Secular families are ethical families

You asked when Amalek first appeared. I said as much, with the quote. You claimed the Amalekites we're animal fuckers, I pointed out the only reference to that. You insist there is a biblical reference, but haven't offered it - imagine that. Methinks me smells the distinct odor of bullshit. You asked where Amalek was from. I told you, and even told you who his parents were. Meanwhile you have yet to justify the genocide called for in your vaunted scriptures.

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First you Linked to the Amalek reference that was irreverent until I corrected you.
And now to show what an ignoramus you are in regards to the bestiality context...
Leviticus 18 / Hebrew - English Bible / Mechon-Mamre
Read it, especially verse 23, and eat sh!t, you phony.
These verses describe why God wants the nations of Canaan gone or dead...they were pure evil.
Hey, dipshit. That was just a command not to do it. It doesn't even mention the Amalekites, let alone say they we're doing it. So suck on that you phony ass fuck.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
You asked when Amalek first appeared. I said as much, with the quote. You claimed the Amalekites we're animal fuckers, I pointed out the only reference to that. You insist there is a biblical reference, but haven't offered it - imagine that. Methinks me smells the distinct odor of bullshit. You asked where Amalek was from. I told you, and even told you who his parents were. Meanwhile you have yet to justify the genocide called for in your vaunted scriptures.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

First you Linked to the Amalek reference that was irreverent until I corrected you.
And now to show what an ignoramus you are in regards to the bestiality context...
Leviticus 18 / Hebrew - English Bible / Mechon-Mamre
Read it, especially verse 23, and eat sh!t, you phony.
These verses describe why God wants the nations of Canaan gone or dead...they were pure evil.
Hey, dipshit. That was just a command not to do it. It doesn't even mention the Amalekites, let alone say they we're doing it. So suck on that you phony ass fuck.

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The context, as you know full well, is EVERY nation in the Land of Canaan...The nation of Amalek is amongst them.
I know too much Torah; you can't pull any garbage on me.
You asked when Amalek first appeared. I said as much, with the quote. You claimed the Amalekites we're animal fuckers, I pointed out the only reference to that. You insist there is a biblical reference, but haven't offered it - imagine that. Methinks me smells the distinct odor of bullshit. You asked where Amalek was from. I told you, and even told you who his parents were. Meanwhile you have yet to justify the genocide called for in your vaunted scriptures.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

First you Linked to the Amalek reference that was irreverent until I corrected you.
And now to show what an ignoramus you are in regards to the bestiality context...
Leviticus 18 / Hebrew - English Bible / Mechon-Mamre
Read it, especially verse 23, and eat sh!t, you phony.
These verses describe why God wants the nations of Canaan gone or dead...they were pure evil.

After re-reading, that's an awfully big stretch. So, your saying that the Amalekites literally went down the entire laundry list of every single thing that God doesn't like, and said, as a race of people, yeah, let's do that?

You are, literally, the first person I have ever heard tie verse two of chapter 18 to every command that followed thereafter.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
You asked when Amalek first appeared. I said as much, with the quote. You claimed the Amalekites we're animal fuckers, I pointed out the only reference to that. You insist there is a biblical reference, but haven't offered it - imagine that. Methinks me smells the distinct odor of bullshit. You asked where Amalek was from. I told you, and even told you who his parents were. Meanwhile you have yet to justify the genocide called for in your vaunted scriptures.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

First you Linked to the Amalek reference that was irreverent until I corrected you.
And now to show what an ignoramus you are in regards to the bestiality context...
Leviticus 18 / Hebrew - English Bible / Mechon-Mamre
Read it, especially verse 23, and eat sh!t, you phony.
These verses describe why God wants the nations of Canaan gone or dead...they were pure evil.

After re-reading, that's an awfully big stretch. So, your saying that the Amalekites literally went down the entire laundry list of every single thing that God doesn't like, and said, as a race of people, yeah, let's do that?

You are, literally, the first person I have ever heard tie verse two of chapter 18 to every command that followed thereafter.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
No stretch al all...God was acting as prosecuting attorney and explaining to the Children of Israel why they would have to exterminate the inhabitants of the land.
Do you actually think of bunch of Chassidim are going to exterminate millions of people without being commanded to do so by God?
God had to convince the Jews of the righteousness of eliminating evil.
You asked when Amalek first appeared. I said as much, with the quote. You claimed the Amalekites we're animal fuckers, I pointed out the only reference to that. You insist there is a biblical reference, but haven't offered it - imagine that. Methinks me smells the distinct odor of bullshit. You asked where Amalek was from. I told you, and even told you who his parents were. Meanwhile you have yet to justify the genocide called for in your vaunted scriptures.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

