Seen at Walmart just an hour ago...

The cashier said that's the fourth one she's seen today.


Democrat voter
You're kidding, right? It's some dumb-ass conservitard headed for their "bunker". (Basement)
Hey do they wear anything under that?
Western people don't know that underneath the covering, Muslim women wear beautiful high fashion dresses and have their hair styled at the beauty parlor. Which is how they dress at home for their husband or immediate family. .. :cool:

I saw that at the beginning of the movie Syriana ... before the young ladies could leave the party, they had to put on their hajji ... this was supposedly in Tehran ... shameful little sluts, no wonder Allah makes them marry Iranians ...
So that was you taking a pic of my shit. It’s ok man your cool with me.

I haven't broke out my gear yet. I'm saving it for when I go house to house, looking for unopened packaged of Hostess Twinkies. :04:

I'm lucky. The things I eat seems to be what nobody else touches. I guess "healthy eating" is finally paying off!

There was alot of that stuff that nobody else touches on the Walmart shelves this afternoon. Guess I'm gonna have to develop a taste for canned squid, kipper snacks, and chicken feet.
The cashier said that's the fourth one she's seen today.


Democrat voter
You're kidding, right? It's some dumb-ass conservitard headed for their "bunker". (Basement)

Plenty of 'leftatards' are prepper minded too... But they hoard crystals, sprouts and oils when the panic rages.

You mean like meth crystals, pot sprouts, and hash oils? :21:
Speaking of pot, Ann Arbor just canceled their 49th annual "Hash Bash." They're gonna have to get stoned at home.
You can find those people on a good day in Walmart. Notice that the shelves are still well stocked. The wife and I expected to find panic shopping in are Walmart in southwest Va. today. While there were some crazy shopping carts. the shelf stockers were busy and the only shelves that were empty were .....wait for it....Dr. Pepper and T.P. Strangely enough the nearby ABC store was empty and the shelves fully stocked. This is a very weird doomsday.
You can find those people on a good day in Walmart. Notice that the shelves are still well stocked. The wife and I expected to find panic shopping in are Walmart in southwest Va. today. While there were some crazy shopping carts the shelf stockers were busy but the only shelves that were empty were .....wait for it....Dr. Pepper and T.P.
On the bright side, pretty soon you'll be seeing these same items with huge markdowns don't need a tyvex suit for Flu protection.........LOL

The Surgical mask.....would be all you would need if you were that worried.........

We use those Tyvex suits going into Furnaces for Refactory fibers......which still manage to get on your clothes.........LOL
Hmm, did not check the Lysol stock at Walmart today. It was nuts! All I needed was booze and dryer sheets. :alcoholic:

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