Senate Dems cannot define a woman

I am not wrong. Title IX should relate to sex, not gender. I should not be able to check and box and fall under it. That defeats the whole purpose of the law. I think you are the one that is wrong.
Why shouldn't you? If you want to be a woman, go be a woman. Why is it anyone else's problem but yours?

You will be paid less than men. You'll get treated like meat in the world. If you feel like checking the box - go for it.
Why shouldn't you? If you want to be a woman, go be a woman. Why is it anyone else's problem but yours?

You will be paid less than men. You'll get treated like meat in the world. If you feel like checking the box - go for it.

None of that will happen to me because I am not a woman. Me checking the box does not make me one. How can you not understand this?
None of that will happen to me because I am not a woman. Me checking the box does not make me one. How can you not understand this?

No, what don't YOU understand?

Bruce Jenner was NOT a woman - until he woke up one day, got surgery, and changed his name to Caitlyn Jenner. It wasn't some crazy ritual involving a human sacrifice to God. He felt like saying he was a woman - so he was a woman.
Bruce Jenner was NOT a woman - until he woke up one day, got surgery, and changed his name to Caitlyn Jenner. It wasn't some crazy ritual involving a human sacrifice to God. He felt like saying he was a woman - so he was a woman.

So he did not become a woman by checking a box on a piece of paper.
No, what don't YOU understand?

Bruce Jenner was NOT a woman - until he woke up one day, got surgery, and changed his name to Caitlyn Jenner. It wasn't some crazy ritual involving a human sacrifice to God. He felt like saying he was a woman - so he was a woman.

He's still not a woman and should not get protections afforded to women.
He's still not a woman and should not get protections afforded to women.

What does it say before "Of the year"

Incorrect. He changed his name on a government form, and checked the boxes. Alas, he was a woman.

That's all it took.

Now you are changing your story.

In my state there are I would say roughly 100 or so high school boys that run a faster 800m than the world record for women. According to you they should be able to go to college, check and box and run against the women.

That is bullshit.
You're either male or female. Always been that way. Why is it suddenly so complicated?
Now you are changing your story.

In my state there are I would say roughly 100 or so high school boys that run a faster 800m than the world record for women. According to you they should be able to go to college, check and box and run against the women.

That is bullshit.
I'm not changing anything. My stance throughout this topic has been: If a person says she is a woman, then she's a woman.

You're the one saying "no she's not, she's what I SAY she is!"
I'm not changing anything. My stance throughout this topic has been: If a person says she is a woman, then she's a woman.

You're the one saying "no she's not, she's what I SAY she is!"

Yes, you did change your story. First it it took surgery for Bruce to be a woman, then you changed it.

You are not very consistent.
Sex is a biological concept and is determined by science.

Gender is originally a literary term.

One of your mates trying to prove they were the same linked to this and just proved himself wrong

ge'nder • (j-), n. Grammatical classification (or one of the two, or three, classes) of objects roughly corresponding to the two sexes & sex- lessness (masculine, feminine, & neuter; see also common *, epicene), (of nouns & pro- nouns) property of belonging to such class, (of adjj.) appropriate form for accompanying a noun of any such class; (joe) sex. Hence ge'ndePLESS a. [f. OF gen(d)re f. L genus]
Notice it says "current definition." That isn't the original definition. It's the definition the transgender lobby has been trying to ram down our throats.
Notice it says "current definition." That isn't the original definition. It's the definition the transgender lobby has been trying to ram down our throats.

That was the current definition from 1911 you dumb fuck. I guess you think there was a transgender lobby 1911!

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::banana::banana::banana:
I do not deny science at all.

Sex is determined by science.

Gender has nothing to do with science.
If gender isn’t science why do you need science to pretend you can change it?

why can’t you just think you are something different and POOF, you are something different?
You're arguing two different things. You're asking about Biological definitions of a woman, but sitting here talking to be about Legal definitions of a woman under Title IX.

If a woman says she is a woman and marks herself down as "Female" on her college applications, then she is protected under Title IX.
What about a man who “says” he is a woman?
Why do you Nazis bother sending yourselves to GOP rallies for Photo Ops so you can claim everyone who is a Christian, Jew and Conservative is a Nazi or White Supremacist?

Everyone but the idiots that vote for you knows it's a scam and we all know you are pathological liars.

The DNC still relies on your Brown Shirt factions to terrorize people in America and has not changed a single bit since they were formed. The party of slavery and racism is still the party of slavery and racism. Only now you douche nozzles want to enslave all of America to Globalism, and your Alphabet Pedo Agenda.

You are all going to Hell unless you repent of your sins.

Ob look, more mass hysteria from a Trumptard.

Never gets old does it, mouth breather?

Yea, yea I know. I'm going to hell.

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