Seattle under siege as protesters take over City Hall.

Where the hell is the National Guard?
I have to laugh at all these Trumpers having great panic over this Seattle protest. Here is a recent picture:

Looks more like a block party than an “insurrection” or whatever fantasizes the right is having.

My advice..get off panic mode.

So, in your opinion, we should just let ANTIFA and the other anarchists just take over portions of our cities and allow them to make up their own rules.




Demands from your "block party".


  1. The Seattle Police Department and attached court system are beyond reform. We do not request reform, we demand abolition. We demand that the Seattle Council and the Mayor defund and abolish the Seattle Police Department and the attached Criminal Justice Apparatus. This means 100% of funding, including existing pensions for Seattle Police. At an equal level of priority we also demand that the city disallow the operations of ICE in the city of Seattle.
  2. In the transitionary period between now and the dismantlement of the Seattle Police Department, we demand that the use of armed force be banned entirely. No guns, no batons, no riot shields, no chemical weapons, especially against those exercising their First Amendment right as Americans to protest.
  3. We demand an end to the school-to-prison pipeline and the abolition of youth jails. Get kids out of prison, get cops out of schools. We also demand that the new youth prison being built in Seattle currently be repurposed.
  4. We demand that not the City government, nor the State government, but that the Federal government launch a full-scale investigation into past and current cases of police brutality in Seattle and Washington, as well as the re-opening of all closed cases reported to the Office of Police Accountability. In particular, we demand that cases particular to Seattle and Washington be reopened where no justice has been served, namely the cases of Iosia Faletogo, Damarius Butts, Isaiah Obet, Tommy Le, Shaun Fuhr, and Charleena Lyles.
  5. We demand reparations for victims of police brutality, in a form to be determined.
  6. We demand that the City of Seattle make the names of officers involved in police brutality a matter of public record. Anonymity should not even be a privilege in public service.
  7. We demand a retrial of all People in Color currently serving a prison sentence for violent crime, by a jury of their peers in their community.

Given the historical moment, we’ll begin with our demands pertaining to the Justice System.
  1. The Seattle Police Department and attached court system are beyond reform. We do not request reform, we demand abolition. We demand that the Seattle Council and the Mayor defund and abolish the Seattle Police Department and the attached Criminal Justice Apparatus. This means 100% of funding, including existing pensions for Seattle Police. At an equal level of priority we also demand that the city disallow the operations of ICE in the city of Seattle.
  2. In the transitionary period between now and the dismantlement of the Seattle Police Department, we demand that the use of armed force be banned entirely. No guns, no batons, no riot shields, no chemical weapons, especially against those exercising their First Amendment right as Americans to protest.
  3. We demand an end to the school-to-prison pipeline and the abolition of youth jails. Get kids out of prison, get cops out of schools. We also demand that the new youth prison being built in Seattle currently be repurposed.
Related to economic demands, we also have demands pertaining to what we would formally call “Health and Human Services.”
  1. We demand the hospitals and care facilities of Seattle employ black doctors and nurses specifically to help care for black patients.
  2. We demand the people of Seattle seek out and proudly support Black-owned businesses. Your money is our power and sustainability.
Finally, let us now address our demands regarding the education system in the City of Seattle and State of Washington.
  1. We demand that the history of Black and Native Americans be given a significantly greater focus in the Washington State education curriculum.
  2. We demand that thorough anti-bias training become a legal requirement for all jobs in the education system, as well as in the medical profession and in mass media.

Oy Vey! Such ridiculous demands! These people will be lucky if they don't end up in prison for a long time.
Trump has discovered this new tactic. He claims that he's going to fix a problem by doing something that he knows is unconstitutional......... it makes him look stupid.
Education matters. You should try it sometime.
National Guard units can be mobilized for federal active duty to supplement regular armed forces during times of war or national emergency declared by Congress,[30] the President[30] or the Secretary of Defense.[31] They can also be activated for service in their respective states upon declaration of a state of emergency by the governor of the state or territory where they serve, or in the case of Washington, D.C., by the Commanding General. Unlike U.S. Army Reserve members, National Guard members cannot be mobilized individually, except through voluntary transfers and Temporary Duty Assignments (TDY).
All true but you are leaving out one important point, "with state approval". Although the law does give the president the power to activate the Guard, using them to enforce state laws in opposition to the state goverment won't stand. The courts would not allow the president to send in military forces against the desires of the state. Trump would have done this already if he thought he could get away with it. There is another reason why he won't. It would attract political dissidents and armed troublemakers from all over the country possibly turning what has now become peaceful demonstrations into a blood bath.

