Senate Impeachment Trial Thread.

If you claim executive privilege for documents , you have to produce those documents. Those documents can have redactions. Then you fight the redactions in court. That is why Trump made no claim of privilege in the House, I believe.

Executive privilege is the constitutional principle that permits the president and high-level executive branch officers to withhold information from Congress, the courts, and ultimately the public.

What you are claiming is the President can do as he wishes and nobody can challenge him

Mueller said a President can’t be prosecuted, Congress must impeach
You say they can’t even impeach him because of executive privilege

I thought he was already "impeached?" :D Make up your collective mind, leftists.
He is impeached
Republicans refuse to convict regardless of what he does

But again, Republicans would ignore Trump shooting someone on Fifth Avenue

That sounds more like you and your God Emperor Obama. Lol!
Yet, in eight years of trying, Republicans never found a single offense from Obama
Moscow Mitch McConnell is hellbent on destroying the legitimacy of our constitutional processes. He doesn't belong in office.
Two House articles of impeachment fail to meet constitutional standards

House Democrats have announced the grounds of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress on which they plan to seek the impeachment of President Trump. Neither of these proposed articles satisfy the express constitutional criteria for an impeachment, which are limited to “treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.” Neither are high or low crimes or misdemeanors. Neither are mentioned within the Constitution.

Both are so vague and open ended that they could be applied in partisan fashion by a majority of the House against almost any president from the opposing party. Both are precisely what the Framers had rejected at their Constitutional Convention. Both raise the “greatest danger,” in the words of Alexander Hamilton, that the decision to impeach will be based on the “comparative strength of parties,” rather than on “innocence or guilt.”

That danger is now coming to pass, as House Democrats seek for the first time in American history to impeach a president without having at least some bipartisan support in Congress. Nor can they find any support in the words of the Constitution, or in the history of its adoption. A majority of the House is simply making it up as they go along in the process, thus placing themselves not only above the law but above the Constitution.

In doing this, they follow the view of Representative Maxine Waters who infamously declared that, when it comes to impeachment, “there is no law.” From her view, shared by some others, the criteria for impeaching a president is whatever a majority of the House says it is, regardless of what the Constitution mandates. This reductionistic and lawless view confuses what a majority of the House could get away with, if there is no judicial review, and what the mandated duty of all House members is, which is to support, defend, and apply the Constitution as written, not as it can be stretched to fit the actions of an opposition or controversial president.

If the House votes to impeach President Trump on grounds not authorized by the Constitution, its action, in the words of Hamilton, is void. As he put it in the Federalist Papers, “no legislative act, therefore, contrary to the Constitution, can be valid.”

The Democrats are desperately trying to flog their impeachment show, but so far both the ratings and the reviews are bad. Ratings fall flat as the vast majority of Americans tune out impeachment trial. Only 3% of Americans tuned in across all the major networks and cable news combined. Ratings fall flat as most Americans tune out impeachment spectacle — Ted Davis (@tedsthetruth) January 23, 2020

You’ve all seen the headlines: Impeachment trial gets lower ratings than Jeopardy! on a bad night. Ratings Show Americans Don’t Care About the Impeachment Trial Enough to Watch It.

To be fair, I can’t imagine how anyone could stand to spend hours watching Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler. So it’s a tribute to the hardy few who tuned in.

Then there is this, from Twitter: the demise of Mr. Peanut was being tweeted about more than the impeachment trial:
Schiff did an amazing job in making a case against Trump

Republicans won’t listen, but History will

They could have spent half the time if they had cut out the lies, dramatic readings and tears.

Executive privilege is the constitutional principle that permits the president and high-level executive branch officers to withhold information from Congress, the courts, and ultimately the public.

What you are claiming is the President can do as he wishes and nobody can challenge him

Mueller said a President can’t be prosecuted, Congress must impeach
You say they can’t even impeach him because of executive privilege

I thought he was already "impeached?" :D Make up your collective mind, leftists.
He is impeached
Republicans refuse to convict regardless of what he does

But again, Republicans would ignore Trump shooting someone on Fifth Avenue

That sounds more like you and your God Emperor Obama. Lol!
Yet, in eight years of trying, Republicans never found a single offense from Obama

I want some of what you've been smoking.


