Senate Votes to Side With the Middle Class, Gauntlet Thrown Down to House Repubs.

For those who don't know, here's what we're talking about.


As you can see, if you're on the left side, then a cut in tax rates would lead to less revenue and a raise in rates would lead to more revenue. So, it would stand to reason that if we cut rates and see a drop in revenue, we are on the left side of the curve, right?

From 2001 to 2003 Bush cut tax rates and in all three years revenue dropped. That had never happened in modern history prior to Bush.

We cut tax rates, revenue dropped, ergo, we're on the left side of the Laffer Curve.

Yes, and the tax cuts didn't go into effect until 2003. So there is that talking point you keep regurgitating blown up in your face. The revenue was down in 2000 also. It was called the NASDAQ bubble burst.

Jeebus, you're fuckin' stupid.

100% false.

The first round of cuts happened in 2001, retroactive to the beginning of that year.

Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

From your link:
Many of the tax reductions in EGTRRA were designed to be phased in over a period of up to 9 years. Many of these slow phase-ins were accelerated by the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003 (JGTRRA), which removed the waiting periods for many of EGTRRA's changes.
You mean the Bush tax cuts weren't only for the rich? Isn't that what we've been told for years now? How Bush was giving the rich some huge break?

Turns out everyone received them. Now its time ot preserve them for the middle class but make sure the rich get soaked.

You LOLberals cant even keep a fucking story straight.

Color. Me. Shocked.

soak the rich?

dear god, please tell me you are not smart enough to operate a computer and dumb enough to have said that, please tell me your 4 yr old grandson was using your computer while you were taking a shit and he wrote that?

Who told you that you deserved the other guy's stuff, derp?
oh so you want things fair, ok, write a check for $5 million to each and every japanese american, african american, then reverse all the zoning laws and lending laws and redlining and so on, get rid of the wall street banksters

then say go...


you have no idea what you are talking about, no sense at all of history or how those rich people became rich, none.
oh so you want things fair, ok, write a check for $5 million to each and every japanese american, african american, then reverse all the zoning laws and lending laws and redlining and so on, get rid of the wall street banksters

then say go...


you have no idea what you are talking about, no sense at all of history or how those rich people became rich, none.


Were you born retarded, or did you just eat too many paint chips?
oh so you want things fair, ok, write a check for $5 million to each and every japanese american, african american, then reverse all the zoning laws and lending laws and redlining and so on, get rid of the wall street banksters

then say go...


you have no idea what you are talking about, no sense at all of history or how those rich people became rich, none.


Were you born retarded, or did you just eat too many paint chips?

exactly, the concept of fairness is one you simply cant a white person in the USofA you have no idea what happened, how it happened, and how you have benefited from it as well as how others were harmed, no idea
Maybe it's because a tax break makes a greater difference to people in the lower income levels. Actually the 16th amendment addressed this situation with progressive taxation at least the way I see it.

You mean the Bush tax cuts weren't only for the rich? Isn't that what we've been told for years now? How Bush was giving the rich some huge break?

Turns out everyone received them. Now its time ot preserve them for the middle class but make sure the rich get soaked.

You LOLberals cant even keep a fucking story straight.

Color. Me. Shocked.
The truth is you changed what he asked to fit your agenda. And you know it. But you haven't amounted to much in your life, so why should we expect anything of you here?

Nope, he asked for a yes or no answer, and got it.

So say you get your tax increase on middle class earners, because no one can honestly say a couple making $250K is anything more than middle class. So you get this increase on the middle class, how much will that alter the finances of the nation? How long will if fund the federal government?

43 minutes, right?

Then can you deny that this is nothing more than class warfare? That this is about Obama creating a show of attacking "the rich" and that it has nothing to due with the actual revenue stream?

The answer is blue.

See how I answered your question just like you answered his.
Maybe it's because a tax break makes a greater difference to people in the lower income levels. Actually the 16th amendment addressed this situation with progressive taxation at least the way I see it.