The only reason Trump is making these threats is to shore up his base who would love to see him prove that he's the fascist that his opposition believes. I wouldn't be surprised if he announced his attention again at his rally next week.
So Lincoln was wrong in 1861?
In 1861, secessionist forces launched an attack against Fort Sumter which was an attack against the United States. The BLM is not attacking the United States but rather protesting local police violence. In accordance with the constitution, this is state matter.
They’ve coopted US territory and claimed it to be a sovereign nation. They should be attacked by our military but the optics wouldn’t be good. It’s best to let them devolve into another Lord of the Flies chaos scenario and destroy themselves.
Eisenhower was operating under a Supreme Court mandate to see that students have access to the school.
That's absolutely beside the point. Eisenhower was enforcing the law when the state of Arkansas would not!

Trump will enforce the law when Inslee tries to give part of Seattle away with absolutely zero legal authority to do so! You are doubling down on stupidity. Let's see how that works out for you.
Even the federal judges Trump has appointed will stop him in a heartbeat. How a state enforces it's laws is the states responsibility, not the federal government. Arkansas attempted to enforce a segregation law that was declared unconstitutional. Eisenhower had a mandate from the Supreme Court. Trump has no such mandate. Although Trump does have the power to mobilize the national guard, he does not have the legal mandate to send military forces into a state to settle a local matter.
Trump has discovered this new tactic. He claims that he's going to fix a problem by doing something that he knows is unconstitutional......... it makes him look stupid.
Education matters. You should try it sometime.
National Guard units can be mobilized for federal active duty to supplement regular armed forces during times of war or national emergency declared by Congress,[30] the President[30] or the Secretary of Defense.[31] They can also be activated for service in their respective states upon declaration of a state of emergency by the governor of the state or territory where they serve, or in the case of Washington, D.C., by the Commanding General. Unlike U.S. Army Reserve members, National Guard members cannot be mobilized individually, except through voluntary transfers and Temporary Duty Assignments (TDY).
All true but you are leaving out one important point, "with state approval". Although the law does give the president the power to activate the Guard, using them to enforce state laws in opposition to the state goverment won't stand. The courts would not allow the president to send in military forces against the desires of the state. Trump would have done this already if he thought he could get away with it. There is another reason why he won't. It would attract political dissidents and armed troublemakers from all over the country possibly turning what has now become peaceful demonstrations into a blood bath.

The only reason Trump is making these threats is to shore up his base who would love to see him prove that he's the fascist that his opposition believes. I wouldn't be surprised if he announced his attention again at his rally next week.
So Lincoln was wrong in 1861?
In 1861, secessionist forces launched an attack against Fort Sumter which was an attack against the United States. The BLM is not attacking the United States but rather protesting local police violence. In accordance with the constitution, this is state matter.
They’ve coopted US territory and claimed it to be a sovereign nation. They should be attacked by our military but the optics wouldn’t be good. It’s best to let them devolve into another Lord of the Flies chaos scenario and destroy themselves.
Within a month they will be gone because local merchants are going to stop feeding them and people are getting tired of walking back and forth to City Hall.
Since the city declared the area an autonomous zone, it has been peaceful, no rioting, residences move freely in and out of the area, police answer emergency calls, and there are certainly no hostages. Yesterday, BLM painted a street mural. Today a silent March is be planed and it's expected to be peaceful as it has been since the city agreed to the autonomous zone.. Although it will take some time, Capitol Hill will return to life as normal soon, at least I hope so since I drive down 13th everyday and it's blocked off.

Even you don't believe the malarkey you're spreading. Sections of a major city under the control of anarchists and without police, fire, or medical emergency help.
In 1861, secessionist forces launched an attack against Fort Sumter which was an attack against the United States. The BLM is not attacking the United States but rather protesting local police violence. In accordance with the constitution, this is state matter.
BLM is a NATIONAL movement operating in every state. This insanity happens to be taking place in Seattle but the implications for the rest of the country are absolutely clear to everyone with a brain stem.

