Serious proposal for the gun control crowd

I don't believe there is a gun control debate. Just liberals trying to disarm American citizens at the behest of the UN.
We voted no on that in 2016 and intend to do it again next year.

Absolutely. We have this thing about lunatics killing our kids.

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You are absolutely correct. We have a lunatic problem, not a gun problem. Parents...stop allowing your children to be molded into bizarre, lunatic snowflakes.
It is hunting season here. Why is it that just one generation ago, there were guns in every truck in the parking lot at school, and not one gun owner even considered killing people instead of deer.
Here is a thought. Teachers...stop using our children for your political garbage, and try teaching math instead of infringing upon my rights.
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cars are designed for driving not for killing

Guns are designed to fire a projectile with a certain degree of accuracy over a calculated distance built into the trajectory. The person who fires the gun determines what the target will be.

comparing cars and firearms is IDIOTIC = you have no argument

Right! Driving a car is a privilege, while owning and carrying a gun is a RIGHT. There is no comparison.

....when not used, cars and firearms are the SAME = no deaths --you can't compare them like that
..anyone with an 8th grade education knows you compare by usage--and cars are used so much more that you can't even calculate how much safer they are

A car is only as safe as the actions of the person operating it, just like a gun.

for cars you need:
eye test periodically
written test
driver test
must be of 16
etc etc

Tell me, what other Constitutional Rights would you be willing to give up, until and unless you can pass some arbitrary list of qualifications you will need in order to exercise that Right? This list would be created by a group of people who assume they have the authority to deny you ALL of your Constitutional Rights until THEY are pleased with your answers.

Shall we come up with a list of hoops you must jump through in order to VOTE? Dear GOD, would I love to see liberals unable to vote until they prove they have a BRAIN!

Shall we create a list of qualifications you must pass in order to assemble in groups of three or more?

What if you are not allowed the Right to be secure in your home and your property until you are carrying some plastic card that says you are qualified to enjoy your privacy? Can I just enter your home and rifle through your belongings on a whim?

What if you could not attend church or worship God, until you have proven to some government bureaucrat that you are qualified to worship your creator?

You mix privileges with Rights to bolster your position, and that makes your entire argument patently ridiculous.

There is no comparison between cars and guns, and either can be used for good or evil.
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We see you bad guys shoot people all the time and what's your defense? "I was scared so I get to murder".
I have never been so unfortunate as to have to shoot someone, but your post indicates that you believe deadly force in self defense is not a right.


We have all seen that bullshit excuse used to murder, get fucking real, even the police have turned to it now.
So, deadly force in self defense is just an excuse for murder? There's no such thing as justifiable homicide? We must allow our would-be murderers/rapists to do so without resistance.

Behold, the mind of a gun-grabbing commie.

Here's the TardLogic™ of both sides in action:

LIBTARD: Guns just killed some more people. We must ban them.

RUBE: Cars kill a lot more people than guns. So I guess we should ban them, too, right? Right? Right?

FOX NEWS: Some more Muslims just killed some more people. Every time any Muslim anywhere kills someone, we will be right here to tell you all about it, with doom music.

WE MUST BAN ALCOHOL, they said back in the 1910s.

That worked out GREAT.

Banning anything is not only useless but highly authoritative and wrong.

Like your drug "wars". But hey, what isn't war in american society.
Who the fuck do you think I am?

I don't support the bullshit war on drugs. I do NOT support all the bullshit foreign wars. I am a REAL liberal--one of the few remaining.

A mental heath evaluation every 2 years for all gun owners. No exemptions.

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And then we could own absolutely ANY firearm? Fully automatic "weapons of war"? Without exception?
That would be the logical conclusion if public safety were really the concern (it's not).

They will never compromise. EVER!!!

Neither should we and maybe we need to start using these "weapons of war" to actually make war against all these little tyrants.

A mental heath evaluation every 2 years for all gun owners. No exemptions.