You mean the Bush tax cuts weren't only for the rich? Isn't that what we've been told for years now? How Bush was giving the rich some huge break?

Turns out everyone received them. Now its time ot preserve them for the middle class but make sure the rich get soaked.

You LOLberals cant even keep a fucking story straight.

Color. Me. Shocked.

the pure racist moron pants wetting shitbag bagger terrorists on this board have no idea what progressive taxation is, how it led to the creation of the greatest middle class and infrastructure in human history ...

they simply dont know about it, didnt pay attention in school and now hate to read, etc.
You mean the Bush tax cuts weren't only for the rich? Isn't that what we've been told for years now? How Bush was giving the rich some huge break?

Turns out everyone received them. Now its time ot preserve them for the middle class but make sure the rich get soaked.

You LOLberals cant even keep a fucking story straight.

Color. Me. Shocked.

soak the rich?

dear god, please tell me you are not smart enough to operate a computer and dumb enough to have said that, please tell me your 4 yr old grandson was using your computer while you were taking a shit and he wrote that?

Who told you that you deserved the other guy's stuff, derp?

Says the guy who is in favor of class warfare against poor people such as himself.
soak the rich?

dear god, please tell me you are not smart enough to operate a computer and dumb enough to have said that, please tell me your 4 yr old grandson was using your computer while you were taking a shit and he wrote that?

Who told you that you deserved the other guy's stuff, derp?

Says the guy who is in favor of class warfare against poor people such as himself.

My faves on this board are the ones who can barely afford to pay their wifi bill, or buy mac and cheese for dinner.

Advocating on behalf of people who literally raped the country by using the politicians, by destroying walls between financial institutions, etc.

such deep deep stupidity that I am continually surprised by it

and these same idiots think that anyone who talks like me must be poor and wanting someone else's stuff

hint, not all of us liberals are like you conz, poor and destitute...
The answer is blue.

See how I answered your question just like you answered his.

I accept your surrender and the fact that you have no rational response.

It's okay, there IS no justification for Obama's class war - it's a "divide and conquer" strategy that is utterly shameful.
My faves on this board are the ones who can barely afford to pay their wifi bill, or buy mac and cheese for dinner.

We know. That's the life you want for everyone. That's the promise of Obama. utter poverty for 99% of the population, while an elite rule uncontested.

Your goal, or rather, Obama's goal, is to eradicate the middle class. To pull the ladder up so that the elite are secure against the bourgeoisie, these usurpers with new wealth.

We only need look to the USSR or North Korea to see the dream you have for the American people.
Middle-Class Tax Cuts Preserved For A Year In Bill Passed By Senate

So the Senate killed the GOP plan, passed the Democrats' (which will extend cuts to over 90% of Americans ...probably more like 95-99%) plan. And now the House Republicans will be forced to show their cards. America will get to see them literally choose to punish EVERYONE to protect the 1%.

Good jerb, Grrvrrr Nrrqrrrst.
Easily led, you libs want to believe with all your heart that the Senate Dems tried to cut taxes..HA!
This was a purely political move designed to allow democrat candidates to run ads on tv that will say "my republican opponent voted to RAISE your taxes"..
That will be the ENTIRE ad. And of course many Americans who don't pay attention nor do they bother to research the facts will swallow the ten second soundbite campaigning.
GOP candidates will have to run on their record and run with ads challenging the records of their democrat opponents. Democrats know full well the national economy, jobless numbers, still falling housing values, difficulty in acquiring credit are all things democrats are attempting to run away from.
This largely symbolic vote by Senate dems was nothing more than political deception.
I'm still waiting for our resident Lefties to explain WHY they believe raising taxes on anyone is a good thing. I've yet to hear a coherent response.

Raising tax rates will lead to increase revenue which will help lower the deficit.

You're welcome.

Not if the increased revenues are outweighed by increased spending.

