Second amendment, should felons be allowed to own guns?

depends on the offense. if you were convicted of a violent crime, then no, you shouldn't be allowed to ever own a firearm.

other than that - if you paid yer dues & are no longer on probation/parole, then full rights should be restored.
I know a guy that was in a basketball game, his teammate got shoved, it was a all out brawl, he was getting hit, he swung and knocked a guy out, broke his jaw, judge put him in jail, he’s out now, does he have the right to own a gun? He lives in a dangerous neon.
So he got convicted of a violent crime right?
yes he punched a guy in the face in a brawl at a basketball game
When you become a convict you give up the right to own a gun. Consequences.
but once youve paid your debt you are no longer a convict,,,
Not true. Do you know what convict means? It means you have been convicted of a crime.
doesnt matter cause the 2nd A is clear on the matter,,,and says nothing about if youve committed a crime,,,
It doesnt have to. The law says that. If you think its wrong you need to convince the SC to overturn the law.
yes it does,,,
So why cant ex cons own firearms then?
because democrats and republicans worked together to undermine the constitution,,,
depends on the offense. if you were convicted of a violent crime, then no, you shouldn't be allowed to ever own a firearm.

other than that - if you paid yer dues & are no longer on probation/parole, then full rights should be restored.
I know a guy that was in a basketball game, his teammate got shoved, it was a all out brawl, he was getting hit, he swung and knocked a guy out, broke his jaw, judge put him in jail, he’s out now, does he have the right to own a gun? He lives in a dangerous neon.
So he got convicted of a violent crime right?
yes he punched a guy in the face in a brawl at a basketball game
When you become a convict you give up the right to own a gun. Consequences.
When convicted, the government refuses to allow you to exercise your right to own a gun.
Important difference, IMO.
depends on the offense. if you were convicted of a violent crime, then no, you shouldn't be allowed to ever own a firearm.

other than that - if you paid yer dues & are no longer on probation/parole, then full rights should be restored.
I know a guy that was in a basketball game, his teammate got shoved, it was a all out brawl, he was getting hit, he swung and knocked a guy out, broke his jaw, judge put him in jail, he’s out now, does he have the right to own a gun? He lives in a dangerous neon.
So he got convicted of a violent crime right?
yes he punched a guy in the face in a brawl at a basketball game
When you become a convict you give up the right to own a gun. Consequences.
but once youve paid your debt you are no longer a convict,,,
Not true. Do you know what convict means? It means you have been convicted of a crime.
doesnt matter cause the 2nd A is clear on the matter,,,and says nothing about if youve committed a crime,,,
It doesnt have to. The law says that. If you think its wrong you need to convince the SC to overturn the law.
yes it does,,,
So why cant ex cons own firearms then?
because democrats and republicans worked together to undermine the constitution,,,
So like I said the 2nd doesnt matter then correct? If it did then the SC would say the law was unconstitutional right?
I’m in the city which is over oppressive, my schools were overrun with illegal immigrants and refugees that added no value to my culture. I fell behind the lines made some mistakes should I be allowed to own a gun to protect my self a family?
if you've paid your debt to society then yes you should,,,

but if you choose to fuck up with that gun we will be there to handle it,,,
my Felonise had nothing to do with guns
Did it have something to do with violence?
He cracked a mirror when he looked at it. You have similar experiences I hear, Assfaceias.
I've cracked a couple of jaws on people that required them needing dental work but no....never had to crack a mirror Azzgosh
That joke went right over your empty head and save the tough guy routine, it is pathetic.
depends on the offense. if you were convicted of a violent crime, then no, you shouldn't be allowed to ever own a firearm.

other than that - if you paid yer dues & are no longer on probation/parole, then full rights should be restored.
I know a guy that was in a basketball game, his teammate got shoved, it was a all out brawl, he was getting hit, he swung and knocked a guy out, broke his jaw, judge put him in jail, he’s out now, does he have the right to own a gun? He lives in a dangerous neon.
So he got convicted of a violent crime right?
yes he punched a guy in the face in a brawl at a basketball game
When you become a convict you give up the right to own a gun. Consequences.
When convicted, the government refuses to allow you to exercise your right to own a gun.
Important difference, IMO.
Same thing different words. The net result is you cant have a gun unless your record is expunged.
I’m in the city which is over oppressive, my schools were overrun with illegal immigrants and refugees that added no value to my culture. I fell behind the lines made some mistakes should I be allowed to own a gun to protect my self a family?
if you've paid your debt to society then yes you should,,,

but if you choose to fuck up with that gun we will be there to handle it,,,
my Felonise had nothing to do with guns
Did it have something to do with violence?
He cracked a mirror when he looked at it. You have similar experiences I hear, Assfaceias.
I've cracked a couple of jaws on people that required them needing dental work but no....never had to crack a mirror Azzgosh
That joke went right over your empty head and save the tough guy routine, it is pathetic.
What did I say that intimidated you into thinking I was tough Azzgod?
depends on the offense. if you were convicted of a violent crime, then no, you shouldn't be allowed to ever own a firearm.

other than that - if you paid yer dues & are no longer on probation/parole, then full rights should be restored.
I know a guy that was in a basketball game, his teammate got shoved, it was a all out brawl, he was getting hit, he swung and knocked a guy out, broke his jaw, judge put him in jail, he’s out now, does he have the right to own a gun? He lives in a dangerous neon.
So he got convicted of a violent crime right?
yes he punched a guy in the face in a brawl at a basketball game
When you become a convict you give up the right to own a gun. Consequences.
but once youve paid your debt you are no longer a convict,,,
Not true. Do you know what convict means? It means you have been convicted of a crime.
doesnt matter cause the 2nd A is clear on the matter,,,and says nothing about if youve committed a crime,,,
It doesnt have to. The law says that. If you think its wrong you need to convince the SC to overturn the law.
yes it does,,,
So why cant ex cons own firearms then?
because democrats and republicans worked together to undermine the constitution,,,
So like I said the 2nd doesnt matter then correct? If it did then the SC would say the law was unconstitutional right?
NOPE,,,SC judges are appointed by dems and repubes,,,
I dunno. Jitz started with he made some mistakes that turned into a bunch of felonies with more to come.

