Secular families are ethical families

You mean like the last 35 years I spent learning Tanach in Hebrew?
You know squat as you have amply demonstrated repeatedly.
We can now surmise 2 things...
[1] You know sh!t about Scripture until someone like myself embarrasses you to use a non-anti-God site.
[2] You know sh!t about Scripture because Amalek did not live in Rephidim.

Next questions so you can embarrass yourself even more...
Who was Amalek and why did he and his nation travel across a desert far away from their borders to attack the Children of Israel?
Actually, what we know of him is that he was an Edomite. Specifically, he was the son of...ummm...Eliphaz, and Timnaq, if I remember correctly.
The Amalek question requires research if you don't know your the research.
If you say so. I personal don't care. Genocide. That was what your God ordered. You see, I don't care what a person did. I will not kill his children for it. {Period. And when your God tells me to, then your God is a sociopath, and can fuck off.

So God tells Moshe to eradicate a series of genocidal nations and you don't care?
Either you're a sociopath or so empathic that you would allow Hitler to live.
In either case, it's obvious you lied about your knowledge of Scripture which leads us to question anything you have to say about anything.
Except God didn't say to kill Hitler. He said Kill Hitler, and. Every. Single. German. Alive. Including the children. That's a little different, dontcha think?

If you study generations of a people and find the inexplicitly bad overwhelms the good, you allow the bad to continue committing genocide.
Heck, for all you know, your ancestors might have been exterminated by these nations.
And nothing you ever post will occlude the fact that you lied about your knowledge of Scripture.
I said taosim not being a religion is debatable.
If im not mistaken there are basically two "branches". One philosophical and one religious. Laozi was considered a diety in religious taosim..
Another bit of irony for you OP : that book you shot down earlier as not being truth enough, actually has the first recorded references to him :lol:
no response for these?
Taoism is religious, just not theist. There is a difference.
So they believe in deities but are not theist?
I said taosim not being a religion is debatable.
If im not mistaken there are basically two "branches". One philosophical and one religious. Laozi was considered a diety in religious taosim..
Another bit of irony for you OP : that book you shot down earlier as not being truth enough, actually has the first recorded references to him :lol:
no response for these?
Taoism is religious, just not theist. There is a difference.
So they believe in deities but are not theist?
GOD is BAD!!!! Simply BAD, man!
Uh huh.
I said taosim not being a religion is debatable.
If im not mistaken there are basically two "branches". One philosophical and one religious. Laozi was considered a diety in religious taosim..
Another bit of irony for you OP : that book you shot down earlier as not being truth enough, actually has the first recorded references to him :lol:
no response for these?
Taoism is religious, just not theist. There is a difference.
So they believe in deities but are not theist?
Not really. The Pure Ones aren't so much Gods, as they are enlightened us. They are three idealised individuals who are believed to have traveled "The Way' to its completion. And Taoists don't so much pray to them, as attempt to emulate them. There's a difference. At best its a form of veneration, at worst it is deism, which is still a far cry from the theism of the West.
Actually, what we know of him is that he was an Edomite. Specifically, he was the son of...ummm...Eliphaz, and Timnaq, if I remember correctly.
The Amalek question requires research if you don't know your the research.
If you say so. I personal don't care. Genocide. That was what your God ordered. You see, I don't care what a person did. I will not kill his children for it. {Period. And when your God tells me to, then your God is a sociopath, and can fuck off.

So God tells Moshe to eradicate a series of genocidal nations and you don't care?
Either you're a sociopath or so empathic that you would allow Hitler to live.
In either case, it's obvious you lied about your knowledge of Scripture which leads us to question anything you have to say about anything.
Except God didn't say to kill Hitler. He said Kill Hitler, and. Every. Single. German. Alive. Including the children. That's a little different, dontcha think?

