Senate is about to vote on a bill nobody has read

Why didn't the Repubs just do that along while making the corporate ones permanent?

I told you, gotta comply with that stupid Senate rule.

If making the cuts permanent is the measurement for supporting the middle class we know right now that the GOP does not.

I'll await the Dem push to amend the Senate rule.
Or, the Dems could, after the tax bill passes, immediately introduce another
bill to make the middle class cuts permanent.
I'm sure Dem support for the middle class will be immediately obvious very soon.

After all, Dems are all about the people keeping more of their own money.
Like the 1993 Clinton middle class tax cut, eh comrade?

I know this will blow your little mind, but nobody cares about the middle class. not the Repubs not the Dems.

In fact both parties despise the middle class for the same reasons.

The middle class makes too much to have to rely on the government too much, which makes them harder to control. At the same time the middle class does not make enough to be of any use when it comes to funding the coffers of those in power.

Thus both parties continually screw the middle class trying to shrink it at the same time. They know that about 20% will move up out of it and the rest will move down.

I know this will blow your little mind, but nobody cares about the middle class. not the Repubs not the Dems.

In the real world, Clinton raised taxes on the middle class, GW Bush cut taxes on the middle class and current Republicans are attempting to cut taxes on the middle class.

If the middle class is making like 250k+ per year, sure.

Only, most middle class people aren't making anywhere near that much in most of the country.

And what happens when the national debt becomes so unmanageable that we're forced to raise taxes again? bet they skyrocket. Either that, or we go bankrupt and lose our credit rating. But I guess most people who are all about these tax cuts only care about that when Obama's raising the deficit.

If the middle class is making like 250k+ per year, sure.

A lot of the info I've seen shows people making much, much less than that will see a net cut in taxes.

And what happens when the national debt becomes so unmanageable that we're forced to raise taxes again?

Dems are free to run a campaign on raising taxes, reforming entitlements or cutting other spending to reduce the debt.

Orrr .... we go belly up, our currency is devalued, and China takes complete control of the world market and starts telling us what to do.

But shit, I'll save a thousand dollars this year! Totally worth.

Why would we go belly up?
I know this will blow your little mind, but nobody cares about the middle class. not the Repubs not the Dems.

In fact both parties despise the middle class for the same reasons.

The middle class makes too much to have to rely on the government too much, which makes them harder to control. At the same time the middle class does not make enough to be of any use when it comes to funding the coffers of those in power.

Thus both parties continually screw the middle class trying to shrink it at the same time. They know that about 20% will move up out of it and the rest will move down.

I know this will blow your little mind, but nobody cares about the middle class. not the Repubs not the Dems.

In the real world, Clinton raised taxes on the middle class, GW Bush cut taxes on the middle class and current Republicans are attempting to cut taxes on the middle class.

If the middle class is making like 250k+ per year, sure.

Only, most middle class people aren't making anywhere near that much in most of the country.

And what happens when the national debt becomes so unmanageable that we're forced to raise taxes again? bet they skyrocket. Either that, or we go bankrupt and lose our credit rating. But I guess most people who are all about these tax cuts only care about that when Obama's raising the deficit.

If the middle class is making like 250k+ per year, sure.

A lot of the info I've seen shows people making much, much less than that will see a net cut in taxes.

And what happens when the national debt becomes so unmanageable that we're forced to raise taxes again?

Dems are free to run a campaign on raising taxes, reforming entitlements or cutting other spending to reduce the debt.

Orrr .... we go belly up, our currency is devalued, and China takes complete control of the world market and starts telling us what to do.

But shit, I'll save a thousand dollars this year! Totally worth.

Why would we go belly up?

Because the interest on our national debt is massive and we can barely afford to pay it as is. Then we have an enormous group of workers reaching retirement age who are going to need to lean on benefits that aren't there ... it's pretty much a perfect storm, actually. It's just that most people can't see it yet, for some reason.

But you will, soon enough.
Sorry if i don't believe you. I just don't.

So, you are just another hack that cannot think outside of the two party box. Well, at least now I know.

I would have thought the fact you could not find a single post from me supporting the Dems or Obama or anyone else from the left might give you a hint, but I guess I just gave you too much credit.

