Secular families are ethical families

You have to learn how to read Scripture just like an attorney reads a contract.
Every word, every letter, every nuance is important.
No. There is no way to read that killing children, and infants is not evil. You support evil.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Never heard of 2 year old Muslims blowing themselves up in a crowd?

First, that's a toddler, not an infant. Second, no I haven't, and even if you can manage to find such an aberration, it proves nothing. Are you seriously suggesting that 2-year-old had the foggiest notion what was going on? Because if you are, I'm going to insist you're full of shit.

Mommy and daddy threw the vest on him pushed him out in the street, waited for him to innocently wander into a crowd, and pushed a button. The kid was not evil. Mommy, and daddy were monsters, but the kid was not evil.

You, however, support ordering the murder of children, and infants. You support evil.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

You're a Psychiatrist and insist that 2 year olds are not impressionable?
2 year olds can be manipulated very easily.
I'm a psychiatrist, and insist that 2-year-olds are not capable of being responsible for their actions. Period. And you will not find a psychiatrist to say otherwise.

But, you are. And you continues to defend, and attempt to find ways, and reasons to justify killing children, and infants. That makes you as sociopathic, and evil as the God who ordered the annihilation of an entire race, including children, and infants, whom you worship.
I am also aware that Psychiatric definitions of being responsible is subject to change over time.
I didn't say nation of Canaan, did I?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

You inferred such by treating Egypt and Canaan and two distinct nations.
God is specifically equating all the nations who occupied the Land of Canaan with the Egyptians.
I presume that by those"…living in the land of Canaan…" he meant the Amalekites, even though he didn't name them.

And still irrelevant. Even if every single adult in the land, down to the last man, and woman was wantonly violating every one of those "nonos" on that list - which I find exceedingly unlikely - that still does not justify killing children, and infants. Killing children, and infants is genocide. It is evil. You support evil.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Including passing their children through the fire of molech much like the Arabs do today.
Actually, the story of the conquest of the Land of Canaan is much deeper than this series of verses.
You see, the inhabitants of the Land of Canaan knew for 40 years that the conquest was going to happen eventually and they knew the Jews had beaten off Amalek and yet they refused to prepare to leave the land.
They basically doomed their own children to death by not leaving.
And keep in mind that Joshua was mandated to give a 3 day warning before the conquest of each nation.

There's much more, but not for tonight.
Children. And. Infants. You don't seem to get that no matter how you want to parse it; no matter how you want to justify it you are not going to get around children. And,. Infants. And you continue to defend, and justify it. That makes you as sociopathic, and evil as your God that commanded it.
God defines our moral boundries.
The Canaanites had 40 years to prepare and let their children die.
What would you have done if you knew the consequences?
No. We define our moral boundaries, and you choose to have those boundaries defined by a God who ordered the murder of children, and infants. And you choose to defend, and justify the action. That makes you as sociopathic, and evil as your God.

And to answer your question, were I told, "Run away, or we are going to kill your children, and infants", I would have stayed, and fought you to the last man, because you are sociopaths, and evil, and I ma defending my home. Only evil sociopaths use the threat of killing your children, and infants to terrify you into running away, and evil sociopaths must always be confronted.
No. There is no way to read that killing children, and infants is not evil. You support evil.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Never heard of 2 year old Muslims blowing themselves up in a crowd?

First, that's a toddler, not an infant. Second, no I haven't, and even if you can manage to find such an aberration, it proves nothing. Are you seriously suggesting that 2-year-old had the foggiest notion what was going on? Because if you are, I'm going to insist you're full of shit.

Mommy and daddy threw the vest on him pushed him out in the street, waited for him to innocently wander into a crowd, and pushed a button. The kid was not evil. Mommy, and daddy were monsters, but the kid was not evil.

You, however, support ordering the murder of children, and infants. You support evil.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

You're a Psychiatrist and insist that 2 year olds are not impressionable?
2 year olds can be manipulated very easily.
I'm a psychiatrist, and insist that 2-year-olds are not capable of being responsible for their actions. Period. And you will not find a psychiatrist to say otherwise.

But, you are. And you continues to defend, and attempt to find ways, and reasons to justify killing children, and infants. That makes you as sociopathic, and evil as the God who ordered the annihilation of an entire race, including children, and infants, whom you worship.

