Mosquitoes in Maricopa County

Change your name to "cero" mutt.....the mosquitoes that lurk in the northern forests can't handle the heat and the ones up on the impound lakes DON'T BITE....and the closest you ever got to an oil well was trying to find your dipstick. :laugh:
independent idiots, dodge and deflect just like they always do

secession my ass ... as long as someone else pays their way or prints money the same way the government their bitching about does.

stfu kiddies.
independent idiots, dodge and deflect just like they always do

secession my ass ... as long as someone else pays their way or prints money the same way the government their bitching about does.

stfu kiddies.

How about you shut us up, many sevens you had up your ass?

Ah okay...I see why you left.
Change your name to "cero" mutt.....the mosquitoes that lurk in the northern forests can't handle the heat and the ones up on the impound lakes DON'T BITE....and the closest you ever got to an oil well was trying to find your dipstick. :laugh:
Wow you are dumber than shit, not only will you make up some bullshit about Arizona not having mosquitoes you'll try to defend it by adding even more bullshit.

There are mosquitoes around Phoenix, plenty of people are getting bitten, the problem with it has been on the news where they have reported fielding 10,000 complaints, yet BullShitUSMC is going to claim being from Detroit makes him right and everyone else wrong.

It takes a special kind of retard to sit here with a straight face and make a fool out of himself, but we see BullshitUSMC, a compulsive liar, doing it over and over.

Funny shit.
Funny ain't it? You can post government bulletins and countless links to news stories about the mosquito problems around Phoenix and BullshitUSMC will desperately cling to his stupid lie about Arizona not having mosquitoes.

He's a joke.
We in Arizona can do quite well without Unca Shithead overrunning us with human livestock. Some of us have plans in place to join with Texas for a new federation independent of the new england turd mongers. Texas gives us port facilities and a trading partner...our citrus and copper for their oil and air bases. We have everything else we need....cattle, cotton, timber, and climate the yankees crave. Most of Arizona is mountains we can use for guerilla tactics if the Feds try to fuck with us. And of course we have mehico on our side...they fucking HATE having Arizona be part of the USA. Oh, and as for California to our west? They'll be treated like all the'll need a passport and a thousand Arizona dollars (bought at the border stations) to enter our paradise....interlopers will be drag-hanged through cholla.

Hmmmmmmmmm..............yes, beating down the doors to get to that 100 degrees by 9AM during the summer.

I'm 67 and run 2 miles in the summer heat every morning...and out of the shade you can add 20 degrees.....we love it....if it didn't get hot in the summer we'd be another Los Angeles. :puke:

No mosquitos, no tornados, sunny and bright....and if you want to escape the Phoenix heat, it's 90 minutes to the cool air and trout streams of the White Mountains. :wink_2:

Arizona is a beautiful state. I try and visit every other year. When the time comes; many years from now, I would like to retire to Arizona in fact. I'll always be a Pittsburgher at heart though. lol
nobody ever tells me how a State that becomes independent from the country can, or will pay for their own infrastructure, natural disasters, military to fight terrorists, fight against disease (Ebola) or any other expense .. they just want to become independent.

apparently independent has a different meaning when it comes time to open a wallet and pony up the big $$$ ..
The state with the median GDP is Oregon. It makes a little more than Iraq which has huge oil wealth, and a little less than Pakistan which has nukes. It's akin to Austria in it's wealth, and could behave as such were it not for D.C. It makes more in GDP than Ireland, Bulgaria, and New Zealand. All nations that have done just fine.

If you look at each individual states' GDP, most would have no problem. Those that might, take for instance, Vermont, could certainly fuse with it's more wealthy and culturally similar neighbors, and have absolutely no problems whatsoever.


This image compared US states and other countries by GDP approximately in 2012.
Comparison between U.S. states and countries by GDP nominal - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Your lack of education, or your complete brainwashing on this issue is appalling.

How does New Zealand do it? How does Ireland do it?

Nothing is more important than Freedom. If the American people had freedom again, most of these problems you speak of, which are problems of our own making, would simply vanish. Government and corporate media creates the illusion of huge problems to justify the excuse of big government.
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I said for not from.
Your implication is that I am somehow partisan on this matter?


For implies that it will be done for you.

It won't be pandered to. The republicans got what they wanted. But go look at post number 14.
OK, I'll agree, the MSM, Fox, Clear Channel, etc. outlets owned by the corporate globalists and the Republican establishment have clearly controlled how many faux conservatives think, I'll give you that.

