Senate (GOP) rejects amendment to build border fence

We don't need the expense of 20,000 more border agents, sitting around waiting for people who are down to a trickle trying to enter the country, and creating more pensions.

We don't need 700 miles of fence.

We need the drones that should be coming home from Afghanistan.
Can we arm them?

The Border Patrol wants to.

Prediction: You will vehemently oppose this.
Why would the drones need to be armed?
Why wouldn't they? People are breaking in to our nation. They're criminals.

What's wrong with arming drones?
Yo, Synth -- why are you running away from this question?
People's doors aren't on the Mexican border.

For anyone whose door actually is on the US-Mexican border, I suggest they move.

Why are you afraid to answer this question?

You lock your doors so people you don't want to enter your home can't come in.

But you insist the nation doesn't need such protection, despite the numbers of people illegally entering.

How do you reconcile that dichotomy?

Oh, davey wants to use metaphor. OK.

Here's America:


Here's America's backyard:





All these images are found by Googling texas border mexico

Now, what is going to patrol that expanse better, drones or people in trucks?

How does it make sense to try to build a wall across that?
Can we arm them?

The Border Patrol wants to.

Prediction: You will vehemently oppose this.
Why would the drones need to be armed?
Why wouldn't they? People are breaking in to our nation. They're criminals.

What's wrong with arming drones?
It's a misdemeanor.

Are you advocating murdering them? Killing them without due process?

Are misdemeanors now Capital offenses?

Or only for Brown people?

It never fails. I push you long enough, your racism comes out.
Oh, I have little trouble following any thread, but I do have trouble following your logic as most of the time its either full of half truths or out and out lies to try to sway people to your agenda. For example you claim that the Immigration law will add 40K border agents when in fact it increases the number of border agents to 40K.

As far as the Senate rejecting the border fence I would suggest you do some further research and you will find that the Senate did later agree to building the fence among other provisions. Including adding 20K border agents.

What do you have to say to that hotshot?
We don't need the expense of 20,000 more border agents, sitting around waiting for people who are down to a trickle trying to enter the country, and creating more pensions.

We don't need 700 miles of fence.

We need the drones that should be coming home from Afghanistan.
Can we arm them?

The Border Patrol wants to.

Prediction: You will vehemently oppose this.

True we don't need 700 miles of fence or the expense of 20,000 Agents, either would be a cosmetic remedy anyway, like putting a band aid on a wound that requires 200 stitches.

If you want to stop illegal immigration you just need a bill with only 4 inclusions;

1, Make E-Verify mandatory, resume work place raids, arrest and fine employers whom hire illegals.

2, Make it a class A felony to sell, lease, rent, or otherwise provide illegals with dwellings.

3, Remove all loopholes for obtaining government assistance which includes removal of the anchor baby loophole.

4, Require proof of citizenship or legal status to enroll kids in school.

In a nutshell make it as difficult as possible to exist in the US illegally. If that was done there will be nothing here for them, no reason for them to come here, no reason for them to overstay visas, and no reason for those here already to stay. Our problem for the most part will deport itself.

After about six mouths or so of that, sufficient word should have spread that there is nothing here for you don't bother to come. After that it would be safe to assume that anyone still trying to cross our border illegally would be doing so for nefarious reasons, that's when you break out the drones.
We don't need the expense of 20,000 more border agents, sitting around waiting for people who are down to a trickle trying to enter the country, and creating more pensions.

We don't need 700 miles of fence.

We need the drones that should be coming home from Afghanistan.

So now you admit its only 20K and not 40K?

Since you are so concerned about Pensions of border agents are you concerned about the pensions of the 16500 new IRS agents who are being hired to dictate the new Obamacare on the millions of people who don't want it?

You do know that the fence would not only help keep out illegals but drugs and possible terrorists? Or do you care?
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We don't need the expense of 20,000 more border agents, sitting around waiting for people who are down to a trickle trying to enter the country, and creating more pensions.

We don't need 700 miles of fence.

We need the drones that should be coming home from Afghanistan.
Can we arm them?

The Border Patrol wants to.

Prediction: You will vehemently oppose this.

True we don't need 700 miles of fence or the expense of 20,000 Agents, either would be a cosmetic remedy anyway, like putting a band aid on a wound that requires 200 stitches.

