Senate Democrats Release Fusian GPS Transcript

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Trump will need to down a couple more hamburger tonight and then cry himself to sleep.
I keep wondering what Donald has on Lindsey... other than him being closeted.

Yeah, somebody needs to inform Lindsey that we all know he has a Grindr account.

why is it the left that says they love gays, but then always uses it as a negative guys really are projection artists.......omfg

we don't think it's a negative. we think they need to be protected from you and your ilk.

from what? Ironically you guys are cozy with Muslims....even the non terrorist ones that throw gays off a wouldn't dare criticize the religion of peace!

*I'm* cozy with musiims? really?

you might want to reconsider that.

She's kinda like Chuckie Schumer...Muslims use liberals for the fools that they are:crybaby:...

Bottom line, it was a fake dossier. The only question is did 0bama use it to get a FISA warrant.

Bottom line: Much of the dossier has been systantiated. And we do not know how much more mud Mueller has on Benedict.

I don't know what "systantiated" means but it hasn't been substantiated. It's 100% bull shit.

Go ahead and read the testimony. Benedict is a world known criminal.
Bottom line, it was a fake dossier. The only question is did 0bama use it to get a FISA warrant.

Bottom line: Much of the dossier has been systantiated. And we do not know how much more mud Mueller has on Benedict.

I don't know what "systantiated" means but it hasn't been substantiated. It's 100% bull shit.

Go ahead and read the testimony. Benedict is a world known criminal.

“The American people deserve the opportunity to see what he said and judge for themselves,” Ms. Feinstein said. “The innuendo and misinformation circulating about the transcript are part of a deeply troubling effort to undermine the investigation into potential collusion and obstruction of justice. The only way to set the record straight is to make the transcript public.”

Transcript below:

Read the Transcript of Glenn Simpson's Testimony to Congress

Everyone “got over it” the day after it happened. What we’re concerned with now is the idiotic policies of the racist, xenophobic policies of the man-child you elected.

The adherents to the party that was going to ensure Obama had no record to run on, by refusing to consider any of his legislation, is complaining that their president gets no respect. You have no idea what a cosmic joke your rhetoric is now.

Trump will continue to be criticized around the world as a racist xenophobic for the test of his term.

Everyone “got over it” the day after it happened. What we’re concerned with now is the idiotic policies of the racist, xenophobic policies of the man-child you elected.

The adherents to the party that was going to ensure Obama had no record to run on, by refusing to consider any of his legislation, is complaining that their president gets no respect. You have no idea what a cosmic joke your rhetoric is now.

Trump will continue to be criticized around the world as a racist xenophobic for the test of his term.

Wow! Three lies in one post!

1. You didn't get over it, you have only gotten worse and worse.
2. Obama couldn't run again, and the GOP gave the idiot Obama everything he wanted. That's why America got so fed up with the gutless, spineless GOP they elected Trump.
3. Trump is not hated around the world, in fact the opposite is true. He is only hated by the globalists and the politicians hell bent on not allowing America to be great again. The rank and file Europeans wish he was their leader.
Feinstein called the bluff of Grassley and Graham. Good for Her! They went too far when they went after Steele.

Simpson: Steele feared Trump was being blackmailed - CNNPolitics

It's really weird that there were 19 undisclosed contacts with Russians by Trump campaign officials, but Graham and GrASSley want to go after the guy that called the cops.

OMG people talked to, Flynn did and you guys got punked on fuck you and your Russia hoax

Everyone “got over it” the day after it happened. What we’re concerned with now is the idiotic policies of the racist, xenophobic policies of the man-child you elected.

The adherents to the party that was going to ensure Obama had no record to run on, by refusing to consider any of his legislation, is complaining that their president gets no respect. You have no idea what a cosmic joke your rhetoric is now.

Trump will continue to be criticized around the world as a racist xenophobic for the test of his term.

Wow! Three lies in one post!

1. You didn't get over it, you have only gotten worse and worse.
2. Obama couldn't run again, and the GOP gave the idiot Obama everything he wanted. That's why America got so fed up with the gutless, spineless GOP they elected Trump.
3. Trump is not hated around the world, in fact the opposite is true. He is only hated by the globalists and the politicians hell bent on not allowing America to be great again. The rank and file Europeans wish he was their leader.

You truly are too stupid to be one person.

1. Not my circus, not my monkeys. I didn’t vote for either one of them. If you dolts want to elect a narcissistic man-child to destroy your country, by all means, enjoy. But don’t come crying to the rest of the world when it all blows up in your face.

2. We’re talking 2009 here sunshine. That’s when Obama was told he’d be a one-term President. That’s why the Republican Party is the “Party of No”. They have no idea how to govern and can only obstruct, even to the point of obstructing their own agenda.

3. Rank and file Europeans think Trump is an asshole.

Everyone “got over it” the day after it happened. What we’re concerned with now is the idiotic policies of the racist, xenophobic policies of the man-child you elected.

The adherents to the party that was going to ensure Obama had no record to run on, by refusing to consider any of his legislation, is complaining that their president gets no respect. You have no idea what a cosmic joke your rhetoric is now.

Trump will continue to be criticized around the world as a racist xenophobic for the test of his term.

Nope, you didn' guys have used every alinsky tactic.......all have failed.

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