Senate (GOP) rejects amendment to build border fence

I have a clear point that you keep running away from.

You're quite a pussy.

Will the fence be armed?

:lmao: Okay, let's hear this brilliant point of yours.

No, the fence will not be armed. The men and women patrolling it, however, will be --

So, how many? What will their salaries be? What will their pensions cost for decades into the future?

This will be an ongoing bureaucracy, just like the last Conservative bureaucratic money hole, the Department Of Homeland Security. How much is that costing us each year? And keep in mind, we still have an FBI and a CIA with bigger budgets than ever, so DHS has not absorbed those agencies or their costs.

So you want to create another 40,000 person Federal behemoth? With all the attending costs?

And you fools try to tell us that you care about the debt and Big Government?

The bill say it will double the agents on the border to 40K not increase it by 40K. You sound like a tool for the Obama administration to me.

But under Obama the number of Federal employees have increased...I have a feeling you didn't blink an eye when the following happened.

The Senate just passed an amendment to S 744 to further tighten the southern border. On a vote of 69-29 the amendment required the government to build 700 miles of fencing, double the number of Border Patrol agents to 40K, deploy drone and blanket the border with thermal imaging, cameras and other surveillance. How the House will address that part of the immigration bill is anyone guess at this time.

Cost $46 billion over 10 years.

Worth every cent.

CIS report: Households headed by illegal aliens imposed more than $26.3 billion in costs on the federal government in 2002 and paid only $16 billion in taxes, creating a net fiscal deficit of almost $10.4 billion, or $2,700 per illegal household.

Now that is for one year, now multiply that figure by 10 years and that not including inflation totals over $100 billion. So you can see that $46 billion is a bargain.

What's been proposed won't work. If you want to build a wall then you need to look at prisons or the Berlin wall.

Name one country that has a lack of border security like the US does? Name one country that doesn't enforce its border like the US does? I would advise you to look into what Mexico has done on its southern border

Hypocritical Mexico is now building their own wall on border with ignores.

The Inter-Press Sevice (IPS) is reporting that the head administrator of the Mexican Superintendency of Tax Administration, Raul Diaz, has confirmed that his government is building a wall in the state of Chiapas, along the Mexican/Guatemalan border.

The official reason is to stop contraband from coming into Mexico, but as Diaz admitted: “It could also prevent the free passage of illegal immigrants.”

According to Mexico's National Commission on Human Rights, 500,000 people from Central America cross into Mexico illegally every year.
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My, my, such an irrational hatred you have for veterans. Is it because our existence points out something lacking in you? Honor, courage, commitment, perhaps?

Sure does seem like, doesn't it?

Did a Soldier beat you up once? Did a Sailor steal your girlfriend? Did a Marine laugh at you? Did an Airman make fun of you on the internet?

I know for a fact the last part is true. :lmao:

I have no hatred for veterans. I have hatred for frauds and hypocrites. You don't get a free pass because you joined the military, out of options in the Capitalist, free market world that you couldn't hack.
I never asked for a free pass, dumbass. :lol: And the rest -- you're just making it up...out of your irrational hatred for veterans.
But it's clear you have an irrational hatred of musicians and artists, as you demonstrated once more by picking the strawman of the NEA.
No, I don't hate musicians and artists. I was a musician for a number of years, and my oldest daughter is a gifted artist.

What I dislike is wasting of taxpayer money. And giving it to some edgy "artist" so he can excrete something on canvas and have idiots like you oooh and aaaah over it is a waste of money.
Don't blame musicians because you weren't good enough.
...says the guy without a record deal.

Not everyone in the music industry makes their money off of "record deals".

(Part of the reason is that 'records' haven't been mass-produced for decades, but that's just your ignorance showing again)
Some things are worth the money, like border security, especially considering how illegals cost society more than they contribute.

Some things -- like the National Endowment for the Arts -- are NOT worth the money, and should be abolished.

This is just further proof that you can't debate me honestly, or you're just ignorant. This fence will cost hundreds of billions, while the NEA cost mere millions. Yet you want to try to equate them.

Just how retarded are you? Are you drooling right now?
Ever hear of a document called the Constitution of the United States of America?