If you study generations of a people and find the inexplicitly bad overwhelms the good, you allow the bad to continue committing genocide.
Heck, for all you know, your ancestors might have been exterminated by these nations.
And nothing you ever post will occlude the fact that you lied about your knowledge of Scripture.
Like I said, you can attempt to justify it, any way you like, I, for one, will not take moral, and ethical advice from anyone who can justify, and is okay with genocide. And that's rich. I'm being lectured abouy "lying about scripture" from the person who is condoning genocide.
I said taosim not being a religion is debatable.
If im not mistaken there are basically two "branches". One philosophical and one religious. Laozi was considered a diety in religious taosim..
Another bit of irony for you OP : that book you shot down earlier as not being truth enough, actually has the first recorded references to him :lol:
no response for these?
Taoism is religious, just not theist. There is a difference.
So they believe in deities but are not theist?
Not really. The Pure Ones aren't so much Gods, as they are enlightened us. They are three idealised individuals who are believed to have traveled "The Way' to its completion. And Taoists don't so much pray to them, as attempt to emulate them. There's a difference. At best its a form of veneration, at worst it is deism, which is still a far cry from the theism of the West.
deism is a specific type of theism. and yes they are.
Maybe if we sat here and really got into it, like pure semantics, you might have a point.
I said taosim not being a religion is debatable.
If im not mistaken there are basically two "branches". One philosophical and one religious. Laozi was considered a diety in religious taosim..
Another bit of irony for you OP : that book you shot down earlier as not being truth enough, actually has the first recorded references to him :lol:
no response for these?
Taoism is religious, just not theist. There is a difference.
So they believe in deities but are not theist?
Not really. The Pure Ones aren't so much Gods, as they are enlightened us. They are three idealised individuals who are believed to have traveled "The Way' to its completion. And Taoists don't so much pray to them, as attempt to emulate them. There's a difference. At best its a form of veneration, at worst it is deism, which is still a far cry from the theism of the West.
deism is a specific type of theism. and yes they are.
Maybe if we sat here and really got into it, like pure semantics, you might have a point.
No. Its. Not! Deism, and theism are two entirely different things.
The Amalek question requires research if you don't know your the research.
If you say so. I personal don't care. Genocide. That was what your God ordered. You see, I don't care what a person did. I will not kill his children for it. {Period. And when your God tells me to, then your God is a sociopath, and can fuck off.

So God tells Moshe to eradicate a series of genocidal nations and you don't care?
Either you're a sociopath or so empathic that you would allow Hitler to live.
In either case, it's obvious you lied about your knowledge of Scripture which leads us to question anything you have to say about anything.
Except God didn't say to kill Hitler. He said Kill Hitler, and. Every. Single. German. Alive. Including the children. That's a little different, dontcha think?

If you study generations of a people and find the inexplicitly bad overwhelms the good, you allow the bad to continue committing genocide.
Heck, for all you know, your ancestors might have been exterminated by these nations.
And nothing you ever post will occlude the fact that you lied about your knowledge of Scripture.
Like I said, you can attempt to justify it, any way you like, I, for one, will not take moral, and ethical advice from anyone who can justify, and is okay with genocide. And that's rich. I'm being lectured abouyt "lying about scripture'[ from the person who is condoning genocide.
I apologize to my fan base for letting my request of you slip by.
You have not explained the relationship between the genocidal nation of Amalek and the Children of Israel.
Next I will ask you to explain why the Canaanite nations had to be expelled or annihilated.

