Seattle under siege as protesters take over City Hall.

Build a wall around Seattle. No one deserves this more than NW white people.

Hey, don't be blaming all of Washingtonians for this mess. It's all Seattle's problem. Seattle/King County has the largest population in the state and THEY voted Democrat, forcing the rest of the state to be labeled as such. And that's because of the Californicators moving here for decades.

Seattle is getting what they wanted and voted for and serves em right. ...…….but leave the rest of us out of it :meow:
My bad. Fix your big city
I have to laugh at all these Trumpers having great panic over this Seattle protest. Here is a recent picture:

View attachment 349011
Looks more like a block party than an “insurrection” or whatever fantasizes the right is having.

My advice..get off panic mode.
An illegal block party....the homeless they invited in to increase their numbers stole their food and booze so now they are tweeting for vegan food.....Buuuuaaaaahahahahahahahahaha
An illegal block party is no reason to call out the National Guard. When their allowances run out most will go home.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Remembering when armed right-wing protesters stormed the Michigan state house, and Trump-cultists cheered? I sure do. Cry me a fucking river, asshole :fu:

Cute try!

The armed protesters were all checked by the police, even their temperatures were taken and 100 were allowed inside. No damage was done and no one fired a gun. They left the state house as they had found it.
:thankusmile: I tip my cap off to these protesters. That article you posted that said the Seattle police force and their courts are beyond reform only got it HALF right,all police forces and all courts from all cities are beyond reform so the police force indeed needs to be defunded.
Remembering when armed right-wing protesters stormed the Michigan state house, and Trump-cultists cheered? I sure do. Cry me a fucking river, asshole :fu:

Cute try!

The armed protesters were all checked by the police, even their temperatures were taken and 100 were allowed inside. No damage was done and no one fired a gun. They left the state house as they had found it.
:thankusmile: I tip my cap off to these protesters. That article you posted that said the Seattle police force and their courts are beyond reform only got it HALF right,all police forces and all courts from all cities are beyond reform so the police force indeed needs to be defunded.
Is that an admission that Democratically run big cities are all utter failures? The Democrat vision for this country is totally fucked up.
A bit of an exaggeration. It's not the whole city. It's basically about two blocks.
Yeah, my comment was a hypothetical. Reading helps sometimes. Try it.

Before the police moved out it was a daily riot attracting criminals and outside exaggerators. Now it's peacefully. What has emerged is an experiment in life without the police. part street festival, part commune. Hundreds have gathered to hear speeches, poetry and music. On Tuesday night, dozens of people sat in the middle of an intersection to watch “13th,” the Ava DuVernay film about the criminal justice system’s impact on African-Americans. On Wednesday, children made chalk drawings in the street.
What a charming world you propose where there is no need for police and crime just disappears and every day is like a jolly street fair where children frolic and educational documentaries about how blacks are held down by the man are shown.

If this little experiment works, it may well change the way policing is done in this country. Having a police force that is there to actually protect and serve may be more appropriate than an army of modern day storm troopers.
I'm sure the world will soon switch over to the Seattle model when everyone realizes there is no need for police, or "storm troopers", and crime and rioters, looters, arsonists, assault and mayhem will disappear (extortion not withstanding) when police do. Thanks for showing the way.
More misinformation. Nothing locally about hostages.
So everyone under the "protection"
of these new Lords is willingly going along with the scheme? Am I supposed to believe that's not bullshit?

The police can take control of the area easily but not without violence. The mayor and city council decided the area was to be an autonomous zone (about 2 blocks). The protesters can occupy the area and protest so long it does not become violent. The city put in porta potties and drinking water. Some local merchants are making food available. I just talked to a friend that lives in Capital Hills not far from the police station. She said there are only a few protesters now as you see in the picture below, not more than 20 or 30. I understand there was band playing in street last night. A few days ago when the police were there there're were hundreds of protestors. With police staying away there are no large crowds. There are police in area but no riot control. They answer emergency calls only.
And what about the extortion? And entering and leaving the zone to, you know, eat, go to work, the hospital, etc.?
Who took a vote and decided they wanted to be residents of an "autonomous zone"?
It was so good and kind and, well...liberal of the mayor and city council to endorse this idea of an "autonomous" zone. Did you?

Who has spoken with residents there and gotten their opinion of this criminal take over? Have you?
Get off the panic mode. From what I have read things have settled down and is rather peaceful now. From what I am reading the community is, for the most part, supporting them. Sorry, Hoss, but your getting your panties in a bunch for nothing at this time. If circumstances change then other options may need to be considered.
Right! I'm sure everyone "supports" being held captive by anarchist with guns (hence being fenced in).
The folks in East Germany felt much the same, I'm guessing.

