See if you can also spot a bit of hypocrisy.....

You know, I've noticed that there are very few people interested in discussing the topic brought up by the OP, they are more interested in insults and childish remarks.


I do kinda wonder what Trump's thinking is. Yes, I've noticed that when he's talking about something that he wants to do, he describes the current situation as a catastrophe and says that he alone can fix it.

And then, in the next breath, he tells us how great he's doing as president and how he's got the economy booming, illegal immigration is down, etc. etc.

Yep, Trump is a hypocrite and appears to have the attention span of a goldfish.
The above right wingers' (Trump cult members) replies, are a testament to their level of "intelligentsia" in addressing the topic.........(maybe they're still asleep?)

Topic? LMAO


Thanks for the bump, Tigger......Much appreciated...(especially for your erudite retort.....LOL)

If the only thing you regressives can come up with is republicans have poopy pants, cause I don't like the president, maybe you should get a clue. Regressive trolling is expected since you have nothing constructive to offer.

Actually it is you trying to insist we go further into debt to pay for programs the American taxpayer neither wants or needs

Help me out here, 9thGrader.......Where EXACTLY did I state that we should go "further into debt to pay for programs the American taxpayer neither wants or needs."

Your help would be much appreciated................(asshole,.............. LOL)
Here are 3 issues that Trump and his cult membership are spewing, and without the usual partisanship, see if these issues smack a bit of hypocrisy.....

1. We have a booming economy, stock market has skyrocketed and unemployment is virtually non-existent........

HOWEVER, we need a huge tax breaks to help these "struggling" conglomerates so that they may boost the economy's GDP, create jobs and MAGA........

2. Illegal immigration (thanks to Trump) is at an all-time low, ridding the U.S. of these illegal "moochers" who steal from right wingers precious jobs, and cost us billions in health care and education.

HOWEVER, we need BILLIONS of dollars added to our debt,because Trump promised us a BIG, BEAUTIFUL WALL, which.................eventually............Mexico will beg us to pay for it.

3. Diplomacy has been a failure with previous GOP and DEM. administrations with North Korea; only tough talk about nuclear buttons will even scare North Koreans into submission.

HOWEVER, when North AND South Korea decide to hold talks without the U.S. involvement, we MUST take "credit" for the brilliant strategy that Trump has cleverly masterminded.....

Just some "food for thought"...........
Just some "food for thought"...........
I'd suggest a 7 course meal
Actually it is you trying to insist we go further into debt to pay for programs the American taxpayer neither wants or needs

Help me out here, 9thGrader.......Where EXACTLY did I state that we should go "further into debt to pay for programs the American taxpayer neither wants or needs."

Your help would be much appreciated................(asshole,.............. LOL)

Are you not the one insisting we make loans we don't need? Why exactly should we not simply stop "spending" money on things the taxpayer neither wants or needs and does not benefit from? Why exactly should we tax Americans who are already financially challenged to support illegal aliens and refugees, give it away to countries that hate us or in "foreign aid" to people who we don't know or especially like?
hey nat at least they did not reply with the "intelligentsia" that you usually know this

Sorry that I forced you to look up the definition of "intelligentsia".......LOL
did not have to look it up nat....unlike you ...
.....i paid attention in school....
Are you not the one insisting we make loans we don't need? Why exactly should we not simply stop "spending" money on things the taxpayer neither wants or needs and does not benefit from?

Again. moron, where EXACTLY am I taking a stance against spending cuts...WHERE???
Here are 3 issues that Trump and his cult membership are spewing, and without the usual partisanship, see if these issues smack a bit of hypocrisy.....

1. We have a booming economy, stock market has skyrocketed and unemployment is virtually non-existent........

HOWEVER, we need a huge tax breaks to help these "struggling" conglomerates so that they may boost the economy's GDP, create jobs and MAGA........

2. Illegal immigration (thanks to Trump) is at an all-time low, ridding the U.S. of these illegal "moochers" who steal from right wingers precious jobs, and cost us billions in health care and education.

