound like a dictatorial thug. This is not a banana republic.
I'm a "thug" because I point out how silly this all is? Remember this conversation when it all turns to shit out there in Seattle, BB! I'll try not to say I told you so! :)

You are a thug. You seem to want violence. You won't be telling us anything.

Look at ANTIFA. Look at rioters, looters, and the killings during the George Floyd protests. Look at the gun toting CHAZ warriors. Collectively, the images price these people want violence but you get yourself wrapped around the the use of the word “thug”.

You mean that digitally altered photo Fox used? There is no Antifa. I also see many peaceful protestors as well. You are indeed a thug as you support using violence against peaceful protestors.

ABC News is calling CHAZ a "festive event". How come the need then for the wall, necessary search and frisk, businesses owners and landowners run off by gun-toting thugs, and checking ID's of "unknowns"? If it is so peaceful, why so many guns? Why forcing takeover of buildings and land that is not theirs. Keep denying ANTIFA and hurling the thug tag on everyone but you are going to need to explain and account for who/what these people are. HINT: not solely peaceful protestors.

There is no evidence they have any guns. You are just spreading Trump propaganda.

You need to get a clue.

Learn before you post.
Her lack of leadership and ability to maintain law and order has been severely compromised. She is in no position to question Trump.

Because she is trying to avoid violence. Trump- is the one who is showing no leadership.
Letting anarchists take over part of your city doesn't avoid violence, just postpones it! This will end badly for the Mayor because appeasement almost always does!

As usual you have no clue what you are talking about. You sound like a dictatorial thug. This is not a banana republic.
I'm a "thug" because I point out how silly this all is? Remember this conversation when it all turns to shit out there in Seattle, BB! I'll try not to say I told you so! :)

You are a thug. You seem to want violence. You won't be telling us anything.

Look at ANTIFA. Look at rioters, looters, and the killings during the George Floyd protests. Look at the gun toting CHAZ warriors. Collectively, the images price these people want violence but you get yourself wrapped around the the use of the word “thug”.

You mean that digitally altered photo Fox used? There is no Antifa. I also see many peaceful protestors as well. You are indeed a thug as you support using violence against peaceful protestors.

ABC News is calling CHAZ a "festive event". How come the need then for the wall, necessary search and frisk, businesses owners and landowners run off by gun-toting thugs, and checking ID's of "unknowns"? If it is so peaceful, why so many guns? Why forcing takeover of buildings and land that is not theirs. Keep denying ANTIFA and hurling the thug tag on everyone but you are going to need to explain and account for who/what these people are. HINT: not solely peaceful protestors.

There is no evidence they have any guns. You are just spreading Trump propaganda.
Word to the wise, BB! If you only get your news from far left're going to look silly.

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