However, if you look at how many folks truly understand that the national interests of the American people, whether they have a progressive leaning and are interested in civil rights, civil liberties, and economic opportunity, and clearly AREN'T globalists, or whether they have a libertarian leaning and are interested in not having the federal government protect certain industries to the detriment of others, or by having the Federal Reserve screw the economy over, I would say that the Freedom movement cuts across all political ideologies.

The Occupy movement started during this administration, though they were unaware that their true enemy is the Federal Reserve. With out the FED's onerous policies, the concentration of wealth, or the devaluation of the dollar which made minimum wage practically useless, or the sky rocketing cost of education and healthcare ALL would not have been such huge issues. These were all issues because of big government and the banking cartels involvement in the economic sectors where it shouldn't have been. The globalist corporate media has misinformed the far left.

Likewise, the Tea Party movement has been hijacked by the globalist right. Their original issue was fiscal responsibility. The globalists don't want that. They want to DESTROY the economy of the US so they can usher in their one world currency and their integrated global economic regime. So they infused the movement with social issues via FOX and clear channel. This destroyed the focus and power of the Tea Party movement.

What would the political elites do if both the Occupy and the Tea Party ever were to realize that the core issue that they truly and deeply both cared about the most, which is getting rid of global interference in national American politics and saving the state of our own union were the most important issue?

Well, don't look for it, the corruption is endemic, the elections are controlled by having the candidates chosen for the electorate, and by having the media run by global corporations.

It doesn't fool those who want local government though. The Occupy movement won't die. And don't look for the Tea Party movement to die.

Beware of the day when they realize they have a common enemy though. . . . . Then you will see the Globalists retreat or the secessionist movement will go from a whisper to a clamor.

Oh, just out of curiousity..........what makes you think that the tea party and Occupy- which has been dust for several years now-have anything in common?

They both are rooted in the same complaint, the elites corrupt taxation policy.

At the heart of it, is the income tax of the common man. That is the great swindle. The common man trades his labor for income, there is NO GAIN there, none. The big lie is that the income tax is supposed to only be a tax on INCOME. If you are trading your labor for money, than you don't really HAVE an income, you are trading your labor for money, there is no income, there is only an equal value trade. That money represents a persons labor. The INCOME TAX IS A TAX ON LABOR. So in effect, people are working for the banks. Birth certificates are receipts of sale for slavery to the bankers.

Yet the international banking cartel, via the federal government, STEALS MONEY (which represents the labor) from the common man. It is like stealing a persons labor. When the politicians just GIVE it to corrupt bankers, "to big to fails," their political allies that donate to their campaigns, or any of the other favorite industries, to illegal aliens, to welfare abusers, or pork projects, THEN what is the incentive for people, whether they see themselves as Tea Partiers, or Occupiers, to work, when they know they are just slaves? Eventually there is none. Things become hopeless and eventually, they see secession as the only viable option. And we here that old refrain repeated once again, because the people are NEVER given a real choice, just puppet candidate to choose from. Once again we hear, "NO TAXATION WITH OUT REPRESENTATION." This is what we now have. Does anyone believe that D.C. represents them?

This is no different than what slave owners did to the black man before the civil war. The original Constitution prohibited this sort of abuse. Why should the average citizen tolerate this theft?
We in Arizona can do quite well without Unca Shithead overrunning us with human livestock. Some of us have plans in place to join with Texas for a new federation independent of the new england turd mongers. Texas gives us port facilities and a trading partner...our citrus and copper for their oil and air bases. We have everything else we need....cattle, cotton, timber, and climate the yankees crave. Most of Arizona is mountains we can use for guerilla tactics if the Feds try to fuck with us. And of course we have mehico on our side...they fucking HATE having Arizona be part of the USA. Oh, and as for California to our west? They'll be treated like all the'll need a passport and a thousand Arizona dollars (bought at the border stations) to enter our paradise....interlopers will be drag-hanged through cholla.

Hmmmmmmmmm..............yes, beating down the doors to get to that 100 degrees by 9AM during the summer.