How many inveterate murderers have murdered again thanks to the testimony of health professionals?
I think God has the high ground on this issue.
Of course you do. Because you are perfectly fine with killing children, and infants.
You inferred such by treating Egypt and Canaan and two distinct nations.
God is specifically equating all the nations who occupied the Land of Canaan with the Egyptians.
I presume that by those"…living in the land of Canaan…" he meant the Amalekites, even though he didn't name them.

And still irrelevant. Even if every single adult in the land, down to the last man, and woman was wantonly violating every one of those "nonos" on that list - which I find exceedingly unlikely - that still does not justify killing children, and infants. Killing children, and infants is genocide. It is evil. You support evil.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Including passing their children through the fire of molech much like the Arabs do today.
Actually, the story of the conquest of the Land of Canaan is much deeper than this series of verses.
You see, the inhabitants of the Land of Canaan knew for 40 years that the conquest was going to happen eventually and they knew the Jews had beaten off Amalek and yet they refused to prepare to leave the land.
They basically doomed their own children to death by not leaving.
And keep in mind that Joshua was mandated to give a 3 day warning before the conquest of each nation.

There's much more, but not for tonight.
Children. And. Infants. You don't seem to get that no matter how you want to parse it; no matter how you want to justify it you are not going to get around children. And,. Infants. And you continue to defend, and justify it. That makes you as sociopathic, and evil as your God that commanded it.
God defines our moral boundries.
The Canaanites had 40 years to prepare and let their children die.
What would you have done if you knew the consequences?
No. We define our moral boundaries, and you choose to have those boundaries defined by a God who ordered the murder of children, and infants. And you choose to defend, and justify the action. That makes you as sociopathic, and evil as your God.

And to answer your question, were I told, "Run away, or we are going to kill your children, and infants", I would have stayed, and fought you to the last man, because you are sociopaths, and evil, and I ma defending my home. Only evil sociopaths use the threat of killing your children, and infants to terrify you into running away, and evil sociopaths must always be confronted.

So while you were sending your children to the front lines, engaging in sexual intercourse with animals and committing incest, you would consider yourself as holding the moral high ground and choose to die along with your children.
I see.
No. There is no way to read that killing children, and infants is not evil. You support evil.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Never heard of 2 year old Muslims blowing themselves up in a crowd?

First, that's a toddler, not an infant. Second, no I haven't, and even if you can manage to find such an aberration, it proves nothing. Are you seriously suggesting that 2-year-old had the foggiest notion what was going on? Because if you are, I'm going to insist you're full of shit.

Mommy and daddy threw the vest on him pushed him out in the street, waited for him to innocently wander into a crowd, and pushed a button. The kid was not evil. Mommy, and daddy were monsters, but the kid was not evil.

You, however, support ordering the murder of children, and infants. You support evil.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

You're a Psychiatrist and insist that 2 year olds are not impressionable?
2 year olds can be manipulated very easily.
I'm a psychiatrist, and insist that 2-year-olds are not capable of being responsible for their actions. Period. And you will not find a psychiatrist to say otherwise.

But, you are. And you continues to defend, and attempt to find ways, and reasons to justify killing children, and infants. That makes you as sociopathic, and evil as the God who ordered the annihilation of an entire race, including children, and infants, whom you worship.
I am also aware that Psychiatric definitions of being responsible is subject to change over time.
Never that much. But, you are very much responsible for your choices. And you choose to defend, suborn, and justify killing children, and infants, making you as sociopathic, and evil as the God you worship. You can keep posting excuses as long as you like, but you simply will not be able to get around CHILDREN. AND. INFANTS. Period. There is nothing more to say after that, because the answer to every one of your posts is only three words long: Children. And. Infants.
Never heard of 2 year old Muslims blowing themselves up in a crowd?

First, that's a toddler, not an infant. Second, no I haven't, and even if you can manage to find such an aberration, it proves nothing. Are you seriously suggesting that 2-year-old had the foggiest notion what was going on? Because if you are, I'm going to insist you're full of shit.

Mommy and daddy threw the vest on him pushed him out in the street, waited for him to innocently wander into a crowd, and pushed a button. The kid was not evil. Mommy, and daddy were monsters, but the kid was not evil.

