Seattle under siege as protesters take over City Hall.

Not likely, the city is providing water and port o potties for protesters and local merchants have provided them food. If the city really wanted them gone they would send in the police or the Guard but that would create violence the city considers unexceptionable. Since the police closed up the station, there has been no rioting. In the days since it began it has turned into a street fair, art space, community garden and documentary screening site, with outdoor entertainment each evening. If it becomes violent the mayor will let the police chief move in as that was deal with protesters.
We already know how the gutless morally hollowed out city politicians feel about their autonomous parasite
friends. Duhhhh.
You can stop making that tired point now along with the one about how the rioting has stopped.
You give a child everything he or she wants and the crying and screaming usually does stop.
Amazing isn't it? :fu:

It seems like such a lovely paradise now I wonder why fences have been put up there?
Hopefully he will do this so soon. This is just what's needed to prove that he's the fascist his opposition claims.
Yes. You've learned your lessons. Crime is law. Chaos is order. Slavery is liberation. etc.
Hopefully any president would realize you can't just have a terrorist group come in and commandeer
part of any city, Berkeley, NY, Portland or whatever because it pleases the city council and the governor.

The act itself is blatantly illegal for so many reasons and to let it stand is unthinkable. It encourages and invites the same situation in other cities.

I'm willing to risk the rage of the fringe kooks, like yourself. If the Seattle city council wants to simply
abandon their police that's their business and hopefully they will pay that price even in Seattle (the place of my mother's relatives where I spent lots of time as a youngster).

But they cannot legally, morally or as a matter of principle simply cede over a bunch of land where residents live to a terrorist gang because they are too gutless to take it back. What the fuck is wrong with you?
The city has just decide they will not interfere with protests nor provide a police presence, responding only to emergencies. If the people of Seattle disagree, they can make their voices herd with their vote in November. So far most residents are supportive as long as there's no violence.

Once you allow a president to send troops into the cities to suppress protests and enforce local laws as he chooses, America will have become a fascist nation where personal freedoms guaranteed in the constitution and the autonomy of local government will be meaningless. Unfortunately, Trump's fascist behavior is being supported by his people. I guess we will see in November, whether Trump or the our constitution will prevail.
The city has just decide they will not interfere with protests nor provide a police presence, responding only to emergencies. If the people of Seattle disagree, they can make their voices herd with their vote in November. So far most residents are supportive as long as there's no violence.

Once you allow a president to send troops into the cities to suppress protests and enforce local laws as he chooses, America will have become a fascist nation where personal freedoms guaranteed in the constitution and the autonomy of local government will be meaningless. Unfortunately, Trump's fascist behavior is being supported by his people. I guess we will see in November, whether Trump or the our constitution will prevail.
I see you've dishonestly taken your view of things, that the group that wants chaos and anarchy in this country by defunding police and rioting and burning down buildings, etc. represents freedom and constitutional rights and anyone daring to disagree is a fascist and danger to "freedom".

That's Big Brother speak (wrong is right, violence is peace, anarchy is order). So is your absurd claim that
anything a local government does (like granting autonomy to a violent gang led mob) is permissible and
daring to oppose that idiocy is "fascist".

It's already been established that a president has an obligation and the authority to step in and enforce the law for the greater good when a state government refuses to do so.
Now you can continue to disagree but you only look more and more ignorant and contentious.

Portland and Berkeley don't have the right to give city land to Antifa regardless of how many residents
approve or how many lovely street fairs are presented or pretty chalk drawings on the street are made.

If the issue boils down to the Seattle city council's right to turn over police precincts to the violent mob
or actual residential areas of Seattle itself vs. the president's right to oppose such an unprecedented move
I have no doubt that the citizens of this country, who only have to look at the recent riots in Minneapolis
to see what BLM is all about, will undoubtedly favor order over chaos.