I'm 67 and run 2 miles in the summer heat every morning...and out of the shade you can add 20 degrees.....we love it....if it didn't get hot in the summer we'd be another Los Angeles. :puke:

No mosquitos, no tornados, sunny and bright....and if you want to escape the Phoenix heat, it's 90 minutes to the cool air and trout streams of the White Mountains. :wink_2:

Arizona is a beautiful state. I try and visit every other year. When the time comes; many years from now, I would like to retire to Arizona in fact. I'll always be a Pittsburgher at heart though. lol

Cool. I'd like to try an experiment with people that move there.
I said for not from.
Your implication is that I am somehow partisan on this matter?


For implies that it will be done for you.

It won't be pandered to. The republicans got what they wanted. But go look at post number 14.
OK, I'll agree, the MSM, Fox, Clear Channel, etc. outlets owned by the corporate globalists and the Republican establishment have clearly controlled how many faux conservatives think, I'll give you that.

However, if you look at how many folks truly understand that the national interests of the American people, whether they have a progressive leaning and are interested in civil rights, civil liberties, and economic opportunity, and clearly AREN'T globalists, or whether they have a libertarian leaning and are interested in not having the federal government protect certain industries to the detriment of others, or by having the Federal Reserve screw the economy over, I would say that the Freedom movement cuts across all political ideologies.

The Occupy movement started during this administration, though they were unaware that their true enemy is the Federal Reserve. With out the FED's onerous policies, the concentration of wealth, or the devaluation of the dollar which made minimum wage practically useless, or the sky rocketing cost of education and healthcare ALL would not have been such huge issues. These were all issues because of big government and the banking cartels involvement in the economic sectors where it shouldn't have been. The globalist corporate media has misinformed the far left.

Likewise, the Tea Party movement has been hijacked by the globalist right. Their original issue was fiscal responsibility. The globalists don't want that. They want to DESTROY the economy of the US so they can usher in their one world currency and their integrated global economic regime. So they infused the movement with social issues via FOX and clear channel. This destroyed the focus and power of the Tea Party movement.

What would the political elites do if both the Occupy and the Tea Party ever were to realize that the core issue that they truly and deeply both cared about the most, which is getting rid of global interference in national American politics and saving the state of our own union were the most important issue?

Well, don't look for it, the corruption is endemic, the elections are controlled by having the candidates chosen for the electorate, and by having the media run by global corporations.

It doesn't fool those who want local government though. The Occupy movement won't die. And don't look for the Tea Party movement to die.

Beware of the day when they realize they have a common enemy though. . . . . Then you will see the Globalists retreat or the secessionist movement will go from a whisper to a clamor.

Oh, just out of curiousity..........what makes you think that the tea party and Occupy- which has been dust for several years now-have anything in common?

They both are rooted in the same complaint, the elites corrupt taxation policy.

At the heart of it, is the income tax of the common man. That is the great swindle. The common man trades his labor for income, there is NO GAIN there, none. The big lie is that the income tax is supposed to only be a tax on INCOME. If you are trading your labor for money, than you don't really HAVE an income, you are trading your labor for money, there is no income, there is only an equal value trade. That money represents a persons labor. The INCOME TAX IS A TAX ON LABOR. So in effect, people are working for the banks. Birth certificates are receipts of sale for slavery to the bankers.

Yet the international banking cartel, via the federal government, STEALS MONEY (which represents the labor) from the common man. It is like stealing a persons labor. When the politicians just GIVE it to corrupt bankers, "to big to fails," their political allies that donate to their campaigns, or any of the other favorite industries, to illegal aliens, to welfare abusers, or pork projects, THEN what is the incentive for people, whether they see themselves as Tea Partiers, or Occupiers, to work, when they know they are just slaves? Eventually there is none. Things become hopeless and eventually, they see secession as the only viable option. And we here that old refrain repeated once again, because the people are NEVER given a real choice, just puppet candidate to choose from. Once again we hear, "NO TAXATION WITH OUT REPRESENTATION." This is what we now have. Does anyone believe that D.C. represents them?

This is no different than what slave owners did to the black man before the civil war. The original Constitution prohibited this sort of abuse. Why should the average citizen tolerate this theft?


There is nothing in common.
We in Arizona can do quite well without Unca Shithead overrunning us with human livestock. Some of us have plans in place to join with Texas for a new federation independent of the new england turd mongers. Texas gives us port facilities and a trading partner...our citrus and copper for their oil and air bases. We have everything else we need....cattle, cotton, timber, and climate the yankees crave. Most of Arizona is mountains we can use for guerilla tactics if the Feds try to fuck with us. And of course we have mehico on our side...they fucking HATE having Arizona be part of the USA. Oh, and as for California to our west? They'll be treated like all the'll need a passport and a thousand Arizona dollars (bought at the border stations) to enter our paradise....interlopers will be drag-hanged through cholla.

