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Senator Dianne Feinstein Moves To Ban ALL Assault Rifles, High Capacity Magazines...

As you do not hide your irrational fear of Black men.
Okay, dumbshit, find a post of mine that demonstrates a fear of black men.


I'm tired of you brainless assholes throwing around the spurious charge of racism to things you don't like. It shows a spectacular lack of reasoning.

But of course, you will neither prove this alleged racism of mine or stop charging people with racism because you don't like what they say.

You're a drooling idiot leftist.
Difference is, I began shooting a pistol when I was 6 years old.
So what?

Your irrational anger shows that I must be right.
So, you're just another leftist dumbfuck who can't back up his claims.

I'd be surprised, but it happens all the time around here.

You fail.
As for the so what, you are just too thick.
I'm sure you like to pretend you have a point, but in reality, you don't.
"Assault weapons" are too scary-looking for the irrational gun-haters. Maybe they'd prefer something more friendly:


I think you miss the point, Dave. If anyone lives in "fear", it's you.

Despite locking up 2 million scary minorities and poor people and having another 7 million on some for of parole or probation, you are just too scared someone is going to break into your house. So cowering in fear the mere penis substitute of a handgun just won't do it for you anymore.

You gotta have yourself a military grade weapon to feel "safer".

What he calls am 'irrational fear' is actually a healthy respect for something that can be dangerous and deadly. He is a dummy.
Responsible gun owners have that healthy respect. That's what makes them responsible.

We also have the world's most obese people...You want to ban all-you-can-eat buffets now?

NIce attempt to change the subject.

So you are backing away from your claim that strict gun laws don't work, as I have just proven in countries WITH strict gun laws, the do.
It's not changing the subject...It's showing how flawed your stupid non sequitur argument is.

All those guns were made at a factory. A factory that unlike a drug lab making ectasy, you need heavy machinary to produce.

Ending the manufacture of guns for the civilian market would be relatively easy.

Actually, they wouldn't even need to do that. Just get the gun manufacturers in a room, and tell them if they don't clean up their act, they can't bid on government contracts.

Then they'd make sure Joker Holmes wasn't buying guns on line.
You don't need a factory to make a gun, dumbass.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDgHi_9_LX0]Skill: Making a Pipe Gun - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://youtu.be/30i_6awxEG4]Legally Make your own Gun. - YouTube[/ame]
Senator Dianne Feinstein Moves To Ban ALL Assault Rifles, High Capacity Magazines, and Pistol Grips

Read more at Senator Dianne Feinstein Moves To Ban ALL Assault Rifles, High Capacity Magazines, and Pistol Grips (NASDAQ:SWHC, NYSE:RGR) | Market Daily News
The agenda no longer needs to be hidden from public view. With President Obama winning another term and democrats taking control of the Senate, the move to fundamentally change America from within has begun – with a vengeance.

We’re all aware of the restrictive gun laws in the State of California which require low capacity magazines for handguns, fixed magazines for “assault” rifles, and a whole lot of running around just to be granted the right to carry a concealed firearm.

Now, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), who has championed gun control in her state for decades and co-wrote the original assault weapons ban enacted by the federal government in the 1990′s, wishes to bring even more stringent federal mandates to the land of the free.

What is being proposed by Feinstein is the most significant attack on the second amendment in history.
I don’t have the minutes of the meeting (yet), but sources tell me California Senator and longtime gun-hater Dianne Feinstein’s legal staff held meetings on Friday with FTB/ATF legal staff to discuss a new “Assault Weapons Ban” Madame Feinstein would be looking to push through Congress if President Obama wins reelection.
This same “pretty good intelligence” says the items that would lead to a banwould ban pistol grips and “high-capacity” magazines, eliminate any grandfathering and ban sales of “weapons in possession”.​

The progressive war on the Second Amendment is going to escalate.


Yet another freedom-hating lefty checks in.
I just have to ask...

Why are you guys fighting so hard for the right of THESE GUYS

to buy weapons that can kill dozens of people quickly.

