Senator Britt

Covid is real, but most of the deaths attributed to it are a hoax. The vast majority of people who died with Covid had already lived beyond the average life expectancy and were suffering from comorbidities.

Bull Shit

You may have been overweight, may be over 60, may have had diabetes, may have had heart issues but you were alive and would have probably lived many more years

Once you caught COVID, you were dead
Covid is real, but most of the deaths attributed to it are a hoax. The vast majority of people who died with Covid had already lived beyond the average life expectancy and were suffering from comorbidities. Absent an autopsy showing death by Covid there's no reason to assume that Covid killed them. And let's not forget that people who died from gunshot wounds and car accidents were counted as Covid deaths if they also tested positive for Covid. And let's also not forget that the Covid tests had a 90% false positive rate due to the high number of cycles used in the PCR tests. Even Fauci admitted that the results were meaningless if more than 35 cycles were used (according to a New York Times investigation 40 cycles was the norm).
darn near one hundred percent of covid deaths are with comorbidities. Understanding how covid attacks the lungs and inflames the alveoli, how would one die without a comorbidity? Countless others who got infected didnt die because the person is either healthy or got vaccinated. People with comorbidities are living always, but any virus that comes along can push them into the end.
I listened to the “rebuttal” by the Senator. She sounded like Brandi Maxx (google her if you don’t know who she is) running for City Council in Pawnee.

I did love the part about mothers having to figure out how to make very Republican...

Got caught lying her ass off.


Now they are trying to claim that Britt wasn't trying to tie that to Biden.

Katie Britt’s false linkage of a sex-trafficking case to Joe Biden

If you were watching Britt’s speech on Thursday night, you likely would have thought she was talking about a recent victim of sex trafficking who was abused in the United States and suffered because of President Biden’s policies.

If you did, you would have been wrong. Sean Ross, Britt’s communications director, confirmed that she was talking about Karla Jacinto Romero — who has testified before Congress about being forced to work in Mexican brothels from 2004 to 2008. (A viral TikTok by journalist Jonathan Katz first revealed that Britt was speaking about Romero.) In a phone conversation and a statement, Ross disputed that Britt’s language was misleading.

We disagree. Let’s take a look.

The Facts​

Britt’s account of Romero’s experience was a centerpiece of her rebuttal to Biden’s address. The way Britt sets up the story, there is no indication that she is talking about a woman who was working in brothels in Mexico during the George W. Bush administration. This is how the passage unfolds.

  • She first blames Biden for the surge of migrants at the border.
  • Then she says she visited the border shortly after she took office. That would be 2023.
  • At length, she details the story of an unnamed victim that she says she met on her trip. The implication is that the woman recently crossed the border — because of “sex trafficking by the cartels.”
  • She strongly suggests that her abuse took place in the United States: “We wouldn’t be okay with this happening in a Third World country. This is the United States of America, and it is past time, in my opinion, that we start acting like it.”
  • She ends by reinforcing that such alleged trafficking is Biden’s fault: “President Biden’s border policies are a disgrace.”
But Biden has nothing to do with Romero’s story. As she testified nine years ago, her mother threw her out of her house at age 12 and she “fell prey to a professional pimp.” She says she then spent the next four years in brothels before a regular client helped her escape when she was 16 years old. There is no indication in her story that drug cartels were involved, though Britt said that in the State of the Union response and has made a similar claim on at least one other occasion. Romero was never trafficked to the United States; instead, she says many men who paid to have sex with her were “foreigners visiting my city looking to have sexual interactions with minors like me.”

Now they are trying to claim that Britt wasn't trying to tie that to Biden.

Katie Britt’s false linkage of a sex-trafficking case to Joe Biden

If you were watching Britt’s speech on Thursday night, you likely would have thought she was talking about a recent victim of sex trafficking who was abused in the United States and suffered because of President Biden’s policies.

If you did, you would have been wrong. Sean Ross, Britt’s communications director, confirmed that she was talking about Karla Jacinto Romero — who has testified before Congress about being forced to work in Mexican brothels from 2004 to 2008. (A viral TikTok by journalist Jonathan Katz first revealed that Britt was speaking about Romero.) In a phone conversation and a statement, Ross disputed that Britt’s language was misleading.

We disagree. Let’s take a look.

The Facts​

Britt’s account of Romero’s experience was a centerpiece of her rebuttal to Biden’s address. The way Britt sets up the story, there is no indication that she is talking about a woman who was working in brothels in Mexico during the George W. Bush administration. This is how the passage unfolds.