Hmmmmmmmmm..............yes, beating down the doors to get to that 100 degrees by 9AM during the summer.

I'm 67 and run 2 miles in the summer heat every morning...and out of the shade you can add 20 degrees.....we love it....if it didn't get hot in the summer we'd be another Los Angeles. :puke:

No mosquitos, no tornados, sunny and bright....and if you want to escape the Phoenix heat, it's 90 minutes to the cool air and trout streams of the White Mountains. :wink_2:

Arizona is a beautiful state. I try and visit every other year. When the time comes; many years from now, I would like to retire to Arizona in fact. I'll always be a Pittsburgher at heart though. lol

Cool. I'd like to try an experiment with people that move there.
Your implication is that I am somehow partisan on this matter?


For implies that it will be done for you.

It won't be pandered to. The republicans got what they wanted. But go look at post number 14.
OK, I'll agree, the MSM, Fox, Clear Channel, etc. outlets owned by the corporate globalists and the Republican establishment have clearly controlled how many faux conservatives think, I'll give you that.

However, if you look at how many folks truly understand that the national interests of the American people, whether they have a progressive leaning and are interested in civil rights, civil liberties, and economic opportunity, and clearly AREN'T globalists, or whether they have a libertarian leaning and are interested in not having the federal government protect certain industries to the detriment of others, or by having the Federal Reserve screw the economy over, I would say that the Freedom movement cuts across all political ideologies.

The Occupy movement started during this administration, though they were unaware that their true enemy is the Federal Reserve. With out the FED's onerous policies, the concentration of wealth, or the devaluation of the dollar which made minimum wage practically useless, or the sky rocketing cost of education and healthcare ALL would not have been such huge issues. These were all issues because of big government and the banking cartels involvement in the economic sectors where it shouldn't have been. The globalist corporate media has misinformed the far left.

Likewise, the Tea Party movement has been hijacked by the globalist right. Their original issue was fiscal responsibility. The globalists don't want that. They want to DESTROY the economy of the US so they can usher in their one world currency and their integrated global economic regime. So they infused the movement with social issues via FOX and clear channel. This destroyed the focus and power of the Tea Party movement.

What would the political elites do if both the Occupy and the Tea Party ever were to realize that the core issue that they truly and deeply both cared about the most, which is getting rid of global interference in national American politics and saving the state of our own union were the most important issue?

Well, don't look for it, the corruption is endemic, the elections are controlled by having the candidates chosen for the electorate, and by having the media run by global corporations.

It doesn't fool those who want local government though. The Occupy movement won't die. And don't look for the Tea Party movement to die.

Beware of the day when they realize they have a common enemy though. . . . . Then you will see the Globalists retreat or the secessionist movement will go from a whisper to a clamor.

Oh, just out of curiousity..........what makes you think that the tea party and Occupy- which has been dust for several years now-have anything in common?

They both are rooted in the same complaint, the elites corrupt taxation policy.

At the heart of it, is the income tax of the common man. That is the great swindle. The common man trades his labor for income, there is NO GAIN there, none. The big lie is that the income tax is supposed to only be a tax on INCOME. If you are trading your labor for money, than you don't really HAVE an income, you are trading your labor for money, there is no income, there is only an equal value trade. That money represents a persons labor. The INCOME TAX IS A TAX ON LABOR. So in effect, people are working for the banks. Birth certificates are receipts of sale for slavery to the bankers.

Yet the international banking cartel, via the federal government, STEALS MONEY (which represents the labor) from the common man. It is like stealing a persons labor. When the politicians just GIVE it to corrupt bankers, "to big to fails," their political allies that donate to their campaigns, or any of the other favorite industries, to illegal aliens, to welfare abusers, or pork projects, THEN what is the incentive for people, whether they see themselves as Tea Partiers, or Occupiers, to work, when they know they are just slaves? Eventually there is none. Things become hopeless and eventually, they see secession as the only viable option. And we here that old refrain repeated once again, because the people are NEVER given a real choice, just puppet candidate to choose from. Once again we hear, "NO TAXATION WITH OUT REPRESENTATION." This is what we now have. Does anyone believe that D.C. represents them?