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And then we could own absolutely ANY firearm? Fully automatic "weapons of war"? Without exception?

If you pass you get to keep the gun you have.

If you fail, fork it over.

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See what I mean.

No compromise. Just slowly chipping away at it.

We should give all these guys a "lead exposure" test. They pass if the "lead" passes through their bodies, resulting in their death. If it does not pass through their bodies or passes through and does not cause their death, they are witches and we burn them at the stake.

Line up for your lead exposure test:

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cars are designed for driving not for killing

Guns are designed to fire a projectile with a certain degree of accuracy over a calculated distance built into the trajectory. The person who fires the gun determines what the target will be.

comparing cars and firearms is IDIOTIC = you have no argument

Right! Driving a car is a privilege, while owning and carrying a gun is a RIGHT. There is no comparison.

....when not used, cars and firearms are the SAME = no deaths --you can't compare them like that
..anyone with an 8th grade education knows you compare by usage--and cars are used so much more that you can't even calculate how much safer they are

A car is only as safe as the actions of the person operating it, just like a gun.

for cars you need:
eye test periodically
written test
driver test
must be of 16
etc etc

Tell me, what other Constitutional Rights would you be willing to give up, until and unless you can pass some arbitrary list of qualifications you will need in order to exercise that Right? This list would be created by a group of people who assume they have the authority to deny you ALL of your Constitutional Rights until THEY are pleased with your answers.

Shall we come up with a list of hoops you must jump through in order to VOTE? Dear GOD, would I love to see liberals unable to vote until they prove they have a BRAIN!

Shall we create a list of qualifications you must pass in order to assemble in groups of three or more?

What if you are not allowed the Right to be secure in your home and your property until you are carrying some plastic card that says you are qualified to enjoy your privacy? Can I just enter your home and rifle through your belongings on a whim?

What if you could not attend church or worship God, until you have proven to some government bureaucrat that you are qualified to worship your creator?

You mix privileges with Rights to bolster your position, and that makes your entire argument patently ridiculous.

There is no comparison between cars and guns, and either can be used for good or evil.

Plus there are drunk drivers and drivers under the influence of drugs but cars are dangerous. It’s the people not the tool. Drunk and drugged up drivers choose to break the law like a psycho who decides he’s going to steal or buy a gun illegally and shoot people. Then you have the crazy people who rent a truck or van and drive into crowds of people.

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The gun problem and the opioid problem have the same causes. The manufacturers of both knew they were making way, way, way more than was needed for legal purposes.

They deliberately flooded the markets in the name of chasing higher and higher profits.


As you know, the vast majority of illegal drugs, cocaine, heroin, Fentanyl, crack, and opioids are either imported, mostly from China and Central America or made on the streets.

Prescription drugs are regulated to the point where legitimate patients are deprived.

Saying, "They deliberately flooded the markets in the name of chasing higher and higher profits" shows total ignorance of economics. A shortage of anything causes the price and profit margin to skyrocket. Comparing the two is foolish.
The left are full of MORONS, I keep asking them why they want more laws on Law abiding citizens that criminals do not obey when 90 percent of all firearm crime is by criminals. Total silence from them.
Because they don't care about crime or public safety. They want to disarm the people who will stop them from their communist revolution. They want zero resistance when they take over and seize (steal) all private property.

A mental heath evaluation every 2 years for all gun owners. No exemptions.

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And then we could own absolutely ANY firearm? Fully automatic "weapons of war"? Without exception?
That would be the logical conclusion if public safety were really the concern (it's not).

They will never compromise. EVER!!!

Neither should we and maybe we need to start using these "weapons of war" to actually make war against all these little tyrants.


What weapons of war. Civilians can’t get weapons of war. What the Military uses is completely different then what a civilian can buy. So your just a dumb fucking liberal who has no clue about guns. An AR 15 isn’t an assault rifle. There is no such thing as an assault rifle. It’s a made up term used by ignorant politicians who don’t know there ass from there elbow. What h the news clip with the liberal news and a politician who film a video saying look what this AR 15 does to a watermelon, problem was the idiots didn’t know it was a shotgun not an AR 15. They’re to stupid to know the difference just like you. Come back when you have a clue. Until then STFU.

