Secular families are ethical families

If you study generations of a people and find the inexplicitly bad overwhelms the good, you allow the bad to continue committing genocide.
Heck, for all you know, your ancestors might have been exterminated by these nations.
And nothing you ever post will occlude the fact that you lied about your knowledge of Scripture.
Like I said, you can attempt to justify it, any way you like, I, for one, will not take moral, and ethical advice from anyone who can justify, and is okay with genocide. And that's rich. I'm being lectured abouyt "lying about scripture'[ from the person who is condoning genocide.
I apologize to my fan base for letting my request of you slip by.
You have not explained the relationship between the genocidal nation of Amalek and the Children of Israel.
Next I will ask you to explain why the Canaanite nations had to be expelled or annihilated.

I simply wish to learn Scripture from a self-professed expert in the field.
Like I said, I don't care what your justification is. Genocide is never okay. And I do not need to take moral/ethical advice from anyone who thinks it is. I mean, for fuck's sake! The cows?!?! The fucking cows?!?!
The Cannanite nations had sex with cows.
Oh, that's right, you don't know that.
Bullshit. The Baal Cycle is metaphor. Unless you're going to tell me that the cows also had offspring! Or did you forget the line "[She conceiv]es and bears a boy."

So, either that was metaphor, or the Amalekites were doing something that no other human race has done since in human history, and conceiving offspring g with animals. What a unique, amazing fucking race of human beings!

And that Ugaritic poem is the only place that reference is made. Wanna try again?

So now you clicked on Anti-God Metaphors!!!
They were committing bestiality, you moron, they weren't having sex with cows to have children.
Damn, you Atheists are so stupid an pig headed.
Like I said, you can attempt to justify it, any way you like, I, for one, will not take moral, and ethical advice from anyone who can justify, and is okay with genocide. And that's rich. I'm being lectured abouyt "lying about scripture'[ from the person who is condoning genocide.
I apologize to my fan base for letting my request of you slip by.
You have not explained the relationship between the genocidal nation of Amalek and the Children of Israel.
Next I will ask you to explain why the Canaanite nations had to be expelled or annihilated.

I simply wish to learn Scripture from a self-professed expert in the field.
Like I said, I don't care what your justification is. Genocide is never okay. And I do not need to take moral/ethical advice from anyone who thinks it is. I mean, for fuck's sake! The cows?!?! The fucking cows?!?!
Admit you don't know Scripture and I'll stop harping on this.
I( admit no such thing, and you can harp all day long. You support genocide, so your moral compass is questionable.
I don't support genocide, you do.
I know, you can't fathom the verses.
You know, like, "wipe out those genocidal nations".
Yeah, I'm sure those cows were vicious...

And we all know what homicidal maniacs infants can be...
I apologize to my fan base for letting my request of you slip by.
You have not explained the relationship between the genocidal nation of Amalek and the Children of Israel.
Next I will ask you to explain why the Canaanite nations had to be expelled or annihilated.

I simply wish to learn Scripture from a self-professed expert in the field.
Like I said, I don't care what your justification is. Genocide is never okay. And I do not need to take moral/ethical advice from anyone who thinks it is. I mean, for fuck's sake! The cows?!?! The fucking cows?!?!
Admit you don't know Scripture and I'll stop harping on this.
I( admit no such thing, and you can harp all day long. You support genocide, so your moral compass is questionable.
I don't support genocide, you do.
I know, you can't fathom the verses.
You know, like, "wipe out those genocidal nations".
Oh. I'm sorry. YOU don't support genocide. You just support the religious text honouring the God who orders genocide. That is so much better...

And you claim that text as your "moral compass". That's reassuring...
If I was in the military and the commander gave me an order I would follow that order.
Especially if the commander explained why I had to eradicate the enemy.
Like I said, you can attempt to justify it, any way you like, I, for one, will not take moral, and ethical advice from anyone who can justify, and is okay with genocide. And that's rich. I'm being lectured abouyt "lying about scripture'[ from the person who is condoning genocide.
I apologize to my fan base for letting my request of you slip by.
You have not explained the relationship between the genocidal nation of Amalek and the Children of Israel.
Next I will ask you to explain why the Canaanite nations had to be expelled or annihilated.

I simply wish to learn Scripture from a self-professed expert in the field.
Like I said, I don't care what your justification is. Genocide is never okay. And I do not need to take moral/ethical advice from anyone who thinks it is. I mean, for fuck's sake! The cows?!?! The fucking cows?!?!
The Cannanite nations had sex with cows.
Oh, that's right, you don't know that.
Bullshit. The Baal Cycle is metaphor. Unless you're going to tell me that the cows also had offspring! Or did you forget the line "[She conceiv]es and bears a boy."

