Senate Dems cannot define a woman

How you self identify doesn't matter to anyone but you.
It matters to medical experts who recognize the reality who that one's biological identity isn't necessarily congruent with one's gender identity, although there are intrusive, big government nutjobs who want the State to dictate to everyone.
Progs are butt stupid.

What MORON doesn't know what a woman is?

Maybe I have news for the proggies.

A trans woman ISN'T a woman.

It's a converted man.
I beg to differ, a tranny is a mentally ill man who needs to be put away, before he harms himself or others.
This is the gentle, understanding truth. At the same time, expecting that others will conform to an individual's "identifying" is a bit much. Demanding it, absurd.
I don't think that it is asking to much to acknowledge equality under law with other individuals, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and gender identity notwithstanding.
It is not difficult to define what a woman based on biological sex.
It is a bit harder based on gender.
Without being snarky (and I miss that), I suggest that your proposition is not necessarily true. The definition of “woman” isn’t predicated on how one identifies. A biological male may “feel” as though he is a female trapped in a males’s body. But there is no difficulty for me, on that basis, in labeling him as a male. He may not like the label. As a matter of simple courtesy, I can agree to call him a “her,” in fact. But that’s not definitional.
It matters to medical experts who recognize the reality who that one's biological identity isn't necessarily congruent with one's gender identity, although there are intrusive, big government nutjobs who want the State to dictate to everyone.
I’m a conservative and I prefer smaller government. In the ordinary course of things, I prefer it when government keeps its nose out of the private matters of the people. So, I’m not sure which folks you have in mind.

There are some things in life that involve personal lives over which most of us concede that government may have a valid interest. Many everyday examples exist. Where the lines are drawn, where they blur or where they overlap or conflict is always fodder for some debate.

Therefore while I don’t give a damn if Bruce Jenner chose to relinquish his identity as a male in order to become a female (as best as that can be accomplished), I also don’t see it as a governmental issue. But I will stick my nose into the discussion about “trans women” (biological males) competing against Biological females in women’s college athletics. Why? Because we’d need to pretend that all biological males are no different than all biological females with regard to fair athletic competition. It’s not fair to the biological female athletes.
The Alphabet Pedo Agenda is strong here at The USMB, no?
Why are you a science denier?
I thought your buddy Cawthorne cleared this up when he said a woman is someone without a tallywhacker.

So, what's the problem Tree Humper?
Without being snarky (and I miss that), I suggest that your proposition is not necessarily true. The definition of “woman” isn’t predicated on how one identifies. A biological male may “feel” as though he is a female trapped in a males’s body. But there is no difficulty for me, on that basis, in labeling him as a male. He may not like the label. As a matter of simple courtesy, I can agree to call him a “her,” in fact. But that’s not definitional.

biologically speaking you are correct.
I thought your buddy Cawthorne cleared this up when he said a woman is someone without a tallywhacker.

So, what's the problem Tree Humper?
The issue is that you don't know what a woman is and neither does Kangaroo Brown.

Here is a riddle for you. Where does Science CONFIRM that all human beings descended from?
I do not deny science at all.

Sex is determined by science.

Gender has nothing to do with science.
Gender is determined by Genetics. Actual Science states this as a fact. Emotional Junk Science says you can be gender fluid and Al Gore can collect carbon credits while flying a gas guzzling private jet and become filthy rich because you are a useful idiot who is confused about which bathroom to use.

But save the planet makes you feel like you are your own god, right?
Gender is determined by Genetics. Actual Science states this as a fact. Emotional Junk Science says you can be gender fluid and Al Gore can collect carbon credits while flying a gas guzzling private jet and become filthy rich because you are a useful idiot who is confused about which bathroom to use.

But save the planet makes you feel like you are your own god, right?

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