Sen Murray (D) calls McConnell and his handler's (Grover) bluff

The top 20 percent of wage earners pay 50 percent of the taxes while 50 percent of the people pay no taxes at all. And you want them to pay more? What's wrong with this picture? S-O-C-I-A-L-I-S-M

So a 39.6% top marginal tax rate with deductions galore is "socialism".

Appropriate, I guess, at a time when criticizing a minority about anything is "racism".

This country is off the rails.

Off the cliff, Thelma & Louise-style - Video on

Patty Murray: Democrats will go over 'fiscal cliff' unless GOP relents -

“Millions of jobs could be lost through the automatic cuts, programs families depend on would be slashed irresponsibly across the board, and middle-class tax cuts would expire. And once again, if Republicans won’t work with us on a balanced approach, we are not going to get a deal,” said Senator Murray, the Senate’s No. 4 Democrat, in a speech at the Brookings Institution on Monday.

“f we can’t get a good deal – a balanced deal that calls on the wealthy to pay their fair share – then I will absolutely continue this debate into 2013, rather than lock in a long-term deal this year that throws middle-class families under the bus,” she said.

I don't know why they don't just blow off the pledge. They had no business pledging to Grover Norquist to begin with.

Yeah, because unlike your masters the Democrats, maybe the Republicans listen to their constituatant when they say, NO NEW FUCKING TAXES until you cut down this damn bloated government..but for you all it's about is raising taxes on people, you don't CARE about anything else
The top 20 percent of wage earners pay 50 percent of the taxes while 50 percent of the people pay no taxes at all. And you want them to pay more? What's wrong with this picture? S-O-C-I-A-L-I-S-M
This is why CON$ervoFascists are so insane!!! They bitch about how 50% pay no taxes but want to make the Bush tax cuts permanent which doubled the number of people paying no taxes. So here is an opportunity to cut the munber of "freeloaders" in half and the CON$ervoFascists are against it. :cuckoo::cuckoo:
The top 20 percent of wage earners pay 50 percent of the taxes while 50 percent of the people pay no taxes at all. And you want them to pay more? What's wrong with this picture? S-O-C-I-A-L-I-S-M

So a 39.6% top marginal tax rate with deductions galore is "socialism".

Appropriate, I guess, at a time when criticizing a minority about anything is "racism".

This country is off the rails.


Yeah, whe you start going over 40 percent, that's a no incentive to be successful. Some of these people are small business people!

And you have 1 in 7 on the government dole? Has anyone ever figured out just how much it costs to subsidize a welfare able bodied person with an income, food stamps and subsidized housing for a lifetime? Then multiply that by millions?

Think we might have a problem here?
The top 20 percent of wage earners pay 50 percent of the taxes while 50 percent of the people pay no taxes at all. And you want them to pay more? What's wrong with this picture? S-O-C-I-A-L-I-S-M

This is a pretty old meme..and not accurate. It was also George W. Bush that enacted a tax plan that allowed some income ranges not to pay federal taxes. But they still pay local taxes, which in turn allows the federal government to use it's revenue in different places.

But that brings to a huge issues conservatives never want to talk about. There are people in this country that work their asses off, but don't make enough to pay taxes. Why is that? Especially when you have executives at the same company making more money in one year then it's possible to spend in a lifetime. The compensation ratio in this country is off the charts at 400:1. No other modern industrialized nation does this. And that type of inequity leaves the burden to government to make up for the short fall.

This is in spite of a plethora of deductions and recent tax cuts. The "Job Creators" are now paying the lowest rate in history. Yet that hasn't translated to higher wages or more jobs. But it has translated to the expanding wealth of the "Job Creators".
The top 20 percent of wage earners pay 50 percent of the taxes while 50 percent of the people pay no taxes at all. And you want them to pay more? What's wrong with this picture? S-O-C-I-A-L-I-S-M
This is why CON$ervoFascists are so insane!!! They bitch about how 50% pay no taxes but want to make the Bush tax cuts permanent which doubled the number of people paying no taxes. So here is an opportunity to cut the munber of "freeloaders" in half and the CON$ervoFascists are against it. :cuckoo::cuckoo:

you have some NERVE along with THIS GOVERNMENT calling the people who have worked and PAYED THEIR TAXES all their life, FREELOADERS
Off the cliff, Thelma & Louise-style - Video on

Patty Murray: Democrats will go over 'fiscal cliff' unless GOP relents -

“Millions of jobs could be lost through the automatic cuts, programs families depend on would be slashed irresponsibly across the board, and middle-class tax cuts would expire. And once again, if Republicans won’t work with us on a balanced approach, we are not going to get a deal,” said Senator Murray, the Senate’s No. 4 Democrat, in a speech at the Brookings Institution on Monday.

“f we can’t get a good deal – a balanced deal that calls on the wealthy to pay their fair share – then I will absolutely continue this debate into 2013, rather than lock in a long-term deal this year that throws middle-class families under the bus,” she said.

I don't know why they don't just blow off the pledge. They had no business pledging to Grover Norquist to begin with.

Yeah, because unlike your masters the Democrats, maybe the Republicans listen to their constituatant when they say, NO NEW FUCKING TAXES until you cut down this damn bloated government..but for you all it's about is raising taxes on people, you don't CARE about anything else

Why are Republicans now trying to stop the deal they made then?

There are massive cuts everywhere..

