Senate Dems cannot define a woman

Somebody seems to think that a female is only a female during the years that she menstruates. I wonder what he imagines a female is before and after those years. Maybe he can sit down with the judge and work it out.
I know for a fact that my female cat, from birth to her eventual death, will not be gender identifying as anything but female, but again, prove me wrong. Biologically speaking of course.
Whatever rights are recognized and accommodations made must be predicated upon the scientific reality of gender identity, not the prejudicial presumptions of politicians.

There is no science in your mentally ill agenda.

Explain the Genetic Science behind this fact:

All humankind descended from two people:

Mitochondrial Eve & Y Chromosome Adam.

That is a fact.

We didn't come from Adam and Steve your sick perv.
I won’t own it because I legitimately do not care what the definition of a woman is.
I want healthcare for Americans. I want gun control. I want lower gas prices. I want higher taxes on the rich.

…I don’t want a spelling bee

And yet a large part of your sides effort is into trying to force acceptance of things like this, and throwing a fit when you don't get your way.

Also lying about what the laws actually do.

You want typical prog bullshit, and this is typical prog bullshit, you just are internally admitting it isn't playing out on Main St. the way you thought, so in the memory hole it goes.

But deep down you still care about it.
I give you credit for being one of the few lefties here who is open about how much you hate women. Most of you hide it.
And yet a large part of your sides effort is into trying to force acceptance of things like this, and throwing a fit when you don't get your way.

Also lying about what the laws actually do.

You want typical prog bullshit, and this is typical prog bullshit, you just are internally admitting it isn't playing out on Main St. the way you thought, so in the memory hole it goes.

But deep down you still care about it.
It’s not about forcing anything.

Its about giving equal protection under the law:

The GOP is the one trying to force bathroom bills and Don’t Say Gay bills.
Then don't let politicians define you as a banana. Only you know how you self-identify.
The problem is that the liberal politicians are going along with people that are identifying as "bananas" and that is "bananas" (as in crazy).

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