I'm a bit of a Message Board veteran, i can spot frauds a mile away. I judge posters on their body of posts. And so far, i've only seen you hate on Trump and Republicans. So until i see otherwise... If it quacks like a duck...

Trump is the president, the Republican are in power. They hold all the keys to the kingdom right now, thus they are my focus. I guess I could be like all you partisan hacks and keep talking about Hillary and Obama and all that shit. or I could have a brain and focus on the here and now

Again, i judge posters on their body of posts. And I've never observed you criticizing Democrats. You've only insulted and criticized Trump/Republicans. So until i observe something different from you, i'll have to assume you're being disingenuous when you claim to be 'Non-Partisan.' In other words, prove me wrong. Like i said, i can spot a fraud a mile away. You can't bullshit me. So i look forward to observing your future posts. Take care. :)

I am not sure why this is such a hard thing for you to understand. The Repubs hold all the power right now, they control the Senate, the House and the Presidency. They are the ones fucking up the country right now, thus they are the focus of my time.

When I am watching a football game I do not bitch about how my baseball team did.

I get that partisan hacks such as yourself want to take the focus off what a shitty job your savior is doing, but that dog does not hunt with me.

I would bet my car that you had an issue with the Dems when they said "you have to pass it to know what is in it", yet you have no issue with the Repub doing the exact same thing. That makes you just one more partisan hack with their head up Trump's ass.

You really should re-read your own posts. You sound as hateful and partisan as it gets. You've never once insulted or criticized a Democrat. You are not 'Non-Partisan.' So now it's time for me to dismiss you as just another Message Board fraud. Movin on...
I know this will blow your little mind, but nobody cares about the middle class. not the Repubs not the Dems.

In the real world, Clinton raised taxes on the middle class, GW Bush cut taxes on the middle class and current Republicans are attempting to cut taxes on the middle class.

If the middle class is making like 250k+ per year, sure.

Only, most middle class people aren't making anywhere near that much in most of the country.

And what happens when the national debt becomes so unmanageable that we're forced to raise taxes again? bet they skyrocket. Either that, or we go bankrupt and lose our credit rating. But I guess most people who are all about these tax cuts only care about that when Obama's raising the deficit.

If the middle class is making like 250k+ per year, sure.

A lot of the info I've seen shows people making much, much less than that will see a net cut in taxes.

And what happens when the national debt becomes so unmanageable that we're forced to raise taxes again?

Dems are free to run a campaign on raising taxes, reforming entitlements or cutting other spending to reduce the debt.

Orrr .... we go belly up, our currency is devalued, and China takes complete control of the world market and starts telling us what to do.

But shit, I'll save a thousand dollars this year! Totally worth.

Why would we go belly up?

Because the interest on our national debt is massive and we can barely afford to pay it as is. Then we have an enormous group of workers reaching retirement age who are going to need to lean on benefits that aren't there ... it's pretty much a perfect storm, actually. It's just that most people can't see it yet, for some reason.

But you will, soon enough.

Because the interest on our national debt is massive and we can barely afford to pay it as is.

Interest paid last year was less than that paid in 2007, despite a doubling of the debt.
Interest paid last year was $433 billion, about 2.2% of GDP.
A bit over 10% of total Federal expenditures last year.
Why is that barely affordable?

Then we have an enormous group of workers reaching retirement age who are going to need to lean on benefits that aren't there

Yeah, Social Security sucks. Obama cutting Social Security revenues might have been unwise.
If the middle class is making like 250k+ per year, sure.

Only, most middle class people aren't making anywhere near that much in most of the country.

And what happens when the national debt becomes so unmanageable that we're forced to raise taxes again? bet they skyrocket. Either that, or we go bankrupt and lose our credit rating. But I guess most people who are all about these tax cuts only care about that when Obama's raising the deficit.

If the middle class is making like 250k+ per year, sure.

A lot of the info I've seen shows people making much, much less than that will see a net cut in taxes.

And what happens when the national debt becomes so unmanageable that we're forced to raise taxes again?