If you want to stop illegal immigration you just need a bill with only 4 inclusions;

1, Make E-Verify mandatory, resume work place raids, arrest and fine employers whom hire illegals.

2, Make it a class A felony to sell, lease, rent, or otherwise provide illegals with dwellings.

3, Remove all loopholes for obtaining government assistance which includes removal of the anchor baby loophole.

4, Require proof of citizenship or legal status to enroll kids in school.

In a nutshell make it as difficult as possible to exist in the US illegally. If that was done there will be nothing here for them, no reason for them to come here, no reason for them to overstay visas, and no reason for those here already to stay. Our problem for the most part will deport itself.

After about six mouths or so of that, sufficient word should have spread that there is nothing here for you don't bother to come. After that it would be safe to assume that anyone still trying to cross our border illegally would be doing so for nefarious reasons, that's when you break out the drones.
I think it's simplistic to think that they will simply deport themselves.

Many will stay, turning to (even more) crime to support themselves.

Add two more provisions to your list, and I'm good with it:

Deport illegals whenever found.

No wire transfer of money overseas without proof of legal presence.
People's doors aren't on the Mexican border.

For anyone whose door actually is on the US-Mexican border, I suggest they move.

Why are you afraid to answer this question?

You lock your doors so people you don't want to enter your home can't come in.

But you insist the nation doesn't need such protection, despite the numbers of people illegally entering.

How do you reconcile that dichotomy?

Oh, davey wants to use metaphor. OK.

Here's America:


Here's America's backyard:





All these images are found by Googling texas border mexico

Now, what is going to patrol that expanse better, drones or people in trucks?

How does it make sense to try to build a wall across that?

But you liberals don't want that. And you sue states who try to enforce Federal law.

You're simply not serious about stopping illegal immigration. You don't want to lose the Latino vote, and you don't want to lose the illegal immigrant vote.

This is undeniable.
Why would the drones need to be armed?
Why wouldn't they? People are breaking in to our nation. They're criminals.

What's wrong with arming drones?
It's a misdemeanor.

Are you advocating murdering them? Killing them without due process?

Are misdemeanors now Capital offenses?

Or only for Brown people?

It never fails. I push you long enough, your racism comes out.
It never fails. I push you long enough, your stupid comes out.

Didn't read the article, did you? They want to put non-lethal weapons on the border patrol drones.

Besides, you don't seem to have a problem with Obama killing people without due process.

Or is it just is, you racist!!...when Obama does it?
True we don't need 700 miles of fence or the expense of 20,000 Agents, either would be a cosmetic remedy anyway, like putting a band aid on a wound that requires 200 stitches.

If you want to stop illegal immigration you just need a bill with only 4 inclusions;

1, Make E-Verify mandatory, resume work place raids, arrest and fine employers whom hire illegals.

Opposed by democrats and RINO.

2, Make it a class A felony to sell, lease, rent, or otherwise provide illegals with dwellings.

Again opposed by democrats and the ACLU.

3, Remove all loopholes for obtaining government assistance which includes removal of the anchor baby loophole.

Opposed by democrats.
You have to be smart enough to know your claim to removal of the anchor baby so-called loop hole is something that would take a Constitutional amendment because of the following:

The Civil Rights Act of 1866 had already granted U.S. citizenship to all persons born in the United States granted by the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.

4, Require proof of citizenship or legal status to enroll kids in school.

Opposed by democrats and the ACLU.

In a nutshell make it as difficult as possible to exist in the US illegally. If that was done there will be nothing here for them, no reason for them to come here, no reason for them to overstay visas, and no reason for those here already to stay. Our problem for the most part will deport itself.

After about six mouths or so of that, sufficient word should have spread that there is nothing here for you don't bother to come. After that it would be safe to assume that anyone still trying to cross our border illegally would be doing so for nefarious reasons, that's when you break out the drones.

In a nutshell I would agree with you but reality?

Securing our border is not a band-aid fix, its one of the pieces of the illegal immigration puzzle needed to be put in place, but one that needs to be on the top of the list.
We don't need the expense of 20,000 more border agents, sitting around waiting for people who are down to a trickle trying to enter the country, and creating more pensions.

We don't need 700 miles of fence.