You, however, support ordering the murder of children, and infants. You support evil.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

You're a Psychiatrist and insist that 2 year olds are not impressionable?
2 year olds can be manipulated very easily.
I'm a psychiatrist, and insist that 2-year-olds are not capable of being responsible for their actions. Period. And you will not find a psychiatrist to say otherwise.

But, you are. And you continues to defend, and attempt to find ways, and reasons to justify killing children, and infants. That makes you as sociopathic, and evil as the God who ordered the annihilation of an entire race, including children, and infants, whom you worship.

How many inveterate murderers have murdered again thanks to the testimony of health professionals?
I think God has the high ground on this issue.
Of course you do. Because you are perfectly fine with killing children, and infants.
Presuming you knew that your social behavior was a bit abhorrent and bothering God to such an extent, would you exert your authority to get your nation to repent?
I presume that by those"…living in the land of Canaan…" he meant the Amalekites, even though he didn't name them.

And still irrelevant. Even if every single adult in the land, down to the last man, and woman was wantonly violating every one of those "nonos" on that list - which I find exceedingly unlikely - that still does not justify killing children, and infants. Killing children, and infants is genocide. It is evil. You support evil.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Including passing their children through the fire of molech much like the Arabs do today.
Actually, the story of the conquest of the Land of Canaan is much deeper than this series of verses.
You see, the inhabitants of the Land of Canaan knew for 40 years that the conquest was going to happen eventually and they knew the Jews had beaten off Amalek and yet they refused to prepare to leave the land.
They basically doomed their own children to death by not leaving.
And keep in mind that Joshua was mandated to give a 3 day warning before the conquest of each nation.

There's much more, but not for tonight.
Children. And. Infants. You don't seem to get that no matter how you want to parse it; no matter how you want to justify it you are not going to get around children. And,. Infants. And you continue to defend, and justify it. That makes you as sociopathic, and evil as your God that commanded it.
God defines our moral boundries.
The Canaanites had 40 years to prepare and let their children die.
What would you have done if you knew the consequences?
No. We define our moral boundaries, and you choose to have those boundaries defined by a God who ordered the murder of children, and infants. And you choose to defend, and justify the action. That makes you as sociopathic, and evil as your God.

And to answer your question, were I told, "Run away, or we are going to kill your children, and infants", I would have stayed, and fought you to the last man, because you are sociopaths, and evil, and I ma defending my home. Only evil sociopaths use the threat of killing your children, and infants to terrify you into running away, and evil sociopaths must always be confronted.

So while you were sending your children to the front lines, engaging in sexual intercourse with animals and committing incest, you would consider yourself as holding the moral high ground and choose to die along with your children.
I see.
Children. And. Infants.
First, that's a toddler, not an infant. Second, no I haven't, and even if you can manage to find such an aberration, it proves nothing. Are you seriously suggesting that 2-year-old had the foggiest notion what was going on? Because if you are, I'm going to insist you're full of shit.

Mommy and daddy threw the vest on him pushed him out in the street, waited for him to innocently wander into a crowd, and pushed a button. The kid was not evil. Mommy, and daddy were monsters, but the kid was not evil.

You, however, support ordering the murder of children, and infants. You support evil.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

You're a Psychiatrist and insist that 2 year olds are not impressionable?
2 year olds can be manipulated very easily.
I'm a psychiatrist, and insist that 2-year-olds are not capable of being responsible for their actions. Period. And you will not find a psychiatrist to say otherwise.

But, you are. And you continues to defend, and attempt to find ways, and reasons to justify killing children, and infants. That makes you as sociopathic, and evil as the God who ordered the annihilation of an entire race, including children, and infants, whom you worship.

How many inveterate murderers have murdered again thanks to the testimony of health professionals?
I think God has the high ground on this issue.
Of course you do. Because you are perfectly fine with killing children, and infants.
Presuming you knew that your social behavior was a bit abhorrent and bothering God to such an extent, would you exert your authority to get your nation to repent?
Children. And. Infants.
You're a Psychiatrist and insist that 2 year olds are not impressionable?
2 year olds can be manipulated very easily.
I'm a psychiatrist, and insist that 2-year-olds are not capable of being responsible for their actions. Period. And you will not find a psychiatrist to say otherwise.