I simply wish to learn Scripture from a self-professed expert in the field.
Well, S.J. thinks it's funny that theistic religion is not necessary for morality.
Actually, it's not. It has actually been traced back to both Taoism, and Confucianism, which both -predate the theistic versions that most people are familiar with. How's that for irony? Theism never was needed for the Golden Rule; theists just liked it so mu8ch they had to steal it, and pretend they came up with it.
There could be a huge debate about Taoism being a religion or not....
The first known writings about "golden rule" or similar intent was established by the Egyptians for the god maat.
Taosim possibly did believe in that prior to 2500BC but there isn't proof of it. At least that I have seen.
True, however, because there is also no evidence of any commerce between ancient China, and ancient Egypt, it is more likely that the two societies - one theistic, and one not - happened upon the same principle independently. More evidence that theism is not necessary to develop ethical behaviour.
Actually, Ancient Chinese peoples talked about a river that flowed north.. Im sure they weren't talking about Siberia or west Virginia lol
Ill see if I can find the work.
I dunno. Here are the foreign contacts with the Kingdoms of Egypt. Unless you see something I don't...
Does Chinese Civilization Come From Ancient Egypt?
lecture to an audience of laymen, students, and professors at the University of Science and Technology in Hefei, the capital city of the landlocked province of Anhui in eastern China. But the professor didn’t just talk about geochemistry. He also cited several ancient Chinese classics, at one point quoting historian Sima Qian’s description of the topography of the Xia empire — traditionally regarded as China’s founding dynasty, dating from 2070 to 1600 B.C. “Northwards the stream is divided and becomes the nine rivers,” wrote Sima Qian in his first century historiography, the Records of the Grand Historian. “Reunited, it forms the opposing river and flows into the sea.”
In other words, “the stream” in question wasn’t China’s famed Yellow River, which flows from west to east. “There is only one major river in the world which flows northwards. Which one is it?” the professor asked. “The Nile,” someone replied. Sun then showed a map of the famed Egyptian river and its delta — with nine of its distributaries flowing into the Mediterranean. This author, a researcher at the same institute, watched as audience members broke into smiles and murmurs, intrigued that these ancient Chinese texts seemed to better agree with the geography of Egypt than that of China.
Recorded in the symbols of the Chinese language is the account of the great migration from the Middle East.

The account of genesis was recorded in the symbols of the first written language 4500 years ago
If you say so. I personal don't care. Genocide. That was what your God ordered. You see, I don't care what a person did. I will not kill his children for it. {Period. And when your God tells me to, then your God is a sociopath, and can fuck off.

So God tells Moshe to eradicate a series of genocidal nations and you don't care?
Either you're a sociopath or so empathic that you would allow Hitler to live.
In either case, it's obvious you lied about your knowledge of Scripture which leads us to question anything you have to say about anything.
Except God didn't say to kill Hitler. He said Kill Hitler, and. Every. Single. German. Alive. Including the children. That's a little different, dontcha think?

If you study generations of a people and find the inexplicitly bad overwhelms the good, you allow the bad to continue committing genocide.
Heck, for all you know, your ancestors might have been exterminated by these nations.
And nothing you ever post will occlude the fact that you lied about your knowledge of Scripture.
Like I said, you can attempt to justify it, any way you like, I, for one, will not take moral, and ethical advice from anyone who can justify, and is okay with genocide. And that's rich. I'm being lectured abouyt "lying about scripture'[ from the person who is condoning genocide.
I apologize to my fan base for letting my request of you slip by.
You have not explained the relationship between the genocidal nation of Amalek and the Children of Israel.
Next I will ask you to explain why the Canaanite nations had to be expelled or annihilated.

I simply wish to learn Scripture from a self-professed expert in the field.
Like I said, I don't care what your justification is. Genocide is never okay. And I do not need to take moral/ethical advice from anyone who thinks it is. I mean, for fuck's sake! The cows?!?! The fucking cows?!?!
no response for these?
Taoism is religious, just not theist. There is a difference.
So they believe in deities but are not theist?
Not really. The Pure Ones aren't so much Gods, as they are enlightened us. They are three idealised individuals who are believed to have traveled "The Way' to its completion. And Taoists don't so much pray to them, as attempt to emulate them. There's a difference. At best its a form of veneration, at worst it is deism, which is still a far cry from the theism of the West.
deism is a specific type of theism. and yes they are.
Maybe if we sat here and really got into it, like pure semantics, you might have a point.
No. Its. Not! Deism, and theism are two entirely different things.
yes it is, man. It is a logical subset. All deists are theists but not all theists are deists
Actually, Ancient Chinese peoples talked about a river that flowed north.. Im sure they weren't talking about Siberia or west Virginia lol
Ill see if I can find the work.
I dunno. Here are the foreign contacts with the Kingdoms of Egypt. Unless you see something I don't...
Does Chinese Civilization Come From Ancient Egypt?
lecture to an audience of laymen, students, and professors at the University of Science and Technology in Hefei, the capital city of the landlocked province of Anhui in eastern China. But the professor didn’t just talk about geochemistry. He also cited several ancient Chinese classics, at one point quoting historian Sima Qian’s description of the topography of the Xia empire — traditionally regarded as China’s founding dynasty, dating from 2070 to 1600 B.C. “Northwards the stream is divided and becomes the nine rivers,” wrote Sima Qian in his first century historiography, the Records of the Grand Historian. “Reunited, it forms the opposing river and flows into the sea.”
In other words, “the stream” in question wasn’t China’s famed Yellow River, which flows from west to east. “There is only one major river in the world which flows northwards. Which one is it?” the professor asked. “The Nile,” someone replied. Sun then showed a map of the famed Egyptian river and its delta — with nine of its distributaries flowing into the Mediterranean. This author, a researcher at the same institute, watched as audience members broke into smiles and murmurs, intrigued that these ancient Chinese texts seemed to better agree with the geography of Egypt than that of China. obscure reference of a single text of Xia Dynasty, whose very existence as a Chinese Dynasty is even contested, is the evidence of a connection between China and Egypt? Yeah... I'm gonna go with independent formation. It's the more likely explanation.
You mean like you saying you think the Taoists started the golden rule just because? Aint no info on that..Lol
I see your mind is completely closed on this. Good day.
Actually there is:

"Regard your neighbor's gain as your own gain, and your neighbor's loss as your own loss." — Laozi (c. 500 BC)

Now, did the concept also originate, independently in Egypt? Yes. I am not denying that. But, tell me, other than an obscure line in a single writing from a dynasty that is disputed to even be Chinese, and a similar philosophy , in the form of the Golden Rule, what evidence is there that there was ever any contact between Egypt, and China? I mean you seem really invested in the idea that the Golden Rule came from a theistic religion, and only a theistic religion. I am acknowledging that a theistic religion formed the idea. Why are you so opposed to the possibility that a secular one did, as well, independently?

You're right. One of us does have a closed mind.
"Circling around each other like yin and yang themselves, Taoism and Confucianism represent the two indigenous poles of the Chinese character. Confucius represents the classical, Lao Tzu the romantic. Confucius stresses social responsibility, Lao Tzu praises spontaneity and naturalness. Confucius' focus is on the human, Lau Tzu's on what transcends the human."
Huston Smith
Taoism is religious, just not theist. There is a difference.
So they believe in deities but are not theist?
Not really. The Pure Ones aren't so much Gods, as they are enlightened us. They are three idealised individuals who are believed to have traveled "The Way' to its completion. And Taoists don't so much pray to them, as attempt to emulate them. There's a difference. At best its a form of veneration, at worst it is deism, which is still a far cry from the theism of the West.
deism is a specific type of theism. and yes they are.
Maybe if we sat here and really got into it, like pure semantics, you might have a point.
No. Its. Not! Deism, and theism are two entirely different things.
yes it is, man. It is a logical subset. All deists are theists but not all theists are deists
Nope. For theists they imagine a personal creator who is intimately involved in the day to day workings of its creation. Deists, at best, imagine a vague creator being/entity/force that may, or may not have intentionally created the universe, but, regardless, left it to its own devices, and is off doing whatever came next.

However, we are getting sidetracked. The point is that even calling Taoism a deistic religion is a stretch. It is more like the ancestor veneration of Shintoism.
So God tells Moshe to eradicate a series of genocidal nations and you don't care?
Either you're a sociopath or so empathic that you would allow Hitler to live.
In either case, it's obvious you lied about your knowledge of Scripture which leads us to question anything you have to say about anything.
Except God didn't say to kill Hitler. He said Kill Hitler, and. Every. Single. German. Alive. Including the children. That's a little different, dontcha think?

If you study generations of a people and find the inexplicitly bad overwhelms the good, you allow the bad to continue committing genocide.
Heck, for all you know, your ancestors might have been exterminated by these nations.
And nothing you ever post will occlude the fact that you lied about your knowledge of Scripture.
Like I said, you can attempt to justify it, any way you like, I, for one, will not take moral, and ethical advice from anyone who can justify, and is okay with genocide. And that's rich. I'm being lectured abouyt "lying about scripture'[ from the person who is condoning genocide.
I apologize to my fan base for letting my request of you slip by.
You have not explained the relationship between the genocidal nation of Amalek and the Children of Israel.
Next I will ask you to explain why the Canaanite nations had to be expelled or annihilated.

