Senate-Passed Deal Means Higher Tax on 77% of Households

Pretty simple to see who won. Look at Wall Street this morning. As for the rest of us, pay more with no real spending cuts for the government. The economy just fell back into recession today.

Just curious - how does the jump in the market = recession? Your four sentences appear contradictory.

The stock market is no longer tethered to reality.
The payroll tax cut was an emergency measure. Who could possibly defend making an emergency measure permanent?

Most of the permanent regulatory bureaucracy of Federal Government was originally based upon some "so-called" emergency. It's how they justify expanding government power.

Indeed it is. And it is time to stop swallowing the piss. The GOP is trying to make war level defense spending permanent, and they don't care how much money we need to borrow from China, nor how many times we have to raise the debt ceiling, to do it.

And then there's the Patriot Act and the Department of Homeland Security...

These are astronomical expansions of government power.

We're on the road to totalitarianism.

Fiscal responsibility and smaller government are just slogans. If there was really a party that championed those causes, (without isolationism) I'd give them a serious look.
Most of the permanent regulatory bureaucracy of Federal Government was originally based upon some "so-called" emergency. It's how they justify expanding government power.

Indeed it is. And it is time to stop swallowing the piss. The GOP is trying to make war level defense spending permanent, and they don't care how much money we need to borrow from China, nor how many times we have to raise the debt ceiling, to do it.

And then there's the Patriot Act and the Department of Homeland Security...

These are astronomical expansions of government power.

We're on the road to totalitarianism.

Fiscal responsibility and smaller government are just slogans. If there was really a party that championed those causes, (without isolationism) I'd give them a serious look.

As would I.

I just don't have the seven pounds of brain damage or the energy required to willfully blind myself to the naked hypocrisy I see and hear from alleged "conservatives" these days.
Rather than use this as a political football, why not voice some constructive ideas about how we close the gap between our S.S. obligations and our S.S. revenue?

I seem to recall that someone came up with a rather detailed plan to address the problems with Social Security. The left then declared war and started airing commercials about old ladies in wheelchairs being pushed off cliffs.

Oh, but now...
The payroll tax cut was an emergency measure. Who could possibly defend making an emergency measure permanent?

The Bush tax cuts were temporary too. And the liberal argument for the past 9.5 years was they only benefitted the wealthy. How can you possibly defend making them permanent when you guys just increased spending another $4T and everyone needs to pay their "fair share" to pay Obama's bills.
Steph, I have seen you make some stupid threads.........but this one is the winner.
Good fuking God you are stoopid.

Was there actually some sort of point you were trying to make?

Decided to type some stoopid I see.

Hey hey stephanies mouth. What point are you trying to make for steph? Or are you just pointing out that you are as stupid as she is? You did it. Nice job. Bring it back. I'll wait.
The payroll tax cut was an emergency measure. Who could possibly defend making an emergency measure permanent?

The Bush tax cuts were temporary too. And the liberal argument for the past 9.5 years was they only benefitted the wealthy. How can you possibly defend making them permanent when you guys just increased spending another $4T and everyone needs to pay their "fair share" to pay Obama's bills.

Why you want to lie like that. The liberals said that the Bush tax cuts benefitted the wealthy the MOST. By far. And they did. That is a fact. Ignore it if it makes you feel good.
But just by looking at the increase in wealth controlled by the ultra wealthy and the increase in income, again for the ultra wealthy, you might come to the conclusion that the Bush tax cuts helped the ultra wealthy the most.

But I am sure you would not come to the same conclusion. Makes you wrong. And me right.
The payroll tax cut was an emergency measure. Who could possibly defend making an emergency measure permanent?

The Bush tax cuts were temporary too. And the liberal argument for the past 9.5 years was they only benefitted the wealthy. How can you possibly defend making them permanent when you guys just increased spending another $4T and everyone needs to pay their "fair share" to pay Obama's bills.