Save your bullshit for the flowers. You are an authoritarian fascist. How does it feel?
Ironic that these same jerks who oppose "the wall," and the first thing they do is erect a wall around CHAZ. Freaking lib'tards
Remembering when armed right-wing protesters stormed the Michigan state house, and Trump-cultists cheered? I sure do. Cry me a fucking river, asshole :fu:

Cute try!

The armed protesters were all checked by the police, even their temperatures were taken and 100 were allowed inside. No damage was done and no one fired a gun. They left the state house as they had found it.
:thankusmile: I tip my cap off to these protesters. That article you posted that said the Seattle police force and their courts are beyond reform only got it HALF right,all police forces and all courts from all cities are beyond reform so the police force indeed needs to be defunded.
Is that an admission that Democratically run big cities are all utter failures? The Democrat vision for this country is totally fucked up.
Well, you sure as hell are not safe in a big city, if a progressive liberal is your mayor.
Trump has discovered this new tactic. He claims that he's going to fix a problem by doing something that he knows is unconstitutional......... it makes him look stupid.
Education matters. You should try it sometime.
National Guard units can be mobilized for federal active duty to supplement regular armed forces during times of war or national emergency declared by Congress,[30] the President[30] or the Secretary of Defense.[31] They can also be activated for service in their respective states upon declaration of a state of emergency by the governor of the state or territory where they serve, or in the case of Washington, D.C., by the Commanding General. Unlike U.S. Army Reserve members, National Guard members cannot be mobilized individually, except through voluntary transfers and Temporary Duty Assignments (TDY).
The majority of people protesting have no job, working at home, or sharply reduced hours. A lot of people that go to protests are there just to see if there is any action since the city has barely started to open there's not much to do. If please show up dressed in battle gear, the crowds will grow. Often someone with throw something at the police to get some action. That's why it's best for the police to take a very low profile util there is some real violence.
These morons are actually holding people hostage. There are reports they are extorting money from some.
This isn't a college prank.
More misinformation. Nothing locally about hostages. The police can take control of the area easily but not without violence. The mayor and city council decided the area was to be an autonomous zone (about 2 blocks). The protesters can occupy the area and protest so long it does not become violent. The city put in porta potties and drinking water. Some local merchants are making food available. I just talked to a friend that lives in Capital Hills not far from the police station. She said there are only a few protesters now as you see in the picture below, not more than 20 or 30. I understand there was band playing in street last night. A few days ago when the police were there there're were hundreds of protestors. With police staying away there are no large crowds. There are police in area but no riot control. They answer emergency calls only.

View attachment 349121

So, for you, ANTIFA and other anarchists taking control of a part of a city, using armed guards and extorting money from the residence is all fine and dandy. Wow...just WOW!



One flashing a gang sign, the other I don't recognize. What could go wrong?
Since the city declared the area an autonomous zone, it has been peaceful, no rioting, residences move freely in and out of the area, police answer emergency calls, and there are certainly no hostages. Yesterday, BLM painted a street mural. Today a silent March is be planed and it's expected to be peaceful as it has been since the city agreed to the autonomous zone.. Although it will take some time, Capitol Hill will return to life as normal soon, at least I hope so since I drive down 13th everyday and it's blocked off.

Yep that's the way the founders saw it.
"On September 24, President Dwight Eisenhower sent 1,000 U.S. troops to Little Rock. The next day, the African American students entered under heavily armed guard. The episode served as a catalyst for the integration of other segregated schools in the United States."

Your lack of knowledge of the law and history is stunning! Could you be any more ignorant? I doubt it.
You think it's all perfectly fine to let gang members and radicals simply claim several blocks of Seattle
neighborhoods and businesses under their authority (declaring themselves to be "autonomous".

Yet you think it's illegal for Donald Trump to act when Jay Inslee and the Seattle mayor and city council
let outlaws simply hold people hostage and extort money from them after they abandoned
the Capital Hill police precinct to the mob.

Trump has discovered this new tactic. He claims that he's going to fix a problem by doing something that he knows is unconstitutional or illegal such as sending federal troops into a state to do the job of police even thou the state goverment says no. Of course, he doesn't do it but it pleases his supporters. It makes him look like a courageous fighter in their eyes. To the rest of us, it makes him look stupid.
So was Dwight Eisenhower abusing the law in 1957 when he sent federal troops into Arkansas
when the governor and the state political apparatus refused to let blacks enter public schools with whites?