This is no different than what slave owners did to the black man before the civil war. The original Constitution prohibited this sort of abuse. Why should the average citizen tolerate this theft?


There is nothing in common.

What sort of experiment?
Your implication is that I am somehow partisan on this matter?


For implies that it will be done for you.

It won't be pandered to. The republicans got what they wanted. But go look at post number 14.
OK, I'll agree, the MSM, Fox, Clear Channel, etc. outlets owned by the corporate globalists and the Republican establishment have clearly controlled how many faux conservatives think, I'll give you that.

However, if you look at how many folks truly understand that the national interests of the American people, whether they have a progressive leaning and are interested in civil rights, civil liberties, and economic opportunity, and clearly AREN'T globalists, or whether they have a libertarian leaning and are interested in not having the federal government protect certain industries to the detriment of others, or by having the Federal Reserve screw the economy over, I would say that the Freedom movement cuts across all political ideologies.

The Occupy movement started during this administration, though they were unaware that their true enemy is the Federal Reserve. With out the FED's onerous policies, the concentration of wealth, or the devaluation of the dollar which made minimum wage practically useless, or the sky rocketing cost of education and healthcare ALL would not have been such huge issues. These were all issues because of big government and the banking cartels involvement in the economic sectors where it shouldn't have been. The globalist corporate media has misinformed the far left.

Likewise, the Tea Party movement has been hijacked by the globalist right. Their original issue was fiscal responsibility. The globalists don't want that. They want to DESTROY the economy of the US so they can usher in their one world currency and their integrated global economic regime. So they infused the movement with social issues via FOX and clear channel. This destroyed the focus and power of the Tea Party movement.

What would the political elites do if both the Occupy and the Tea Party ever were to realize that the core issue that they truly and deeply both cared about the most, which is getting rid of global interference in national American politics and saving the state of our own union were the most important issue?

Well, don't look for it, the corruption is endemic, the elections are controlled by having the candidates chosen for the electorate, and by having the media run by global corporations.

It doesn't fool those who want local government though. The Occupy movement won't die. And don't look for the Tea Party movement to die.

Beware of the day when they realize they have a common enemy though. . . . . Then you will see the Globalists retreat or the secessionist movement will go from a whisper to a clamor.

Oh, just out of curiousity..........what makes you think that the tea party and Occupy- which has been dust for several years now-have anything in common?

They both are rooted in the same complaint, the elites corrupt taxation policy.

At the heart of it, is the income tax of the common man. That is the great swindle. The common man trades his labor for income, there is NO GAIN there, none. The big lie is that the income tax is supposed to only be a tax on INCOME. If you are trading your labor for money, than you don't really HAVE an income, you are trading your labor for money, there is no income, there is only an equal value trade. That money represents a persons labor. The INCOME TAX IS A TAX ON LABOR. So in effect, people are working for the banks. Birth certificates are receipts of sale for slavery to the bankers.

Yet the international banking cartel, via the federal government, STEALS MONEY (which represents the labor) from the common man. It is like stealing a persons labor. When the politicians just GIVE it to corrupt bankers, "to big to fails," their political allies that donate to their campaigns, or any of the other favorite industries, to illegal aliens, to welfare abusers, or pork projects, THEN what is the incentive for people, whether they see themselves as Tea Partiers, or Occupiers, to work, when they know they are just slaves? Eventually there is none. Things become hopeless and eventually, they see secession as the only viable option. And we here that old refrain repeated once again, because the people are NEVER given a real choice, just puppet candidate to choose from. Once again we hear, "NO TAXATION WITH OUT REPRESENTATION." This is what we now have. Does anyone believe that D.C. represents them?

This is no different than what slave owners did to the black man before the civil war. The original Constitution prohibited this sort of abuse. Why should the average citizen tolerate this theft?


There is nothing in common.
You are REALLY obtuse. There is just no getting through to you, is there?
We in Arizona can do quite well without Unca Shithead overrunning us with human livestock. Some of us have plans in place to join with Texas for a new federation independent of the new england turd mongers. Texas gives us port facilities and a trading partner...our citrus and copper for their oil and air bases. We have everything else we need....cattle, cotton, timber, and climate the yankees crave. Most of Arizona is mountains we can use for guerilla tactics if the Feds try to fuck with us. And of course we have mehico on our side...they fucking HATE having Arizona be part of the USA. Oh, and as for California to our west? They'll be treated like all the'll need a passport and a thousand Arizona dollars (bought at the border stations) to enter our paradise....interlopers will be drag-hanged through cholla.