  • She first blames Biden for the surge of migrants at the border.
  • Then she says she visited the border shortly after she took office. That would be 2023.
  • At length, she details the story of an unnamed victim that she says she met on her trip. The implication is that the woman recently crossed the border — because of “sex trafficking by the cartels.”
  • She strongly suggests that her abuse took place in the United States: “We wouldn’t be okay with this happening in a Third World country. This is the United States of America, and it is past time, in my opinion, that we start acting like it.”
  • She ends by reinforcing that such alleged trafficking is Biden’s fault: “President Biden’s border policies are a disgrace.”
But Biden has nothing to do with Romero’s story. As she testified nine years ago, her mother threw her out of her house at age 12 and she “fell prey to a professional pimp.” She says she then spent the next four years in brothels before a regular client helped her escape when she was 16 years old. There is no indication in her story that drug cartels were involved, though Britt said that in the State of the Union response and has made a similar claim on at least one other occasion. Romero was never trafficked to the United States; instead, she says many men who paid to have sex with her were “foreigners visiting my city looking to have sexual interactions with minors like me.”

They're Republicans. They lie like they breath.
I am better off than I was three years ago, but it isn't because of Biden or Trump; it's because of me.
Well said, DTMB.
Me too.
And my family too.
One's gotta run faster, swim harder, be smarter ..... in a capitalist economy. It is what it is. Sink or swim.

Those who cannot or will not....well, they complain and whine about it.
Their gas is always higher, their eggs always cost more.
Some say they are simply losers.
But I wouldn't quite go that far.

There’s nothing I can quote from Britt’s speech that can convey the strangeness of it
Got caught lying her ass off.
That's a twofer.
It was beyond strange and then that tale of the multiple rapes day after day after day......implying it was under Biden's watch and here in the United States. The story seems to be true that a young girl was Mexico...and forced to work in a brothel. A tragedy. Not a novel one though.
But it happened to that girl in 2008! 16 years ago!
The good Senator should have done her due diligence so she wouldn't now look like a fool. And a liar.
It's a pity. Not ready for prime-time.
But, journalists who have interacted with her on the Hill say she isn't like the Handmaiden-wannabe she portrayed during her big moment.
"Its a hard gig to do that but that whole thing sounded like a Parks and Rec scene."
Well, word on the street is that the actress/performers on Saturday Night Live....SNL....are in a catfight over who gets to play the kitchen-frau from Alabama. It's a plum role.

They want the same star-turn that one of my all time favs provided to SNL.....Melissa Carone.

So, who and how is SNL gonna play the Alabama haus-frau?

Should be a hoot!

Hitler's shut down 90% of German newspapers. He also got rid of anyone with an education like, lawyers, clerics, professors etc. He didn't want anyone smart enough to challenge his demagoguery or fascism.

That's why Trump loves the uneducated.. They are easier to manipulate.


Try paying attention. It was the Dem / Socialist teachers union which colluded with the Biden politburo to close schools during the Wuhan virus. American children suffered terribly as a result.

It’s Dem / Socialist controlled media which is suppressing and censoring free speech.
Bull Shit

You may have been overweight, may be over 60, may have had diabetes, may have had heart issues but you were alive and would have probably lived many more years

Once you caught COVID, you were dead

^^^ Fauci groupie.
Hitler's shut down 90% of German newspapers. He also got rid of anyone with an education like, lawyers, clerics, professors etc. He didn't want anyone smart enough to challenge his demagoguery or fascism.

That's why Trump loves the uneducated.. They are easier to manipulate.

Biden has in effect owned 90 percent of the American press because the Democrats mission was to scuttle the free press. We in effect have the new Hitler as president.
Bull Shit

You may have been overweight, may be over 60, may have had diabetes, may have had heart issues but you were alive and would have probably lived many more years

Once you caught COVID, you were dead
When a disease hits 1 percent of the public, as happened with CV19, certainly one should attack the virus. Trump immediately attacked the virus. 99 percent of the victims survived. Trump did a good job.
When a disease hits 1 percent of the public, as happened with CV19, certainly one should attack the virus. Trump immediately attacked the virus. 99 percent of the victims survived. Trump did a good job.

The US had the worst percapita COVID a infections, hospitalizations and deaths among industrialized nations

Well over one percent of the population contracted COVID
The US had the worst percapita COVID a infections, hospitalizations and deaths among industrialized nations

Well over one percent of the population contracted COVID
The US had among the worst hacks managing policy in Biden, Fauci, Walensky and Weingarten.
The US had the worst percapita COVID a infections, hospitalizations and deaths among industrialized nations

Well over one percent of the population contracted COVID
Covid was largely the responsibility of Democrats mayors. So you think the Democrats did a poor job?
I see. those quotes are 7 years old. Obama evolved on gay marriage. is Robinson allowed that privilege? Show me a recent quote.

Should I find a quote of Biden using the N-word in the Senate? I think there are several. Is Incest Joe still a racist?

2018 was 7 years ago? Damn boy, you suck at math.

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