Senator Rand Paul Urges All Freedom-Loving Americans to Resist Mask Mandates, Vaccine Passports, and Lockdowns. "They can't arrest us all."

If you have any doubt that the vaccine effectiveness is waning already, you must live in a cave.
Yes, move those goal posts. Go ahead make your specific claim about the 14 weeks, then again present material that doesn't contain that information at all.

And you misrepresent your chart. Very silly and dumb error on your part. Note how much smaller the percentage is for those with at least one dose. No really, a very stupid error on your part. You seem far too smart to make such a stupid mistake.
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Uh, yes we can. You wont be arrested for violating mask mandates. You will be arrested for trespassing, disturbing the peace, reckless endangerment, etc. Yes we absolutely can arrest every single one of you. Same thing we do now to people who commit these crimes.

And when your kid doesnt meet the vaccine requirement, either you nutballs will quit your jobs and home school, or you will stand in front of a truancy judge who may refer you to CPS for neglect for not having your kids in school. Same thing we do now, if you refuse to have your kids meet the school vaccine requirements.
How are you going to do all that while bleeding from multiple GSWs?
Only right-wingers prefer to repeat historical mistakes and try to convince us they are for the "gospel Truth" instead of simply right-wing fantasy.
I think Paul is not fighting against the vaccine, but for individual rights to choose.
I guess that's what the bastard was doing when knowing he was infected waltzed around the Capital potentially infecting others. He chose to say fuck you to his colleagues & others who work in that building when he kept it secret that he was infected.

A real prince.

This Country would be far better off with a few less Rand Paul's walking around & that may happen with this virus the way thay pay lip service to it.
I am liking Dr. Paul more and more every day.

He seems to be nearly the sole voice of Science these days, when it comes to masks and vaccines, recognizing that individuals with prior infection who have recovered are protected. A man of integrity.

'They can’t arrest us all': Sen. Rand Paul slams mask mandates and lockdowns and urges resistance, saying: 'choose freedom'​

  • The Kentucky senator was the first of his colleagues to get COVID-19 in March
  • He called for people to not accept mandates on masking
  • Called speaker Pelosi 'drunk with power' as the House has reimposed indoor mask mandates in the chamber where many lawmakers remain unvaccinated
  • Come as fellow Sen. Lindsey Graham is in quarantine after contracting COVID-19 despite being vaccinated
'They can’t arrest us all. They can’t keep all your kids home from school. They can’t keep every government building closed – although I’ve got a long list of ones they should,'

'Speaker Nancy Pelosi — you will not arrest or stop me or anyone on my staff from doing our jobs. We have all either had COVID, had the vaccine, or been offered the vaccine. We will make our own health choices. We will not show you a passport, we will not wear a mask, we will not be forced into random screening and testing so you can continue your drunk with power rein over the Capitol,'

'President Biden — we will not accept your agencies’ mandates or your reported moves toward a lockdown. No one should follow the [Centers for Disease Control] CDC’s anti-science mask mandates. And if you want to shutdown federal agencies again — some of which aren’t even back to work fully — I will stop every bill coming through the Senate with an amendment to cut their funding if they don’t come to work,' he said.

The Dems and media don't even seem to recognize the protection of prior infection. They divide Americans into the "vaccinated" and "unvaccinated" classes, claiming that it is now a "pandemic of the unvaccinated," completely ignoring the estimated 100 million Americans who have natural immunity after recovering from COVID.

Vaccines are created to mimic natural immunity. While many are quite effective, they usually are not quite as protective as being exposed to the real thing, which creates long-lasting T- and B-cells in one's bone marrow, sometimes leading to a lifetime of protection (1).

The CDC's own data shows that prior infection provides protection for >180 days, whereas the vaccines start to wane at 14 weeks. (2)

Moderna stock is up a factor of 21 since December 2019. Congress invests heavily in pharmaceutical stocks (3). They could not care less about you or me. As usual, it's about them - their power and money.

So, if you want it to end, join me in following Dr. Paul's advice, and follow your own free will and Science, not CNN and bureaucrats.

(1) 90 Years Later, 1918 Flu Lives on in Antibodies, Research
(2) https://context-cdn.washingtonpost..../57c98604-3b54-44f0-8b44-b148d8f75165.#page=1
(3) Congress invests big in pharmaceutical, tech stocks
Sounds good to me. :)

Unfortunately, the DemocraTaliban wants a second civil war. :(
Sounds good to me. :)

Unfortunately, the DemocraTaliban wants a second civil war. :(
Haha, already have your excuses all lined up. So the next time you sit on your fat ass doing nothing but watching other lobotomized hillbillies attack the government, you will tell yourself between PBRs that they are the real victims.
Haha, already have your excuses all lined up. So the next time you sit on your fat ass doing nothing but watching other lobotomized hillbillies attack the government, you will tell yourself between PBRs that they are the real victims.
PBR... Mmmmmmmm...
Not a fact.

Not a fact.

At a rate of less than 1%. Unvaccinated people spread it at a rate of 94+%.

Everyone is dying.

The right is entirely responsible for making the pandemic and subsequent vaccines political. It didn't have to be this way.

If I'm vaccinated, I don't need any 'in home treatment of covid'. You're confused.
Welcome to Loonery & anti-fact, ant-science repeated daily by Ev aka Rainman!
Sounds like he's telling Pelosi and Biden how it's gonna be, should they continue their blatant attack on the Republic. Rather bluntly, I'd add.

Isn't it wonderful to see someone in Washington with some balls for a change, instead of just saying a bunch of empty words?

Does anyone really think the statesman from Kentucky won't follow through on hs promise to amend every piece of legislation that comes through?
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haha, fucking stupid video, by morons, for morons

Well. Now you know who you're fighting.

All of these other talking heads in the Republican party who routinely tow the line of the party of one and who put on a side show to present the laughable illusion of difference are a waste of everyone's time.

There's talking about it. And then there is being about it.

It's a gosh darned travesty we have to go so far as to infiltrate a major political party in order to force them to stand by, eve nacknowledge, their own supposed principles.
Senator Rand Paul Urges All Freedom-Loving Americans to Resist Mask Mandates, Vaccine Passports, and Lockdowns. "They can't arrest us all."
And it’s this sort of reckless, irresponsible stupidity and willful ignorance that’s needlessly killing thousands of Americans.

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