Senate confirms DOJ nominee Kristen Clarke with just one Republican vote

How is the Civil Rights Department “functional” given the constant barrage of civil rights complaints assaulting the air waves? Are they all going to go away now that we’ve confirmed this bureaucrat ? What new and wonderful things can we expect? I mean other than an ever higher price tag.

.. and how many Democrat votes did each of Donny’s nominees receive, I must of missed that torrent of Bi-Partisan cooperation when he was trying to get the positions in his administration filled, enlighten me.
What's the purpose of the Civil Rights Department NightFox?
You tell us. Be specific.

Watch this dodge.

Dodge nothing, Nos, you're about to see a classic Duck, Dodge, and Hide! Followed by a changing of the subject and an ad hominem attack upon YOUR character!
A Black woman is in a important, powerful job.
What do you mean? Didn't we just have a black woman in the White House as president for EIGHT years?!
Valerie Jarrett? She might have been calling the shots.

There was pretty much a party line vote in the Senate well son of a fucking bitch another first. In the long History of the United States Senate we have never seen this mark the date on your calendar this is a red letter day in history.
now you know how the trump people felt.....the Democrats attacked him non-stop from before he stepped one foot in Office.
Why didn't you say "Marc, I now understand how Obama people felt", considering that it happened before Trump's time?
O was a fucking neocon. You should know this. Can’t you accept the truth because he’s black and a D?
That and his embrace of Wall St at the expense of Main St are two conundrums. I'll be dead of course, but imo it would be interesting to read a biog of this guy written 50 years or so after his passing. I'm rereading Edmund Morris' biography on TR. At least he didn't really surprise anyone .... which was good and maybe bad too. LOL
WHOA doggie, I think you missed something in that Morris bio.

TR surprised EVERYONE in the upper echelons of the partisan establishment who thought that by sticking him in the VP slot it would shut him up and neutralize his influence on public policy.

Guess what, SURPRISE!
marc you get get called an idiot around here way more than me......but then you may be to dumb to see it.....
If you value the opinions of those racist scumbags that's just more evidence as to how low in the gutter you are.
and yet here you are talking just like them.....putting me down just because i have the gall and audacity to question are you any different than them "racists" marc?....
now you know how the trump people felt.....the Democrats attacked him non-stop from before he stepped one foot in Office.
Why didn't you say "Marc, I now understand how Obama people felt", considering that it happened before Trump's time?
O was a fucking neocon. You should know this. Can’t you accept the truth because he’s black and a D?
That and his embrace of Wall St at the expense of Main St are two conundrums. I'll be dead of course, but imo it would be interesting to read a biog of this guy written 50 years or so after his passing. I'm rereading Edmund Morris' biography on TR. At least he didn't really surprise anyone .... which was good and maybe bad too. LOL
WHOA doggie, I think you missed something in that Morris bio.

TR surprised EVERYONE in the upper echelons of the partisan establishment who thought that by sticking him in the VP slot it would shut him up and neutralize his influence on public policy.

Guess what, SURPRISE!
At least TR went after the big corporations of his time and busted them up. We could use a politician like him today, but there isn’t one who dares do what he did.
now you know how the trump people felt.....the Democrats attacked him non-stop from before he stepped one foot in Office.
Why didn't you say "Marc, I now understand how Obama people felt", considering that it happened before Trump's time?
O was a fucking neocon. You should know this. Can’t you accept the truth because he’s black and a D?
That and his embrace of Wall St at the expense of Main St are two conundrums. I'll be dead of course, but imo it would be interesting to read a biog of this guy written 50 years or so after his passing. I'm rereading Edmund Morris' biography on TR. At least he didn't really surprise anyone .... which was good and maybe bad too. LOL
WHOA doggie, I think you missed something in that Morris bio.

TR surprised EVERYONE in the upper echelons of the partisan establishment who thought that by sticking him in the VP slot it would shut him up and neutralize his influence on public policy.

