Senate Dem's in BIG Trouble

You do realize that Democrats when in power in their state legislatures, arrange districts favorably for themselves as well, don't you?
No doubt to equalize and make up for what has been done to them by Conservatives when they were in power.

Who had undone what Dems did the last time they held power. Both parties do it, have always done it and WILL always do it. Getting all puffed up like that when Republicans do what Dems do only works if you have control of the information voters receive.
Your lock on education is safe only as long as you can control the curriculum and the purse. Your lock on the media is less secure with the alternatives to broadcast Media giving those who actually care a source of information from a Conservative viewpoint.

Florida in 2010 passed state constitutional amendments prohibiting gerrymandering attempting fair and equal districting ... only to be flaunted by the Republican legislature and governor for that very same years redistricting -

the real question now is where is the jail time for those rodents ?

If the far right believes the mainstream GOP is committed to 1950s small government policies, then its heart will broken yet again.

Both parties are progressive not limited wackadoodle parties.

If limited wackadoodle means living within a budget within one's means, that's what I am for. You are right that both parties have been progressive. The Republican's have become the democrat lite party.
We had to go though the same thing in the fifties and sixties, and again in later eighties, again now, and will in the future. Dealing with the far right reactionaries has always been an occupational duty for politically responsible American from the sane right to the sane left.

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