Send her back

How about we be honest here...................We don't like don't like us.

There..............sums it up.

Now Omar is a dang own the Traitor............too dang bad for you.

Treason is hard to prove, and easy for someone ignorant of that law to label someone as a traitor. Grow up.
This is a opinionated thread...................I have seen her comments and don't like them. PERIOD............that is my opinion............and would help her pack to leave.

Clear it up for you..............Her comments are BS.................MY OPINION.........TRAITOR........

You don't agree I don't care.............It's way past dang time we state what we believe openly in this country. And pussy footing around the subject.......Which is what the PC idiots want.................My point stands.

I agree, and it is my opinion that you and other supporters of trump are fascists.
Well good for you..............Now explain the Fascists actions of the Far left...........

Burning cities down........going postal because someone of a different opinion is gonna speak..........Antifa TERRORISTS.........

Your side has a lot of nerve calling us fascists................and Omar is Anti Semitic from hell............SHE DOESN'T SPEAK FOR US...........If she speaks for you then that is your dang problem........

She is a TRAITOR...................My point stands.............

She speaks for the constituents who elected her to Congress:

Examining Trump’s Claims About Representative Ilhan Omar
That district that full of people that agree with her anti semitism................What district is that...........mecca city district ..........LOL
The fly over states, the ones who gave trump the electoral win.

Ohio is a fly over state? hhhmmm. Pennsylvania?
Is Michigan a flyover state - ie. where some of the '4' are from?
That aside, them voting in Trump wasn't a good thing. And why does anybody who disagrees with the low life piece of shit anti-American? You know, you right wingers are the ones who always bring up this 'if you are left you are anti-American' bullshit. Your country was built on disagreement. That's how it rolls...

And yknow what, your FF's weren't fucking gods. They only allowed certain men to vote and a lot were slave owners. Sure, they were men of their time, but they were hardly paragons of virtue...
Who cares,, the people in these areas VOTED TRUMP! You need to convince most of America why you are good for the country, and democrats suck

True. So the country folk in the US are living up to their hayseed stereotype.
At the end of the day, more people voted for Hillary. Fact. And no, I don't care how your system works. That's not my point. More people liked her over him. Fact.
Dude high populated uneducated counties full of illegals don’t represent America.. if she was popular she would have won a Dakota or Florida.. but SHE WASNT POPULAR
View attachment 270006
You hate America because most of America is made up of trump supporters..
I would love to see how and where you consume your "news" and "information".

I'd guess you rarely venture outside of the closed ideological circuit that talk radio has created.
I’m glad you asked

Strawman. There are more people living in the blue parts than red. Sure, makes a nice graphic, but i note North and South Dakota are on there. There are more people living in Brooklyn than those two states combined.
Who cares,, the people in these areas VOTED TRUMP! You need to convince most of America why you are good for the country, and democrats suck

No we don't. Two years of Trump and those people are DONE with him and his lies.
View attachment 270006
You hate America because most of America is made up of trump supporters..
I would love to see how and where you consume your "news" and "information".

I'd guess you rarely venture outside of the closed ideological circuit that talk radio has created.
I’m glad you asked

Strawman. There are more people living in the blue parts than red. Sure, makes a nice graphic, but i note North and South Dakota are on there. There are more people living in Brooklyn than those two states combined.
Who cares,, the people in these areas VOTED TRUMP! You need to convince most of America why you are good for the country, and democrats suck

No we don't. Two years of Trump and those people are DONE with him and his lies.
You have a clown show running for Pres.............good luck with those choices.

View attachment 270006
You hate America because most of America is made up of trump supporters..
I would love to see how and where you consume your "news" and "information".

I'd guess you rarely venture outside of the closed ideological circuit that talk radio has created.
I’m glad you asked

Strawman. There are more people living in the blue parts than red. Sure, makes a nice graphic, but i note North and South Dakota are on there. There are more people living in Brooklyn than those two states combined.
Who cares,, the people in these areas VOTED TRUMP! You need to convince most of America why you are good for the country, and democrats suck

No we don't. Two years of Trump and those people are DONE with him and his lies.
I’m surprised you could spell done
The fly over states, the ones who gave trump the electoral win.

Ohio is a fly over state? hhhmmm. Pennsylvania?
Is Michigan a flyover state - ie. where some of the '4' are from?
That aside, them voting in Trump wasn't a good thing. And why does anybody who disagrees with the low life piece of shit anti-American? You know, you right wingers are the ones who always bring up this 'if you are left you are anti-American' bullshit. Your country was built on disagreement. That's how it rolls...

And yknow what, your FF's weren't fucking gods. They only allowed certain men to vote and a lot were slave owners. Sure, they were men of their time, but they were hardly paragons of virtue...