Handy thing, that. It outlines the Federal government's roles and responsibilities. National security is in there.

Giving money to musicians and artists is not. Weird, huh?

Meanwhile, speaking of honesty, why don't you be honest about your opposition to securing the border? It certainly has nothing to do with money.

You want a steady stream of new Democrat voters.


A wall does not = national security.

And you're lying again - I can tell, since you are typing. I am fine with securing the border with our shiny new drone technology. They can see illegals crossing, send the coordinates to the nearest station, where border patrol will intercept.

What's your problem with that, besides the fact that they won't need to hire retired fat-ass desk jockeys from the military, looking to continue their free ride?
So, how many? What will their salaries be? What will their pensions cost for decades into the future?

This will be an ongoing bureaucracy, just like the last Conservative bureaucratic money hole, the Department Of Homeland Security. How much is that costing us each year? And keep in mind, we still have an FBI and a CIA with bigger budgets than ever, so DHS has not absorbed those agencies or their costs.

So you want to create another 40,000 person Federal behemoth? With all the attending costs?

And you fools try to tell us that you care about the debt and Big Government?
Some things are worth the money, like border security, especially considering how illegals cost society more than they contribute.

Some things -- like the National Endowment for the Arts -- are NOT worth the money, and should be abolished.

This is just further proof that you can't debate me honestly, or you're just ignorant. This fence will cost hundreds of billions, while the NEA cost mere millions. Yet you want to try to equate them.

Just how retarded are you? Are you drooling right now?

Who is proposing to spend hundreds of billions? As far as I know the proposed amount is around $46 billion. A real bargain compare to the cost to the American taxpayer now to support the illegal population every year and years to come.
:lmao: Okay, let's hear this brilliant point of yours.

No, the fence will not be armed. The men and women patrolling it, however, will be --

So, how many? What will their salaries be? What will their pensions cost for decades into the future?

This will be an ongoing bureaucracy, just like the last Conservative bureaucratic money hole, the Department Of Homeland Security. How much is that costing us each year? And keep in mind, we still have an FBI and a CIA with bigger budgets than ever, so DHS has not absorbed those agencies or their costs.

So you want to create another 40,000 person Federal behemoth? With all the attending costs?

And you fools try to tell us that you care about the debt and Big Government?

The bill say it will double the agents on the border to 40K not increase it by 40K. You sound like a tool for the Obama administration to me.

But you're fine with adding more Federal jobs, plus their pensions, in perpetuity?

Small government, my ass.

But under Obama the number of Federal employees have increased...I have a feeling you didn't blink an eye when the following happened.


That chart is clearly a lie. It's a lie of omission.

Show the chart going back into the Bush years and you will see that any increase under Obama is still a massive cut from under Bush.

It's from Heritage - no wonder it's false.
The Senate just passed an amendment to S 744 to further tighten the southern border. On a vote of 69-29 the amendment required the government to build 700 miles of fencing, double the number of Border Patrol agents to 40K, deploy drone and blanket the border with thermal imaging, cameras and other surveillance. How the House will address that part of the immigration bill is anyone guess at this time.

Cost $46 billion over 10 years.

Worth every cent.

Now that is for one year, now multiply that figure by 10 years and that not including inflation totals over $100 billion. So you can see that $46 billion is a bargain.

What's been proposed won't work. If you want to build a wall then you need to look at prisons or the Berlin wall.

Name one country that has a lack of border security like the US does? Name one country that doesn't enforce its border like the US does? I would advise you to look into what Mexico has done on its southern border

Hypocritical Mexico is now building their own wall on border with ignores.

The Inter-Press Sevice (IPS) is reporting that the head administrator of the Mexican Superintendency of Tax Administration, Raul Diaz, has confirmed that his government is building a wall in the state of Chiapas, along the Mexican/Guatemalan border.

The official reason is to stop contraband from coming into Mexico, but as Diaz admitted: “It could also prevent the free passage of illegal immigrants.”

According to Mexico's National Commission on Human Rights, 500,000 people from Central America cross into Mexico illegally every year.
It's not our business.
Some things are worth the money, like border security, especially considering how illegals cost society more than they contribute.

Some things -- like the National Endowment for the Arts -- are NOT worth the money, and should be abolished.