And still blaming others.

That points to more than a youthful indiscretion and kind of changes the whole thing.
When you become a convict you give up the right to own a gun.
Only inalienable rights (grants and privileges) can be taken or given or given up.
Unalineabe rights are inherent, therefore not tangible, therefore cannot be given, taken, passed on etc.
They can only be restricted or ignored. The 2nd amendment clearly states: shall not be infringed- there are no caveats in shall not.
So why cant you own a LAW or hell...a nuclear weapon?
Because the people who wish to rule over us all are nervous about that...... as they should be.

(BTW, how do you know I don't have anything like that? ;) )
depends on the offense. if you were convicted of a violent crime, then no, you shouldn't be allowed to ever own a firearm.

other than that - if you paid yer dues & are no longer on probation/parole, then full rights should be restored.
I know a guy that was in a basketball game, his teammate got shoved, it was a all out brawl, he was getting hit, he swung and knocked a guy out, broke his jaw, judge put him in jail, he’s out now, does he have the right to own a gun? He lives in a dangerous neon.
So he got convicted of a violent crime right?
yes he punched a guy in the face in a brawl at a basketball game
When you become a convict you give up the right to own a gun. Consequences.
but once youve paid your debt you are no longer a convict,,,
Not true. Do you know what convict means? It means you have been convicted of a crime.
doesnt matter cause the 2nd A is clear on the matter,,,and says nothing about if youve committed a crime,,,
It doesnt have to. The law says that. If you think its wrong you need to convince the SC to overturn the law.
yes it does,,,
So why cant ex cons own firearms then?
because democrats and republicans worked together to undermine the constitution,,,
So like I said the 2nd doesnt matter then correct? If it did then the SC would say the law was unconstitutional right?
NOPE,,,SC judges are appointed by dems and repubes,,,
So if you get caught with a gun as a ex con do you think thats going to help you in court?
P.S. Lots of weapons you can legally defend your home & family with...hammer, heavy chain, baseball bat, pepper spray, caltrops, circular saw blade, fish hooks hanging from the ceiling...

My front door is locked for YOUR protection...not mine!

I pity da foo who is dumb enough to break into my house!

View attachment 327484
Yeah use a hammer on a guy at 2am who has come in through another window armed with a pistol. The loser is??????
The guy coming through the window while I have a hammer.
Will do you real good if he pops off a few rounds into you while you get ready to swing..and the loser is????
Hows he going to do that before I cave his head in with a hammer? You just said he was coming through a window right? You think I'm just going to stand there until he gets situated?

I recommend the claw , of course.
I'm a ball peen guy, myself.
When you become a convict you give up the right to own a gun.
Only inalienable rights (grants and privileges) can be taken or given or given up.
Unalineabe rights are inherent, therefore not tangible, therefore cannot be given, taken, passed on etc.
They can only be restricted or ignored. The 2nd amendment clearly states: shall not be infringed- there are no caveats in shall not.
So why cant you own a LAW or hell...a nuclear weapon?
Because the people who wish to rule over us all are nervous about that...... as they should be.

(BTW, how do you know I don't have anything like that? ;) )
You do realize the people that wrote the constitution wanted to rule over you too right? Matter of fact they didnt want working stiffs to vote.

If you had something like that I would be talking to a convict or a bunker dweller.
When you become a convict you give up the right to own a gun.
Only inalienable rights (grants and privileges) can be taken or given or given up.
Unalineabe rights are inherent, therefore not tangible, therefore cannot be given, taken, passed on etc.
They can only be restricted or ignored. The 2nd amendment clearly states: shall not be infringed- there are no caveats in shall not.
So why cant you own a LAW or hell...a nuclear weapon?
do you think those that do own nukes should have them????
Nothing in history more murderous than government, and yet there are still people who think they should decide who is armed and empowered? :rolleyes:
When you become a convict you give up the right to own a gun.
Only inalienable rights (grants and privileges) can be taken or given or given up.
Unalineabe rights are inherent, therefore not tangible, therefore cannot be given, taken, passed on etc.
They can only be restricted or ignored. The 2nd amendment clearly states: shall not be infringed- there are no caveats in shall not.
So why cant you own a LAW or hell...a nuclear weapon?
do you think those that do own nukes should have them????
Nothing in history more murderous than government, and yet there are still people who think they should decide who is armed and empowered? :rolleyes:
You voted those people into power. You made that decision.
You do realize the people that wrote the constitution wanted to rule over you too right?
Some did, some didn't. Hence the Bill of Rights, which were, BTW, agreed to- the 2nd amendment is number 2 on the list. There are no caveats in shall not be infringed-
I’m in the city which is over oppressive, my schools were overrun with illegal immigrants and refugees that added no value to my culture. I fell behind the lines made some mistakes should I be allowed to own a gun to protect my self a family?
Could felons then vote as well?

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