Sell baby Sell !!

I'm not a Democrat...and what is te difference between "taxpayers" losing billions, and TARP turning a profit?

Since you probably don't know, I'll figure it out myself...

Tarp didn't turn a profit.

One obscure element earned a return, and the party media hyped it as if the program somehow was a money maker.

In simple terms, CNN lied.
Thanks, I probably should have just read it...but I was hoping to catch somebody not bing able to answer it....I'm such a troll looks like the 9 whatever billion loss, according to the auto industry it "saved"...was better than the 100 billion letting em' go broke would have cost.

But those estimates are those of the auto industry, so take it as you will
Thank you GWB ...

when Ford hit 6$ a share , I bought 1000 shares. TARP didn't cost me a dime.
TARP is a catastrophic failure and an utter betrayal of our capitalist roots. TARP allowed corrupt and criminal financial institutions to survive. Those institutions should have been dismantled, the pieces sold off, and the government should have gotten out of the way of better business models to replace them.

Instead, the federal government (Bush, Obama, Congress, et al.) further entrenched organized crime on Wall Street. "Moral hazard" doesn't even begin to approach the complicity in robbery our government created with TARP. Our government is providing police protection to the mobsters who are shaking down everyone on the planet.

And now, instead of Too Big To Fail banks, we have Too Big To Save banks.
Do I have to explain to you sheep again how you cannot compare government revenue to profit?
And now, instead of Too Big To Fail banks, we have Too Big To Save banks

not anymore, politicians of BOTH stripes just threw the taxpayer safety net right back under the banks.

F'm all

You can't be serious...


This reminds of the occasional employee that gets a look at a check a client pays us, inevitably 'suggesting' that they should get a raise... .

TARP and the associated policy which lead to it and from it, has cost the US trillions of dollars and more than likely, the US will never recover from the colossal error of bailing out corrupt enterprises. But the corrupt government did most of the heavy lifting promoting that corruption, so it follows that such would further promote corruption by further screwing those who got and are still being screwed by the corruption.

You can't be serious...


This reminds of the occasional employee that gets a look at a check a client pays us, inevitably 'suggesting' that they should get a raise... .

TARP and the associated policy which lead to it and from it, has cost the US trillions of dollars and more than likely, the US will never recover from the colossal error of bailing out corrupt enterprises. But the corrupt government did most of the heavy lifting promoting that corruption, so it follows that such would further promote corruption by further screwing those who got and are still being screwed by the corruption.

try and keep up.
Not a problem, Siete. Seeing what was happening, I just bought $5,000 in banking and investment company mutual funds! I'm serious about that!

You can't be serious...


This reminds of the occasional employee that gets a look at a check a client pays us, inevitably 'suggesting' that they should get a raise... .

TARP and the associated policy which lead to it and from it, has cost the US trillions of dollars and more than likely, the US will never recover from the colossal error of bailing out corrupt enterprises. But the corrupt government did most of the heavy lifting promoting that corruption, so it follows that such would further promote corruption by further screwing those who got and are still being screwed by the corruption.

try and keep up.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

You can't be serious...


This reminds of the occasional employee that gets a look at a check a client pays us, inevitably 'suggesting' that they should get a raise... .

TARP and the associated policy which lead to it and from it, has cost the US trillions of dollars and more than likely, the US will never recover from the colossal error of bailing out corrupt enterprises. But the corrupt government did most of the heavy lifting promoting that corruption, so it follows that such would further promote corruption by further screwing those who got and are still being screwed by the corruption.


You can't be serious...


This reminds of the occasional employee that gets a look at a check a client pays us, inevitably 'suggesting' that they should get a raise... .

TARP and the associated policy which lead to it and from it, has cost the US trillions of dollars and more than likely, the US will never recover from the colossal error of bailing out corrupt enterprises. But the corrupt government did most of the heavy lifting promoting that corruption, so it follows that such would further promote corruption by further screwing those who got and are still being screwed by the corruption.

try and keep up.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

shuuuuuure Goober, anything you say ...
shuuuuuure Goober, anything you say ...[sic]

OH! A re-concession? Super... (You should know that once you've conceded, you are no obligated to concede further..., but it is always nice when ya do! So don't think I don't appreciate it, sweety.

Your 2nd concession to the same standing points is again duly noted and summarily accepted.
shuuuuuure Goober, anything you say ...[sic]

OH! A re-concession? Super... (You should know that once you've conceded, you are no obligated to concede further..., but it is always nice when ya do! So don't think I don't appreciate it, sweety.

Your 2nd concession to the same standing points is again duly noted and summarily accepted.

Shut it, dumbass.
TARP was established because the Clinton administration forced banks to make bad loans or risk civil rights litigation and all the negative stuff that comes when democrats play the race card. True to form the criminal enterprise created by democrats hired no show jobs for the Fannie Mae board and bundled bad loans with good loans and sold them back to lending institutions as good loans. Bush authorized 700 billion and democrats Chris Dodd and Barney Fwank cut it down to 450 billion.
Exactly. The whole economic mess started with Clinton forcing bankers to lend money to people they knew wouldn't pay the loan back.

Sorry, it was a bipartisan mess - House Republicans voted on it as well.

Plenty of blame to go around.
shuuuuuure Goober, anything you say ...[sic]

OH! A re-concession? Super... (You should know that once you've conceded, you are no obligated to concede further..., but it is always nice when ya do! So don't think I don't appreciate it, sweety.

Your 2nd concession to the same standing points is again duly noted and summarily accepted.

I'm being nice to you, the quintessential MORON.

now be a good boy and go play in the freeway ..
Guys, some of you are not familiar with WhereRMyKeys. He has that line about "Your concession is noted and accepted" in his Google auto fill bar, and uses it at least three times per day. Keys has never lost an argument. A little originality would be nice, occasionally, but one should not have too high of expectations in this regard.
Guys, some of you are not familiar with WhereRMyKeys. He has that line about "Your concession is noted and accepted" in his Google auto fill bar, and uses it at least three times per day. Keys has never lost an argument. A little originality would be nice, occasionally, but one should not have too high of expectations in this regard.

so the quintessential MORON, has been outed as the quintessential MORON.

imagine that.

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