Seems like many Gazans prefer Jihad over peace

P F Tinmore, et al,

Yes! This is so much like a peaceful Palestinian.

So who needs more fake peace talks?

In the language is based on the language that the refugees wishing to return to their homes and live at peace with their neighbors should be permitted to do so.

Report: Gaza protestors march against peace talks said:
Hundreds of Palestinians on Friday protested in the Gaza Strip against the recently renewed Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, AFP reported.

The marches, reportedly organized by Hamas and Islamic Jihad, condemned rival West Bank-based Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas's "political failure" for returning to the negotiating table with Israel.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that this is what we expected of those wishing the "right of return."

Most Respectfully,
A die-hard Hamas supporter who thinks "Israel is inside Palestine" believes in peace? Gimmi a break. There is only one "peace" for them, the type that occurs after the elimination of the "Zionist entity." Which of course will never happen. Not that it's going to stop them from fantasizing.

Does anybody think for a moment that if Israel was conquered tomorrow and all of it was renamed the "Islamic Khalifate of Palestine" life would be better for the Palestinians, or would they start butchering each other over power, religion, and money like the rest of the Arab world today? The answer is obvious.
Report: Gaza protestors march against peace talks | JPost | Israel News

How can we make peace with these people ??? I mean, even if Abbas reaches a peace deal with Israel, it seems like Hamas won't approve anyway, so what's the point ?

25 ppl were killed by bombs in Lebanon today, 40 in Iraq, 900 by chemical weapons in Syria this past week. There's no way to make peace with these ppl.

The victims of the chemical weapons in Syria were killed by a murderous secular/Arab natiolist dictator, not Hamas or Al Qaeda.
Report: Gaza protestors march against peace talks | JPost | Israel News

How can we make peace with these people ??? I mean, even if Abbas reaches a peace deal with Israel, it seems like Hamas won't approve anyway, so what's the point ?

25 ppl were killed by bombs in Lebanon today, 40 in Iraq, 900 by chemical weapons in Syria this past week. There's no way to make peace with these ppl.

The victims of the chemical weapons in Syria were killed by a murderous secular/Arab natiolist dictator, not Hamas or Al Qaeda.

pure speculation at this point
So who needs more fake peace talks?

I don't think the West Bankers are as infected with Islam as Gaza is.

I don't think the problem is with Islam, but with violence.

In any country where the past 30 years or so have been spent at war, the solution to almost any problem is seen as being more violence. This is as true in Mozambique or the DR Congo as it is in Gaza.

People in some parts of the WB have experienced less violence, and I think are a bit more balanced in their thinking as a result.
People in some parts of the WB have experienced less violence, and I think are a bit more balanced in their thinking as a result.
Does it mean that they're more interested in getting a life and a job, than in tiger-tail pulling experimentations?

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