Second Amendment Rights

You obviously didn't read what I wrote or you just want to sweep it under the rug as you have done over and again. You haven't responded to those citations so until you do, go piss up a rope as you've already been instructed!

Thank you for those citations. Here is my response to them: It is very nice to know what the federal government considers to be the limits of its powers. I appreciate their opinion, but I disagree, based upon the text of the constitution and my knowledge of the convention and ratification. I offer the possibility that the federal government's opinion may be wrong about the extent of its powers.

Okay so would you say that every law that congress enacts, in order to be legitimate, must be necessary and proper for bringing into execution one of it's specifically enumerated powers?
Given the adamant support for open carry by the 'Conservatives', I really believe that at the GOP Convention, all there should be packing. Make the Convention even more fun to watch.

No argument from me. The more good people who are carrying weapons, the better. I was carrying at our Democrat Caucuses.
How do you know everyone carrying are "good people"?
In the wild west, everyone carried and the last one standing was "good People".

What I do know is that the majority of people out there are good ones. Why in the world would you demand that you disarm the good people (who are the overwhelming majority) while ignoring the bad people who get guns anyway and have shown beyond doubt that they could give a flying fuck for the laws of this land?

Riddle me that batman...

As far as your old west analogy. It is factually incorrect. I suggest you look up the book Gunfighters Highwaymen and Vigilantes. It is a scholarly look at crime in the west as compared to the eastern US. Guess what, violent crime was worse in the east which was supposedly "civilized".
Well, for once I agree with you. The Wild West was not nearly as violent as portrayed. The High Noon showdown happened just once, and that was with Hickok. Other than the range wars in New Mexico, there was not that much shooting. In fact, more people on the wagon trains heading for Oregon and California were killed by accidental gunshot than by Native Americans.
The 2nd amendment does not grant us the right to keep and bare arms, it limits government's ability to infringe on a right that pre-exists, a right that is inalienable.
You obviously didn't read what I wrote or you just want to sweep it under the rug as you have done over and again. You haven't responded to those citations so until you do, go piss up a rope as you've already been instructed!

Thank you for those citations. Here is my response to them: It is very nice to know what the federal government considers to be the limits of its powers. I appreciate their opinion, but I disagree, based upon the text of the constitution and my knowledge of the convention and ratification. I offer the possibility that the federal government's opinion may be wrong about the extent of its powers.

Okay so would you say that every law that congress enacts, in order to be legitimate, must be necessary and proper for bringing into execution one of it's specifically enumerated powers?
You ASS! It is a Supreme Court decision, US v. Comstock (2010). Since you disagree with the law of the land as determined by SCOTUS then you obviously have a huge fucking problem with understanding the Constitution and its proper place under the law. You have not displayed any signs of knowledge of what you claim but rather appear bereft any actual in depth knowledge given you have only displayed OPINIONS.

Further, if your knowledge was as claimed, why don't you comprehend the purpose of the High Court as outlined in Federalist #81, fool! You are a phony, since you put your foot squarely in your mouth by displaying no such knowledge you claimed to possess. Since that is the case and you will still not respond to the points made, you can now go piss up a fucking rope you bloody idiot!

What a waste of oxygen you are!
You ASS! It is a Supreme Court decision, US v. Comstock (2010). Since you disagree with the law of the land as determined by SCOTUS then you obviously have a huge fucking problem with understanding the Constitution and its proper place under the law. You have not displayed any signs of knowledge of what you claim but rather appear bereft any actual in depth knowledge given you have only displayed OPINIONS.

Further, if your knowledge was as claimed, why don't you comprehend the purpose of the High Court as outlined in Federalist #81, fool! You are a phony, since you put your foot squarely in your mouth by displaying no such knowledge you claimed to possess. Since that is the case and you will still not respond to the points made, you can now go piss up a fucking rope you bloody idiot!

What a waste of oxygen you are!

I can see you have a very low opinion of me. Please see my previous post for my response to the points made.

So would you say that every law that congress enacts, in order to be legitimate, must be necessary and proper for bringing into execution one of it's specifically enumerated powers?
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Given the adamant support for open carry by the 'Conservatives', I really believe that at the GOP Convention, all there should be packing. Make the Convention even more fun to watch.

Carry arms, whether openly or carry and conceal are NOT protected by the 2A at all.

We can see this in that the NRA supports carry and conceal permits, if you have a permit, it's not a right, and if the NRA supports it, you know that it's not a right.

In Presser they said it wasn't a right, in Heller the reaffirmed Presser.

There has never, ever been a right to carry arms. Sorry.

The, "bear", part of The 2nd Amendment gives us the right to carry a firearm.

No, it does not.

The meaning of the term "bear arms" means to "render military service" or "militia duty" as stated by the founding fathers.

The Founders never said that.

Yes they did. The fact that you're debating this and you don't know this is pretty bad. The fact that you're disputing this without even knowing is worse.

Amendment II: House of Representatives, Amendments to the Constitution

Try reading this.
Given the adamant support for open carry by the 'Conservatives', I really believe that at the GOP Convention, all there should be packing. Make the Convention even more fun to watch.

Carry arms, whether openly or carry and conceal are NOT protected by the 2A at all.

