Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) laughs hysterically after joking about killing President Trump

California Senator and Democrat 2020 hopeful Kamala Harris laughed hysterically after cracking a ‘death joke’ about President Donald Trump during an appearance on “The Ellen Show” Thursday.
WOW! California Democrat Sen. Kamala Harris Cracks DEATH JOKE About President Trump (VIDEO) - Blunt Force Truth
But we won't see this bitch kicked out now will we. If the tables were turned the cities would be burnt down by the mental cases.

Ellen gave her the choice of three of three of the trashiest, most vile woman-hating little scumbags ever to come to D.C., none of whom is worth the air he breathes. Harris had a great comeback!
Here's another liberal freak losing it on a group of teenage girls.

Triggered liberal Councilwoman Kellye Burke got told to shut the fuck up and cited by police after she verbally assaulted a group of teenage girls in line to buy cookies for kids at their church. Why? Because one wore a Trump MAGA t-shirt. Burke allegedly screamed, “Grab ‘em by the p---- girls!” When the teen girls tried to ignore her, she yelled the obscenity again, and then started yelling, “MAGA! MAGA! MAGA!” as she shook her fist at them scaring them. Then took a photo of the girl wearing a MAGA shirt.

Why isn't this freak liberal in jail???
Suddenly the phrase "MAGA" is a bad thing for come?

Do you condone an adult liberal woman verbally assaulting a group of teenage girls? Hurling foul language and hate at them? By all means step forward and defend this POS liberal woman's attack on kids you lowlife scum.
Here's another liberal freak losing it on a group of teenage girls.

Triggered liberal Councilwoman Kellye Burke got told to shut the fuck up and cited by police after she verbally assaulted a group of teenage girls in line to buy cookies for kids at their church. Why? Because one wore a Trump MAGA t-shirt. Burke allegedly screamed, “Grab ‘em by the p---- girls!” When the teen girls tried to ignore her, she yelled the obscenity again, and then started yelling, “MAGA! MAGA! MAGA!” as she shook her fist at them scaring them. Then took a photo of the girl wearing a MAGA shirt.

Why isn't this freak liberal in jail???
Suddenly the phrase "MAGA" is a bad thing for come?

Do you condone an adult liberal woman verbally assaulting a group of teenage girls? Hurling foul language and hate at them? By all means step forward and defend this POS liberal woman's attack on kids you lowlife scum.

An adult assaulting teen agers? Have you seen fox?
Here's another liberal freak losing it on a group of teenage girls.

Triggered liberal Councilwoman Kellye Burke got told to shut the fuck up and cited by police after she verbally assaulted a group of teenage girls in line to buy cookies for kids at their church. Why? Because one wore a Trump MAGA t-shirt. Burke allegedly screamed, “Grab ‘em by the p---- girls!” When the teen girls tried to ignore her, she yelled the obscenity again, and then started yelling, “MAGA! MAGA! MAGA!” as she shook her fist at them scaring them. Then took a photo of the girl wearing a MAGA shirt.

Why isn't this freak liberal in jail???
Suddenly the phrase "MAGA" is a bad thing for come?

Do you condone an adult liberal woman verbally assaulting a group of teenage girls? Hurling foul language and hate at them? By all means step forward and defend this POS liberal woman's attack on kids you lowlife scum.

An adult assaulting teen agers? Have you seen fox?

Answer the question, I think we all know your answer. Liberal freaks can't even tolerate a group of teenage girls standing outside a church buying cookies, a Trump shirt triggers them and they vomit hate.
There is ZERO chance the retarded, racist idiot Kamala has any chance for office at the national level. She has proved she is an affirmative action idiot many times. Combine that with her hatred for White people...well folks that is why democrats support the invasion of the USA by savages.
California Senator and Democrat 2020 hopeful Kamala Harris laughed hysterically after cracking a ‘death joke’ about President Donald Trump during an appearance on “The Ellen Show” Thursday.
WOW! California Democrat Sen. Kamala Harris Cracks DEATH JOKE About President Trump (VIDEO) - Blunt Force Truth
But we won't see this bitch kicked out now will we. If the tables were turned the cities would be burnt down by the mental cases.
I hope the fucking slut gets raped. There. Wasn't that funny?

People are gonna get whiplash, seeing your post followed by your sig file.
I guess the question Kamala a lesbian? She is ugly as fuck, stupid as fuck and good looking people are repulsed by the math!
Ugly in what sense? And do you really need me to trot out her bona fides?
Ugly in what sense?

Granted she is not as ugly as Maxine Waters, but still, she and the jewish dude need to let their jewfros go instead of straightening their hair like Whitey. :p

And do you really need me to trot out her bona fides?

Please do whatever you must to defend an absolute retarded, affirmative action idiot. :)
Oh well.
It's one of those situations where if someone on the right laughed about whether Obama or Hillary came out alive, the left would be outraged and would make claims of racism and sexism and hatemongering.
It's just where we're at today. This is what it's like living in a country that is extremely divided.
In all honesty, jillian and some other apparent psychotically butthurt Hillary supporters who express such hatred should be closely monitored by the FBI, but then again the FBI would let whatever they want to do happen since they are apparently haters also!
What is it with these Democrats with murder and violence on their minds? This woman wants to be president in 2020.

She gets my vote
What is it with these Democrats with murder and violence on their minds? This woman wants to be president in 2020.


She should be tarred and feathered for her hateful remarks
make sure she's standing next to the drumph pos when that happens
In all honesty, jillian and some other apparent psychotically butthurt Hillary supporters who express such hatred should be closely monitored by the FBI, but then again the FBI would let whatever they want to do happen since they are apparently haters also!
If anyone were being monitored on USMB by the FBI it would be you near the top of the list.

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