Senator Dianne Feinstein Moves To Ban ALL Assault Rifles, High Capacity Magazines...

Probably because there never has been a case where it happened successfully.
OK...You've gone from ill-informed stooge to stone liar.

In fact, the case of Loughner (he's the bald one) one of the good samaritans who pinned him to the ground almost got shot by another good samaritan who rushed out with a gun but didn't know what was going on.

Fact is, if these two can get guns, guns are too readily available.
I know who Loughner is you pusillanimous poltroon.

That they could get guns only proves that they could get guns....There's no law in the world that would prevent it.

Yet you never hear about these kinds of incidents in other industrialized countries. Or at least, very rarely. Hey, let's see how we compare to the other G-7 countries.

Murders with firearms statistics - countries compared - NationMaster Crime

# 4 United States: 9,369
# 11 Germany: 269
# 14 Canada: 144
# 28 Japan: 47
= 39 United Kingdom: 14

Didn't have figures for France or Italy... but I think you get the idea.
Why would a government want their citizens disarmed?

think about it

Assault weapons are used for "Assaults." Do hunters need clips with multiple rounds? No...and I am a hunter. The NRA needs to understand that there have got to be limits set.
The 2nd Amendment isn't about deer hunting or what you claim anyone else does or doesn't need, doofus.

So what to 40, 50, or 100 shot ammunition clips have to do with the "right to bare arms?" How many pf those assault rifles and multiple ammunition clips were around when the 2nd Amendment was written? Go ahead...take your best shot!....multiple shots if you want!
Probably because there never has been a case where it happened successfully.
OK...You've gone from ill-informed stooge to stone liar.

In fact, the case of Loughner (he's the bald one) one of the good samaritans who pinned him to the ground almost got shot by another good samaritan who rushed out with a gun but didn't know what was going on.

Fact is, if these two can get guns, guns are too readily available.
I know who Loughner is you pusillanimous poltroon.

That they could get guns only proves that they could get guns....There's no law in the world that would prevent it.

Yet you never hear about these kinds of incidents in other industrialized countries. Or at least, very rarely. Hey, let's see how we compare to the other G-7 countries.

Murders with firearms statistics - countries compared - NationMaster Crime

# 4 United States: 9,369
# 11 Germany: 269
# 14 Canada: 144
# 28 Japan: 47
= 39 United Kingdom: 14

Didn't have figures for France or Italy... but I think you get the idea.

Oh and who commits most of those murders in the US and with what guns? Your going to have to give more specific stats than that.

And that being said, gun ownership was given to us by our founding fathers for a reason. They did not want Government to have all the power, they wanted the people to have greater power than the government and the option to rebel if the government gained too much power. Are you somehow against this notion?
Assault weapons are used for "Assaults." Do hunters need clips with multiple rounds? No...and I am a hunter. The NRA needs to understand that there have got to be limits set.
The 2nd Amendment isn't about deer hunting or what you claim anyone else does or doesn't need, doofus.

So what to 40, 50, or 100 shot ammunition clips have to do with the "right to bare arms?" How many pf those assault rifles and multiple ammunition clips were around when the 2nd Amendment was written? Go ahead...take your best shot!....multiple shots if you want!

If it's connected with Firearms it must be what the military uses to be protected by the second amendment
The courts have ruled it so.
No, dumbass -- Chicago has gun murders because criminals kill people with guns.

But typical leftist that you are, you can't seem to blame the murderers for their actions.

And if the criminals couldn't buy guns legally, they wouldn't be able to kill people.
What an astoundingly stupid statement. And one not supported by reality.
Fact: Only 0.7% of convicts bought their firearms at gun shows. 39.2% obtained them from illegal street dealers.143

Fact: 93% of guns used in crimes are obtained illegally (i.e., not at gun stores or gun shows).149

Fact: Most crime guns are either bought off the street from illegal sources (39.2%) or through family members or friends (39.6%).152​
Oh, I guess they could use the pipe wrench or the rope or one of the boring weapons from Clue, but it would be a lot harder.
If someone wants to kill someone else, they'll use what they can get.

12 Most Unusual Murder Weapons Used in Real Life | Raw Justice
Most gun deaths are suicides... but we have to protect their second amendment "rights".
Tragic indeed. But people who want to kill themselves will kill themselves. The presence or absence of a gun has no bearing.

