Sequestration: Blame goes to GOP

The blame over who supported the sequester is a diversion from the fact that the sequester exists, and can be easily fixed. All Obama has to do is recognize that he has already received all the tax increases that he is going to get, and that he needs to compromise with Republicans on real spending cuts.

Not really that hard to figure out.

Otherwise, let the sequester begin.

It just reaffirms what many know. He got his tax increases and refuses to cut any spending and never planned on cutting spending.
If the sequester makes huge government cuts....and, brings in more revenue, then wouldnt spending less and bringing in more be GOOD BUSINESS???

I thought you guys wanted govt to "run like a business". Well, thats what it'll be hahahaha!!! Spend less, plus bring in more, equals profit, right?
If the sequester makes huge government cuts....and, brings in more revenue, then wouldnt spending less and bringing in more be GOOD BUSINESS???

I thought you guys wanted govt to "run like a business". Well, thats what it'll be hahahaha!!! Spend less, plus bring in more, equals profit, right?

huge? $85B against $3.7 Trillion is huge?

Nice try Rdean Douger
If the sequester makes huge government cuts....and, brings in more revenue, then wouldnt spending less and bringing in more be GOOD BUSINESS???

I thought you guys wanted govt to "run like a business". Well, thats what it'll be hahahaha!!! Spend less, plus bring in more, equals profit, right?

Even though Obama is wringing his hands, clutching his pearls and declaring general doom and gloom, it's a mere 2.5% spending reduction. Let it happen. The sun will still come up tomorrow. Promise.
The roughly 85 billion to be sequestered (eventually) come to like 1/2 of 1% of the year's deficit.

The law which created the fucking "sequester" would spread the "savings" around. But President Obama is trying to focus it like a laser beam on the things that will CAUSE as much discomfort as he can generate in that manner. All the better to make the sequester a "heartless Republican created problem."

Nobody can ever honestly accuse Obama of being honest of reasonable.

Here's a little mental exercise for ya: If the sequester is such a small, insignificant thing why is there so much complication with just walking around it? Perhaps you are not seeing the whole picture. hhmmmmm....

To "just walk around it" would require a desire by the President to do just that.

Sadly, that is the last thing he wants to do.

Instead, he WANTS to "use" it as a stick.

I don't think YOU are seeing the whole picture.

Are you seriously contending that there's no way to find 85 billion dollars worth of easily and readily identifiable waste in our federal spending this year?

Ah. No worries. Paul Ryan has already done MORE than that:

Ryan CITES the GAO finding about now ALREADY IDENTIFIED WASTE:
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Fact: The Sequester idea came from the White House. Obama's mouth piece confirmed this fact.

Your inability to determine fact from friction is just what POTUS relies on.
The roughly 85 billion to be sequestered (eventually) come to like 1/2 of 1% of the year's deficit.

The law which created the fucking "sequester" would spread the "savings" around. But President Obama is trying to focus it like a laser beam on the things that will CAUSE as much discomfort as he can generate in that manner. All the better to make the sequester a "heartless Republican created problem."

Nobody can ever honestly accuse Obama of being honest of reasonable.
Don't you CON$ ever get tired of lying about Obama???? :eusa_liar:

As you well know, Boner's sequester requires ACROSS THE BOARD cuts, no one can "focus" anything!!!

Hey ed, you fucking lying hack liberal asshole:

I am the one who noted that the sequestration is SUPPOSED to be "across the board."

It is your idiot in chief that is LYING (like you are), you moron. He IS trying to claim that some programs will be hit the hardest.

He threatens the military for a number of reasons, but it is even within his power to avoid haing the sequester impact the military all that hard.

He is a fucking piece of shit. And it is his fault. He chooses to be the liberal that he is.

I know you liberal propagandist pieces of shit never tire of lying, but you should really consider being honest sometime.
Robert Reich: Why Obama Must Meet the Republican Lies Directly
The White House apparently believes the best way to strengthen its hand in the upcoming "sequester" showdown with Republicans is to tell Americans how awful the spending cuts will be, and blame Republicans for them.