Dems are free to run a campaign on raising taxes, reforming entitlements or cutting other spending to reduce the debt.

Orrr .... we go belly up, our currency is devalued, and China takes complete control of the world market and starts telling us what to do.

But shit, I'll save a thousand dollars this year! Totally worth.

Why would we go belly up?

Because the interest on our national debt is massive and we can barely afford to pay it as is. Then we have an enormous group of workers reaching retirement age who are going to need to lean on benefits that aren't there ... it's pretty much a perfect storm, actually. It's just that most people can't see it yet, for some reason.

But you will, soon enough.

Because the interest on our national debt is massive and we can barely afford to pay it as is.

Interest paid last year was less than that paid in 2007, despite a doubling of the debt.
Interest paid last year was $433 billion, about 2.2% of GDP.
A bit over 10% of total Federal expenditures last year.
Why is that barely affordable?

Then we have an enormous group of workers reaching retirement age who are going to need to lean on benefits that aren't there

Yeah, Social Security sucks. Obama cutting Social Security revenues might have been unwise.

And you'll notice that the debt continues to rise. We aren't paying enough on it to keep it under control.

Growing Interest Payments on the Federal Debt
If the middle class is making like 250k+ per year, sure.

A lot of the info I've seen shows people making much, much less than that will see a net cut in taxes.

And what happens when the national debt becomes so unmanageable that we're forced to raise taxes again?

Dems are free to run a campaign on raising taxes, reforming entitlements or cutting other spending to reduce the debt.

Orrr .... we go belly up, our currency is devalued, and China takes complete control of the world market and starts telling us what to do.

But shit, I'll save a thousand dollars this year! Totally worth.

Why would we go belly up?

Because the interest on our national debt is massive and we can barely afford to pay it as is. Then we have an enormous group of workers reaching retirement age who are going to need to lean on benefits that aren't there ... it's pretty much a perfect storm, actually. It's just that most people can't see it yet, for some reason.

But you will, soon enough.

Because the interest on our national debt is massive and we can barely afford to pay it as is.

Interest paid last year was less than that paid in 2007, despite a doubling of the debt.
Interest paid last year was $433 billion, about 2.2% of GDP.
A bit over 10% of total Federal expenditures last year.
Why is that barely affordable?

Then we have an enormous group of workers reaching retirement age who are going to need to lean on benefits that aren't there

Yeah, Social Security sucks. Obama cutting Social Security revenues might have been unwise.

And you'll notice that the debt continues to rise. We aren't paying enough on it to keep it under control.

Growing Interest Payments on the Federal Debt

And you'll notice that the debt continues to rise.

Sure does. Which spending do you want to cut to end that rise?
Orrr .... we go belly up, our currency is devalued, and China takes complete control of the world market and starts telling us what to do.

But shit, I'll save a thousand dollars this year! Totally worth.

Why would we go belly up?

Because the interest on our national debt is massive and we can barely afford to pay it as is. Then we have an enormous group of workers reaching retirement age who are going to need to lean on benefits that aren't there ... it's pretty much a perfect storm, actually. It's just that most people can't see it yet, for some reason.

But you will, soon enough.

Because the interest on our national debt is massive and we can barely afford to pay it as is.

Interest paid last year was less than that paid in 2007, despite a doubling of the debt.
Interest paid last year was $433 billion, about 2.2% of GDP.
A bit over 10% of total Federal expenditures last year.
Why is that barely affordable?

Then we have an enormous group of workers reaching retirement age who are going to need to lean on benefits that aren't there

Yeah, Social Security sucks. Obama cutting Social Security revenues might have been unwise.

And you'll notice that the debt continues to rise. We aren't paying enough on it to keep it under control.

Growing Interest Payments on the Federal Debt

And you'll notice that the debt continues to rise.

Sure does. Which spending do you want to cut to end that rise?

Honestly? It's a complex subject and I don't think I'm qualified to comment on it with much authority. It's not my job, unlike congress, who are incompetent despite that being their profession.

Cuts to Medicaid are mandatory. There's no getting around it. Old people who didn't prepare adequately are just going to have to suffer.

Cuts to excess programs, including social welfare, might help a little, but it's mostly cuts to military and medicaid that are most necessary.

