Secured border/deporation/amnesty


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

What does securing the border first have to do with dealing with the 20 million aliens that are already here now? Can’t our government do more than one thing at a time? Can’t we secure the border at the same time we deport the 20 million or put them on a path to citizenship? That two thing. Deportation or amnesty.

Then let those who are picking lettuce or cotton be allowed to work the harvest and leave and come back next season. Farm workers should never be legalized because when they are they will leave the fields for the inner cities and the farmers will not have any worker the next season. Farm workers should always be temporary workers. That is what they are here to do. The work Americans will not do. A farm worker’s permit that they could not use to work in the inner cities taking jobs from Americans. As long as they are picking lettuce and cotton, I have no problem.

At the rate we are going we will never secure the border and they will continue to come and nothing will change. Expect in 20 years there will be 40 million illegal aliens instead of 20 and drug cartels will be the new farmers. Growing their marijuana crops in the Sacramento central valley farm land.
They're also draining our medical system as in free healthcare while the ones who have health ins have to pay for it; higher premiums and higher doctor visits. One of my doctors has slowly been denying medical b/c medical take so long to pay and it only pays a portion of the bill. when those unpaid bills accumulate or pile up, that is huge amount of unpaid services rendered or lost revenue. To compensate for their losses the doc has to raise his visit pay to stay afloat.

ROBIN WILLIAMS: "Reality What a Concept"
I go to a dental clinic in the HAWC clinic and everone has to pay for the dental work BEFORE it is done. That is because they got stuck with Hispanics not paying their bills even though it is a county clinic and receive a discount. Illegal alien make a lot of things bad of the rest of us. I tried to make an appointment and pay when I got there and that was not accepted. I had to get on a bus go there and pay in advance and make an apointment. 90% of the patients and employers are Hispanic. Hawc clinic in Reno, NV.
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