Guess what, SURPRISE!
At least TR went after the big corporations of his time and busted them up. We could use a politician like him today, but there isn’t one who dares do what he did.
Be careful what you wish for, we’re in a GLOBAL economy now, anti-trust actions against our own Corporations just degrades their competitiveness while giving a huge leg up to foreign competitors (ahem… CHINA), you sure you want to go do that road?
now you know how the trump people felt.....the Democrats attacked him non-stop from before he stepped one foot in Office.
Why didn't you say "Marc, I now understand how Obama people felt", considering that it happened before Trump's time?
O was a fucking neocon. You should know this. Can’t you accept the truth because he’s black and a D?
That and his embrace of Wall St at the expense of Main St are two conundrums. I'll be dead of course, but imo it would be interesting to read a biog of this guy written 50 years or so after his passing. I'm rereading Edmund Morris' biography on TR. At least he didn't really surprise anyone .... which was good and maybe bad too. LOL
WHOA doggie, I think you missed something in that Morris bio.

TR surprised EVERYONE in the upper echelons of the partisan establishment who thought that by sticking him in the VP slot it would shut him up and neutralize his influence on public policy.

Guess what, SURPRISE!
At least TR went after the big corporations of his time and busted them up. We could use a politician like him today, but there isn’t one who dares do what he did.
Be careful what you wish for, we’re in a GLOBAL economy now, anti-trust actions against our own Corporations just degrades their competitiveness while giving a huge leg up to foreign competitors (ahem… CHINA), you sure you want to go do that road?
I don’t care about that. They have way too much political power and need to be busted up.
About damn time she got confirmed, with just one Republican vote no doubt.

Now we'll have an actual functional Civil Rights Department.

Thank you Sleepy Joe!
time will tell you can't make an activist the head of a department and expect it to be functional.
now you know how the trump people felt.....the Democrats attacked him non-stop from before he stepped one foot in Office.
Why didn't you say "Marc, I now understand how Obama people felt", considering that it happened before Trump's time?
O was a fucking neocon. You should know this. Can’t you accept the truth because he’s black and a D?
That and his embrace of Wall St at the expense of Main St are two conundrums. I'll be dead of course, but imo it would be interesting to read a biog of this guy written 50 years or so after his passing. I'm rereading Edmund Morris' biography on TR. At least he didn't really surprise anyone .... which was good and maybe bad too. LOL
WHOA doggie, I think you missed something in that Morris bio.

TR surprised EVERYONE in the upper echelons of the partisan establishment who thought that by sticking him in the VP slot it would shut him up and neutralize his influence on public policy.

Guess what, SURPRISE!
At least TR went after the big corporations of his time and busted them up. We could use a politician like him today, but there isn’t one who dares do what he did.
Be careful what you wish for, we’re in a GLOBAL economy now, anti-trust actions against our own Corporations just degrades their competitiveness while giving a huge leg up to foreign competitors (ahem… CHINA), you sure you want to go do that road?
I don’t care about that. They have way too much political power and need to be busted up.
So that what? We can have Chinese owned corporations having “way too much political power” in this country?

I don’t think rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic to suit our foreign competition is the right way to go, but that’s just me.
now you know how the trump people felt.....the Democrats attacked him non-stop from before he stepped one foot in Office.
Why didn't you say "Marc, I now understand how Obama people felt", considering that it happened before Trump's time?
O was a fucking neocon. You should know this. Can’t you accept the truth because he’s black and a D?
That and his embrace of Wall St at the expense of Main St are two conundrums. I'll be dead of course, but imo it would be interesting to read a biog of this guy written 50 years or so after his passing. I'm rereading Edmund Morris' biography on TR. At least he didn't really surprise anyone .... which was good and maybe bad too. LOL
WHOA doggie, I think you missed something in that Morris bio.

TR surprised EVERYONE in the upper echelons of the partisan establishment who thought that by sticking him in the VP slot it would shut him up and neutralize his influence on public policy.

Guess what, SURPRISE!
At least TR went after the big corporations of his time and busted them up. We could use a politician like him today, but there isn’t one who dares do what he did.
Be careful what you wish for, we’re in a GLOBAL economy now, anti-trust actions against our own Corporations just degrades their competitiveness while giving a huge leg up to foreign competitors (ahem… CHINA), you sure you want to go do that road?
I don’t care about that. They have way too much political power and need to be busted up.
So that what? We can have Chinese owned corporations having “way too much political power” in this country?

