Separation, Secession or Suppresion?

What is the most likely outcome of the Left-Right schism in our country?

  • Peaceful Separation

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • Armed Secession

    Votes: 4 40.0%
  • Armed Suppression

    Votes: 3 30.0%
  • Peace & Harmony

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 2 20.0%

  • Total voters


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
While one half of citizens believe the other half are Nazi racists, their counterparts believe they are totalitarian communists. This appears to be an irreparable divergence not seen since the Civil War. While current demographics blur the geographic lines between them, some definitive resolution of this schism is inevitable. If so, what form is the most likely outcome?
While one half of citizens believe the other half are Nazi racists, their counterparts believe they are totalitarian communists. This appears to be an irreparable divergence not seen since the Civil War. While current demographics blur the geographic lines between them, some definitive resolution of this schism is inevitable. If so, what form is the most likely outcome?
if people could only realize we are already separate with the 50 states,,,all that has to be done is the states that reject the fed authority should stop taking the money they use to control them and kick the feds out of their state,,
Texas is GONE.

It's only a matter of time and how. Unfortunately, I don't see the goose-stepping commie left allowing Texas to walk out with the world's 10th largest economy and all that money that they wanna get their greedy, pinko hands on.

They will send others to do their war for them against Texas, but ultimately Texas leaves. There are way too many pissed off, armed Texans eager to engage in a decades-long armed insurgency.
Texas is GONE.

It's only a matter of time and how. Unfortunately, I don't see the goose-stepping commie left allowing Texas to walk out with the world's 10th largest economy and all that money that they wanna get their greedy, pinko hands on.

They will send others to do their war for them against Texas, but ultimately Texas leaves. There are way too many pissed off, armed Texans eager to engage in a decades-long armed insurgency.
Abbot should call on Israel and bomb the heck out of uncle Joe's house
While one half of citizens believe the other half are Nazi racists, their counterparts believe they are totalitarian communists. This appears to be an irreparable divergence not seen since the Civil War. While current demographics blur the geographic lines between them, some definitive resolution of this schism is inevitable. If so, what form is the most likely outcome?
Actually the Democrats are the opposite of Nazism. The republicans are nazis wanting to do a coup , and toss about legal votes.
Texas is GONE.

It's only a matter of time and how. Unfortunately, I don't see the goose-stepping commie left allowing Texas to walk out with the world's 10th largest economy and all that money that they wanna get their greedy, pinko hands on.

They will send others to do their war for them against Texas, but ultimately Texas leaves. There are way too many pissed off, armed Texans eager to engage in a decades-long armed insurgency.
Abbot should call on Israel and bomb the heck out of uncle Joe's house
Get use to it, tramp lost bigly.
Texas is GONE.

It's only a matter of time and how. Unfortunately, I don't see the goose-stepping commie left allowing Texas to walk out with the world's 10th largest economy and all that money that they wanna get their greedy, pinko hands on.

They will send others to do their war for them against Texas, but ultimately Texas leaves. There are way too many pissed off, armed Texans eager to engage in a decades-long armed insurgency.
Abbot should call on Israel and bomb the heck out of uncle Joe's house
Get use to it, tramp lost bigly.
What did Trump lose?

He made his point that you can never erase
While one half of citizens believe the other half are Nazi racists, their counterparts believe they are totalitarian communists. This appears to be an irreparable divergence not seen since the Civil War. While current demographics blur the geographic lines between them, some definitive resolution of this schism is inevitable. If so, what form is the most likely outcome?
Actually the Democrats are the opposite of Nazism. The republicans are nazis wanting to do a coup , and toss about legal votes.
The nazies were fascist socialists who used violent thugs and criminals to riot, loot, and burn to try to use fear to gain political power----------the nazies and todays globalist socialists are are exactly the same. Stop trying to label others as what you actually are.
While one half of citizens believe the other half are Nazi racists, their counterparts believe they are totalitarian communists. This appears to be an irreparable divergence not seen since the Civil War. While current demographics blur the geographic lines between them, some definitive resolution of this schism is inevitable. If so, what form is the most likely outcome?
Actually the Democrats are the opposite of Nazism. The republicans are nazis wanting to do a coup , and toss about legal votes.
Thanks for the confirmation!
Only the nutters on each end think this kind of binary stuff.

A majority of the country are decent people who prefer cooperation, collaboration and innovation.

The ends are too full of themselves to see that.
I don't know where you've been for this last four years, but the way the media, Hollywood, politicians, teachers and the young urban people have behaved against those that preferred Trump, shows that the people in this nation are anything but decent people and who showed themselves to be uncivilized idiots?
The senior, most influential leftist politicians in the country:
Hillary Clinton: "Trump voters are the deplorables!"
Nancy Pelosi: "No civility until we're in power!"
Maxine Waters: "If you see them in public, get in their faces and scream at them!"
Those are the individuals who were supposed to "set an example" as to how to behave as an adult.
They failed.
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Only the nutters on each end think this kind of binary stuff.
Have you ever heard of syllogistic logic, or is that an example of higher level thinking of which you are incapable?

P.S. Don't YOU make a binary choice when voting?
The senior, most influential leftist politicians in the country:
Hillary Clinton: "Trump voters are the deplorables!"

Hillary Clinton to the LGBTQ convention: “You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right?” Clinton said. “The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic—you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up.”

Only the nutters on each end think this kind of binary stuff.

A majority of the country are decent people who prefer cooperation, collaboration and innovation.

The ends are too full of themselves to see that.
That's only because they don't understand that the Dims are all Stalinist scumbags.

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