I mean, not only aren't you capable of common sense, you think you'd have some sense of self-preservation.
Why are you fighting so hard for law-abiding citizens to be unable to defend themselves from those guys?


We've established this, guy. A gun in your house is 43 times more likely to kill a member of the household than a bad guy.

Oh, but I'm sure you read in a study somewhere that wasn't true. It was on some whack gun nut website.

Okay, let's do personal surveys...

Number of times I know of where a bad guy was killed with a gun - 0

Number of times I know of where a household member was killed with a gun in the house- 2.

A co-worker's son killed himself, (destroying their marriage) and my next door neighbor ended it all.

So, yeah. Guns in the house- more dangerous to the people living there.
We also have the world's most obese people...You want to ban all-you-can-eat buffets now?

NIce attempt to change the subject.

So you are backing away from your claim that strict gun laws don't work, as I have just proven in countries WITH strict gun laws, the do.
It's not changing the subject...It's showing how flawed your stupid non sequitur argument is.

Of course you are changing the subject.

You said gun laws don't work.

Those countries have either no private gun ownership or very limited private gun ownership- and none of them have gun deaths in the quadruple digits like we do.
NIce attempt to change the subject.

So you are backing away from your claim that strict gun laws don't work, as I have just proven in countries WITH strict gun laws, the do.
It's not changing the subject...It's showing how flawed your stupid non sequitur argument is.

Of course you are changing the subject.

You said gun laws don't work.

Those countries have either no private gun ownership or very limited private gun ownership- and none of them have gun deaths in the quadruple digits like we do.
Your argument is non sequitur...We have some of the most draconian anti-recreational drug laws in the "free" world, yet I could go out right now and score an ounce of cocaine before sundown, if I were committed to doing so...The laws are impotent against the acts of criminals...That's why they're criminals.

BTW....What are the gun laws of Sweden?
They sell all the components it takes to build weapons from the ground up.

Like I said, you're a totally naïve dilettante on the entire issue...Best STFU while you're behind.

I was in the army for 11 years, and my MOS was 76Y. I know more about weapons than you ever will.

Again, those components are made in factories. Regulate the factories, problem solved.
I just showed you you can build a shotgun out of pipe.

Are you going to insist the sale of pipe should be regulated?

If folks like you exit the gene pool by blowign yourselves up with pipe-guns, I can't see this as anything but a positive development.
NIce attempt to change the subject.

So you are backing away from your claim that strict gun laws don't work, as I have just proven in countries WITH strict gun laws, the do.
It's not changing the subject...It's showing how flawed your stupid non sequitur argument is.

Of course you are changing the subject.

You said gun laws don't work.

Those countries have either no private gun ownership or very limited private gun ownership- and none of them have gun deaths in the quadruple digits like we do.

They dont idiot, most crimes are commited with guns bought illegally.

The issue of gun control is, should the government have all the power banning guns to the citizens, or should the citizens retain power with owning firearms?
We also have the world's most obese people...You want to ban all-you-can-eat buffets now?

NIce attempt to change the subject.

So you are backing away from your claim that strict gun laws don't work, as I have just proven in countries WITH strict gun laws, the do.
You provided stats that show the fewer guns there are, the fewer gun crimes there are.

But that has no bearing on the number of violent crimes.