WI, MI and PA are not fly over states, do I need to list them all? Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, N & S Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Indiana, Utah, Oklahoma, Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky and lets not forget Mississippi & Alabama.
I'm curious how those that claimed Obama divided the country see all this. Their silence is deafening.
You’re a fool if you do not think Obama divided the country, and there would be no trump if there was no Obama.
Obamacare forced people to pay for shit they weren’t did not want, could not afford and absolutely did not benefit from.
Obama was constantly trying to force frivolous gun control laws that would save absolutely nobody.
And firearm registration.
Obama closed down numerous coal powered power plants in the northern plains with fucked up regulations for no reason. Six-figure jobs were lost overnight.

Trump is doing none of these things, so that alone what is good for rural America. The federal government needs to stay out of peoples personal lives.

I'll stick with my foolishness and regard your items as frivolous in comparison to the real division that occurred under GW Bush with his decision to invade Iraq.
The new rallying cry for the Republican base. If you don’t agree with Trumps policies, you should go back to where you came from

Trump slams congresswomen; crowd roars, 'Send her back!'
I don't agree with him-but no one is going anywhere. I would like to see her deported for lying on her visa application.
I’ll agree to reviewing Omar’s application if we can review Melanias
No problem-I would like to review everyone's and get rid of 22 million illegals.
The new rallying cry for the Republican base. If you don’t agree with Trumps policies, you should go back to where you came from

Trump slams congresswomen; crowd roars, 'Send her back!'
Personally, if there are things that bother you about this nation, fine. It could do better in some areas. However, all nations have flaws.. I've been all over this planet and I always came back considering ours better, mainly due to our freedoms. For those who complain that we are a nation that had can put a map of the earth on the wall and throw a dart and no matter what territory it lands on, there was slavery and for the record, Islam had far more slaves than any other peoples. Was slavery right? Of course not. Was and is there racism? Sure. Racism has existed across the globe and isn't going away anytime soon. There are Asians who don't like blacks, whites, or Latinos, Latinos that don't like blacks, whites or Asians, whites that don't like blacks, Asians, or Latinos. The history of all nations is one of bloody conflict.
However, if you deliberately move to a nation, knowing it highly conflicts with your beliefs and the reason you are going there is to undermine it, speak hatred of it and its allies, then you are clearly an enemy of the state and don't belong. So for those individuals, they absolutely do not belong here and should leave, or be forced out and NOT return.
The fly over states, the ones who gave trump the electoral win.

Ohio is a fly over state? hhhmmm. Pennsylvania?
Is Michigan a flyover state - ie. where some of the '4' are from?
That aside, them voting in Trump wasn't a good thing. And why does anybody who disagrees with the low life piece of shit anti-American? You know, you right wingers are the ones who always bring up this 'if you are left you are anti-American' bullshit. Your country was built on disagreement. That's how it rolls...

And yknow what, your FF's weren't fucking gods. They only allowed certain men to vote and a lot were slave owners. Sure, they were men of their time, but they were hardly paragons of virtue...

WI, MI and PA are not fly over states, do I need to list them all? Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, N & S Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Indiana, Utah, Oklahoma, Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky and lets not forget Mississippi & Alabama.
So there votes don’t matter? Lol you are a nazi haha
This is not "America, love it or leave it".

Anyone who claims it is is lying or stupid.

Furthermore, if you assfucks truly believe in "love it or leave it" you would have lefty when you hated America under Obama.
The fly over states, the ones who gave trump the electoral win.

Ohio is a fly over state? hhhmmm. Pennsylvania?
Is Michigan a flyover state - ie. where some of the '4' are from?
That aside, them voting in Trump wasn't a good thing. And why does anybody who disagrees with the low life piece of shit anti-American? You know, you right wingers are the ones who always bring up this 'if you are left you are anti-American' bullshit. Your country was built on disagreement. That's how it rolls...

And yknow what, your FF's weren't fucking gods. They only allowed certain men to vote and a lot were slave owners. Sure, they were men of their time, but they were hardly paragons of virtue...

WI, MI and PA are not fly over states, do I need to list them all? Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, N & S Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Indiana, Utah, Oklahoma, Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky and lets not forget Mississippi & Alabama.
So there votes don’t matter? Lol you are a nazi haha
If votes really matter, your orange buddy had 3 million fewer ones. were three of the Congresswomen
Why don’t you leave
Isn’t Pressley, Omar AFRICAN American? Cortez LATIN American.. I’m just American i have no where else to go

I can tell you where to go
Where? Democrats have no right to tell Americans where to go.. you have flooded our poor neighborhoods with the worlds poor and illiterate


Trump will meet you there
Aww. How disappointing. Is this all you can manage when confronted with a cogent point?

How childish.

You jest

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