Or was he doing the right thing? You don't have a clue!
Since the city declared the area an autonomous zone, it has been peaceful, no rioting, residences move freely in and out of the area, police answer emergency calls, and there are certainly no hostages. Yesterday, BLM painted a street mural. Today a silent March is be planed and it's expected to be peaceful as it has been since the city agreed to the autonomous zone.. Although it will take some time, Capitol Hill will return to life as normal soon, at least I hope so since I drive down 13th everyday and it's blocked off
You've proven to be wrong about everything and a liar and apologist for the people who have illegally
seized power in Seattle, with the blessing of the cowardly city council and governor.

There is zero reason to think you are telling the truth, or even know the truth now. Show me
where the people governed have given their consent to the mob. How about some proof?

Yes, historically when the fascists take power and subjugate the people there is a distinct lack of
destruction, fires, looting, assaults, etc. that the people that now run Chazistan themselves were causing
before the city handed Capital Hill over to them.

How surprising! You deserve to have someone's boot on your neck and when you cross your new masters you will. A boot on your neck and a rifle barrel against your head.
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Trump has discovered this new tactic. He claims that he's going to fix a problem by doing something that he knows is unconstitutional......... it makes him look stupid.
Education matters. You should try it sometime.
National Guard units can be mobilized for federal active duty to supplement regular armed forces during times of war or national emergency declared by Congress,[30] the President[30] or the Secretary of Defense.[31] They can also be activated for service in their respective states upon declaration of a state of emergency by the governor of the state or territory where they serve, or in the case of Washington, D.C., by the Commanding General. Unlike U.S. Army Reserve members, National Guard members cannot be mobilized individually, except through voluntary transfers and Temporary Duty Assignments (TDY).
All true but you are leaving out one important point, "with state approval". Although the law does give the president the power to activate the Guard, using them to enforce state laws in opposition to the state goverment won't stand. The courts would not allow the president to send in military forces against the desires of the state. Trump would have done this already if he thought he could get away with it. There is another reason why he won't. It would attract political dissidents and armed troublemakers from all over the country possibly turning what has now become peaceful demonstrations into a blood bath.

The only reason Trump is making these threats is to shore up his base who would love to see him prove that he's the fascist that his opposition believes. I wouldn't be surprised if he announced his attention again at his rally next week.
Trump has discovered this new tactic. He claims that he's going to fix a problem by doing something that he knows is unconstitutional......... it makes him look stupid.
Education matters. You should try it sometime.
National Guard units can be mobilized for federal active duty to supplement regular armed forces during times of war or national emergency declared by Congress,[30] the President[30] or the Secretary of Defense.[31] They can also be activated for service in their respective states upon declaration of a state of emergency by the governor of the state or territory where they serve, or in the case of Washington, D.C., by the Commanding General. Unlike U.S. Army Reserve members, National Guard members cannot be mobilized individually, except through voluntary transfers and Temporary Duty Assignments (TDY).
All true but you are leaving out one important point, "with state approval". Although the law does give the president the power to activate the Guard, using them to enforce state laws in opposition to the state goverment won't stand. The courts would not allow the president to send in military forces against the desires of the state. Trump would have done this already if he thought he could get away with it. There is another reason why he won't. It would attract political dissidents and armed troublemakers from all over the country possibly turning what has now become peaceful demonstrations into a blood bath.

The only reason Trump is making these threats is to shore up his base who would love to see him prove that he's the fascist that his opposition believes. I wouldn't be surprised if he announced his attention again at his rally next week.
So Lincoln was wrong in 1861?
Yep that's the way the founders saw it.
"On September 24, President Dwight Eisenhower sent 1,000 U.S. troops to Little Rock. The next day, the African American students entered under heavily armed guard. The episode served as a catalyst for the integration of other segregated schools in the United States."

Your lack of knowledge of the law and history is stunning! Could you be any more ignorant? I doubt it.
You think it's all perfectly fine to let gang members and radicals simply claim several blocks of Seattle
neighborhoods and businesses under their authority (declaring themselves to be "autonomous".

Yet you think it's illegal for Donald Trump to act when Jay Inslee and the Seattle mayor and city council
let outlaws simply hold people hostage and extort money from them after they abandoned
the Capital Hill police precinct to the mob.