Myth: Countries with strict gun control have less crime
Fact: In America, we can demonstrate that private ownership of guns reduces crime, but from country to country there is no correlation between gun availability and the violent crime rate. Consider this:
Or, to use detailed data, we can contrast the per capita homicide rate with the per capita gun ownership rate between different industrialized countries (see graph below). Contrasting the data shows zero correlation between the availability of guns and the overall homicide rate.
Fact: Countries with the strictest gun-control laws also tended to have the highest homicide rates.1
Fact: According to the U.N., as of 2005, Scotland was the most violent country in the developed world, with people three times more likely to be assaulted than in America. Violent crime there has doubled over the last 20 years. 3% of Scots had been victims of assault compared with 1.2% in America.2
Fact: “... the major surveys completed in the past 20 years or more provides no evidence of any relationship between the total number of legally held firearms in society and the rate of armed crime. Nor is there a relationship between the severity of controls imposed in various countries or the mass of bureaucracy involved with many control systems with the apparent ease of access to firearms by criminals and terrorists.”3
Fact: In Canada around 1920, before there was any form of gun control, their homicide rate was 7% of the U.S rate. By 1986, and after significant gun control legislation, Canada’s homicide rate was 35% of the U.S. rate – a significant increase. 9 In 2003, Canada had a violent crime rate more than double that of the U.S. (963 vs. 475 per 100,000).10
Fact: Many of the countries with the strictest gun control have the highest rates of violent crime. Australia and England, which have virtually banned gun ownership, have the highest rates of robbery, sexual assault, and assault with force of the top 17 industrialized countries.11
Fact: The crime rate is 66% higher in four Canadian Prairie Provinces than in the northern US states across the border.12
Fact: Strict controls over existing arms failed in Finland. Despite needs-based licensing, storage laws and transportation restrictions,13 Finland experienced a multiple killing school shooting in 2007.14​
People killed with a knife are just as dead as people killed with a gun.

Face it, Joe -- you've been wrong in every facet of this debate.
All those guns were made at a factory. A factory that unlike a drug lab making ectasy, you need heavy machinary to produce.

Ending the manufacture of guns for the civilian market would be relatively easy.

Actually, they wouldn't even need to do that. Just get the gun manufacturers in a room, and tell them if they don't clean up their act, they can't bid on government contracts.

Then they'd make sure Joker Holmes wasn't buying guns on line.
You don't need a factory to make a gun, dumbass.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDgHi_9_LX0]Skill: Making a Pipe Gun - YouTube[/ame]

I'd like to say that it's scary that you know where to find videos like that...

but then I remember who I was talking to.
Yes, Google is such a subversive and radical site, isn't it?


You do know a gun is a piece of pipe, right?

I just have to ask...

Why are you guys fighting so hard for the right of THESE GUYS

to buy weapons that can kill dozens of people quickly.

I mean, not only aren't you capable of common sense, you think you'd have some sense of self-preservation.
Why are you fighting so hard for law-abiding citizens to be unable to defend themselves from those guys?


We've established this, guy. A gun in your house is 43 times more likely to kill a member of the household than a bad guy.

Oh, but I'm sure you read in a study somewhere that wasn't true. It was on some whack gun nut website.
You're still waving around that amazingly flawed study?

I've corrected you on that before. The fact that you continue to bitterly cling to the lies shows you're not interested in reality.
Okay, let's do personal surveys...

Number of times I know of where a bad guy was killed with a gun - 0

Number of times I know of where a household member was killed with a gun in the house- 2.

A co-worker's son killed himself, (destroying their marriage) and my next door neighbor ended it all.

So, yeah. Guns in the house- more dangerous to the people living there.
So, we should ban guns based on your anecdotal evidence for which there is no proof.

You are one of the absolute stupidest people on the entire internet, and that's quite an accomplishment.
I was in the army for 11 years, and my MOS was 76Y. I know more about weapons than you ever will.

Again, those components are made in factories. Regulate the factories, problem solved.
I just showed you you can build a shotgun out of pipe.

Are you going to insist the sale of pipe should be regulated?

If folks like you exit the gene pool by blowign yourselves up with pipe-guns, I can't see this as anything but a positive development.
If folks like you too terrified of weapons to take responsibility for your own defense get killed by an armed intruder while you're waiting for 911 to respond, I can't see this as anything but a positive development.
Senator Dianne Feinstein Moves To Ban ALL Assault Rifles, High Capacity Magazines, and Pistol Grips

Read more at Senator Dianne Feinstein Moves To Ban ALL Assault Rifles, High Capacity Magazines, and Pistol Grips (NASDAQ:SWHC, NYSE:RGR) | Market Daily News
The agenda no longer needs to be hidden from public view. With President Obama winning another term and democrats taking control of the Senate, the move to fundamentally change America from within has begun – with a vengeance.