ABC/WaPo: Our Beloved Trump Climbs To Highest Job Approval Rating Of His Presidency Amid Impeachment Trial


President Trump’s approval rating has climbed to match the highest of his presidency, boosted by majority approval of his economic stewardship according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll.

Trump’s approval rating is significantly improved from late October.


The economy also happens to be the issue, of course, that perennially scores at the top of voters’ list of priorities when they go to vote in presidential elections.

It’s not just ABC/WaPo that finds Americans’ satisfaction with the economy peaking. New from Gallup:


Highest confidence since the end of the Clinton Administration. Our Beloved Trump has turned out to be much better than anything we saw in the previous sixteen years under Dumb and Dumber.

That +40 net on economic confidence is the biggest number since the final few months of the Clinton administration. Dubya never touched it. Obama never got there. Not coincidentally, with economic satisfaction skyrocketing, satisfaction with the state of the country is skyrocketing too:


That’s the biggest number since 2005.
Your poll only approves of his handling of the economy
Nothing else

For the average working person, it is ALL about the economy. They don't care about your silly social justice issues, abortions or gay marriage. They don't care about your hatred of our POTUS either.
Handing out 30 engraved souvenir pens with Pelosi’s name on them at a joyous impeachment ceremony served only to strengthen the narrative that Trump’s impeachment is merely a Democratic ploy to overturn the results of the 2016 election.

Democrats gambled all their chips on a Mueller investigation that failed to uncover the treasonous evidence they hoped would sink the President and then in desperation threw together this unconvincing farce.

But, looking ahead, Democrats can’t agree on a unified vision for the future of their party, they can’t formulate a coherent strategy to defeat Trump at the ballot box, and House members went all-in on an impeachment that dies in the Senate.

A second term for Trump will allow him to double-down on his platform, which is presiding over a healthy and robust economy. Trump’s reelection would ensure that hard-fought Democratic initiatives, such as nationalized healthcare, gun control, and a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants, would be shelved and set back for another four years.

Perhaps most importantly, Democrats realize that a two-term Trump would likely have the opportunity to appoint a third and maybe even a fourth judge to the Supreme Court, which would ensure a conservative interpretation of the Constitution for decades to come.

Democrats cannot unify around a single vision and will again fall prey to the event about which they were in denial in 2016 - another victory for Trump at the ballot box.
The world has been watching widdle Adam shit the bed for 4 days now. What a fucking embarrassment. The quivering lip, the voice breaking, the tears.... he must have felt like he was back in high school and the jocks was giving him another beatdown in front of all the cute girls. My God what a substandard fuckup.

In the old days the women of the village would fling a sissy like that off the cliff, just for sport. LOL
The democrats are scared shitless of their Ukraine connections being revealed to the American public. That is what this is all about.

And if you've seen Laura Ingraham the last couple of nights, there's much more that's coming to light. Plus Switzers book is relating stories about the Biden 5, it's not just Hunter that has made million of quit pro joe being VP.

The democrats are scared shitless of their Ukraine connections being revealed to the American public. That is what this is all about.

And if you've seen Laura Ingraham the last couple of nights, there's much more that's coming to light. Plus Switzers book is relating stories about the Biden 5, it's not just Hunter that has made million of quit pro joe being VP.


The Ukraine is like the democrats' sugar daddy. Lol!
The democrats are scared shitless of their Ukraine connections being revealed to the American public. That is what this is all about.

And if you've seen Laura Ingraham the last couple of nights, there's much more that's coming to light. Plus Switzers book is relating stories about the Biden 5, it's not just Hunter that has made million of quit pro joe being VP.


The Ukraine is like the democrats' sugar daddy. Lol!

Yep, but joes bro, who had zero construction exp, was appointed to a board of a company that landed a big contract in Iraq, shortly after. And evidently his sister and niece got some nice gigs as well.

The democrats are scared shitless of their Ukraine connections being revealed to the American public. That is what this is all about.

And if you've seen Laura Ingraham the last couple of nights, there's much more that's coming to light. Plus Switzers book is relating stories about the Biden 5, it's not just Hunter that has made million of quit pro joe being VP.


The Ukraine is like the democrats' sugar daddy. Lol!