This is just further proof that you can't debate me honestly, or you're just ignorant. This fence will cost hundreds of billions, while the NEA cost mere millions. Yet you want to try to equate them.

Just how retarded are you? Are you drooling right now?

Who is proposing to spend hundreds of billions? As far as I know the proposed amount is around $46 billion. A real bargain compare to the cost to the American taxpayer now to support the illegal population every year and years to come.
Name the government program or bureaucracy that came in at, or below, estimates.

Remember when the conservative liars all told us the Iraq War would cost less than $20 billion and be paid with oil?

Conservatives lie. It's the only thing they are actually good at.
For six nightmare years the GOP held unified power in DC and they didn't pay for a fence then, so why do we have to do it now? They had their chance during the Bush years and blew it. It's their own damn fault.

So because Bush didn't do it, that excuses Obama from doing it? :cuckoo: Sorry, but they are both wrong for not fixing our borders.
So, how many? What will their salaries be? What will their pensions cost for decades into the future?

This will be an ongoing bureaucracy, just like the last Conservative bureaucratic money hole, the Department Of Homeland Security. How much is that costing us each year? And keep in mind, we still have an FBI and a CIA with bigger budgets than ever, so DHS has not absorbed those agencies or their costs.

So you want to create another 40,000 person Federal behemoth? With all the attending costs?

And you fools try to tell us that you care about the debt and Big Government?

The bill say it will double the agents on the border to 40K not increase it by 40K. You sound like a tool for the Obama administration to me.

But you're fine with adding more Federal jobs, plus their pensions, in perpetuity?

Small government, my ass.

But under Obama the number of Federal employees have increased...I have a feeling you didn't blink an eye when the following happened.


That chart is clearly a lie. It's a lie of omission.

Show the chart going back into the Bush years and you will see that any increase under Obama is still a massive cut from under Bush.

It's from Heritage - no wonder it's false.

Beside being a joke you are so illiterate, the source is not from the Heritage its from the United States Department of Labor, the Heritage only reported it.

You will also note that the increases started when the Democrats took power in both houses.
The bill say it will double the agents on the border to 40K not increase it by 40K. You sound like a tool for the Obama administration to me.

But you're fine with adding more Federal jobs, plus their pensions, in perpetuity?

Small government, my ass.

But under Obama the number of Federal employees have increased...I have a feeling you didn't blink an eye when the following happened.

That chart is clearly a lie. It's a lie of omission.

Show the chart going back into the Bush years and you will see that any increase under Obama is still a massive cut from under Bush.

It's from Heritage - no wonder it's false.

Beside being a joke you are so illiterate, the source is not from the Heritage its from the United States Department of Labor, the Heritage only reported it.

You will also note that the increases started when the Democrats took power in both houses.

The original info is from Labor. The deceptive chart is from Heritage.
Even nutball scum bumble into daylight once in a while.

The only way to stop illegal immigration is to prosecute corporations hiring illegals.

For what it's worth, when the fence IS built, it will be as much to keep people in as out.

You seem to be forgetting deportation of the illegals themselves, Jughead.
If we did,it would bankrupt this county. Everyone talks a good game but when the rubber boys the road, the illegals en mass won't be deported. Period. It's all about $$$. If I am wrong, then why don't they aggressively go after businesses who hire them.
I don't think anyone's suggesting we book 12 million airline seats next week.

We can send 'em home when we catch 'em -- instead of letting them go, like Obama's been doing.
I have no hatred for veterans. I have hatred for frauds and hypocrites. You don't get a free pass because you joined the military, out of options in the Capitalist, free market world that you couldn't hack.
I never asked for a free pass, dumbass. :lol: And the rest -- you're just making it up...out of your irrational hatred for veterans.

No, I don't hate musicians and artists. I was a musician for a number of years, and my oldest daughter is a gifted artist.

What I dislike is wasting of taxpayer money. And giving it to some edgy "artist" so he can excrete something on canvas and have idiots like you oooh and aaaah over it is a waste of money.
Don't blame musicians because you weren't good enough.
...says the guy without a record deal.

Not everyone in the music industry makes their money off of "record deals".

(Part of the reason is that 'records' haven't been mass-produced for decades, but that's just your ignorance showing again)
Have you ever heard the term "CD deal"?