We’re all aware of the restrictive gun laws in the State of California which require low capacity magazines for handguns, fixed magazines for “assault” rifles, and a whole lot of running around just to be granted the right to carry a concealed firearm.

Now, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), who has championed gun control in her state for decades and co-wrote the original assault weapons ban enacted by the federal government in the 1990′s, wishes to bring even more stringent federal mandates to the land of the free.

What is being proposed by Feinstein is the most significant attack on the second amendment in history.
I don’t have the minutes of the meeting (yet), but sources tell me California Senator and longtime gun-hater Dianne Feinstein’s legal staff held meetings on Friday with FTB/ATF legal staff to discuss a new “Assault Weapons Ban” Madame Feinstein would be looking to push through Congress if President Obama wins reelection.
This same “pretty good intelligence” says the items that would lead to a banwould ban pistol grips and “high-capacity” magazines, eliminate any grandfathering and ban sales of “weapons in possession”.​

The progressive war on the Second Amendment is going to escalate.
That's good news for the gun shops and gun manufacturers, it's already been good business for them since Obama was elected the first time, now there will be even more sales. I hope feinstein and her crew are unsuccessful with this one.
It's not changing the subject...It's showing how flawed your stupid non sequitur argument is.

Of course you are changing the subject.

You said gun laws don't work.

Those countries have either no private gun ownership or very limited private gun ownership- and none of them have gun deaths in the quadruple digits like we do.

They dont idiot, most crimes are commited with guns bought illegally.

But that gun got out there legally at some point. Either it was stolen, or someone resold it. So again, lessening the number of guns out there would reduce crime.

The issue of gun control is, should the government have all the power banning guns to the citizens, or should the citizens retain power with owning firearms?

You mean there's no middle ground?

How about this.

citizens can have guns after they have been properly trained, licensed and certified to be responsible with them. They are not allowed to have military grade weapons.

The two reasons gun nuts give for wanting guns are kind of silly.

A gun in the home is more likely to kill a family member than a criminal.

And you'll never have enough guns to overthrow the government.

SO the real purpose of guns is to give insecure white guys with tiny pricks a feeling of "Manliness".
Senator Dianne Feinstein Moves To Ban ALL Assault Rifles, High Capacity Magazines, and Pistol Grips

Read more at Senator Dianne Feinstein Moves To Ban ALL Assault Rifles, High Capacity Magazines, and Pistol Grips (NASDAQ:SWHC, NYSE:RGR) | Market Daily News
The agenda no longer needs to be hidden from public view. With President Obama winning another term and democrats taking control of the Senate, the move to fundamentally change America from within has begun – with a vengeance.

We’re all aware of the restrictive gun laws in the State of California which require low capacity magazines for handguns, fixed magazines for “assault” rifles, and a whole lot of running around just to be granted the right to carry a concealed firearm.

Now, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), who has championed gun control in her state for decades and co-wrote the original assault weapons ban enacted by the federal government in the 1990′s, wishes to bring even more stringent federal mandates to the land of the free.

What is being proposed by Feinstein is the most significant attack on the second amendment in history.
I don’t have the minutes of the meeting (yet), but sources tell me California Senator and longtime gun-hater Dianne Feinstein’s legal staff held meetings on Friday with FTB/ATF legal staff to discuss a new “Assault Weapons Ban” Madame Feinstein would be looking to push through Congress if President Obama wins reelection.
This same “pretty good intelligence” says the items that would lead to a banwould ban pistol grips and “high-capacity” magazines, eliminate any grandfathering and ban sales of “weapons in possession”.​

The progressive war on the Second Amendment is going to escalate.
That's good news for the gun shops and gun manufacturers, it's already been good business for them since Obama was elected the first time, now there will be even more sales. I hope feinstein and her crew are unsuccessful with this one.
:clap2: Well, it's one way liberals are creating jobs.
I just wonder to the people who are saying that Assault rifles and the like need to be ban. I just wonder if they look at how the drug war that the US Goverment has waged for all these years and see how inefficient they are in keeping Illgeal drugs off the street

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