Unfortunately, our leadership is completely unwilling to force the military to tighten its belt, and they are going to have a lot of pissed off seniors on their hands if they slash medicaid too much so ...

Now we're stuck with this godawful tax plan that will just make things worse, most likely.
Why would we go belly up?

Because the interest on our national debt is massive and we can barely afford to pay it as is. Then we have an enormous group of workers reaching retirement age who are going to need to lean on benefits that aren't there ... it's pretty much a perfect storm, actually. It's just that most people can't see it yet, for some reason.

But you will, soon enough.

Because the interest on our national debt is massive and we can barely afford to pay it as is.

Interest paid last year was less than that paid in 2007, despite a doubling of the debt.
Interest paid last year was $433 billion, about 2.2% of GDP.
A bit over 10% of total Federal expenditures last year.
Why is that barely affordable?

Then we have an enormous group of workers reaching retirement age who are going to need to lean on benefits that aren't there

Yeah, Social Security sucks. Obama cutting Social Security revenues might have been unwise.

And you'll notice that the debt continues to rise. We aren't paying enough on it to keep it under control.

Growing Interest Payments on the Federal Debt

And you'll notice that the debt continues to rise.

Sure does. Which spending do you want to cut to end that rise?

Honestly? It's a complex subject and I don't think I'm qualified to comment on it with much authority. It's not my job, unlike congress, who are incompetent despite that being their profession.

Cuts to Medicaid are mandatory. There's no getting around it. Old people who didn't prepare adequately are just going to have to suffer.

Cuts to excess programs, including social welfare, might help a little, but it's mostly cuts to military and medicaid that are most necessary.

Unfortunately, our leadership is completely unwilling to force the military to tighten its belt, and they are going to have a lot of pissed off seniors on their hands if they slash medicaid too much so ...

Now we're stuck with this godawful tax plan that will just make things worse, most likely.

Honestly? It's a complex subject and I don't think I'm qualified to comment on it with much authority.

You're, presumably, a voter and a tax payer. That's plenty of qualification and authority to give your opinion.

Cuts to Medicaid are mandatory. There's no getting around it. Old people who didn't prepare adequately are just going to have to suffer.

Either cuts, or cuts in other spending to move money into Medicaid.

Cuts to excess programs, including social welfare, might help a little,

We need to adjust Social Security to take into account longer life spans.
Either later retirement ages and/or some private investment of a portion of SocSec taxes would fully fund more years of benefits.

Now we're stuck with this godawful tax plan that will just make things worse, most likely.

We'll see. If it brings back enough offshore funds and stimulates enough new business, it'll make things better.
So, you are just another hack that cannot think outside of the two party box. Well, at least now I know.

I would have thought the fact you could not find a single post from me supporting the Dems or Obama or anyone else from the left might give you a hint, but I guess I just gave you too much credit.

I'm a bit of a Message Board veteran, i can spot frauds a mile away. I judge posters on their body of posts. And so far, i've only seen you hate on Trump and Republicans. So until i see otherwise... If it quacks like a duck...

Trump is the president, the Republican are in power. They hold all the keys to the kingdom right now, thus they are my focus. I guess I could be like all you partisan hacks and keep talking about Hillary and Obama and all that shit. or I could have a brain and focus on the here and now

Again, i judge posters on their body of posts. And I've never observed you criticizing Democrats. You've only insulted and criticized Trump/Republicans. So until i observe something different from you, i'll have to assume you're being disingenuous when you claim to be 'Non-Partisan.' In other words, prove me wrong. Like i said, i can spot a fraud a mile away. You can't bullshit me. So i look forward to observing your future posts. Take care. :)

I am not sure why this is such a hard thing for you to understand. The Repubs hold all the power right now, they control the Senate, the House and the Presidency. They are the ones fucking up the country right now, thus they are the focus of my time.

When I am watching a football game I do not bitch about how my baseball team did.

I get that partisan hacks such as yourself want to take the focus off what a shitty job your savior is doing, but that dog does not hunt with me.

