For awhile. This happened in the seventies, etc. It's an off and on deal. I am curious though if you will continue.
I wonder if the heated calls for independence will suddenly be muted now.
Only by the idiots.

Another set of evil doers is in office. Why should it make any difference what party they are from?
President Obama is the worst Dictator ever. Damn him!

I'm sure however in reality the serious secessionists will still rail against the Feds. The dreaded Obama is still the head of the federal government so........
President Obama is the worst Dictator ever. Damn him!

I'm sure however in reality the serious secessionists will still rail against the Feds. The dreaded Obama is still the head of the federal government so........
Which was kind of the point of my op. If you really believe in a breakup, it shouldn't matter who is in office.
This is a repetitive cycle and it's one that every damn generation of secessionists has to learn.
I wonder if the heated calls for independence will suddenly be muted now.
Only by the idiots.

Another set of evil doers is in office. Why should it make any difference what party they are from?

It will be muted for you.
Why do you think it will be muted from me?

Personally, all indications point to this being planned. There are three major issues that the corporate, financial, and global elites wanted taken care of, that Obama is on board with, that his own parties representatives were blocking. So it was time for them to use the media to condition voters, and use the establishment to make sure that different representatives would take the helm.

1) The Key Stone Pipeline.

Despite Obama's rhetoric to his progrssive base, he is secretely in favor of building this piece of infrastructure. Little known to most Americans, the oil from the tar sands is hitting the world market with or with out the pipeline. The beneficiary has been, up till now, the rail roads. Out dated infrastructure at that. Obama wants the infrastructure upgraded. As long as the current infrastructure is crucial to moving that oil, this will not be accomplished. Likewise, the major stakeholder in the railroads is one of his biggest publicity allies, Warren Buffet. With a Republican win, that pipeline can be built (jobs) and his goal of moving forward on the highspeed rails can finally move forward, with out him being politically blamed by Buffet.

2) War.

The elites want progress with the The Project for a "New Middle East." This was begun during the Bush Administration. It can now continue, and it won't piss of the peacniks as much. The Republicans can be depended on voting for imperialism, the media can be depended on drumming up war hysteria, even if there is no real threat to America. Obama will not look like a war monger.
Plans for Redrawing the Middle East: The Project for a “New Middle East”
Plans for Redrawing the Middle East The Project for a New Middle East Global Research

Greater Middle East - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

3) Globalism.

The Republican elites don't care one whit about selling off America future to the mega conglomerates or the Globalists. The protectionists and progressives that care about workers rights and international environmental protection are a bit more leery in that regard. Obama is a globalist, through and through. His backers were international bankers and corporatists. The average progressive American voter is too stupid to know what that means or understand who really pulls his strings. . . Meaning, the same folks that pulled that strings of George W. Bush, or Romney. Or even Hillary, the person that Negotiated these awful deals. Awful if you are anyone but the top 5% of the population. Now the elites will finally have further global integration.

TPP and TTIP, Two Different Trade Agreements, Both Will Have the Same Disastrous Results
TPP and TTIP Two Different Trade Agreements Both Will Have the Same Disastrous Results Economy In Crisis

4) Further militarization of the domestic scene.

As events in Ferguson and Clive Bundy's ranch have shown, the media has been able to stir up animosity, rather than bring the nation together. By splitting the nation's government, expect more military gear to flow to local police forces. Likewise, expect the program to train police officers in military tactics to continue. Republicans really think there is a need for this, thanks to the MSM and Obama. Even THEY have drank the Kool-Aid on that one. When Americans should be standing together, they are at each others throats. That is the simplest of ways to rule. Divide and conquer. The globalists find it easiest to pass their agenda when we are fighting each other and they are creating a domestic OF OUR OWN CITIZENS to oppress us in our own towns.

War Gear Flows to Police Departments

Police chief gets advanced training at FBI National Academy
Police chief gets advanced training at FBI National Academy - Petersburg Pilot

Canton's top cop back from elite FBI training

Canton s top cop back from elite FBI training News - Home

Marion police chief trains with FBI
Canton s top cop back from elite FBI training News - Home

You have to hand it to the administration, that's a brilliant way around Posse Comitatus. Separate the police from thinking they are there to "protect and serve", and make them think they are there to "enforce and collect."

Now we all know what the dictator and chief for the globalists meant, and we know he could really only get it done with a Republican help. . . .

Without Republican cooperation, the bullying at Watertown, MA would not have been possible.


De facto Martial law.​

I've been a vocal proponent of Arizona leaving the Union...until Tuesday. Now it seems the country has decided to rid itself of the slime that's kept us from recovering our balance. Most of those who would have us drive with our emergency brake on just GOT THE let's see what Romney can do with overwhelming majorities in both chambers. The folks know socialism is a disaster and a weakling in the Oval Office is a recipe for another world war. I 'm willing to wait a few years before I decide whether Arizona should stay or go.
I've been a vocal proponent of Arizona leaving the Union...until Tuesday. Now it seems the country has decided to rid itself of the slime that's kept us from recovering our balance. Most of those who would have us drive with our emergency brake on just GOT THE let's see what Romney can do with overwhelming majorities in both chambers. The folks know socialism is a disaster and a weakling in the Oval Office is a recipe for another world war. I 'm willing to wait a few years before I decide whether Arizona should stay or go.
What does Romney have to do with anything?
Hey.................BullKrapzUSMC.................what makes you think that Mittens RobMe wants to run again, and, what makes you think that the GOP is going to give him another shot?

He's already lost quite a few elections, why set him up for failure yet another time?
Hey.................BullKrapzUSMC.................what makes you think that Mittens RobMe wants to run again, and, what makes you think that the GOP is going to give him another shot?

He's already lost quite a few elections, why set him up for failure yet another time?

You still alive? How's that suspension holding up, Snacks?


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