I haven't either. Dumbass. :lmao:

How do I Get a Record Deal?
How to Get a Hiphop Record Deal: Step-by-Step Instructions
Ed Sheeran tells how he struggled to get record deal "because he was ginger" -
Shaun White Signs Record Deal
First Step To Getting a Record Deal

I do believe your ignorance is showing again. Dumbass. :lmao:
This is just further proof that you can't debate me honestly, or you're just ignorant. This fence will cost hundreds of billions, while the NEA cost mere millions. Yet you want to try to equate them.

Just how retarded are you? Are you drooling right now?
Ever hear of a document called the Constitution of the United States of America?

Handy thing, that. It outlines the Federal government's roles and responsibilities. National security is in there.

Giving money to musicians and artists is not. Weird, huh?

Meanwhile, speaking of honesty, why don't you be honest about your opposition to securing the border? It certainly has nothing to do with money.

You want a steady stream of new Democrat voters.


A wall does not = national security.

And you're lying again - I can tell, since you are typing.
Note: "Saying stuff that hurts Synthia's widdle feewings" =/= "lying".
I am fine with securing the border with our shiny new drone technology. They can see illegals crossing, send the coordinates to the nearest station, where border patrol will intercept.
And do what with them? Escort them to the nearest DNC office to register to vote?
What's your problem with that, besides the fact that they won't need to hire retired fat-ass desk jockeys from the military, looking to continue their free ride?
Nope. No hatred for veterans here, folks. Move along, move along.

But you're fine with adding more Federal jobs, plus their pensions, in perpetuity?

Small government, my ass.

That chart is clearly a lie. It's a lie of omission.

Show the chart going back into the Bush years and you will see that any increase under Obama is still a massive cut from under Bush.

It's from Heritage - no wonder it's false.

Beside being a joke you are so illiterate, the source is not from the Heritage its from the United States Department of Labor, the Heritage only reported it.

You will also note that the increases started when the Democrats took power in both houses.

The original info is from Labor. The deceptive chart is from Heritage.
So present proof of your claim. Don't just screech "Nuh-UH!!"
Ever hear of a document called the Constitution of the United States of America?

Handy thing, that. It outlines the Federal government's roles and responsibilities. National security is in there.

Giving money to musicians and artists is not. Weird, huh?

Meanwhile, speaking of honesty, why don't you be honest about your opposition to securing the border? It certainly has nothing to do with money.

You want a steady stream of new Democrat voters.


A wall does not = national security.

And you're lying again - I can tell, since you are typing.
Note: "Saying stuff that hurts Synthia's widdle feewings" =/= "lying".
I am fine with securing the border with our shiny new drone technology. They can see illegals crossing, send the coordinates to the nearest station, where border patrol will intercept.
And do what with them? Escort them to the nearest DNC office to register to vote?
What's your problem with that, besides the fact that they won't need to hire retired fat-ass desk jockeys from the military, looking to continue their free ride?
Nope. No hatred for veterans here, folks. Move along, move along.


Again, you cannot counter my arguments. :lol:
A wall does not = national security.

And you're lying again - I can tell, since you are typing.
Note: "Saying stuff that hurts Synthia's widdle feewings" =/= "lying".

And do what with them? Escort them to the nearest DNC office to register to vote?
What's your problem with that, besides the fact that they won't need to hire retired fat-ass desk jockeys from the military, looking to continue their free ride?
Nope. No hatred for veterans here, folks. Move along, move along.


Again, you cannot counter my arguments. :lol:
You have no arguments.

Neither do you have a record deal.
Not everyone in the music industry makes their money off of "record deals".

(Part of the reason is that 'records' haven't been mass-produced for decades, but that's just your ignorance showing again)
Have you ever heard the term "CD deal"?

I haven't either. Dumbass. :lmao:

How do I Get a Record Deal?
How to Get a Hiphop Record Deal: Step-by-Step Instructions
Ed Sheeran tells how he struggled to get record deal "because he was ginger" -
Shaun White Signs Record Deal
First Step To Getting a Record Deal

I do believe your ignorance is showing again. Dumbass. :lmao:

Chickenshit. :lol:

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