Yep, but joes bro, who had zero construction exp, was appointed to a board of a company that landed a big contract in Iraq, shortly after. And evidently his sister and niece got some nice gigs as well.



Quid Pro Joe: Biden's Brother's Firm Was Handed $1.5bn Iraq Contract

Joe Biden’s track-record of wheeling and dealing is more than what journalists, congressional investigative bodies, and even President Trump have made of it.

How big is it?

Well, imagine if President Harry Truman, after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, used his political position to give his own family a multi-billion-dollar contract to rebuild cities in Japan.

A Deadly Foreign Policy for Kicks?
Make no mistake: What Joe Biden did in 2011 is hardly less scandalous.

It was in June of that year that HillStone International, a relatively new homebuilding concern, landed a $1,500,000,000 contract to build homes in Iraq.

Vice President Biden’s brother, James Biden, had landed an executive position at HillStone just months earlier.

To understand just how grave, how corrupt, how unseemly this is, consider the backdrop to Biden’s 2011 family deal-making.

Starting in 2009, just after then Vice President Biden took oversight of the Obama administration’s Iraq policy, the U.S. began to withdraw from a mangled Iraq.

The withdrawal, completed in 2011, only made things worse for the people of Iraq.

If the initial invasion broke their means of maintaining order and securing their own towns and families, the withdrawal went one, brutal step further.

Under Biden, the U.S. abandoned those vulnerable Iraqis while creating a power vacuum that aided their enemies–merciless Jihadist militants.

Over the coming months and years, much of Iraq was reduced to rubble.

The Biden Family Event Found Ways to Loot Corpses.
Even as that tragedy began to unfold, one of its high architects, 2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden, had already found a way to enrich his family at the expense of the most vulnerable people of Iraq.

The Bidens denied it, but David Richter Jr, president of HillStone’s parent company Hill International, was very forthcoming about the value he saw in taking James Biden onboard as Executive Vice President of Hillstone’s housing development in November 2010.
True, you “go to war with the army you have, not the army you might want,” as Donald Rumsfeld said, but surely there are more telegenic Democrats than Nadler and Adam Schiff.
There was that one crazy eyed twitchyv guy who kept saying “that’s what I understood him to mean from what he understood someone’s else’s understanding to be”
Wishy washy third party stuff and an impeachment request is being heard??
The democrats are scared shitless of their Ukraine connections being revealed to the American public. That is what this is all about.

And if you've seen Laura Ingraham the last couple of nights, there's much more that's coming to light. Plus Switzers book is relating stories about the Biden 5, it's not just Hunter that has made million of quit pro joe being VP.


The Ukraine is like the democrats' sugar daddy. Lol!
Joni Ernst: I'm Tired of Liberal House Mangers Lecturing Us About the Ukraine When Four of Them Repeatedly Voted Against Providing Ukraine with Lethal Aid

Seems like the Nadler/Schiff/Lofgren Charm Offensive is working like gangbusters.

Meanwhile, playwright/screenwriter David Mamet says Trump has turned out to be a great president, and says the left's reaction to him is "psychotic."

Which is more literal than metaphorical.

"The reaction to Trump to me is fascinating," Mamet said. "And one day I started looking at it and squinted my eyes. If you take a Freudian analytical concept, turn it inside out -- flip cause and effect and see if the dream makes sense. So if we flip cause and effect, the reaction to Trump -- which is psychotic -- is equal I believe hydraulically to the reaction to a charismatic leader."
CNN Reported Pelosi just stood up before the Senate to let people know that she is selling the other 500 tax-payer-funded Commemorative Impeachment Pens on her Official Speaker Web Page for anyone who wants one.....

Can't she get in trouble for that, especially if she were to use that money for her party?
I couldn't watch any more of Goggle Eyed Schifferbrains lie and cry.

Let me guess what his last day was:

"Trump is a cheater, cheater, pumpkin eater"


Pretty much sum it up?
Unfortunately, Fox News viewers were listening to their usual night time line up of idiots and did not hear a single word Schiff uttered. Tomorrow I expect Fox to air the Trumpist side nonstop. Fox is really a poor excuse for a news network.

Schiff’s argument was brilliant. It will go down in history as a great speech.
You missed their announcement they would jump in if Schifferbrains said anything new. They didn't have to.

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