Hmmmmmmmmm..............yes, beating down the doors to get to that 100 degrees by 9AM during the summer.

I'm 67 and run 2 miles in the summer heat every morning...and out of the shade you can add 20 degrees.....we love it....if it didn't get hot in the summer we'd be another Los Angeles. :puke:

No mosquitos, no tornados, sunny and bright....and if you want to escape the Phoenix heat, it's 90 minutes to the cool air and trout streams of the White Mountains. :wink_2:

Arizona is a beautiful state. I try and visit every other year. When the time comes; many years from now, I would like to retire to Arizona in fact. I'll always be a Pittsburgher at heart though. lol

Cool. I'd like to try an experiment with people that move there.
For implies that it will be done for you.

It won't be pandered to. The republicans got what they wanted. But go look at post number 14.
OK, I'll agree, the MSM, Fox, Clear Channel, etc. outlets owned by the corporate globalists and the Republican establishment have clearly controlled how many faux conservatives think, I'll give you that.

However, if you look at how many folks truly understand that the national interests of the American people, whether they have a progressive leaning and are interested in civil rights, civil liberties, and economic opportunity, and clearly AREN'T globalists, or whether they have a libertarian leaning and are interested in not having the federal government protect certain industries to the detriment of others, or by having the Federal Reserve screw the economy over, I would say that the Freedom movement cuts across all political ideologies.

The Occupy movement started during this administration, though they were unaware that their true enemy is the Federal Reserve. With out the FED's onerous policies, the concentration of wealth, or the devaluation of the dollar which made minimum wage practically useless, or the sky rocketing cost of education and healthcare ALL would not have been such huge issues. These were all issues because of big government and the banking cartels involvement in the economic sectors where it shouldn't have been. The globalist corporate media has misinformed the far left.

Likewise, the Tea Party movement has been hijacked by the globalist right. Their original issue was fiscal responsibility. The globalists don't want that. They want to DESTROY the economy of the US so they can usher in their one world currency and their integrated global economic regime. So they infused the movement with social issues via FOX and clear channel. This destroyed the focus and power of the Tea Party movement.

What would the political elites do if both the Occupy and the Tea Party ever were to realize that the core issue that they truly and deeply both cared about the most, which is getting rid of global interference in national American politics and saving the state of our own union were the most important issue?

Well, don't look for it, the corruption is endemic, the elections are controlled by having the candidates chosen for the electorate, and by having the media run by global corporations.

It doesn't fool those who want local government though. The Occupy movement won't die. And don't look for the Tea Party movement to die.

Beware of the day when they realize they have a common enemy though. . . . . Then you will see the Globalists retreat or the secessionist movement will go from a whisper to a clamor.

Oh, just out of curiousity..........what makes you think that the tea party and Occupy- which has been dust for several years now-have anything in common?

They both are rooted in the same complaint, the elites corrupt taxation policy.

At the heart of it, is the income tax of the common man. That is the great swindle. The common man trades his labor for income, there is NO GAIN there, none. The big lie is that the income tax is supposed to only be a tax on INCOME. If you are trading your labor for money, than you don't really HAVE an income, you are trading your labor for money, there is no income, there is only an equal value trade. That money represents a persons labor. The INCOME TAX IS A TAX ON LABOR. So in effect, people are working for the banks. Birth certificates are receipts of sale for slavery to the bankers.

Yet the international banking cartel, via the federal government, STEALS MONEY (which represents the labor) from the common man. It is like stealing a persons labor. When the politicians just GIVE it to corrupt bankers, "to big to fails," their political allies that donate to their campaigns, or any of the other favorite industries, to illegal aliens, to welfare abusers, or pork projects, THEN what is the incentive for people, whether they see themselves as Tea Partiers, or Occupiers, to work, when they know they are just slaves? Eventually there is none. Things become hopeless and eventually, they see secession as the only viable option. And we here that old refrain repeated once again, because the people are NEVER given a real choice, just puppet candidate to choose from. Once again we hear, "NO TAXATION WITH OUT REPRESENTATION." This is what we now have. Does anyone believe that D.C. represents them?

This is no different than what slave owners did to the black man before the civil war. The original Constitution prohibited this sort of abuse. Why should the average citizen tolerate this theft?


There is nothing in common.

What sort of experiment?

I want to know if you become a hard core western/frontier aficionado.

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