First you Linked to the Amalek reference that was irreverent until I corrected you.
And now to show what an ignoramus you are in regards to the bestiality context...
Leviticus 18 / Hebrew - English Bible / Mechon-Mamre
Read it, especially verse 23, and eat sh!t, you phony.
These verses describe why God wants the nations of Canaan gone or dead...they were pure evil.
Hey, dipshit. That was just a command not to do it. It doesn't even mention the Amalekites, let alone say they we're doing it. So suck on that you phony ass fuck.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Phony ass fuck? That's pretty rich coming from an online troll who pretends he went to seminary school and has a PhD is psychiatry. You are the biggest phony here. You are being schooled by Indeependent. Take it like a man.
You asked when Amalek first appeared. I said as much, with the quote. You claimed the Amalekites we're animal fuckers, I pointed out the only reference to that. You insist there is a biblical reference, but haven't offered it - imagine that. Methinks me smells the distinct odor of bullshit. You asked where Amalek was from. I told you, and even told you who his parents were. Meanwhile you have yet to justify the genocide called for in your vaunted scriptures.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

First you Linked to the Amalek reference that was irreverent until I corrected you.
And now to show what an ignoramus you are in regards to the bestiality context...
Leviticus 18 / Hebrew - English Bible / Mechon-Mamre
Read it, especially verse 23, and eat sh!t, you phony.
These verses describe why God wants the nations of Canaan gone or dead...they were pure evil.

After re-reading, that's an awfully big stretch. So, your saying that the Amalekites literally went down the entire laundry list of every single thing that God doesn't like, and said, as a race of people, yeah, let's do that?

You are, literally, the first person I have ever heard tie verse two of chapter 18 to every command that followed thereafter.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
I've been trying to tell you that you would not be expected to understand the faith of another better than that person. What did you think I meant by that?
The Amalek question requires research if you don't know your the research.
If you say so. I personal don't care. Genocide. That was what your God ordered. You see, I don't care what a person did. I will not kill his children for it. {Period. And when your God tells me to, then your God is a sociopath, and can fuck off.

So God tells Moshe to eradicate a series of genocidal nations and you don't care?
Either you're a sociopath or so empathic that you would allow Hitler to live.
In either case, it's obvious you lied about your knowledge of Scripture which leads us to question anything you have to say about anything.
Except God didn't say to kill Hitler. He said Kill Hitler, and. Every. Single. German. Alive. Including the children. That's a little different, dontcha think?

If you study generations of a people and find the inexplicitly bad overwhelms the good, you allow the bad to continue committing genocide.
Heck, for all you know, your ancestors might have been exterminated by these nations.
And nothing you ever post will occlude the fact that you lied about your knowledge of Scripture.
Like I said, you can attempt to justify it, any way you like, I, for one, will not take moral, and ethical advice from anyone who can justify, and is okay with genocide. And that's rich. I'm being lectured abouy "lying about scripture" from the person who is condoning genocide.
Did they actually do it? No. They didn't. Seems like they may have made a mistake.
You asked when Amalek first appeared. I said as much, with the quote. You claimed the Amalekites we're animal fuckers, I pointed out the only reference to that. You insist there is a biblical reference, but haven't offered it - imagine that. Methinks me smells the distinct odor of bullshit. You asked where Amalek was from. I told you, and even told you who his parents were. Meanwhile you have yet to justify the genocide called for in your vaunted scriptures.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

First you Linked to the Amalek reference that was irreverent until I corrected you.
And now to show what an ignoramus you are in regards to the bestiality context...
Leviticus 18 / Hebrew - English Bible / Mechon-Mamre
Read it, especially verse 23, and eat sh!t, you phony.
These verses describe why God wants the nations of Canaan gone or dead...they were pure evil.

After re-reading, that's an awfully big stretch. So, your saying that the Amalekites literally went down the entire laundry list of every single thing that God doesn't like, and said, as a race of people, yeah, let's do that?

You are, literally, the first person I have ever heard tie verse two of chapter 18 to every command that followed thereafter.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
I've been trying to tell you that you would not be expected to understand the faith of another better than that person. What did you think I meant by that?

If cz really wants a spanking, he should read Job (Iyov), which crushes every anti-theist philosophy into useless dust.
You asked when Amalek first appeared. I said as much, with the quote. You claimed the Amalekites we're animal fuckers, I pointed out the only reference to that. You insist there is a biblical reference, but haven't offered it - imagine that. Methinks me smells the distinct odor of bullshit. You asked where Amalek was from. I told you, and even told you who his parents were. Meanwhile you have yet to justify the genocide called for in your vaunted scriptures.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

First you Linked to the Amalek reference that was irreverent until I corrected you.
And now to show what an ignoramus you are in regards to the bestiality context...
Leviticus 18 / Hebrew - English Bible / Mechon-Mamre
Read it, especially verse 23, and eat sh!t, you phony.
These verses describe why God wants the nations of Canaan gone or dead...they were pure evil.

You are, literally, the first person I have ever heard tie verse two of chapter 18 to every command that followed thereafter.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

I actually just caught this last line.
You know why I'm the first person?
Because you only associate with like minded people who know zero about Scripture.
If cz really wants a spanking, he should read Job (Iyov), which crushes every anti-theist philosophy into useless dust.