So, either that was metaphor, or the Amalekites were doing something that no other human race has done since in human history, and conceiving offspring g with animals. What a unique, amazing fucking race of human beings!

And that Ugaritic poem is the only place that reference is made. Wanna try again?

So now you clicked on Anti-God Metaphors!!!
They were committing bestiality, you moron, they weren't having sex with cows to have children.
Damn, you Atheists are so stupid an pig headed.
Says who, dumbass?!?! Not your scripture! The only place you find a reference to having sex with cows is in the Baal Cycle:

"Mightiest Baal hears; He makes love with a heifer in the outback, A cow in the field of Death’s Realm."

But, again, unless you want to explain the next line, it. is. A Metaphor!!! Because the next line reads:

"He lies with her seventy times seven, Mounts eighty times eight; [She conceiv]es and bears a boy."

So, apparently they were fucking the shit out of the cows, and the cows were bearing children! Holy shit! How the hell does that work!?!?!

And here's an even better one for you. Baal is a Canaanite God. Do you know what one of the Celtic Gods did? He fucked his own daughter, in order to give birth to his own prophesied grandson. Do you know what the Celts still held as taboo? Fucking incest!!! Just because a God did it, in a cultures mythology, doesn't mean the people did it. Sorry, Slick. You are reading a whole lot into a couple of lines from one Epic poem.
I apologize to my fan base for letting my request of you slip by.
You have not explained the relationship between the genocidal nation of Amalek and the Children of Israel.
Next I will ask you to explain why the Canaanite nations had to be expelled or annihilated.

I simply wish to learn Scripture from a self-professed expert in the field.
Like I said, I don't care what your justification is. Genocide is never okay. And I do not need to take moral/ethical advice from anyone who thinks it is. I mean, for fuck's sake! The cows?!?! The fucking cows?!?!
The Cannanite nations had sex with cows.
Oh, that's right, you don't know that.
Bullshit. The Baal Cycle is metaphor. Unless you're going to tell me that the cows also had offspring! Or did you forget the line "[She conceiv]es and bears a boy."

So, either that was metaphor, or the Amalekites were doing something that no other human race has done since in human history, and conceiving offspring g with animals. What a unique, amazing fucking race of human beings!

And that Ugaritic poem is the only place that reference is made. Wanna try again?

So now you clicked on Anti-God Metaphors!!!
They were committing bestiality, you moron, they weren't having sex with cows to have children.
Damn, you Atheists are so stupid an pig headed.
Says who, dumbass?!?! Not your scripture! The only place you find a reference to having sex with cows is in the Baal Cycle:

"Mightiest Baal hears; He makes love with a heifer in the outback, A cow in the field of Death’s Realm."

But, again, unless you want to explain the next line, it. is. A Metaphor!!! Because the next line reads:

"He lies with her seventy times seven, Mounts eighty times eight; [She conceiv]es and bears a boy."

So, apparently they were fucking the shit out of the cows, and the cows were bearing children! Holy shit! How the hell does that work!?!?!

And here's an even better one for you. Baal is a Canaanite God. Do you know what one of the Celtic Gods did? He fucked his own daughter, in order to give birth to his own prophesied grandson. Do you know what the Celts still held as taboo? Fucking incest!!! Just because a God did it, in a cultures mythology, doesn't mean the people did it. Sorry, Slick. You are reading a whole lot into a couple of lines from one Epic poem.
So once again you are proving your anti-God site doesn't know where this verse is.
It's there, look again.
And once again you are proving you know nothing.
Like I said, I don't care what your justification is. Genocide is never okay. And I do not need to take moral/ethical advice from anyone who thinks it is. I mean, for fuck's sake! The cows?!?! The fucking cows?!?!
Admit you don't know Scripture and I'll stop harping on this.
I( admit no such thing, and you can harp all day long. You support genocide, so your moral compass is questionable.
I don't support genocide, you do.
I know, you can't fathom the verses.
You know, like, "wipe out those genocidal nations".
Oh. I'm sorry. YOU don't support genocide. You just support the religious text honouring the God who orders genocide. That is so much better...

