Sending Illegals to Sanctuary States a Good Idea?

Thanks, I fixed it.

Democrats told migrants to surge the border.
Ah. I figured you were a victim of spell check I just couldn't determine what you meant. Thanks.

I would argue that when republicans get on TV and claim the borders are wide open and they see republican governor's on TV giving free rides to other states for immigrants; that is causing more of a surge then anything Democrats are doing.

Many probably think a republican will be at the border to give them goody bags before giving them a free ride.
If they are asylum seekers, they are not illegals.

No. Congress should change amnesty laws but they haven't, so here we are.
BRANDON is encouraging them, he FORBIDD the Border Control to do their job, he condemns Rep Governors for flying illegals to Sanctuary cities but it’s OK for him to do it?
BRANDON is encouraging them, he FORBIDD the Border Control to do their job, he condemns Rep Governors for flying illegals to Sanctuary cities but it’s OK for him to do it?
Republicans are encouraging them. Announcing open borders and giving free rides. I would come too if I was south of the border and needed a job.

Again, most are not illegals, they are legal asylum seekers.
They are call sanctuary cities because they offer sanctuary.

Florida didn't want to let illegals in the country.

The illegals were sent to Florida.

Florida sent them to sanctuary cities where they were wanted. Sounds like Florida did the right thing and sent them to cities where they were wanted.

Besides, how isnt it bad that the Biden administration ships illegals to states but it's bad when states ship illegals somewhere else?
DeSantis has upped the ante. Seems to me NYC, CA, and other shitholes should be thrilled at the opportunity for more illegals,

They only like them when they can rake in big bux for the 'activists' pockets. Flood them with fake 'refugees' and it cuts deep into the takings they can plunder. People start scrutinizing where the money actually goes. See the BLM millionaires for how that goes.
If democrats cared about the illegals they tell to surge the border, they would welcome the flights from Florda and even pay for them.

DeSantis is a great humanitarian shipping the illegals to sanctuaries that want them at great cost to himself.

Democrats thought open borders would only effect states like Texas. Now every state is a border state thanks to "surge the border" democrats.

California has relied on criminal illegal aliens for its large number of Congressional seats it uses to steal from the rest of the country for decades. They should be screaming for more given how rapidly their legal citizens are leaving for other states. So should New York.
Republicans are encouraging them. Announcing open borders and giving free rides. I would come too if I was south of the border and needed a job.

Again, most are not illegals, they are legal asylum seekers.
You’re extremely misinformed. It’s not the Republicans who are encouraging the ILLEGALS. Biden even announced he was going to stop Trump’s policy, it’s not the Republicans who are giving them free rides and making their cities Sanctuary cities( they ARE ILLEGALS
Not when they have already been allowed into the country, dumb ass.
But then they're not illegals are they?
So both Ronda and Wheels both thought they were committing crimes or they lied to you when they called these people illegals.

So which is it?
Were they morons or are you?
If that's the case, should the Biden administration be charged with a lot of federal felony charges since they do the same thing? Or is that somehow different? I just want to know how consistent you are on the subject.
When the Biden Admin moves these people it is understood they are here legally.

Ronda and Wheels both claimed the persons transported were illegals but they really weren't. So either they thought they were committing a crime or they lied to their supporters about it.

So the real question is are they stupid or are their supporters stupid.

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