Just read it. Doesn't crush anything.
I presume you read some bland, poorly translated version.

The Malbim on Iyov; The Search for Faith and Meaning; An English Translation of the Malbim's Classic Commentary on the Book of Job: Herbert Weisberg and Yosef Y. Kazarnovsky: 9789657552032: Books
If you read this and remain an atheist you are a moron.
Thank you. This is an excellent read. And yes, it does crush it.

Introduction •
If cz really wants a spanking, he should read Job (Iyov), which crushes every anti-theist philosophy into useless dust.

Just read it. Doesn't crush anything.
I presume you read some bland, poorly translated version.

The Malbim on Iyov; The Search for Faith and Meaning; An English Translation of the Malbim's Classic Commentary on the Book of Job: Herbert Weisberg and Yosef Y. Kazarnovsky: 9789657552032: Books
If you read this and remain an atheist you are a moron.
Thank you. This is an excellent read. And yes, it does crush it.

Introduction •

An amazingly erudite site..
I have the 5 Books of Moshe by

These books are so amazing I had my son buy 3 of them for my birthday.

So a rabbi gives us his opinion on Job. Big deal. Doesn't mean god exists. Philosophers from all facets of times have given magnificent insights into the world and gods etc. I think if you believe in a god you're an idiot.

So you admit you haven't read a proper translation and in context treatment of Iyov.
That's a start.

I also admire atheists for admitting they think everyone else is an idiot when they nothing about what they're criticizing.
The attitude convinces me that atheists don't even know anything what they believe in.
Most criminals, most prison inmates and most domestic self-identify before and after they're caught as christians.

Never ever turn your back on someone who tells you they are christian. To get an idea of how low down criminal and cruel those who SAY they are christian, just read this board. REAL Christians don't have to be loud mouth braggarts. They simply behave as Jesus taught.

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Most criminals, most prison inmates and most domestic self-identify before and after they're caught as christians.

Never ever turn your back on someone who tells you they are christian. To get an idea of how low down criminal and cruel those who SAY they are christian, just read this board. REAL Christians don't have to be loud mouth braggarts. They simply behave as Jesus taught.

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Selfishness and hypocrisy have no religion.
So you admit you haven't read a proper translation and in context treatment of Iyov.
That's a start.

I also admire atheists for admitting they think everyone else is an idiot when they nothing about what they're criticizing.
The attitude convinces me that atheists don't even know anything what they believe in.

I know plenty about the bible. I used to be a believer.
I read Ding's link: "Our Sages reveal to us that ultimately there is an approach which can help us constructively accept our own misfortunes and suffering, however they make it clear that no absolute solution is available. Let us be patient in our investigations and all the more so in our conclusions. Let us have the humility and integrity to recognize and accept our own human limitations. After all, we have not the prophetic powers of Moshe nor the wisdom of Solomon and even they could not uncover the answer. It is crucial to realize that our limitations in understanding does not mean that suffering is without reason or plan. Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzato explains in his book Daas Tevunos that part of our reward in the world to come will be that G-d will reveal to us the meaning of every bit of pain and suffering that we experienced in our life times."

IOW, "we have no idea either, but we believe. and so should you"
To which I say, "good on ya"..
Well, well. It looks like religion really isn't necessary to raise ethical children. According to an article for the LA Times, Vern L Bengtson, a professor at USC who has been doing a generational longitudinal study of families, has added secular families to his studies in recent years, when he discovered that non-religious demographics were growing. His findings are quite enlightening:

Many non-religious parents were more coherent and passionate about their ethical principles than some of the ‘religious’ parents in our study. The vast majority appeared to live goal-filled lives characterised by moral direction and sense of life having a purpose.

...non-religious family life is replete with its own sustaining moral values and enriching ethical precepts. Chief among those: rational problem solving, personal autonomy, independence of thought, avoidance of corporal punishment, a spirit of ‘questioning everything’ and, far above all, empathy.

For secular people, morality is predicated on one simple principle: empathetic reciprocity, widely known as the Golden Rule. Treating other people as you would like to be treated. It is an ancient, universal ethical imperative. And it requires no supernatural beliefs.

The results of such secular child-rearing are encouraging. Studies have found that secular teenagers are far less likely to care what the ‘cool kids’ think, or express a need to fit in with them, than their religious peers. When these teens mature into ‘godless’ adults, they exhibit less racism than their religious counterparts, according to a 2010 Duke University study. Many psychological studies show that secular grownups tend to be less vengeful, less nationalistic, less militaristic, less authoritarian and more tolerant, on average, than religious adults.

So, it seems that we finally have actual data to dispel the myth that religion is necessary in order to instill ethical moral decision-making skills.
A Moral compass and ethics are two different things.
What's their moral compass and what is their set of ethics regarding the various issues in their lives?

Since "Christians" will tell you they are 'not perfect, just forgiven', they believe they can lie, cheat, steal, kill, rape and on and on. Then, because they believe they will still go to heaven, they can do it all over again tomorrow and just get forgiven again. And again ...

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