But, you are. And you continues to defend, and attempt to find ways, and reasons to justify killing children, and infants. That makes you as sociopathic, and evil as the God who ordered the annihilation of an entire race, including children, and infants, whom you worship.

How many inveterate murderers have murdered again thanks to the testimony of health professionals?
I think God has the high ground on this issue.
Of course you do. Because you are perfectly fine with killing children, and infants.
Presuming you knew that your social behavior was a bit abhorrent and bothering God to such an extent, would you exert your authority to get your nation to repent?
Children. And. Infants.
Ever consider that the all knowing God knows how those children are going to behave when they grow up?
Would you encourage your people to repent or are you stating that as a psychiatrist you treat people with drugs and don't attempt to solve the issue?
I'm a psychiatrist, and insist that 2-year-olds are not capable of being responsible for their actions. Period. And you will not find a psychiatrist to say otherwise.

But, you are. And you continues to defend, and attempt to find ways, and reasons to justify killing children, and infants. That makes you as sociopathic, and evil as the God who ordered the annihilation of an entire race, including children, and infants, whom you worship.

How many inveterate murderers have murdered again thanks to the testimony of health professionals?
I think God has the high ground on this issue.
Of course you do. Because you are perfectly fine with killing children, and infants.
Presuming you knew that your social behavior was a bit abhorrent and bothering God to such an extent, would you exert your authority to get your nation to repent?
Children. And. Infants.
Ever consider that the all knowing God knows how those children are going to behave when they grow up?
Would you encourage your people to repent or are you stating that as a psychiatrist you treat people with drugs and don't attempt to solve the issue?
Children. And. Infants.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
I'm a psychiatrist, and insist that 2-year-olds are not capable of being responsible for their actions. Period. And you will not find a psychiatrist to say otherwise.

But, you are. And you continues to defend, and attempt to find ways, and reasons to justify killing children, and infants. That makes you as sociopathic, and evil as the God who ordered the annihilation of an entire race, including children, and infants, whom you worship.

How many inveterate murderers have murdered again thanks to the testimony of health professionals?
I think God has the high ground on this issue.
Of course you do. Because you are perfectly fine with killing children, and infants.
Presuming you knew that your social behavior was a bit abhorrent and bothering God to such an extent, would you exert your authority to get your nation to repent?
Children. And. Infants.
Ever consider that the all knowing God knows how those children are going to behave when they grow up?
Would you encourage your people to repent or are you stating that as a psychiatrist you treat people with drugs and don't attempt to solve the issue?
Sure. Then your sociopathic god also hates Jews. Because he didn't do the same thing to Hitler.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
See, your "God knew they would grow up to be monsters" is just as bad, because that means he picks, and chooses which monsters he lets grow up to become monsters.

Children. And. Infants.
How many inveterate murderers have murdered again thanks to the testimony of health professionals?
I think God has the high ground on this issue.
Of course you do. Because you are perfectly fine with killing children, and infants.
Presuming you knew that your social behavior was a bit abhorrent and bothering God to such an extent, would you exert your authority to get your nation to repent?
Children. And. Infants.
Ever consider that the all knowing God knows how those children are going to behave when they grow up?
Would you encourage your people to repent or are you stating that as a psychiatrist you treat people with drugs and don't attempt to solve the issue?
Sure. Then your sociopathic god also hates Jews. Because he didn't do the same thing to Hitler.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
What's your opinion of pedophilia?

God turned away from the Jews because they were assimilating like crazy and the religious Jews were not doing anything about it.
This, of course, is all part of the Tochacha given by Moshe.
The same thing happened during the Spanish Inquisition.

What's your opinion of pedophilia?
Introducing bestiality to children?
using children as sword proof shields during a battle?
See, your "God knew they would grow up to be monsters" is just as bad, because that means he picks, and chooses which monsters he lets grow up to become monsters.