I would ask again if actual residents of the Capital Hill Autonomous Zone have ever been consulted
as to their wishes, but you seem like you just don't want to go there. You aren't completely an idiot,
it seems.
Hopefully he will do this so soon. This is just what's needed to prove that he's the fascist his opposition claims.
Yes. You've learned your lessons. Crime is law. Chaos is order. Slavery is liberation. etc.
Hopefully any president would realize you can't just have a terrorist group come in and commandeer
part of any city, Berkeley, NY, Portland or whatever because it pleases the city council and the governor.

The act itself is blatantly illegal for so many reasons and to let it stand is unthinkable. It encourages and invites the same situation in other cities.

I'm willing to risk the rage of the fringe kooks, like yourself. If the Seattle city council wants to simply
abandon their police that's their business and hopefully they will pay that price even in Seattle (the place of my mother's relatives where I spent lots of time as a youngster).

But they cannot legally, morally or as a matter of principle simply cede over a bunch of land where residents live to a terrorist gang because they are too gutless to take it back. What the fuck is wrong with you?
The city has just decide they will not interfere with protests nor provide a police presence, responding only to emergencies. If the people of Seattle disagree, they can make their voices herd with their vote in November. So far most residents are supportive as long as there's no violence.

Once you allow a president to send troops into the cities to suppress protests and enforce local laws as he chooses, America will have become a fascist nation where personal freedoms guaranteed in the constitution and the autonomy of local government will be meaningless. Unfortunately, Trump's fascist behavior is being supported by his people. I guess we will see in November, whether Trump or the our constitution will prevail.
It’s illegal for police to not enforce the law and it’s illegal to direct them to do so
There is not enough time between now and the election to create Another hoax so the Next hoax will be liberal attempts to block the result of the election and to prevent Trump from continuing on. While this is occurring there will be trials for the police who allowed law breaking to continue and politicians who ordered them to do so.
These idiots have a mile long list of charges waiting once people throw them out on their asses. Kidnapping, unlawful imprisonments, extortion, breaking and entering, grand theft, the list goes on. The mayor should be arrested for allowing this atrocity to happen. Just shut off the power and water.
The city has just decide they will not interfere with protests nor provide a police presence, responding only to emergencies. If the people of Seattle disagree, they can make their voices herd with their vote in November. So far most residents are supportive as long as there's no violence.

Once you allow a president to send troops into the cities to suppress protests and enforce local laws as he chooses, America will have become a fascist nation where personal freedoms guaranteed in the constitution and the autonomy of local government will be meaningless. Unfortunately, Trump's fascist behavior is being supported by his people. I guess we will see in November, whether Trump or the our constitution will prevail.

Seattle is spectacular place to visit in the Summer.

How many folks who had been planning a visit to the city and are now shifting to somewhere else? How many tens of millions of dollars is this costing Seattle?

As for Flopper...
Not likely, the city is providing water and port o potties for protesters and local merchants have provided them food. If the city really wanted them gone they would send in the police or the Guard but that would create violence the city considers unexceptionable. Since the police closed up the station, there has been no rioting. In the days since it began it has turned into a street fair, art space, community garden and documentary screening site, with outdoor entertainment each evening. If it becomes violent the mayor will let the police chief move in as that was deal with protesters.
We already know how the gutless morally hollowed out city politicians feel about their autonomous parasite
friends. Duhhhh.
You can stop making that tired point now along with the one about how the rioting has stopped.
You give a child everything he or she wants and the crying and screaming usually does stop.
Amazing isn't it? :fu:

It seems like such a lovely paradise now I wonder why fences have been put up there?
As long as there is no rioting and violence, there is no need for the riot police. Today's silent march is looking very successful with no rioting or violence which will be the 5th day since the city and protesters agreed on the autonomous zone. 60 restaurants, bars, breweries, and cafes closed their doors in a show of solidarity today. This is in addition to hundreds or retail stores that are closing for the March. The thousands that have shown up for the March in the rain shows how strongly Seattle is supporting the protest.
As long as there is no rioting and violence, there is no need for the riot police. Today's silent march is looking very successful with no rioting or violence which will be the 5th day since the city and protesters agreed on the autonomous zone. 60 restaurants, bars, breweries, and cafes closed their doors in a show of solidarity today. This is in addition to hundreds or retail stores that are closing for the March. The thousands that have shown up for the March in the rain shows how strongly Seattle is supporting the protest.
If bars, breweries, etc. want to shut down in "solidarity" that's on them. Same for the stores, who I thought
were dying for business. Makes me think they are shutting down more in fear than so called solidarity.