We need the drones that should be coming home from Afghanistan.

So now you admit its only 20K and not 40K?

Since you are so concerned about Pensions of border agents are you concerned about the pensions of the 16500 new IRS agents who are being hired to dictate the new Obamacare on the millions of people who don't want it?

You do know that the fence would not only help keep out illegals but drugs and possible terrorists? Or do you care?
A fence will keep out a terrorist? :lol:
Why are you afraid to answer this question?

You lock your doors so people you don't want to enter your home can't come in.

But you insist the nation doesn't need such protection, despite the numbers of people illegally entering.

How do you reconcile that dichotomy?

Oh, davey wants to use metaphor. OK.

Here's America:


Here's America's backyard:





All these images are found by Googling texas border mexico

Now, what is going to patrol that expanse better, drones or people in trucks?

How does it make sense to try to build a wall across that?

But you liberals don't want that. And you sue states who try to enforce Federal law.

You're simply not serious about stopping illegal immigration. You don't want to lose the Latino vote, and you don't want to lose the illegal immigrant vote.

This is undeniable.

Again you deflect away from my pointed question and start babbling about non-existent voter fraud.

You really suck at this. :lol:
Why wouldn't they? People are breaking in to our nation. They're criminals.

What's wrong with arming drones?
It's a misdemeanor.

Are you advocating murdering them? Killing them without due process?

Are misdemeanors now Capital offenses?

Or only for Brown people?

It never fails. I push you long enough, your racism comes out.
It never fails. I push you long enough, your stupid comes out.

Didn't read the article, did you? They want to put non-lethal weapons on the border patrol drones.

Besides, you don't seem to have a problem with Obama killing people without due process.

Or is it just is, you racist!!...when Obama does it?

You said arming drones.

You can try to claim that arming drones doesn't mean what we all know it means, but you'll just be digging yourself another hole.

Haven't you dug enough on this message board?

But you liberals don't want that. And you sue states who try to enforce Federal law.

You're simply not serious about stopping illegal immigration. You don't want to lose the Latino vote, and you don't want to lose the illegal immigrant vote.

This is undeniable.

Again you deflect away from my pointed question and start babbling about non-existent voter fraud.

You really suck at this. :lol:
I'm sure it comforts you to think so, but no.

Can you explain why the Federal government refuses to enforce Federal immigration law? Can you explain why the Federal government sues states to prevent them from enforcing Federal immigration law?

Can you really claim that the Federal government, currently under 2/3 Democratic Party control, is interested in doing anything about illegal immigration?

As far as deflection is concerned, why do you pretend that my posts showing you're wrong about the term "record deal" being obsolete simply don't exist?

But you liberals don't want that. And you sue states who try to enforce Federal law.

You're simply not serious about stopping illegal immigration. You don't want to lose the Latino vote, and you don't want to lose the illegal immigrant vote.

This is undeniable.

Again you deflect away from my pointed question and start babbling about non-existent voter fraud.

You really suck at this. :lol:
I'm sure it comforts you to think so, but no.

Can you explain why the Federal government refuses to enforce Federal immigration law? Can you explain why the Federal government sues states to prevent them from enforcing Federal immigration law?

Can you really claim that the Federal government, currently under 2/3 Democratic Party control, is interested in doing anything about illegal immigration?

As far as deflection is concerned, why do you pretend that my posts showing you're wrong about the term "record deal" being obsolete simply don't exist?

Alabama's law was clearly un-Constitutional.

Obama has deported illegals at 1.5 times Bush's rate.

And you have still ducked my question. :lol:
It's a misdemeanor.

Are you advocating murdering them? Killing them without due process?

Are misdemeanors now Capital offenses?

Or only for Brown people?

It never fails. I push you long enough, your racism comes out.
It never fails. I push you long enough, your stupid comes out.

Didn't read the article, did you? They want to put non-lethal weapons on the border patrol drones.

Besides, you don't seem to have a problem with Obama killing people without due process.

Or is it just is, you racist!!...when Obama does it?

You said arming drones.

You can try to claim that arming drones doesn't mean what we all know it means, but you'll just be digging yourself another hole.

Haven't you dug enough on this message board?'re too stupid to read the article...and it's MY fault.

You're quite the whiny little bitch, aren't you?

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