I simply wish to learn Scripture from a self-professed expert in the field.
Like I said, I don't care what your justification is. Genocide is never okay. And I do not need to take moral/ethical advice from anyone who thinks it is. I mean, for fuck's sake! The cows?!?! The fucking cows?!?!
Admit you don't know Scripture and I'll stop harping on this.
So God tells Moshe to eradicate a series of genocidal nations and you don't care?
Either you're a sociopath or so empathic that you would allow Hitler to live.
In either case, it's obvious you lied about your knowledge of Scripture which leads us to question anything you have to say about anything.
Except God didn't say to kill Hitler. He said Kill Hitler, and. Every. Single. German. Alive. Including the children. That's a little different, dontcha think?

If you study generations of a people and find the inexplicitly bad overwhelms the good, you allow the bad to continue committing genocide.
Heck, for all you know, your ancestors might have been exterminated by these nations.
And nothing you ever post will occlude the fact that you lied about your knowledge of Scripture.
Like I said, you can attempt to justify it, any way you like, I, for one, will not take moral, and ethical advice from anyone who can justify, and is okay with genocide. And that's rich. I'm being lectured abouyt "lying about scripture'[ from the person who is condoning genocide.
I apologize to my fan base for letting my request of you slip by.
You have not explained the relationship between the genocidal nation of Amalek and the Children of Israel.
Next I will ask you to explain why the Canaanite nations had to be expelled or annihilated.

I simply wish to learn Scripture from a self-professed expert in the field.
Like I said, I don't care what your justification is. Genocide is never okay. And I do not need to take moral/ethical advice from anyone who thinks it is. I mean, for fuck's sake! The cows?!?! The fucking cows?!?!
The Cannanite nations had sex with cows.
Oh, that's right, you don't know that.
So they believe in deities but are not theist?
Not really. The Pure Ones aren't so much Gods, as they are enlightened us. They are three idealised individuals who are believed to have traveled "The Way' to its completion. And Taoists don't so much pray to them, as attempt to emulate them. There's a difference. At best its a form of veneration, at worst it is deism, which is still a far cry from the theism of the West.
deism is a specific type of theism. and yes they are.
Maybe if we sat here and really got into it, like pure semantics, you might have a point.
No. Its. Not! Deism, and theism are two entirely different things.
yes it is, man. It is a logical subset. All deists are theists but not all theists are deists
Nope. For theists they imagine a personal creator who is intimately involved in the day to day workings of its creation. Deists, at best, imagine a vague creator being/entity/force that may, or may not have intentionally created the universe, but, regardless, left it to its own devices, and is off doing whatever came next.

However, we are getting sidetracked. The point is that even calling Taoism a deistic religion is a stretch. It is more like the ancestor veneration of Shintoism.
that would be called a subset lol..
Except God didn't say to kill Hitler. He said Kill Hitler, and. Every. Single. German. Alive. Including the children. That's a little different, dontcha think?

If you study generations of a people and find the inexplicitly bad overwhelms the good, you allow the bad to continue committing genocide.
Heck, for all you know, your ancestors might have been exterminated by these nations.
And nothing you ever post will occlude the fact that you lied about your knowledge of Scripture.
Like I said, you can attempt to justify it, any way you like, I, for one, will not take moral, and ethical advice from anyone who can justify, and is okay with genocide. And that's rich. I'm being lectured abouyt "lying about scripture'[ from the person who is condoning genocide.
I apologize to my fan base for letting my request of you slip by.
You have not explained the relationship between the genocidal nation of Amalek and the Children of Israel.
Next I will ask you to explain why the Canaanite nations had to be expelled or annihilated.