And you claim that text as your "moral compass". That's reassuring...
If I was in the military and the commander gave me an order I would follow that order.
Especially if the commander explained why I had to eradicate the enemy.
Yeah. "I was just following orders". Those are brilliant justifications for monstrous behaviour...said no one ever.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Like I said, I don't care what your justification is. Genocide is never okay. And I do not need to take moral/ethical advice from anyone who thinks it is. I mean, for fuck's sake! The cows?!?! The fucking cows?!?!
The Cannanite nations had sex with cows.
Oh, that's right, you don't know that.
Bullshit. The Baal Cycle is metaphor. Unless you're going to tell me that the cows also had offspring! Or did you forget the line "[She conceiv]es and bears a boy."

So, either that was metaphor, or the Amalekites were doing something that no other human race has done since in human history, and conceiving offspring g with animals. What a unique, amazing fucking race of human beings!

And that Ugaritic poem is the only place that reference is made. Wanna try again?

So now you clicked on Anti-God Metaphors!!!
They were committing bestiality, you moron, they weren't having sex with cows to have children.
Damn, you Atheists are so stupid an pig headed.
Says who, dumbass?!?! Not your scripture! The only place you find a reference to having sex with cows is in the Baal Cycle:

"Mightiest Baal hears; He makes love with a heifer in the outback, A cow in the field of Death’s Realm."

But, again, unless you want to explain the next line, it. is. A Metaphor!!! Because the next line reads:

"He lies with her seventy times seven, Mounts eighty times eight; [She conceiv]es and bears a boy."

So, apparently they were fucking the shit out of the cows, and the cows were bearing children! Holy shit! How the hell does that work!?!?!

And here's an even better one for you. Baal is a Canaanite God. Do you know what one of the Celtic Gods did? He fucked his own daughter, in order to give birth to his own prophesied grandson. Do you know what the Celts still held as taboo? Fucking incest!!! Just because a God did it, in a cultures mythology, doesn't mean the people did it. Sorry, Slick. You are reading a whole lot into a couple of lines from one Epic poem.
So once again you are proving your anti-God site doesn't know where this verse is.
It's there, look again.
And once again you are proving you know nothing.
Says the Jew who supports genocide. Oh, the irony.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
The Cannanite nations had sex with cows.
Oh, that's right, you don't know that.
Bullshit. The Baal Cycle is metaphor. Unless you're going to tell me that the cows also had offspring! Or did you forget the line "[She conceiv]es and bears a boy."

So, either that was metaphor, or the Amalekites were doing something that no other human race has done since in human history, and conceiving offspring g with animals. What a unique, amazing fucking race of human beings!

And that Ugaritic poem is the only place that reference is made. Wanna try again?

So now you clicked on Anti-God Metaphors!!!
They were committing bestiality, you moron, they weren't having sex with cows to have children.
Damn, you Atheists are so stupid an pig headed.
Says who, dumbass?!?! Not your scripture! The only place you find a reference to having sex with cows is in the Baal Cycle:

"Mightiest Baal hears; He makes love with a heifer in the outback, A cow in the field of Death’s Realm."

But, again, unless you want to explain the next line, it. is. A Metaphor!!! Because the next line reads:

"He lies with her seventy times seven, Mounts eighty times eight; [She conceiv]es and bears a boy."

So, apparently they were fucking the shit out of the cows, and the cows were bearing children! Holy shit! How the hell does that work!?!?!

And here's an even better one for you. Baal is a Canaanite God. Do you know what one of the Celtic Gods did? He fucked his own daughter, in order to give birth to his own prophesied grandson. Do you know what the Celts still held as taboo? Fucking incest!!! Just because a God did it, in a cultures mythology, doesn't mean the people did it. Sorry, Slick. You are reading a whole lot into a couple of lines from one Epic poem.
So once again you are proving your anti-God site doesn't know where this verse is.
It's there, look again.
And once again you are proving you know nothing.
Says the Jew who supports genocide. Oh, the irony.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Says you who...
[1] Supports genocide.
[2] Can't answer the simplest questions even though you are a self-professed expert in Scripture.

Now admit you lied about your expertise in Scripture.
But I forget, atheists have no humility.
Bullshit. The Baal Cycle is metaphor. Unless you're going to tell me that the cows also had offspring! Or did you forget the line "[She conceiv]es and bears a boy."

So, either that was metaphor, or the Amalekites were doing something that no other human race has done since in human history, and conceiving offspring g with animals. What a unique, amazing fucking race of human beings!

And that Ugaritic poem is the only place that reference is made. Wanna try again?