I would bet my car that you had an issue with the Dems when they said "you have to pass it to know what is in it", yet you have no issue with the Repub doing the exact same thing. That makes you just one more partisan hack with their head up Trump's ass.

You really should re-read your own posts. You sound as hateful and partisan as it gets. You've never once insulted or criticized a Democrat. You are not 'Non-Partisan.' So now it's time for me to dismiss you as just another Message Board fraud. Movin on...

I criticize everyone, you just do not pay attention. This is just your pathetic way of diverting attention away from the fact you had an issue with the Dems passing the ACA without reading it but cheer on your GOP when they do the same thing.
I'm a bit of a Message Board veteran, i can spot frauds a mile away. I judge posters on their body of posts. And so far, i've only seen you hate on Trump and Republicans. So until i see otherwise... If it quacks like a duck...

Trump is the president, the Republican are in power. They hold all the keys to the kingdom right now, thus they are my focus. I guess I could be like all you partisan hacks and keep talking about Hillary and Obama and all that shit. or I could have a brain and focus on the here and now

Again, i judge posters on their body of posts. And I've never observed you criticizing Democrats. You've only insulted and criticized Trump/Republicans. So until i observe something different from you, i'll have to assume you're being disingenuous when you claim to be 'Non-Partisan.' In other words, prove me wrong. Like i said, i can spot a fraud a mile away. You can't bullshit me. So i look forward to observing your future posts. Take care. :)

I am not sure why this is such a hard thing for you to understand. The Repubs hold all the power right now, they control the Senate, the House and the Presidency. They are the ones fucking up the country right now, thus they are the focus of my time.

When I am watching a football game I do not bitch about how my baseball team did.

I get that partisan hacks such as yourself want to take the focus off what a shitty job your savior is doing, but that dog does not hunt with me.

I would bet my car that you had an issue with the Dems when they said "you have to pass it to know what is in it", yet you have no issue with the Repub doing the exact same thing. That makes you just one more partisan hack with their head up Trump's ass.

You really should re-read your own posts. You sound as hateful and partisan as it gets. You've never once insulted or criticized a Democrat. You are not 'Non-Partisan.' So now it's time for me to dismiss you as just another Message Board fraud. Movin on...

I criticize everyone, you just do not pay attention. This is just your pathetic way of diverting attention away from the fact you had an issue with the Dems passing the ACA without reading it but cheer on your GOP when they do the same thing.

Really pathetic, kid. You're a liar and hypocrite. Simple as that. It is what it is.
Trump is the president, the Republican are in power. They hold all the keys to the kingdom right now, thus they are my focus. I guess I could be like all you partisan hacks and keep talking about Hillary and Obama and all that shit. or I could have a brain and focus on the here and now

Again, i judge posters on their body of posts. And I've never observed you criticizing Democrats. You've only insulted and criticized Trump/Republicans. So until i observe something different from you, i'll have to assume you're being disingenuous when you claim to be 'Non-Partisan.' In other words, prove me wrong. Like i said, i can spot a fraud a mile away. You can't bullshit me. So i look forward to observing your future posts. Take care. :)

I am not sure why this is such a hard thing for you to understand. The Repubs hold all the power right now, they control the Senate, the House and the Presidency. They are the ones fucking up the country right now, thus they are the focus of my time.

When I am watching a football game I do not bitch about how my baseball team did.

I get that partisan hacks such as yourself want to take the focus off what a shitty job your savior is doing, but that dog does not hunt with me.

I would bet my car that you had an issue with the Dems when they said "you have to pass it to know what is in it", yet you have no issue with the Repub doing the exact same thing. That makes you just one more partisan hack with their head up Trump's ass.

You really should re-read your own posts. You sound as hateful and partisan as it gets. You've never once insulted or criticized a Democrat. You are not 'Non-Partisan.' So now it's time for me to dismiss you as just another Message Board fraud. Movin on...

I criticize everyone, you just do not pay attention. This is just your pathetic way of diverting attention away from the fact you had an issue with the Dems passing the ACA without reading it but cheer on your GOP when they do the same thing.

Really pathetic, kid. You're a liar. Simple as that. It is what it is.

It is so cute when people like you call me kid.

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