I think the autonomous will be gone soon anyway. The police are coming back to their offices.
Attempts at growing food have been laughably lame. Some people are just leaving.

At any rate the issues raised by Chaz aren't going to be dependent on whether people show up to a march or not. Just turn off the water and power.
Remembering when armed right-wing protesters stormed the Michigan state house, and Trump-cultists cheered? I sure do. Cry me a fucking river, asshole :fu:

Cute try!

The armed protesters were all checked by the police, even their temperatures were taken and 100 were allowed inside. No damage was done and no one fired a gun. They left the state house as they had found it.
:thankusmile: I tip my cap off to these protesters. That article you posted that said the Seattle police force and their courts are beyond reform only got it HALF right,all police forces and all courts from all cities are beyond reform so the police force indeed needs to be defunded.
Is that an admission that Democratically run big cities are all utter failures? The Democrat vision for this country is totally fucked up.
Yes the democrat party has been infiltrated by the zionists.
Not likely, the city is providing water and port o potties for protesters and local merchants have provided them food. If the city really wanted them gone they would send in the police or the Guard but that would create violence the city considers unexceptionable. Since the police closed up the station, there has been no rioting. In the days since it began it has turned into a street fair, art space, community garden and documentary screening site, with outdoor entertainment each evening. If it becomes violent the mayor will let the police chief move in as that was deal with protesters.
We already know how the gutless morally hollowed out city politicians feel about their autonomous parasite
friends. Duhhhh.
You can stop making that tired point now along with the one about how the rioting has stopped.
You give a child everything he or she wants and the crying and screaming usually does stop.
Amazing isn't it? :fu:

It seems like such a lovely paradise now I wonder why fences have been put up there?
As long as there is no rioting and violence, there is no need for the riot police. Today's silent march is looking very successful with no rioting or violence which will be the 5th day since the city and protesters agreed on the autonomous zone. 60 restaurants, bars, breweries, and cafes closed their doors in a show of solidarity today. This is in addition to hundreds or retail stores that are closing for the March. The thousands that have shown up for the March in the rain shows how strongly Seattle is supporting the protest.
View attachment 349422
“They closed their doors in a show of solidarity” is the most simpleton statement since SD was declared a Hotspot by X Simpleton
As long as there is no rioting and violence, there is no need for the riot police. Today's silent march is looking very successful with no rioting or violence which will be the 5th day since the city and protesters agreed on the autonomous zone. 60 restaurants, bars, breweries, and cafes closed their doors in a show of solidarity today. This is in addition to hundreds or retail stores that are closing for the March. The thousands that have shown up for the March in the rain shows how strongly Seattle is supporting the protest.
If bars, breweries, etc. want to shut down in "solidarity" that's on them. Same for the stores, who I thought
were dying for business. Makes me think they are shutting down more in fear than so called solidarity.

I think the autonomous will be gone soon anyway. The police are coming back to their offices.
Attempts at growing food have been laughably lame. Some people are just leaving.

At any rate the issues raised by Chaz aren't going to be dependent on whether people show up to a march or not. Just turn off the water and power.
I do agree with one of your points. The autonomous zone will go away soon. The interest in George Floyd is already fading as the news media is finding more juicy stories plus the protesters are beginning to tire. The free movies aren't very good, the good music is disappearing and there's less free food. The police are already entering the area for various reason and locals are complaining about police response time with the station being closed.
Hopefully he will do this so soon. This is just what's needed to prove that he's the fascist his opposition claims.
Yes. You've learned your lessons. Crime is law. Chaos is order. Slavery is liberation. etc.
Hopefully any president would realize you can't just have a terrorist group come in and commandeer
part of any city, Berkeley, NY, Portland or whatever because it pleases the city council and the governor.

