Sequestration and What It Would Do to U.S. Military Power


Aug 13, 2012
In recent months, concerns over sequestration and its impact on the U.S. military have reached a fever pitch in Washington.

There is no doubt that sequestration would be a terrible mistake. If Congress is unable to reach a compromise on how to solve America’s debt dilemma, almost half a trillion dollars in mandatory cuts to the defense budget over the next decade would initiate in January (meaning roughly $55 billion in the first year). It is un-strategic to hack away at the defense budget in a generalized manner, cutting the good and the bad by the same percentage, like a butcher with a piece of meat.

Read more: Sequestration and What It Would Do to U.S. Military Power | U.S. |

Read more: Sequestration and What It Would Do to U.S. Military Power | U.S. |

How Sequestration Would Work
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In recent months, concerns over sequestration and its impact on the U.S. military have reached a fever pitch in Washington.

There is no doubt that sequestration would be a terrible mistake. If Congress is unable to reach a compromise on how to solve America’s debt dilemma, almost half a trillion dollars in mandatory cuts to the defense budget over the next decade would initiate in January (meaning roughly $55 billion in the first year). It is un-strategic to hack away at the defense budget in a generalized manner, cutting the good and the bad by the same percentage, like a butcher with a piece of meat.

Read more: Sequestration and What It Would Do to U.S. Military Power | U.S. |

Read more: Sequestration and What It Would Do to U.S. Military Power | U.S. |

How Sequestration Would Work

How Sequestration Would Work | Center for American Progress

Didn't you get the memo?

Congress kicked that can down the road until March.

The U.S. House of Representatives Committee On Appropriations, Chairman Hal Rogers
Good. the military spending is completely out of control and we can't afford it.

The waste is what needs to be addressed not the military being too large. It protects your lame ass so that you can post your stupidity here without having your tongue cut out or your head lopped off.
Good. the military spending is completely out of control and we can't afford it.

The waste is what needs to be addressed not the military being too large. It protects your lame ass so that you can post your stupidity here without having your tongue cut out or your head lopped off.

I wonder which one of these might be a tiny bit over bloated..:eusa_think:

There is a's called compromising and coming up with a plan. Can't do that if your number one goal is not what is in the best interest of the American people, but in making Barack Obama a one term President.
Good. the military spending is completely out of control and we can't afford it.

The waste is what needs to be addressed not the military being too large. It protects your lame ass so that you can post your stupidity here without having your tongue cut out or your head lopped off.

I wonder which one of these might be a tiny bit over bloated..:eusa_think:


and which ones are actually mandated by the consitution as a federal power?

I also love how you guys always leave out SS medicare and all the other crap.
Good. the military spending is completely out of control and we can't afford it.

The waste is what needs to be addressed not the military being too large. It protects your lame ass so that you can post your stupidity here without having your tongue cut out or your head lopped off.

I wonder which one of these might be a tiny bit over bloated..:eusa_think:


A fair argument but nontheless the miliitary is necessary like it or not. Is there a link to the story that goes with that chart?
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The waste is what needs to be addressed not the military being too large. It protects your lame ass so that you can post your stupidity here without having your tongue cut out or your head lopped off.

I wonder which one of these might be a tiny bit over bloated..:eusa_think:


and which ones are actually mandated by the consitution as a federal power?

All of them. If it wasn't constitutional, the spending would never be authorized.
I read the article. Of course it is written by a guy that makes his money by promoting military spending. Didn't say a word about what cuts the current soldiers, sailors and airmen would be required to live with.

And of course our "allies" are worried. But not about us. They are worried that the American "gravy train" might be coming to an end.

Rethugs are just so funny when they talk about the deficit out of one side of their mouth, then claim we need to borrow more money to spend with our beloved military contractors.
And keep in mind that (contractors) is who the rethugs are trying to protect. The military contractors that give great amounts of money to get rethugs elected.

Let the cuts go through. We will still outspend most other counties combined on military spending.

and btw, no matter how many trillions we spend on weapon systems we don't need, we still can't figure out how to stop a road side bomb. Or a suicide bomber. Wtf?
Make the 47% get a job! Pay taxes and get off their ass. President Romney will make damn sure of it! He will save this nation.
The waste is what needs to be addressed not the military being too large. It protects your lame ass so that you can post your stupidity here without having your tongue cut out or your head lopped off.

I wonder which one of these might be a tiny bit over bloated..:eusa_think:


A fair argument but nontheless the miliitary is necessary like it or not. Is there a link to the story that goes with that chart?

The military serves one purpose per the constitution to defend our homeland. It's not it's duty to police the world and be at non-stop war.

The right wing military industrial complex is the most pork barreled plague sucking the nation dry. It needs cuts, HUGE cuts. Except that's how the right wing trash is, they claim they are for fiscal responsibility, but never want to cut a dime where it's most needed, the grossly overinflated military.
Make the 47% get a job! Pay taxes and get off their ass. President Romney will make damn sure of it! He will save this nation.

You stupid fuk. Are you the poster boy for the rethug party? I hope so. You do them proud. LMAO.
Good. the military spending is completely out of control and we can't afford it.

The waste is what needs to be addressed not the military being too large. It protects your lame ass so that you can post your stupidity here without having your tongue cut out or your head lopped off.

Who did it protect when some nuts with box cutters decided to ram commercial airliners into the twin towers and the pentagon?

What happened to our state of the art, mega billion dollar super sonic jet fighters?

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