So now you clicked on Anti-God Metaphors!!!
They were committing bestiality, you moron, they weren't having sex with cows to have children.
Damn, you Atheists are so stupid an pig headed.
Says who, dumbass?!?! Not your scripture! The only place you find a reference to having sex with cows is in the Baal Cycle:

"Mightiest Baal hears; He makes love with a heifer in the outback, A cow in the field of Death’s Realm."

But, again, unless you want to explain the next line, it. is. A Metaphor!!! Because the next line reads:

"He lies with her seventy times seven, Mounts eighty times eight; [She conceiv]es and bears a boy."

So, apparently they were fucking the shit out of the cows, and the cows were bearing children! Holy shit! How the hell does that work!?!?!

And here's an even better one for you. Baal is a Canaanite God. Do you know what one of the Celtic Gods did? He fucked his own daughter, in order to give birth to his own prophesied grandson. Do you know what the Celts still held as taboo? Fucking incest!!! Just because a God did it, in a cultures mythology, doesn't mean the people did it. Sorry, Slick. You are reading a whole lot into a couple of lines from one Epic poem.
So once again you are proving your anti-God site doesn't know where this verse is.
It's there, look again.
And once again you are proving you know nothing.
Says the Jew who supports genocide. Oh, the irony.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Says you who...
1Supports genocide.[\quote]
Nope. That would be your God, who ordered it.
2 Can't answer the simplest questions even though you are a self-professed expert in Scripture.
Nope. I answered every question. You claim I'm wrong, but can't seem to provide scripture supporting it.

Now admit you lied about your expertise in Scripture.
But I forget, atheists have no humility.
I admit nothing except that you are a liar who refuses to admit that you support a god who orders genocide, even though he clearly does so in the very scriptures you hold so dear.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
So now you clicked on Anti-God Metaphors!!!
They were committing bestiality, you moron, they weren't having sex with cows to have children.
Damn, you Atheists are so stupid an pig headed.
Says who, dumbass?!?! Not your scripture! The only place you find a reference to having sex with cows is in the Baal Cycle:

"Mightiest Baal hears; He makes love with a heifer in the outback, A cow in the field of Death’s Realm."

But, again, unless you want to explain the next line, it. is. A Metaphor!!! Because the next line reads:

"He lies with her seventy times seven, Mounts eighty times eight; [She conceiv]es and bears a boy."

So, apparently they were fucking the shit out of the cows, and the cows were bearing children! Holy shit! How the hell does that work!?!?!

And here's an even better one for you. Baal is a Canaanite God. Do you know what one of the Celtic Gods did? He fucked his own daughter, in order to give birth to his own prophesied grandson. Do you know what the Celts still held as taboo? Fucking incest!!! Just because a God did it, in a cultures mythology, doesn't mean the people did it. Sorry, Slick. You are reading a whole lot into a couple of lines from one Epic poem.
So once again you are proving your anti-God site doesn't know where this verse is.
It's there, look again.
And once again you are proving you know nothing.
Says the Jew who supports genocide. Oh, the irony.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Says you who...
[1] Supports genocide.[\quote]
Nope. That would be your God, who ordered it.
[2] Can't answer the simplest questions even though you are a self-professed expert in Scripture.
Nope. I answered every question. You claim I'm wrong, but can't seem to provide scripture supporting it.

Now admit you lied about your expertise in Scripture.
But I forget, atheists have no humility.
I admit nothing except that you are a liar who refuses to admit that you support a god who orders genocide, even though he clearly does so in the very scriptures you hold so dear.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

I'm enjoying toying with you.
You present yourself as some expert on existence and can't answer the simplest questions posed to you on a subject that's missing from your God hating websites.
And thank The Lord you're not in the US Military.
Says who, dumbass?!?! Not your scripture! The only place you find a reference to having sex with cows is in the Baal Cycle:

"Mightiest Baal hears; He makes love with a heifer in the outback, A cow in the field of Death’s Realm."

But, again, unless you want to explain the next line, it. is. A Metaphor!!! Because the next line reads:

"He lies with her seventy times seven, Mounts eighty times eight; [She conceiv]es and bears a boy."

So, apparently they were fucking the shit out of the cows, and the cows were bearing children! Holy shit! How the hell does that work!?!?!