I don’t think rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic to suit our foreign competition is the right way to go, but that’s just me.
Busting them up is a start.
How is the Civil Rights Department “functional” given the constant barrage of civil rights complaints assaulting the air waves? Are they all going to go away now that we’ve confirmed this bureaucrat ? What new and wonderful things can we expect? I mean other than an ever higher price tag.

.. and how many Democrat votes did each of Donny’s nominees receive, I must of missed that torrent of Bi-Partisan cooperation when he was trying to get the positions in his administration filled, enlighten me.
What's the purpose of the Civil Rights Department NightFox?
A Black woman is in a important, powerful job. Another FAIL for Republicans.
And, exactly as programmed, you celebrate this for race and gender.
No, you did that:

What are her qualifications?

Oh, yes...dark skin, and a vagina.
You said: "A Black woman..."

I didn't make you say that.

And you'd never heard of her before. I'd ask you for her qualifications, but you'd have to Google them.

So you're left with nothing but race and gender.
You never used to be this stupid. Of course I've heard of her before.
I doubt you did. You never heard of her until Biden nominated her.
About damn time she got confirmed, with just one Republican vote no doubt.

Now we'll have an actual functional Civil Rights Department.

Thank you Sleepy Joe!

Out of curiosity what makes her so qualified for the position? And why it now is functional?
What makes anyone qualified for a position?
Genitals and skin color, apparently.
You answer my questions first and THEN I'll answer yours, after all you have yet to make even a tiny effort to defend your own OP.

Sucks when someone challenges you to support your own assertions, huh? :cool:
To investigate and prosecute (if necessary) instances of civil rights violations nationwide.

It hasn't been functional under the last corrupt Administration on purpose.

Trump had no interest in keeping the law, nor being fair or partial.

What was your "challenge" exactly?
Do you not understand the questions I asked? or do you have some sort of reading disfunction, like perhaps selective reading that prevents you from comprehending questions that force you to deviate from the script you've generated in your head?

You still haven't answered them, color me shocked.

BTW just so you know, it's a DIVISON (of the DEPARTMENT of Justice) not a DEPARTMENT, apparently when you had to Google what it's functions are you missed that detail.

Thanks in advance for your attention to detail going forward.

Enough NightFox you have humiliated and emasculated MarcATL

The fight is over, no need to keep pounding on him.
Just once again demonstrating that he is unwilling to even attempt to defend his own arguments, his mode goes like this:






This thread was just a continuation of an ongoing experiment to see how consistently the rat will press the button when subjected to the same stimuli, so far he's batting 1000%.
why should he bother, fox. Your post was barely above a trolling effort.
LOL, since when did challenging someone to defend their assertions become a "trolling effort"?

It's no wonder so many left wingers around here can't formulate an argument based on reason and evidence to save their lives and can't debate their way out of a wet paper bag, they get offended when anyone deigns to challenge them to defend their assertions, all they want is an ECHO CHAMBER.

"Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other views." -- William F. Buckley
Since when did failing to be even marginally informed give a poster reason to question.

Does it matter? You don't have answers.
About damn time she got confirmed, with just one Republican vote no doubt.

Now we'll have an actual functional Civil Rights Department.

Thank you Sleepy Joe!
What are her qualifications?

Oh, yes...dark skin, and a vagina.

Democrats are such shallow people.

You should have checked her qualifications you misogynistic, racist, sack of shit. This is a woman who is SO qualified that Republicans have attacked her vociferously. To start with, she's a graduate of Harvard Law School, and the Leader of Harvard Black Student's Association there.

She's been a civil rights lawyer with the Department of Justice for more than 20 years, and for the past 5 years, has been the President of the non-profit Lawyers Committee for Social Justice, which makes her the MOST qualified leader of the Civil Rights Division in its history.

But you Daveman, being the fine example of the white male Republican that you are, look at this incredibly well qualified and experienced candidate for the job, and you immediately dismissed her because of her race and a vagina.
Hush, Canadian. Your opinions on internal US affairs are meaningless.

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