We can see this in that the NRA supports carry and conceal permits, if you have a permit, it's not a right, and if the NRA supports it, you know that it's not a right.

In Presser they said it wasn't a right, in Heller the reaffirmed Presser.

There has never, ever been a right to carry arms. Sorry.

The, "bear", part of The 2nd Amendment gives us the right to carry a firearm.

No, it does not.

The meaning of the term "bear arms" means to "render military service" or "militia duty" as stated by the founding fathers.

The Founders never said that.

Yes they did. The fact that you're debating this and you don't know this is pretty bad. The fact that you're disputing this without even knowing is worse.

Amendment II: House of Representatives, Amendments to the Constitution

Try reading this.

You should read it as well. Especially this part.....

"Mr. Gerry.--This declaration of rights, I take it, is intended to secure the people against the mal-administration of the Government; if we could suppose that, in all cases, the rights of the people would be attended to, the occasion for guards of this kind would be removed. Now, I am apprehensive, sir, that this clause would give an opportunity to the people in power to destroy the constitution itself. They can declare who are those religiously scrupulous, and prevent them from bearing arms.

What, sir, is the use of a militia? It is to prevent the establishment of a standing army, the bane of liberty.
Given the adamant support for open carry by the 'Conservatives', I really believe that at the GOP Convention, all there should be packing. Make the Convention even more fun to watch.

Carry arms, whether openly or carry and conceal are NOT protected by the 2A at all.

We can see this in that the NRA supports carry and conceal permits, if you have a permit, it's not a right, and if the NRA supports it, you know that it's not a right.

In Presser they said it wasn't a right, in Heller the reaffirmed Presser.

There has never, ever been a right to carry arms. Sorry.

The, "bear", part of The 2nd Amendment gives us the right to carry a firearm.

No, it does not.

The meaning of the term "bear arms" means to "render military service" or "militia duty" as stated by the founding fathers.

The Founders never said that.

Yes they did. The fact that you're debating this and you don't know this is pretty bad. The fact that you're disputing this without even knowing is worse.

Amendment II: House of Representatives, Amendments to the Constitution

Try reading this.

The right to keep and bear arms was never intended to be reserved strictly for members of the military. If that were so, there wouldn't be an amendment in The Bill of Rights guaranteeing the right to keep and bear arms.
Carry arms, whether openly or carry and conceal are NOT protected by the 2A at all.

We can see this in that the NRA supports carry and conceal permits, if you have a permit, it's not a right, and if the NRA supports it, you know that it's not a right.

In Presser they said it wasn't a right, in Heller the reaffirmed Presser.

There has never, ever been a right to carry arms. Sorry.

The, "bear", part of The 2nd Amendment gives us the right to carry a firearm.

No, it does not.

The meaning of the term "bear arms" means to "render military service" or "militia duty" as stated by the founding fathers.

The Founders never said that.

Yes they did. The fact that you're debating this and you don't know this is pretty bad. The fact that you're disputing this without even knowing is worse.

Amendment II: House of Representatives, Amendments to the Constitution

Try reading this.

The right to keep and bear arms was never intended to be reserved strictly for members of the military. If that were so, there wouldn't be an amendment in The Bill of Rights guaranteeing the right to keep and bear arms.

I didn't say it was reserved for the members of the military. All INDIVIDUALS have the right to keep and bear arms.All individuals have the right to own weapons and all individuals have the right to be in the militia.
The, "bear", part of The 2nd Amendment gives us the right to carry a firearm.

No, it does not.

The meaning of the term "bear arms" means to "render military service" or "militia duty" as stated by the founding fathers.

The Founders never said that.

Yes they did. The fact that you're debating this and you don't know this is pretty bad. The fact that you're disputing this without even knowing is worse.

Amendment II: House of Representatives, Amendments to the Constitution

Try reading this.

The right to keep and bear arms was never intended to be reserved strictly for members of the military. If that were so, there wouldn't be an amendment in The Bill of Rights guaranteeing the right to keep and bear arms.

I didn't say it was reserved for the members of the military. All INDIVIDUALS have the right to keep and bear arms.All individuals have the right to own weapons and all individuals have the right to be in the militia.

You contradicted yourself and lied all at the same time.
No, it does not.

The meaning of the term "bear arms" means to "render military service" or "militia duty" as stated by the founding fathers.

The Founders never said that.

Yes they did. The fact that you're debating this and you don't know this is pretty bad. The fact that you're disputing this without even knowing is worse.

Amendment II: House of Representatives, Amendments to the Constitution

Try reading this.

The right to keep and bear arms was never intended to be reserved strictly for members of the military. If that were so, there wouldn't be an amendment in The Bill of Rights guaranteeing the right to keep and bear arms.

I didn't say it was reserved for the members of the military. All INDIVIDUALS have the right to keep and bear arms.All individuals have the right to own weapons and all individuals have the right to be in the militia.

You contradicted yourself and lied all at the same time.

No, I did not.

Just because you don't take the time to understand what I'm talking about, doesn't mean I lied or contradicted myself.

Some people would try and understand what I'm saying, others would simply pass it off like you're doing.

I often wonder why people like you come on forums like this.

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