Targeting Guns: Firearms and Their Control - Gary Kleck - Google Books

But if you outlaw guns, you disarm ONLY law-abiding people...and you would make the criminals successful in the hundreds of thousands of times guns are used in self-defense annually.

Irrational gun-haters like you believe it's morally superior to be raped and/or murdered than to defend yourself with a firearm.
The 2nd Amendment isn't about deer hunting or what you claim anyone else does or doesn't need, doofus.

Dianne Feinstein isn't moving to ban guns entirely either.

Would you feel "safer" driving a tank to the grocery store? Nuclear warhead anyone?

JimH52 is right. There has to be limits set.
I know straw man arguments and hyperbole make loons like you think you're making an argument, but you're not.

If we need limits on anything, it's on the rank stupidity form the paranoid pinko whackaloons from the land of fruits and nuts. :lol:

Gun wingnuts are as bad as those calling for an outright ban on guns entirely.

Both are blinded to reason.
Dianne Feinstein isn't moving to ban guns entirely either.

Would you feel "safer" driving a tank to the grocery store? Nuclear warhead anyone?

JimH52 is right. There has to be limits set.
I know straw man arguments and hyperbole make loons like you think you're making an argument, but you're not.

If we need limits on anything, it's on the rank stupidity form the paranoid pinko whackaloons from the land of fruits and nuts. :lol:

Gun wingnuts are as bad as those calling for an outright ban on guns entirely.

Both are blinded to reason.
Trying to use tanks and nukes as an argument to marginalize the 2nd Amendment is a total rejection of reason, moonbat.
Dianne Feinstein isn't moving to ban guns entirely either.

Would you feel "safer" driving a tank to the grocery store? Nuclear warhead anyone?

JimH52 is right. There has to be limits set.
I know straw man arguments and hyperbole make loons like you think you're making an argument, but you're not.

If we need limits on anything, it's on the rank stupidity form the paranoid pinko whackaloons from the land of fruits and nuts. :lol:

Gun wingnuts are as bad as those calling for an outright ban on guns entirely.

Both are blinded to reason.

Look dude the founders gave us the right to keep and bear arms to protect the rights of American citizens from a tyrannical government . Please try to keep up.
"Assault weapons" are too scary-looking for the irrational gun-haters. Maybe they'd prefer something more friendly:


I think you miss the point, Dave. If anyone lives in "fear", it's you.

Despite locking up 2 million scary minorities and poor people and having another 7 million on some for of parole or probation, you are just too scared someone is going to break into your house. So cowering in fear the mere penis substitute of a handgun just won't do it for you anymore.

You gotta have yourself a military grade weapon to feel "safer".
:rofl: My Marlin .22 semi-auto with a 7-round magazine is hardly a military-grade weapon, you moron.

People who arm themselves for self-defense don't HAVE to be afraid, dumbass.

Assault weapons are used for "Assaults." Do hunters need clips with multiple rounds? No...and I am a hunter. The NRA needs to understand that there have got to be limits set.
The 2nd Amendment isn't about deer hunting or what you claim anyone else does or doesn't need, doofus.

So what to 40, 50, or 100 shot ammunition clips have to do with the "right to bare arms?" How many pf those assault rifles and multiple ammunition clips were around when the 2nd Amendment was written? Go ahead...take your best shot!....multiple shots if you want!
The 2nd Amendment was about a balance of power, not about muzzle loaders.

If gumbint is paranoid enough to think it needs 50-round magazines, then they should be equally available to the general population that comprises the well regulate militia.

Only needed one shot. :lol:
Manufacturing a gun is a lot harder than manufacturing drugs.
Wow...You really are naïve, aintcha? :lol:

Cheaper Than Dirt - America's Ultimate Shooting Sports Discounter

All those guns were made at a factory. A factory that unlike a drug lab making ectasy, you need heavy machinary to produce.

Ending the manufacture of guns for the civilian market would be relatively easy.

Actually, they wouldn't even need to do that. Just get the gun manufacturers in a room, and tell them if they don't clean up their act, they can't bid on government contracts.

