Senator Joe McCarthy - the most evil SOB in US History.

Not only did he destroy peoples lives with his 'reds under the bed' hysteria.
He made sure the Nazi Malmady murderers had their sentences reduced.
True, but again a tiny matter. We have backs slaughtering the huttus or the tutsis in black lives matter or is it just a timely yet convenient empty political slogan?
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Not only did he destroy peoples lives with his 'reds under the bed' hysteria.
He made sure the Nazi Malmady murderers had their sentences reduced.

You do try so very hard, now don't you? Picture America as a giant historical boot, the toe of said giant historical boot impacting the posterior of your once "great" empire. Now? Now your tiny island nation is not unlike a mouse riding piggyback on the neck of our American juggernaut. That, and a tide of barbarians are swallowing up your nation's once illustrious history, culture and very gene pool. Try and focus on the pressing issues of the day plaguing your own nation rather than lecture Americans about American history. Questions?
Not only did he destroy peoples lives with his 'reds under the bed' hysteria.
He made sure the Nazi Malmady murderers had their sentences reduced.

I think you'd do better to worry about what is going on right now, in the degenerate shithole of a country in which you live, than to worry about what you think happened a generation or two ago in a far superior country about which you know nothing, and in which you have no standing.
Back in those days being a Communist was a felony crime. Where did we go wrong?
Also, Socialism was a crime. Now those things are accepted along with LGBTQ, abortion and drugs.

And that's what left wrong-wing filth consider to be “progress”. And all of it part of the Communist agenda that McCarthy was fighting against, to weaken our nation, to weaken our people, to prepare us for the fall into Communism.
Not only did he destroy peoples lives with his 'reds under the bed' hysteria.
He made sure the Nazi Malmady murderers had their sentences reduced.

Name one person destroyed by McCarthy and his HUAC? Zero Mostel? Who?
McCarthy's only sin is that his investigations uncovered a few too many of the 'chosen people'.
Jews and Communism are like peas and carrots.
You do realize that McCarthy was trying to route out Communists in America? Guess what? He just looked in all the wrong places....

He was looking in some of the right places, but failing to see others.

Certainly, he was very right to be looking at the entertainment industry—not only badly infested with Communists, to this day, but in a position to influence the public in that direction

“If I could control the medium of the American motion picture, I would need nothing else to convert the entire world to Communism.”— Иосиф Сталин​

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