Children. And. Infants.
God created time and space, He is not limited to them.
The fact that God allows murderers of innocent people to commit murder is a great conundrum.
The fact that a psychiatrist would recommend releasing a serial murderer back into society to murder again is a great conundrum.
Sure you were.
My typical, and thankfully, few encounters with ideologues, goes like this...
Ideologue...I'm an ideologue and if you don't agree with me you're stupid.
Me...OK, let's have a discussion.
Ideologue...We can't because I'm don't know squat about the issue.
Me...Have a nice life!

My typically, thankfully, few encounters with religious whackjobs goes something like this..

Religious whackjob...I'm a religious whackjob and if you don't agree with me you're stupid.
Me...OK, let's have a discussion.
Ideologue...we can't because I have nothing to back up my POV other than faith. I have no proof.
Me...Have a nice life!
Sure you were.
My typical, and thankfully, few encounters with ideologues, goes like this...
Ideologue...I'm an ideologue and if you don't agree with me you're stupid.
Me...OK, let's have a discussion.
Ideologue...We can't because I'm don't know squat about the issue.
Me...Have a nice life!

My typically, thankfully, few encounters with religious whackjobs goes something like this..

Religious whackjob...I'm a religious whackjob and if you don't agree with me you're stupid.
Me...OK, let's have a discussion.
Ideologue...we can't because I have nothing to back up my POV other than faith. I have no proof.
Me...Have a nice life!
That's exactly why I don't talk to Christians Evangelists.

Evangelist...Can we discuss Jesus?
Me...Do you know Hebrew?
Me...Have a nice life!

Evangelist...Can we discuss Armageddon.
Me...Did you see the movie?
Me...Have a nice life!
Of course you do. Because you are perfectly fine with killing children, and infants.
Presuming you knew that your social behavior was a bit abhorrent and bothering God to such an extent, would you exert your authority to get your nation to repent?
Children. And. Infants.
Ever consider that the all knowing God knows how those children are going to behave when they grow up?
Would you encourage your people to repent or are you stating that as a psychiatrist you treat people with drugs and don't attempt to solve the issue?
Sure. Then your sociopathic god also hates Jews. Because he didn't do the same thing to Hitler.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
What's your opinion of pedophilia?

God turned away from the Jews because they were assimilating like crazy and the religious Jews were not doing anything about it.
This, of course, is all part of the Tochacha given by Moshe.
The same thing happened during the Spanish Inquisition.

What's your opinion of pedophilia?
Introducing bestiality to children?
using children as sword proof shields during a battle?
Children. And. Infants. No question that you have to ask about morality, or ethics is of any importance, because you are morally bankrupt, and defend a sociopathic god who commanded the genocide of an entire race, including children. And. Infants. Because you cannot get around that simple reality, anything else you have to ask to get away from that fact is meaningless.
See, your "God knew they would grow up to be monsters" is just as bad, because that means he picks, and chooses which monsters he lets grow up to become monsters.

Children. And. Infants.
God created time and space, He is not limited to them.
The fact that God allows murderers of innocent people to commit murder is a great conundrum.
The fact that a psychiatrist would recommend releasing a serial murderer back into society to murder again is a great conundrum.
Children. And. Infants.
See, your "God knew they would grow up to be monsters" is just as bad, because that means he picks, and chooses which monsters he lets grow up to become monsters.

Children. And. Infants.
God created time and space, He is not limited to them.
The fact that God allows murderers of innocent people to commit murder is a great conundrum.
The fact that a psychiatrist would recommend releasing a serial murderer back into society to murder again is a great conundrum.
Children. And. Infants.
Are you this egocentric with your patients?
You did not address my questions concerning the abuse of children by parents.
I presume you treat patients?
See, your "God knew they would grow up to be monsters" is just as bad, because that means he picks, and chooses which monsters he lets grow up to become monsters.

Children. And. Infants.
God created time and space, He is not limited to them.
The fact that God allows murderers of innocent people to commit murder is a great conundrum.
The fact that a psychiatrist would recommend releasing a serial murderer back into society to murder again is a great conundrum.
Children. And. Infants.
Are you this egocentric with your patients?
You did not address my questions concerning the abuse of children by parents.
I presume you treat patients?
You're right. I didn't address your fake concern. I already told you, you suborn, defend, and justify genocide, and the murder of children, and infants. After that fact is exposed, any fake morality that you pretend to exhibit is irrelevant.

Children. And. Infants.

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