Then they'd make sure Joker Holmes wasn't buying guns on line.
You don't need a factory to make a gun, dumbass.

[ame=]Skill: Making a Pipe Gun - YouTube[/ame]
Dianne Feinstein isn't moving to ban guns entirely either.

Would you feel "safer" driving a tank to the grocery store? Nuclear warhead anyone?

JimH52 is right. There has to be limits set.
I know straw man arguments and hyperbole make loons like you think you're making an argument, but you're not.

If we need limits on anything, it's on the rank stupidity form the paranoid pinko whackaloons from the land of fruits and nuts. :lol:

Gun wingnuts are as bad as those calling for an outright ban on guns entirely.

Both are blinded to reason.

I dont disagree with most of gun control. I just think that liberals want to go about it the wrong way. First we got to lock down our boarders, put a serious halt to drug trafficking. I know that this is the hard part, but our effort is pretty limited as of now. We should also make a way to track ammunition, who buys it, how much, for what gun, what area do they live in (i.e. a city), how much did they use, when was it discharged, and was there a murder in their area. I am not saying limit ammunition, just to track it, like car accidents and violations. Its not going to end murder with firearms, but it will definitely limit it knowing you are probably going to get caught if you use a gun to kill someone.
I just have to ask...

Why are you guys fighting so hard for the right of THESE GUYS



to buy weapons that can kill dozens of people quickly.

I mean, not only aren't you capable of common sense, you think you'd have some sense of self-preservation.
Why are you fighting so hard for law-abiding citizens to be unable to defend themselves from those guys?

And let's inject a little more reality into your emotional irrationality:

Myth: Assault weapons are favored by criminals
Fact: Only 6% of criminals use anything that is classified (even incorrectly) as an “assault weapon,”374 though less than 2.5% claimed to use these firearms when committing crimes.375
Fact: Criminals are over five times more likely to carry single shot handguns as they are to carry “assault weapons.”376
Fact: “Assault rifles have never been an issue in law enforcement. I have been on this job for 25 years and I haven’t seen a drug dealer carry one. They are not used in crimes, they are not used against police officers.”377
Fact: “Since police started keeping statistics, we now know that ‘assault weapons’ are/were used in an underwhelming 0.026 of 1% of crimes in New Jersey. This means that my officers are more likely to confront an escaped tiger from the local zoo than to confront an assault rifle in the hands of a drug-crazed killer on the streets.”378​

All those guns were made at a factory. A factory that unlike a drug lab making ectasy, you need heavy machinary to produce.

Ending the manufacture of guns for the civilian market would be relatively easy.

Actually, they wouldn't even need to do that. Just get the gun manufacturers in a room, and tell them if they don't clean up their act, they can't bid on government contracts.

Then they'd make sure Joker Holmes wasn't buying guns on line.
You don't need a factory to make a gun, dumbass.

[ame=]Skill: Making a Pipe Gun - YouTube[/ame]

I'd like to say that it's scary that you know where to find videos like that...

but then I remember who I was talking to.
They sell all the components it takes to build weapons from the ground up.

Like I said, you're a totally naïve dilettante on the entire issue...Best STFU while you're behind.

I was in the army for 11 years, and my MOS was 76Y. I know more about weapons than you ever will.

Again, those components are made in factories. Regulate the factories, problem solved.
I just showed you you can build a shotgun out of pipe.

Are you going to insist the sale of pipe should be regulated?
I dont disagree with most of gun control. I just think that liberals want to go about it the wrong way. First we got to lock down our boarders, put a serious halt to drug trafficking. I know that this is the hard part, but our effort is pretty limited as of now. We should also make a way to track ammunition, who buys it, how much, for what gun, what area do they live in (i.e. a city), how much did they use, when was it discharged, and was there a murder in their area. I am not saying limit ammunition, just to track it, like car accidents and violations. Its not going to end murder with firearms, but it will definitely limit it knowing you are probably going to get caught if you use a gun to kill someone.
Yeah, like clamping down on drug trafficking is going to show any better results than it has to date.

In fact, it's as good an argument against the gun grabbers as there is...After decade upon decade of the miserably failed "war" on (some) drugs, smuggling and gang warfare are as bad as ever and the drugs are cheaper than ever.

Whatta buncha nutbars. :lol:

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