I simply wish to learn Scripture from a self-professed expert in the field.
Like I said, I don't care what your justification is. Genocide is never okay. And I do not need to take moral/ethical advice from anyone who thinks it is. I mean, for fuck's sake! The cows?!?! The fucking cows?!?!
Admit you don't know Scripture and I'll stop harping on this.
I( admit no such thing, and you can harp all day long. You support genocide, so your moral compass is questionable.
If you study generations of a people and find the inexplicitly bad overwhelms the good, you allow the bad to continue committing genocide.
Heck, for all you know, your ancestors might have been exterminated by these nations.
And nothing you ever post will occlude the fact that you lied about your knowledge of Scripture.
Like I said, you can attempt to justify it, any way you like, I, for one, will not take moral, and ethical advice from anyone who can justify, and is okay with genocide. And that's rich. I'm being lectured abouyt "lying about scripture'[ from the person who is condoning genocide.
I apologize to my fan base for letting my request of you slip by.
You have not explained the relationship between the genocidal nation of Amalek and the Children of Israel.
Next I will ask you to explain why the Canaanite nations had to be expelled or annihilated.

I simply wish to learn Scripture from a self-professed expert in the field.
Like I said, I don't care what your justification is. Genocide is never okay. And I do not need to take moral/ethical advice from anyone who thinks it is. I mean, for fuck's sake! The cows?!?! The fucking cows?!?!
Admit you don't know Scripture and I'll stop harping on this.
I( admit no such thing, and you can harp all day long. You support genocide, so your moral compass is questionable.
I don't support genocide, you do.
I know, you can't fathom the verses.
You know, like, "wipe out those genocidal nations".
Except God didn't say to kill Hitler. He said Kill Hitler, and. Every. Single. German. Alive. Including the children. That's a little different, dontcha think?

If you study generations of a people and find the inexplicitly bad overwhelms the good, you allow the bad to continue committing genocide.
Heck, for all you know, your ancestors might have been exterminated by these nations.
And nothing you ever post will occlude the fact that you lied about your knowledge of Scripture.
Like I said, you can attempt to justify it, any way you like, I, for one, will not take moral, and ethical advice from anyone who can justify, and is okay with genocide. And that's rich. I'm being lectured abouyt "lying about scripture'[ from the person who is condoning genocide.
I apologize to my fan base for letting my request of you slip by.
You have not explained the relationship between the genocidal nation of Amalek and the Children of Israel.
Next I will ask you to explain why the Canaanite nations had to be expelled or annihilated.

I simply wish to learn Scripture from a self-professed expert in the field.
Like I said, I don't care what your justification is. Genocide is never okay. And I do not need to take moral/ethical advice from anyone who thinks it is. I mean, for fuck's sake! The cows?!?! The fucking cows?!?!
The Cannanite nations had sex with cows.
Oh, that's right, you don't know that.
Bullshit. The Baal Cycle is metaphor. Unless you're going to tell me that the cows also had offspring! Or did you forget the line "[She conceiv]es and bears a boy."

So, either that was metaphor, or the Amalekites were doing something that no other human race has done since in human history, and conceiving offspring g with animals. What a unique, amazing fucking race of human beings!

And that Ugaritic poem is the only place that reference is made. Wanna try again?
Like I said, you can attempt to justify it, any way you like, I, for one, will not take moral, and ethical advice from anyone who can justify, and is okay with genocide. And that's rich. I'm being lectured abouyt "lying about scripture'[ from the person who is condoning genocide.
I apologize to my fan base for letting my request of you slip by.
You have not explained the relationship between the genocidal nation of Amalek and the Children of Israel.
Next I will ask you to explain why the Canaanite nations had to be expelled or annihilated.

I simply wish to learn Scripture from a self-professed expert in the field.
Like I said, I don't care what your justification is. Genocide is never okay. And I do not need to take moral/ethical advice from anyone who thinks it is. I mean, for fuck's sake! The cows?!?! The fucking cows?!?!
Admit you don't know Scripture and I'll stop harping on this.
I( admit no such thing, and you can harp all day long. You support genocide, so your moral compass is questionable.
I don't support genocide, you do.
I know, you can't fathom the verses.
You know, like, "wipe out those genocidal nations".
Oh. I'm sorry. YOU don't support genocide. You just support the religious text honouring the God who orders genocide. That is so much better...

And you claim that text as your "moral compass". That's reassuring...

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