Letting a cowardly duplicitous governor simply cave in to terrorist thugs and cede parts of his, or her, state
away to BLM will do nothing but encourage other gangsters to do likewise in every state with a democrat
governor and a large minority population.

You are a fan of lawlessness and anarchy without brains or any real shame. Fortunately nothing you've said about this matter has been remotely correct so far and that will hardly change.
The idea it’s a local matter and nobody but locals can do anything about it is another libbie loon emotional wish.
Even the federal judges Trump has appointed will stop him in a heartbeat. How a state enforces it's laws is the states responsibility, not the federal government. Arkansas attempted to enforce a segregation law that was declared unconstitutional. Eisenhower had a mandate from the Supreme Court. Trump has no such mandate. Although Trump does have the power to mobilize the national guard, he does not have the legal mandate to send military forces into a state to settle a local matter.
The matter is a NATIONAL one and BLM operates in every state in the Union.
It operates internationally,as a matter of fact, and that's all the more reason for the US president to
act in the nation's best interests when it comes up against a violent anarchist organization with no
clear leadership or ideology.
You couldn't be more wrong. The implications are clear.
Trump has only to declare this matter one of national concern, which it is, and act.
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The governor just answered one of Trump's tweets threatening to move in. Inslee replied, "Stay out of Washington". The chance that he'll ask Trump for assistance is about zero. In spite of many protests and several riots, there has been only 1 serious injury and 1 man killed by a motorist who was not part of the protests. Seattle has a long history of protests and riots and the one thing we have learned is that strong arm tactics by the police only increases the violence. When large crowds are protesting police violence, the last thing the city needs is more police violence.

Yeah, I wonder who the governor and mayor are going to be looking to for financial help when they do retake those six-blocks and those blocks are in total ruin. Razing those six blocks will also result in dozens, if not hundreds of major lawsuits against the city, county, and state.
More misinformation. Nothing locally about hostages.
So everyone under the "protection"
of these new Lords is willingly going along with the scheme? Am I supposed to believe that's not bullshit?

The police can take control of the area easily but not without violence. The mayor and city council decided the area was to be an autonomous zone (about 2 blocks). The protesters can occupy the area and protest so long it does not become violent. The city put in porta potties and drinking water. Some local merchants are making food available. I just talked to a friend that lives in Capital Hills not far from the police station. She said there are only a few protesters now as you see in the picture below, not more than 20 or 30. I understand there was band playing in street last night. A few days ago when the police were there there're were hundreds of protestors. With police staying away there are no large crowds. There are police in area but no riot control. They answer emergency calls only.
And what about the extortion? And entering and leaving the zone to, you know, eat, go to work, the hospital, etc.?
Who took a vote and decided they wanted to be residents of an "autonomous zone"?
It was so good and kind and, well...liberal of the mayor and city council to endorse this idea of an "autonomous" zone. Did you?

Who has spoken with residents there and gotten their opinion of this criminal take over? Have you?
I walked through the zone yesterday with my grandson. What you claim is just exaggerations and bull shit. The local merchants are supportive of the protesters as are the residents. In fact, the residents make up a large percentage of the protesters. The only complain I have heard was having the streets blocked off creates a parking problem.