Trump has discovered this new tactic. He claims that he's going to fix a problem by doing something that he knows is unconstitutional or illegal such as sending federal troops into a state to do the job of police even thou the state goverment says no. Of course, he doesn't do it but it pleases his supporters. It makes him look like a courageous fighter in their eyes. To the rest of us, it makes him look stupid.
So was Dwight Eisenhower abusing the law in 1957 when he sent federal troops into Arkansas
when the governor and the state political apparatus refused to let blacks enter public schools with whites?

Or was he doing the right thing? You don't have a clue!
Eisenhower was operating under a Supreme Court mandate to see that students have access to the school.
Any elected official who decrees that vandalism rioting and looting be allowed to continue should be arrested. Any police who stand idly by should be arrested.
All true but you are leaving out one important point, "with state approval". Although the law does give the president the power to activate the Guard, using them to enforce state laws in opposition to the state goverment won't stand
Bullshit, you moron! Eisenhower despite the wishes of Arkansas politicians and the government there
went in with 1,000 troops and segregated Little Rock schools.
Jay Inslee does not have the legal authority to surrender Seattle to a mob.

You are just a complete ignorant fool!
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The majority of people protesting have no job, working at home, or sharply reduced hours. A lot of people that go to protests are there just to see if there is any action since the city has barely started to open there's not much to do. If please show up dressed in battle gear, the crowds will grow. Often someone with throw something at the police to get some action. That's why it's best for the police to take a very low profile util there is some real violence.
These morons are actually holding people hostage. There are reports they are extorting money from some.
This isn't a college prank.
More misinformation. Nothing locally about hostages. The police can take control of the area easily but not without violence. The mayor and city council decided the area was to be an autonomous zone (about 2 blocks). The protesters can occupy the area and protest so long it does not become violent. The city put in porta potties and drinking water. Some local merchants are making food available. I just talked to a friend that lives in Capital Hills not far from the police station. She said there are only a few protesters now as you see in the picture below, not more than 20 or 30. I understand there was band playing in street last night. A few days ago when the police were there there're were hundreds of protestors. With police staying away there are no large crowds. There are police in area but no riot control. They answer emergency calls only.

View attachment 349121

So, for you, ANTIFA and other anarchists taking control of a part of a city, using armed guards and extorting money from the residence is all fine and dandy. Wow...just WOW!



One flashing a gang sign, the other I don't recognize. What could go wrong?
Since the city declared the area an autonomous zone, it has been peaceful, no rioting, residences move freely in and out of the area, police answer emergency calls, and there are certainly no hostages. Yesterday, BLM painted a street mural. Today a silent March is be planed and it's expected to be peaceful as it has been since the city agreed to the autonomous zone.. Although it will take some time, Capitol Hill will return to life as normal soon, at least I hope so since I drive down 13th everyday and it's blocked off.

View attachment 349297
Crayons everywhere! It’s fitting
Draw your ibble bibble pictures
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Eisenhower was operating under a Supreme Court mandate to see that students have access to the school.
That's absolutely beside the point. Eisenhower was enforcing the law when the state of Arkansas would not!

Trump will enforce the law when Inslee tries to give part of Seattle away with absolutely zero legal authority to do so! You are doubling down on stupidity. Let's see how that works out for you.
Trump has discovered this new tactic. He claims that he's going to fix a problem by doing something that he knows is unconstitutional......... it makes him look stupid.
Education matters. You should try it sometime.
National Guard units can be mobilized for federal active duty to supplement regular armed forces during times of war or national emergency declared by Congress,[30] the President[30] or the Secretary of Defense.[31] They can also be activated for service in their respective states upon declaration of a state of emergency by the governor of the state or territory where they serve, or in the case of Washington, D.C., by the Commanding General. Unlike U.S. Army Reserve members, National Guard members cannot be mobilized individually, except through voluntary transfers and Temporary Duty Assignments (TDY).
All true but you are leaving out one important point, "with state approval". Although the law does give the president the power to activate the Guard, using them to enforce state laws in opposition to the state goverment won't stand. The courts would not allow the president to send in military forces against the desires of the state. Trump would have done this already if he thought he could get away with it. There is another reason why he won't. It would attract political dissidents and armed troublemakers from all over the country possibly turning what has now become peaceful demonstrations into a blood bath.

The only reason Trump is making these threats is to shore up his base who would love to see him prove that he's the fascist that his opposition believes. I wouldn't be surprised if he announced his attention again at his rally next week.
So Lincoln was wrong in 1861?
In 1861, secessionist forces launched an attack against Fort Sumter which was an attack against the United States. The BLM is not attacking the United States but rather protesting local police violence. In accordance with the constitution, this is state matter.

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