It won't work. These tactical messages are getting in the way of the larger truth, which the President must hammer home: The Republicans' austerity economics and trickle-down economics are dangerous, bald-faced lies.
Robert Reich: Why Obama Must Meet the Republican Lies Directly
The White House apparently believes the best way to strengthen its hand in the upcoming "sequester" showdown with Republicans is to tell Americans how awful the spending cuts will be, and blame Republicans for them.

It won't work. These tactical messages are getting in the way of the larger truth, which the President must hammer home: The Republicans' austerity economics and trickle-down economics are dangerous, bald-faced lies.

Except, as you know, Reich is lying.

We do need some austerity.

And we need to start imposing some damn fiscal discipline immediately.
Robert Reich: Why Obama Must Meet the Republican Lies Directly
The White House apparently believes the best way to strengthen its hand in the upcoming "sequester" showdown with Republicans is to tell Americans how awful the spending cuts will be, and blame Republicans for them.

It won't work. These tactical messages are getting in the way of the larger truth, which the President must hammer home: The Republicans' austerity economics and trickle-down economics are dangerous, bald-faced lies.

Except, as you know, Reich is lying.

We do need some austerity.

And we need to start imposing some damn fiscal discipline immediately.

You're going to 'not spend' your way out of a recession?

Except, as you know, Reich is lying.

We do need some austerity.

And we need to start imposing some damn fiscal discipline immediately.

You're going to 'not spend' your way out of a recession?

You're suggesting that going much more massively into debt has no adverse consequences?

You engage in magical thinking.

If you have been reckless and/or unfortunate in life and have debt over your eyes, you can't even pay all of your monthly bills every month like your mortgage and food bills and phone bills and utilities and gas for the car (which you need to go back and forth to work and to buy food, etc). So you pick and choose which of your necessities you WILL pay for this month. Then it dawns on you!

You say, "Hey! I know! I can borrow against my credit cards! I'll use Visa to borrow a bit more to pay for Mastercard. I'll use Matercard to pay at least something on the Amex. I'll max out the Amex to buy gas and food this month. And, I'll worry about next months bills next month!" Except next month (or eventually), you now have even larger bills, all coming due, and no available credit left.

Borrowing and spending SURE worked you out of your recession, eh?
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Robert Reich: Why Obama Must Meet the Republican Lies Directly
The White House apparently believes the best way to strengthen its hand in the upcoming "sequester" showdown with Republicans is to tell Americans how awful the spending cuts will be, and blame Republicans for them.

It won't work. These tactical messages are getting in the way of the larger truth, which the President must hammer home: The Republicans' austerity economics and trickle-down economics are dangerous, bald-faced lies.

We can spend $1.5 trillion of money we don't have every single year, with no consequence, according to you Obamunists.

Sequestration and Cognitive Dissonance on the Right

"It's Obama's sequester" = don't blame for the terrible results

"It's only a small percentage of the federal budget" = it isn't really all that bad

At first I gave them the benefit of the doubt, maybe one message for their looney base, and another for the rest of the world. But like the President used to do, I'm overestimating their ability be honest and open in dealings with him. Now it's about their ability to bounce back after the arse-whooping they took in 2012.

Come on, when did the GOP start listening to and following what Obama wants? They will call him on things now, why not before?

You're going to 'not spend' your way out of a recession?

Obama has blown $6 trillion, with nothing to show for it (save that the bribes to the unions bought the election for Obama.) Spending like drunken monkeys sure hasn't done anything to boost the economy. Spending that exceeds the increase in GDP growth must by nature harm the economy. And don't show your ignorance of Keynesian economics by spouting off about deficit stimulus, 5 years in and it has nothing to do with Lord Keynes formula.
You're suggesting that going much more massively into debt has no adverse consequences?

You just put words in my mouth. Shall I defend myself for something I never even came close to saying?

But you just implied it. You can't have it both ways, kid.

Look daddy oh, you can cut a billion dollars and spend a dollar and you are still 'spending'. The problem with austerity/sequestration is that not only does it not effectively cut the deficit, it also stops spending. That is not a recipe for chicken soup. That is a recipe for disaster in a bowl. Kids like chicken soup. :) We don't like disaster in a bowl. :(

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