HOWEVER, we need BILLIONS of dollars added to our debt,because Trump promised us a BIG, BEAUTIFUL WALL, which.................eventually............Mexico will beg us to pay for it.

3. Diplomacy has been a failure with previous GOP and DEM. administrations with North Korea; only tough talk about nuclear buttons will even scare North Koreans into submission.

HOWEVER, when North AND South Korea decide to hold talks without the U.S. involvement, we MUST take "credit" for the brilliant strategy that Trump has cleverly masterminded.....

Just some "food for thought"...........
The reprehensible right is consistent at being inconsistent.
Are you not the one insisting we make loans we don't need? Why exactly should we not simply stop "spending" money on things the taxpayer neither wants or needs and does not benefit from?

Again. moron, where EXACTLY am I taking a stance against spending cuts...WHERE???

Continually when you discount the possibility of spending cuts instead of taking loans. Are you now suggesting that you finally understand that cutting out funding for idiotic programs can free those funds for programs that are actually needed and useful?
You know, I've noticed that there are very few people interested in discussing the topic brought up by the OP, they are more interested in insults and childish remarks.


I do kinda wonder what Trump's thinking is. Yes, I've noticed that when he's talking about something that he wants to do, he describes the current situation as a catastrophe and says that he alone can fix it.

And then, in the next breath, he tells us how great he's doing as president and how he's got the economy booming, illegal immigration is down, etc. etc.

Yep, Trump is a hypocrite and appears to have the attention span of a goldfish.

So nice of you to add your own insults and childish remarks.
Here are 3 issues that Trump and his cult membership are spewing, and without the usual partisanship, see if these issues smack a bit of hypocrisy.....

1. We have a booming economy, stock market has skyrocketed and unemployment is virtually non-existent........

HOWEVER, we need a huge tax breaks to help these "struggling" conglomerates so that they may boost the economy's GDP, create jobs and MAGA........

2. Illegal immigration (thanks to Trump) is at an all-time low, ridding the U.S. of these illegal "moochers" who steal from right wingers precious jobs, and cost us billions in health care and education.

HOWEVER, we need BILLIONS of dollars added to our debt,because Trump promised us a BIG, BEAUTIFUL WALL, which.................eventually............Mexico will beg us to pay for it.

3. Diplomacy has been a failure with previous GOP and DEM. administrations with North Korea; only tough talk about nuclear buttons will even scare North Koreans into submission.

HOWEVER, when North AND South Korea decide to hold talks without the U.S. involvement, we MUST take "credit" for the brilliant strategy that Trump has cleverly masterminded.....

Just some "food for thought"...........
The reprehensible right is consistent at being inconsistent.

And the left is just not right.
Here are 3 issues that Trump and his cult membership are spewing, and without the usual partisanship, see if these issues smack a bit of hypocrisy.....

1. We have a booming economy, stock market has skyrocketed and unemployment is virtually non-existent........

HOWEVER, we need a huge tax breaks to help these "struggling" conglomerates so that they may boost the economy's GDP, create jobs and MAGA........

2. Illegal immigration (thanks to Trump) is at an all-time low, ridding the U.S. of these illegal "moochers" who steal from right wingers precious jobs, and cost us billions in health care and education.

HOWEVER, we need BILLIONS of dollars added to our debt,because Trump promised us a BIG, BEAUTIFUL WALL, which.................eventually............Mexico will beg us to pay for it.

3. Diplomacy has been a failure with previous GOP and DEM. administrations with North Korea; only tough talk about nuclear buttons will even scare North Koreans into submission.

HOWEVER, when North AND South Korea decide to hold talks without the U.S. involvement, we MUST take "credit" for the brilliant strategy that Trump has cleverly masterminded.....

Just some "food for thought"...........
The reprehensible right is consistent at being inconsistent.
and you are consistent at being a useless poster...

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