And here's an even better one for you. Baal is a Canaanite God. Do you know what one of the Celtic Gods did? He fucked his own daughter, in order to give birth to his own prophesied grandson. Do you know what the Celts still held as taboo? Fucking incest!!! Just because a God did it, in a cultures mythology, doesn't mean the people did it. Sorry, Slick. You are reading a whole lot into a couple of lines from one Epic poem.
So once again you are proving your anti-God site doesn't know where this verse is.
It's there, look again.
And once again you are proving you know nothing.
Says the Jew who supports genocide. Oh, the irony.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Says you who...
[1] Supports genocide.[\quote]
Nope. That would be your God, who ordered it.
[2] Can't answer the simplest questions even though you are a self-professed expert in Scripture.
Nope. I answered every question. You claim I'm wrong, but can't seem to provide scripture supporting it.

Now admit you lied about your expertise in Scripture.
But I forget, atheists have no humility.
I admit nothing except that you are a liar who refuses to admit that you support a god who orders genocide, even though he clearly does so in the very scriptures you hold so dear.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

I'm enjoying toying with you.
You present yourself as some expert on existence and can't answer the simplest questions posed to you on a subject that's missing from your God hating websites.
And thank The Lord you're not in the US Military.
We'll, that makes two of us. I exposing amoral religionists who cannot defend the atrocities of their own religion, but pretend they are morally superior to others.

You mean, because I would refuse to follow an illegal, and immoral order? I actually hope you were never in the military.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
So once again you are proving your anti-God site doesn't know where this verse is.
It's there, look again.
And once again you are proving you know nothing.
Says the Jew who supports genocide. Oh, the irony.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Says you who...
[1] Supports genocide.[\quote]
Nope. That would be your God, who ordered it.
[2] Can't answer the simplest questions even though you are a self-professed expert in Scripture.
Nope. I answered every question. You claim I'm wrong, but can't seem to provide scripture supporting it.

Now admit you lied about your expertise in Scripture.
But I forget, atheists have no humility.
I admit nothing except that you are a liar who refuses to admit that you support a god who orders genocide, even though he clearly does so in the very scriptures you hold so dear.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

I'm enjoying toying with you.
You present yourself as some expert on existence and can't answer the simplest questions posed to you on a subject that's missing from your God hating websites.
And thank The Lord you're not in the US Military.
We'll, that makes two of us. I exposing amoral religionists who cannot defend the atrocities of their own religion, but pretend they are morally superior to others.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

You have exposed yourself as having zero context for whatever you post.
Go study Scripture and history and context and come back and post.
It'll take a few years but we'll wait.
Says the Jew who supports genocide. Oh, the irony.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Says you who...
[1] Supports genocide.[\quote]
Nope. That would be your God, who ordered it.
[2] Can't answer the simplest questions even though you are a self-professed expert in Scripture.
Nope. I answered every question. You claim I'm wrong, but can't seem to provide scripture supporting it.

Now admit you lied about your expertise in Scripture.
But I forget, atheists have no humility.
I admit nothing except that you are a liar who refuses to admit that you support a god who orders genocide, even though he clearly does so in the very scriptures you hold so dear.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

I'm enjoying toying with you.
You present yourself as some expert on existence and can't answer the simplest questions posed to you on a subject that's missing from your God hating websites.
And thank The Lord you're not in the US Military.
We'll, that makes two of us. I exposing amoral religionists who cannot defend the atrocities of their own religion, but pretend they are morally superior to others.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

You have exposed yourself as having zero context for whatever you post.
Go study Scripture and history and context and come back and post.
It'll take a few years but we'll wait.
Actually that would be you. I have answered every question. You have yet to justify a God ordering genocide.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Says you who...
[1] Supports genocide.[\quote]
Nope. That would be your God, who ordered it.
Nope. I answered every question. You claim I'm wrong, but can't seem to provide scripture supporting it.

I admit nothing except that you are a liar who refuses to admit that you support a god who orders genocide, even though he clearly does so in the very scriptures you hold so dear.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

I'm enjoying toying with you.
You present yourself as some expert on existence and can't answer the simplest questions posed to you on a subject that's missing from your God hating websites.
And thank The Lord you're not in the US Military.
We'll, that makes two of us. I exposing amoral religionists who cannot defend the atrocities of their own religion, but pretend they are morally superior to others.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

You have exposed yourself as having zero context for whatever you post.
Go study Scripture and history and context and come back and post.
It'll take a few years but we'll wait.
Actually that would be you. I have answered every question. You have yet to justify a God ordering genocide.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

You really are quite narcissistic.
You have left behind a concrete trail of posts proving you're not something you said you were an expert at.
Unless your suffering from dementia.