"Un" bloating the government.
The top 20 percent of wage earners pay 50 percent of the taxes while 50 percent of the people pay no taxes at all. And you want them to pay more? What's wrong with this picture? S-O-C-I-A-L-I-S-M

So a 39.6% top marginal tax rate with deductions galore is "socialism".

Appropriate, I guess, at a time when criticizing a minority about anything is "racism".

This country is off the rails.


Yeah, whe you start going over 40 percent, that's a no incentive to be successful. Some of these people are small business people!

And you have 1 in 7 on the government dole? Has anyone ever figured out just how much it costs to subsidize a welfare able bodied person with an income, food stamps and subsidized housing for a lifetime? Then multiply that by millions?

Think we might have a problem here?

First of all, I've looked for empirical evidence about the incentive tipping point for top marginal tax rates, and I can't find any. You offer 40%. Perhaps you can provide that evidence.

Second, how does the current amount of people on the government dole, due in strong part to the economy, equate to socialism?

The top 20 percent of wage earners pay 50 percent of the taxes while 50 percent of the people pay no taxes at all. And you want them to pay more? What's wrong with this picture? S-O-C-I-A-L-I-S-M
This is why CON$ervoFascists are so insane!!! They bitch about how 50% pay no taxes but want to make the Bush tax cuts permanent which doubled the number of people paying no taxes. So here is an opportunity to cut the munber of "freeloaders" in half and the CON$ervoFascists are against it. :cuckoo::cuckoo:

you have some NERVE along with THIS GOVERNMENT calling the people who have worked and PAYED THEIR TAXES all their life, FREELOADERS
Hey dumbass! It's the 50% who you CON$ervoFascists say pay no taxes who are the freeloaders!!! :asshole:
I'm looking forward to it. When you're done, you're done. And I have been done being held hostage by Congress signing the Norquist pledge for a Very Long Time.
The top 20 percent of wage earners pay 50 percent of the taxes while 50 percent of the people pay no taxes at all. And you want them to pay more? What's wrong with this picture? S-O-C-I-A-L-I-S-M

You are a moron, you are a problem in that you also probably vote...darnit
The top 20 percent of wage earners pay 50 percent of the taxes while 50 percent of the people pay no taxes at all. And you want them to pay more? What's wrong with this picture? S-O-C-I-A-L-I-S-M

So a 39.6% top marginal tax rate with deductions galore is "socialism".

Appropriate, I guess, at a time when criticizing a minority about anything is "racism".

This country is off the rails.


The poster you are talking to can barely afford mac and cheese, he or she hates Black people, Gay people and takes directions from scum like rove and koch

it is their hate and fear of everyone not exactly like them that unites them, they are the most ignorant people in our country and they prove it every single time they post on here

and yes, sometimes they are them-self Gay or Black, I havent met one yet here though
I'm looking forward to it. When you're done, you're done. And I have been done being held hostage by Congress signing the Norquist pledge for a Very Long Time.

good grief, you don't even know what you're talking people have all these out side boogie men that are holding people hostage.
DNC talking points is all you people know
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Why do you keep blaming Bush? Just for the sake of discussion lets say it was Bush's fault on everything. Obama pleadged hope and change and we no hope and no change except for the worse and you still Blame Bush. Get a grip you man is not an American.
1. The Dems could've raised taxes on the rich back in '09. Didn't cuz they didn't have the balls to do it. Probably too many of THEIR wealthy donors told 'em not to.

2. Clinton and Obama are both on record as saying that raising taxes in a recession is a bad idea. Well here we are, maybe it ain't an offical recession, but it's damn close. Too close for a lot of people.

3. You realize what's going to happen to the cap gains and dividends tax rate come Jan 1? That's where most of the income comes from for those SOB 1%ers. If those tax rates are not extended, this economy will be in for a major shitstorm.

4. Do you also realize what happens when you raise tax rates? The rich people sellout, pack up, and move out to other climes where they can make a better return on their investments. Or maybe they stay home but their money leaves, or goes into the various tax havens that our fucked up tax code has. One way or another, you ain't going to get the extra revenue you thought you were going to get.

5. Obama doesn't care whether we get the extra revenue or not, he just wants the "fairness". So, are you okay with raising taxes for fairness even if it means the possibility of less economic growth? Love to see an answer for this one, doubt I'll get one.

6. You do realize, that the tax hikes being discussed are not going to come close to solving our debt/deficit problem, right? The entitlement programs we have will still be insolvent, and the amount of interest we'll have to pay on the debt will continue to go up. And eventually those low interest rates will begin to climb; it ain't going to be a couple hundred billion, it's going to exceed a trillion dollars. Are you good with laying that kind of burden on future taxpayers, your kids and grandkids?

Yeah sure, I guess things will be more fair. We'll all be fucked, but by God it'll be fair.
Dude. You are an amazing poster, and I am always happy to see/hear from you but we are done with the hostage bullshit.

Let the chips fall where they may.
I'm looking forward to it. When you're done, you're done. And I have been done being held hostage by Congress signing the Norquist pledge for a Very Long Time.

good grief, you don't even know what you're talking people have all these out side boogie men that are holding people hostage.
DNC talking points is all you people know

wow you dont know about the pledge?

Dude. You are an amazing poster, and I am always happy to see/hear from you but we are done with the hostage bullshit.

Let the chips fall where they may.

Hostage? What hostage? You mean the reference to the debt we're gonna lay on future generations? Can't believe you don't care about the costs we'll have to pay in perpetuity just to service the interest payments.
I'm done. That last hostage crisis of summer 2011 was enough to have me fed up for life.

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