Sen Paul: Govt spent $118,000 to see if Thanos could really snap his fingers...

He didn’t mention a thing about the purpose of the study being about friction for robotics and prosthetics. He made it sound like it was fact checking a super hero movie. That’s lying

That's because it has nothing to do with robotics and prosthetics. It has to do with giving them fool around money setting us further into debt.
That's because it has nothing to do with robotics and prosthetics. It has to do with giving them fool around money setting us further into debt.
Why do you say it has nothing to do with robotics and prosthetics?? Because you blindly listen to Rand Paul and you don’t read more on the topic? The objectives are right there in black and white. I’ve posted them several times
A worth while study would be, how far can a Leftist bounce?

What height are they being dropped from?
Why do you say it has nothing to do with robotics and prosthetics?? Because you blindly listen to Rand Paul and you don’t read more on the topic? The objectives are right there in black and white. I’ve posted them several times

Excuses are not objectives. It's trying to justify wasteful spending. And what do you want to bet not one Fn thing will come from this nonsense other than giving a bunch of college kids some fun money to screw around with?
Skills such as sucking up grant money to be wasted
I’m sure some is wasted and I’m sure some goes to good use and spurs innovation. But that doesn’t really have anything to do with a senator misrepresenting a study for political gain
Excuses are not objectives. It's trying to justify wasteful spending. And what do you want to bet not one Fn thing will come from this nonsense other than giving a bunch of college kids some fun money to screw around with?
You’re calling it wasteful without knowing anything about it. It’s actually worse than that. You not only know nothing about it youve been misled about its purpose by a US senator and are too lazy to research more about it
Another 'Shrimp on a treadmill' Omnibus. During THAT one, of course, Democrats replaced all the windown in an abandoned Rangers' station with thhe latest, most expensive evo-windows available. Its not their money, either, so what do THEY care?!
The $1.7 trillion omnibus bill gives $2.5 million to each member of Congress for "home security". At first I thought it's total for all of them, but it can be taken either way.

That would be something typically seen in failing regimes about to collapse.

They must have done something worth breaking into their homes, and if so, do they really think $2.5 million would be enough?

There is no guarantee security systems will on next time Paul Pelosi plays "hide the hammer" game with his homo lover.

After re-read, and some digging, I need to correct this...

It's not $2.5 million for each member of Congress. Well, not in that form.
The $2.5 million is to be given to the Sargent at arms and they will create a security program for each member of Congress that will last until the funds are exhausted, at which point they will get another round of funding, for as long is needed, which means it may cost even more than originally funded.
Another 'Shrimp on a treadmill' Omnibus. During THAT one, of course, Democrats replaced all the windown in an abandoned Rangers' station with thhe latest, most expensive evo-windows available. Its not their money, either, so what do THEY care?!

Shrimp on a Treadmill was another misrepresentation of a legitimate scientific study by Republicans
What exactly that study was paid to prove?

Republicans: Stupid Democrats fund a study to teach shrimp to use a treadmill

Actual study: A study of the effects of contamination on the shrimp population. The treadmills were used to determine at which point the contamination would start to impact shrimp performance on the treadmill
Its does not sound like misrepresentation to me
Then you’re not paying attention. Paul didn’t mention the actual practical purpose of the study and made it sound like it was a fact check on a movie…. That’s misrepresentation
Then you’re not paying attention. Paul didn’t mention the actual practical purpose of the study and made it sound like it was a fact check on a movie…. That’s misrepresentation
It probably was indulging children with taxpayer money

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