It's amazing that one of you sheep claims this and then the rest of the flock runs with it. Link to any single liberal making this sort of statement?

When you don't you'll show that you're just a mindless sheep.....yet again.
For those of you trying to pass this off as an Obama tax increase, try to use your brain for 2 minutes -

If the payroll tax had never been touched in the last 4 years, you could not have said Obama raised the payroll tax, and yet,

you would have paid MORE in payroll taxes.

You did in fact pay LESS in payroll taxes in the past 4 years, and yet you want to call this an Obama tax increase.

That is idiocy.

oh no, you don't get to play that...

Oh yes I do.

Obama gave you a 2 year payroll tax cut. One that we could ill afford. He is no more increasing your taxes now than to say that Bush intended to increase your taxes in 2011 when he signed 10 year tax cuts.

Do you want to say that? That extending the Bush tax cuts in 2011 was an Obama tax cut?
For those of you trying to pass this off as an Obama tax increase, try to use your brain for 2 minutes -

If the payroll tax had never been touched in the last 4 years, you could not have said Obama raised the payroll tax, and yet,

you would have paid MORE in payroll taxes.

You did in fact pay LESS in payroll taxes in the past 4 years, and yet you want to call this an Obama tax increase.

That is idiocy.

oh no, you don't get to play that...

Oh yes I do.

Obama gave you a 2 year payroll tax cut. One that we could ill afford. He is no more increasing your taxes now than to say that Bush intended to increase your taxes in 2011 when he signed 10 year tax cuts.

Do you want to say that? That extending the Bush tax cuts in 2011 was an Obama tax cut?

That's way too many words for Steph. No way she will be able to follow all of that. Can you draw a picture perhaps?
Pretty simple to see who won. Look at Wall Street this morning. As for the rest of us, pay more with no real spending cuts for the government. The economy just fell back into recession today.

When did you become an anti-Wall St. populist OWS'er? How did I miss that transformation?
You Lefties see how you got scammed?

You thought it was gonna' be about just the top 1% didn't you? Isn't that what Obama said?

Now it's on 77%.

And as I've already pointed out, those taxes will only go to Banksters, NOT the US Gov't.

We will NEVER get out of Debt this way. NEVER.
oh no, you don't get to play that...

Oh yes I do.

Obama gave you a 2 year payroll tax cut. One that we could ill afford. He is no more increasing your taxes now than to say that Bush intended to increase your taxes in 2011 when he signed 10 year tax cuts.

Do you want to say that? That extending the Bush tax cuts in 2011 was an Obama tax cut?

That's way too many words for Steph. No way she will be able to follow all of that. Can you draw a picture perhaps?

Maybe I could subliminally insert it into the next episode of one of her stories on the tube.
Oh yes I do.

Obama gave you a 2 year payroll tax cut. One that we could ill afford. He is no more increasing your taxes now than to say that Bush intended to increase your taxes in 2011 when he signed 10 year tax cuts.

Do you want to say that? That extending the Bush tax cuts in 2011 was an Obama tax cut?

That's way too many words for Steph. No way she will be able to follow all of that. Can you draw a picture perhaps?

Maybe I could subliminally insert it into the next episode of one of her stories on the tube.

you and your buddy
just the same ole nasty liberals
You Lefties see how you got scammed?

You thought it was gonna' be about just the top 1% didn't you? Isn't that what Obama said?

Now it's on 77%.

And as I've already pointed out, those taxes will only go to Banksters, NOT the US Gov't.

We will NEVER get out of Debt this way. NEVER.

The payroll taxes pay for SS and Medicare.
Pretty simple to see who won. Look at Wall Street this morning. As for the rest of us, pay more with no real spending cuts for the government. The economy just fell back into recession today.

When did you become an anti-Wall St. populist OWS'er? How did I miss that transformation?
If your Fiance', whom you loved, tied you down and raped you would you still marry her/him?

Would you just forget all about that?
All I can say is that from here on's all on more blames. He just took off his teflon suit.

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