I'm enjoying toying with you.
You present yourself as some expert on existence and can't answer the simplest questions posed to you on a subject that's missing from your God hating websites.
And thank The Lord you're not in the US Military.
We'll, that makes two of us. I exposing amoral religionists who cannot defend the atrocities of their own religion, but pretend they are morally superior to others.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

You have exposed yourself as having zero context for whatever you post.
Go study Scripture and history and context and come back and post.
It'll take a few years but we'll wait.
Actually that would be you. I have answered every question. You have yet to justify a God ordering genocide.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

You really are quite narcissistic.
You have left behind a concrete trail of posts proving you're not something you said you were an expert at.
Unless your suffering from dementia.
Says the person who has yet to answer the only question during this entire conversation that matters, while I have correctly responded to every challenge.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
I'm enjoying toying with you.
You present yourself as some expert on existence and can't answer the simplest questions posed to you on a subject that's missing from your God hating websites.
And thank The Lord you're not in the US Military.
We'll, that makes two of us. I exposing amoral religionists who cannot defend the atrocities of their own religion, but pretend they are morally superior to others.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

You have exposed yourself as having zero context for whatever you post.
Go study Scripture and history and context and come back and post.
It'll take a few years but we'll wait.
Actually that would be you. I have answered every question. You have yet to justify a God ordering genocide.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

You really are quite narcissistic.
You have left behind a concrete trail of posts proving you're not something you said you were an expert at.
Unless your suffering from dementia.
Says the person who has yet to answer the only question during this entire conversation that matters, while I have correctly responded to every challenge.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

An arrogant, narcissist common.
In fact, you're so arrogant and narcissistic, you can't get past my showing you for the ignoramus you are.
But please carry on about how being secular is based on a moral compass and set of ethics you can't define.
You asked when Amalek first appeared. I said as much, with the quote. You claimed the Amalekites we're animal fuckers, I pointed out the only reference to that. You insist there is a biblical reference, but haven't offered it - imagine that. Methinks me smells the distinct odor of bullshit. You asked where Amalek was from. I told you, and even told you who his parents were. Meanwhile you have yet to justify the genocide called for in your vaunted scriptures.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
We'll, that makes two of us. I exposing amoral religionists who cannot defend the atrocities of their own religion, but pretend they are morally superior to others.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

You have exposed yourself as having zero context for whatever you post.
Go study Scripture and history and context and come back and post.
It'll take a few years but we'll wait.
Actually that would be you. I have answered every question. You have yet to justify a God ordering genocide.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

You really are quite narcissistic.
You have left behind a concrete trail of posts proving you're not something you said you were an expert at.
Unless your suffering from dementia.
Says the person who has yet to answer the only question during this entire conversation that matters, while I have correctly responded to every challenge.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

An arrogant, narcissist common.
In fact, you're so arrogant and narcissistic, you can't get past my showing you for the ignoramus you are.
But please carry on about how being secular is based on a moral compass and set of ethics you can't define.
Another lie. I did say what the secular moral compass is. You just didn't lime the answer.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
You asked when Amalek first appeared. I said as much, with the quote. You claimed the Amalekites we're animal fuckers, I pointed out the only reference to that. You insist there is a biblical reference, but haven't offered it - imagine that. Methinks me smells the distinct odor of bullshit. You asked where Amalek was from. I told you, and even told you who his parents were. Meanwhile you have yet to justify the genocide called for in your vaunted scriptures.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

First you Linked to the Amalek reference that was irreverent until I corrected you.
And now to show what an ignoramus you are in regards to the bestiality context...
Leviticus 18 / Hebrew - English Bible / Mechon-Mamre
Read it, especially verse 23, and eat sh!t, you phony.
These verses describe why God wants the nations of Canaan gone or dead...they were pure evil.
You have exposed yourself as having zero context for whatever you post.
Go study Scripture and history and context and come back and post.
It'll take a few years but we'll wait.
Actually that would be you. I have answered every question. You have yet to justify a God ordering genocide.

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You really are quite narcissistic.
You have left behind a concrete trail of posts proving you're not something you said you were an expert at.
Unless your suffering from dementia.
Says the person who has yet to answer the only question during this entire conversation that matters, while I have correctly responded to every challenge.

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An arrogant, narcissist common.
In fact, you're so arrogant and narcissistic, you can't get past my showing you for the ignoramus you are.
But please carry on about how being secular is based on a moral compass and set of ethics you can't define.
Another lie. I did say what the secular moral compass is. You just didn't lime the answer.

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It is impossible to maintain a moral compass and set of ethics based on a particular individuals personality.
Failure is one child away.

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