Capitol Hill is a unique place. It is the most liberal community in one of the most liberal cites in the country. They have a huge LBGQ population that dates back to the 60's. It's the music and art center of the city, outdoor movies, concerts, Shakespeare in the Park, block parties, coffee houses with poetry reading, and tiny music venues. They probably have more book stores than all the rest of the city combined. The population is very eclectic with just about all nationalities represented. Some of the most beautiful and expensive homes in the city are in capitol hills along with thousands of apartment buildings that feature apartments so small you can put one foot in bed, one foot in shower, and open your front door at same time. Just about every protest in the city seems to originate in the Capitol Hill neighborhood. It's a place every Trump lover is sure to hate.
Even the federal judges Trump has appointed will stop him in a heartbeat. How a state enforces it's laws is the states responsibility, not the federal government. Arkansas attempted to enforce a segregation law that was declared unconstitutional. Eisenhower had a mandate from the Supreme Court. Trump has no such mandate. Although Trump does have the power to mobilize the national guard, he does not have the legal mandate to send military forces into a state to settle a local matter.
The matter is a NATIONAL one and BLM operates in every state in the Union.
It operates internationally,as a matter of fact, and that's all the more reason for the US president to
act in the nation's best interests when it comes up against a violent anarchist organization with no
clear leadership or ideology.
You couldn't be more wrong. The implications are clear.
Trump has only to declare this matter one of national concern, which it is, and act.
Hopefully he will do this so soon. This is just what's needed to prove that he's the fascist his opposition claims.
The governor just answered one of Trump's tweets threatening to move in. Inslee replied, "Stay out of Washington". The chance that he'll ask Trump for assistance is about zero. In spite of many protests and several riots, there has been only 1 serious injury and 1 man killed by a motorist who was not part of the protests. Seattle has a long history of protests and riots and the one thing we have learned is that strong arm tactics by the police only increases the violence. When large crowds are protesting police violence, the last thing the city needs is more police violence.

Yeah, I wonder who the governor and mayor are going to be looking to for financial help when they do retake those six-blocks and those blocks are in total ruin. Razing those six blocks will also result in dozens, if not hundreds of major lawsuits against the city, county, and state. Not likely since that's where most of the protesters come from
The idea it’s a local matter and nobody but locals can do anything about it is another libbie loon emotional wish.

Weird, I don't remember them thinking that during the Bundy Standoff over cattle grazing.
Cattle grazing seems kinda local.

They cheered on every federal agency in the country - Of course the Half Black guy could do no wrong.
More misinformation. Nothing locally about hostages.
So everyone under the "protection"
of these new Lords is willingly going along with the scheme? Am I supposed to believe that's not bullshit?

The police can take control of the area easily but not without violence. The mayor and city council decided the area was to be an autonomous zone (about 2 blocks). The protesters can occupy the area and protest so long it does not become violent. The city put in porta potties and drinking water. Some local merchants are making food available. I just talked to a friend that lives in Capital Hills not far from the police station. She said there are only a few protesters now as you see in the picture below, not more than 20 or 30. I understand there was band playing in street last night. A few days ago when the police were there there're were hundreds of protestors. With police staying away there are no large crowds. There are police in area but no riot control. They answer emergency calls only.
And what about the extortion? And entering and leaving the zone to, you know, eat, go to work, the hospital, etc.?
Who took a vote and decided they wanted to be residents of an "autonomous zone"?
It was so good and kind and, well...liberal of the mayor and city council to endorse this idea of an "autonomous" zone. Did you?

Who has spoken with residents there and gotten their opinion of this criminal take over? Have you?
I walked through the zone yesterday with my grandson. What you claim is just exaggerations and bull shit. The local merchants are supportive of the protesters as are the residents. In fact, the residents make up a large percentage of the protesters. The only complain I have heard was having the streets blocked off creates a parking problem.

Capitol Hill is a unique place. It is the most liberal community in one of the most liberal cites in the country. They have a huge LBGQ population that dates back to the 60's. It's the music and art center of the city, outdoor movies, concerts, Shakespeare in the Park, block parties, coffee houses with poetry reading, and tiny music venues. They probably have more book stores than all the rest of the city combined. The population is very eclectic with just about all nationalities represented. Some of the most beautiful and expensive homes in the city are in capitol hills along with thousands of apartment buildings that feature apartments so small you can put one foot in bed, one foot in shower, and open your front door at same time. Just about every protest in the city seems to originate in the Capitol Hill neighborhood. It's a place every Trump lover is sure to hate.

Holy Fuck
It's a worse hell hole than I thought.
Hopefully he will do this so soon. This is just what's needed to prove that he's the fascist his opposition claims.
Yes. You've learned your lessons. Crime is law. Chaos is order. Slavery is liberation. etc.
Hopefully any president would realize you can't just have a terrorist group come in and commandeer
part of any city, Berkeley, NY, Portland or whatever because it pleases the city council and the governor.

The act itself is blatantly illegal for so many reasons and to let it stand is unthinkable. It encourages and invites the same situation in other cities.