The act itself is blatantly illegal for so many reasons and to let it stand is unthinkable. It encourages and invites the same situation in other cities.

I'm willing to risk the rage of the fringe kooks, like yourself. If the Seattle city council wants to simply
abandon their police that's their business and hopefully they will pay that price even in Seattle (the place of my mother's relatives where I spent lots of time as a youngster).

But they cannot legally, morally or as a matter of principle simply cede over a bunch of land where residents live to a terrorist gang because they are too gutless to take it back. What the fuck is wrong with you?
The city has just decide they will not interfere with protests nor provide a police presence, responding only to emergencies. If the people of Seattle disagree, they can make their voices herd with their vote in November. So far most residents are supportive as long as there's no violence.

BLM doesn’t support them. Black Lives Matter protesters say Seattle’s autonomous zone has hijacked message

At least some in the Emerald Coty, see this for what it is. Let’s hope those businesses and residents in the screwy zone are kept safe. Just like OWS, crime is high and justice is lacking.
Hopefully he will do this so soon. This is just what's needed to prove that he's the fascist his opposition claims.
Yes. You've learned your lessons. Crime is law. Chaos is order. Slavery is liberation. etc.
Hopefully any president would realize you can't just have a terrorist group come in and commandeer
part of any city, Berkeley, NY, Portland or whatever because it pleases the city council and the governor.

The act itself is blatantly illegal for so many reasons and to let it stand is unthinkable. It encourages and invites the same situation in other cities.

I'm willing to risk the rage of the fringe kooks, like yourself. If the Seattle city council wants to simply
abandon their police that's their business and hopefully they will pay that price even in Seattle (the place of my mother's relatives where I spent lots of time as a youngster).

But they cannot legally, morally or as a matter of principle simply cede over a bunch of land where residents live to a terrorist gang because they are too gutless to take it back. What the fuck is wrong with you?
The city has just decide they will not interfere with protests nor provide a police presence, responding only to emergencies. If the people of Seattle disagree, they can make their voices herd with their vote in November. So far most residents are supportive as long as there's no violence.

BLM doesn’t support them. Black Lives Matter protesters say Seattle’s autonomous zone has hijacked message

At least some in the Emerald Coty, see this for what it is. Let’s hope those businesses and residents in the screwy zone are kept safe. Just like OWS, crime is high and justice is lacking.
What difference does it make? That’s like saying ISIS doesn’t support Al Gayda.
In one of the very first protests, trouble broke out and there was no police presence. The next night the police were there in numbers before anything started dressed for a battle with tear gas, batons. and shields. The result was about a number protesters and police injured in a riot and over 60 stores looted and damaged. The police made the situation worse not better.
By your "logic" police should just withdraw completely and cede the entire city to the revolutionaries.
Can you find any flaws at all in your thinking?

Did you read the part about people being held hostage? Just curious.
A bit of an exaggeration. It's not the whole city. It's basically about two blocks. Before the police moved out it was a daily riot attracting criminals and outside exaggerators. Now it's peacefully. What has emerged is an experiment in life without the police. part street festival, part commune. Hundreds have gathered to hear speeches, poetry and music. On Tuesday night, dozens of people sat in the middle of an intersection to watch “13th,” the Ava DuVernay film about the criminal justice system’s impact on African-Americans. On Wednesday, children made chalk drawings in the street.

If this little experiment works, it may well change the way policing is done in this country. Having a police force that is there to actually protect and serve may be more appropriate than an army of modern day storm troopers.
Do you think the people who live there are enjoying the peacefulness? They are required to pay tribute to King Raz. Businesses adjacent to chaz have to pay extortion.

It's a cop free zone. Let's see how that keeps working.

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