Lets look at the number 1 spending issue, the military(which is a socialist program, sorry to all you right wingers who think otherwise) lets cut down on military spending like 15 percent and pay down the mortgage our coutry took out to pay for these"bush" tax cuts for the super rich:clap2:
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Middle-Class Tax Cuts Preserved For A Year In Bill Passed By Senate

So the Senate killed the GOP plan, passed the Democrats' (which will extend cuts to over 90% of Americans ...probably more like 95-99%) plan. And now the House Republicans will be forced to show their cards. America will get to see them literally choose to punish EVERYONE to protect the 1%.

Good jerb, Grrvrrr Nrrqrrrst.
Easily led, you libs want to believe with all your heart that the Senate Dems tried to cut taxes..HA!
This was a purely political move designed to allow democrat candidates to run ads on tv that will say "my republican opponent voted to RAISE your taxes"..
That will be the ENTIRE ad. And of course many Americans who don't pay attention nor do they bother to research the facts will swallow the ten second soundbite campaigning.
GOP candidates will have to run on their record and run with ads challenging the records of their democrat opponents. Democrats know full well the national economy, jobless numbers, still falling housing values, difficulty in acquiring credit are all things democrats are attempting to run away from.
This largely symbolic vote by Senate dems was nothing more than political deception.

The ad may not need to say much more than that...
Times like this when I remember that the baggers in the house and senate have obstructed our govt more in the past 2 yrs than in anytime in history, thus causing massive pain and suffering for millions of americans

how they will get out of DC in one piece, well, i guess that is a testament to how decent MOST americans are
Times like this when I remember that the baggers in the house and senate have obstructed our govt more in the past 2 yrs than in anytime in history, thus causing massive pain and suffering for millions of americans

how they will get out of DC in one piece, well, i guess that is a testament to how decent MOST americans are

Conz the problem with these people is they are under the impresstion that tax cuts pay for themselves, which they dont. I do not feel like giving an econ 1 class right now but here is an article "muchers against welfare" its shows how the tea party and crazy right wingers are just plain dump. Aslo here is a tidbit, the "tea party" as it was intended or as to the events that took place was the people of mass. did not like taxation with out repensitation, the modern tea party should be at an outrage of what is happening in michigan, where the "emergency" planner is being implemented leaving 50% of all aferican americans with out elected reps. BUT its a republican Gov. with a republican led state senate doing this so, nothing, infact fox news and company have said 0 about it, but if it had been the other way around ww3 would have started:)
Raising tax rates will lead to increase revenue which will help lower the deficit.

You're welcome.

Not if the increased revenues are outweighed by increased spending.

Lets look at the number 1 spending issue, the military(which is a socialist program, sorry to all you right wingers who think otherwise) lets cut down on military spending like 15 percent and pay down the mortgage our coutry took out to pay for these"bush" tax cuts for the super rich:clap2:

Oops. Looks like you're, well, wrong...again. The military is not the biggest budget segment: Military 19%, Social Security 20%, Medicare/Medicade 23%. So, we could agree with you, but you're wrong...again.
If I'm wrong, I admit it. You on the other hand ....

Conserva is clearly talking about just the top tax rate, which we all know wasn't the ONLY rate cut. There were others.

Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Seriously. I'm begging you. Read up on this topic.

Bullshit. You don't admit anything. It's that mysterious deflation in 2001 and 2002 that caused revenue to fall and magically, inflation in 2003 and beyond that caused a rise in revenues. That's what you claimed and it's bullshit. Yet, you're just sure if we raise tax rates now, more revenue will come. Again, more bullshit.

The 2003 cuts were more dramatic than in 2001. When combined, we saw less taxes, more revenue. You can't bullshit your way out of that.

I don't have to bull shit my way out of it. I've clearly explained why you're wrong and why revenue would increase with a rise in tax rates. You choosing to ignore facts is not my problem.

Forget logic and reason, forget trying to make a point with facts. The bitch is fucking insane...:cuckoo:

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