I'm willing to risk the rage of the fringe kooks, like yourself. If the Seattle city council wants to simply
abandon their police that's their business and hopefully they will pay that price even in Seattle (the place of my mother's relatives where I spent lots of time as a youngster).

But they cannot legally, morally or as a matter of principle simply cede over a bunch of land where residents live to a terrorist gang because they are too gutless to take it back. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Shut off water, electricity, gas, garbage, etc. Let's see how long this "autonomous" state lasts.
Not likely, the city is providing water and port o potties for protesters and local merchants have provided them food. If the city really wanted them gone they would send in the police or the Guard but that would create violence the city considers unexceptionable. Since the police closed up the station, there has been no rioting. In the days since it began it has turned into a street fair, art space, community garden and documentary screening site, with outdoor entertainment each evening. If it becomes violent the mayor will let the police chief move in as that was deal with protesters.
Shut off water, electricity, gas, garbage, etc. Let's see how long this "autonomous" state lasts.
Not likely, the city is providing water and port o potties for protesters and local merchants have provided them food. If the city really wanted them gone they would send in the police or the Guard but that would create violence the city considers unexceptionable. Since the police closed up the station, there has been no rioting. In the days since it began it has turned into a street fair, art space, community garden and documentary screening site, with outdoor entertainment each evening. If it becomes violent the mayor will let the police chief move in as that was deal with protesters.
Bullshit on walking your grandson thru and if you did your son or daughter should revoke your privledges.
More misinformation. Nothing locally about hostages.
So everyone under the "protection"
of these new Lords is willingly going along with the scheme? Am I supposed to believe that's not bullshit?

The police can take control of the area easily but not without violence. The mayor and city council decided the area was to be an autonomous zone (about 2 blocks). The protesters can occupy the area and protest so long it does not become violent. The city put in porta potties and drinking water. Some local merchants are making food available. I just talked to a friend that lives in Capital Hills not far from the police station. She said there are only a few protesters now as you see in the picture below, not more than 20 or 30. I understand there was band playing in street last night. A few days ago when the police were there there're were hundreds of protestors. With police staying away there are no large crowds. There are police in area but no riot control. They answer emergency calls only.
And what about the extortion? And entering and leaving the zone to, you know, eat, go to work, the hospital, etc.?
Who took a vote and decided they wanted to be residents of an "autonomous zone"?
It was so good and kind and, well...liberal of the mayor and city council to endorse this idea of an "autonomous" zone. Did you?

Who has spoken with residents there and gotten their opinion of this criminal take over? Have you?
I walked through the zone yesterday with my grandson. What you claim is just exaggerations and bull shit. The local merchants are supportive of the protesters as are the residents. In fact, the residents make up a large percentage of the protesters. The only complain I have heard was having the streets blocked off creates a parking problem.
Has there been an uncoerced poll taken among all the residents of the
area in question? Without it one is left to take on the word of a liar for anything he wishes to claim
about the new gated community on Capital Hill.

Yes, that just screams out "I love it here" doesn't it? Same as in East Germany.

Capitol Hill is a unique place. It is the most liberal community in one of the most liberal cites in the country. They have a huge LBGQ population that dates back to the 60's. It's the music and art center of the city, outdoor movies, concerts, Shakespeare in the Park, block parties, coffee houses with poetry reading, and tiny music venues. They probably have more book stores than all the rest of the city combined. The population is very eclectic with just about all nationalities represented. Some of the most beautiful and expensive homes in the city are in capitol hills along with thousands of apartment buildings that feature apartments so small you can put one foot in bed, one foot in shower, and open your front door at same time. Just about every protest in the city seems to originate in the Capitol Hill neighborhood. It's a place every Trump lover is sure to hate.
Wow! You paint a real pretty picture. It's like Berkeley and Portland had a baby and
called it Capital Hill.
If the residents all want to get together and simply give BLM the rights to those six blocks, and take responsibility for it, that's one thing.

But to claim "autonomy" over other people's property and land through coercion, riots, violence, intimidation
and sheer political cowardice and duplicity by shitbag politicians is another.
This is an unprecedented act and it will not stand. It invites other similar actions elsewhere and it
is pure extortion and blackmail in action. And you seem to love it.

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