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The gun debate rages on and on with no one really changing their minds. Well, that’s sort of the definition of insanity (doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results each time).

With that in mind, I asked myself how we could approach this issue in a way that hasn’t been done before. There is always a solution to every problem. It’s just a matter of finding it.

So I have a completely serious proposal for the proponents of gun control. If the 2A supporters agreed to use tax payer money to have every single firearm manufactured attend an extensive and comprehensive mental health evaluation (including training firearms on the value of human life), would you then agree to allow all citizens to own any type of firearm they desire - without restriction?

(*Note that I will have 0 tolerance for trolling in this thread and will report every instance. Either answer honestly/seriously or move along to another thread)
Yes I think all guns should be subject to a strict mental evaluation. Who knows what will happen if the current trend continues. Will guns start raping people? Will they get drunk and drive? For Gods sakes! My 20 gauge just started rubbing my thigh!
A mental heath evaluation every 2 years for all gun owners. No exemptions.

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And then we could own absolutely ANY firearm? Fully automatic "weapons of war"? Without exception?
That would be the logical conclusion if public safety were really the concern (it's not).

They will never compromise. EVER!!!

Neither should we and maybe we need to start using these "weapons of war" to actually make war against all these little tyrants.


What weapons of war. Civilians can’t get weapons of war. What the Military uses is completely different then what a civilian can buy. So your just a dumb fucking liberal who has no clue about guns. An AR 15 isn’t an assault rifle. There is no such thing as an assault rifle. It’s a made up term used by ignorant politicians who don’t know there ass from there elbow. What h the news clip with the liberal news and a politician who film a video saying look what this AR 15 does to a watermelon, problem was the idiots didn’t know it was a shotgun not an AR 15. They’re to stupid to know the difference just like you. Come back when you have a clue. Until then STFU.

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I assume you were not talking to me. I put "weapons of war" in quotes because it is a completely bullshit, emotional term meant to scare the weak.

There is no such thing as an "assault weapon" but an "assault rifle" is a specific term of art, which is a class of weapon that is highly regulated for civilians (if not effectively banned). An assault rifle is a select-fire weapon that is not sold over the counter.
Assault rifle - Wikipedia

And the whole "weapons of war" bullshit is further nonsensical bullshitary because all firearms have been designed for war, or were derived from those designed for war. The firearm itself was invented for war. So, these bullshit gun-grabbing ass clowns attempting to distinguish deadly firearms from non-deadly firearms are either being completely dishonest or they are painfully ignorant. ALL firearms are deadly. That's the point.

I am so sick of fighting this battle with these gun-grabbing goose-steppers that I am prepared to push a hard campaign for a repeal of all gun laws and the appointment of Supreme Court Judges willing to apply the strictest interpretation of "shall not be infringed" to ALL federal and state laws.

Machine guns for all, bitches!!!

Machine guns or VALHALLA!!!
The gun problem and the opioid problem have the same causes. The manufacturers of both knew they were making way, way, way more than was needed for legal purposes.

They deliberately flooded the markets in the name of chasing higher and higher profits.


As you know, the vast majority of illegal drugs, cocaine, heroin, Fentanyl, crack, and opioids are either imported, mostly from China and Central America or made on the streets.

Prescription drugs are regulated to the point where legitimate patients are deprived.

Saying, "They deliberately flooded the markets in the name of chasing higher and higher profits" shows total ignorance of economics. A shortage of anything causes the price and profit margin to skyrocket. Comparing the two is foolish.
The left are full of MORONS, I keep asking them why they want more laws on Law abiding citizens that criminals do not obey when 90 percent of all firearm crime is by criminals. Total silence from them.
Because they don't care about crime or public safety. They want to disarm the people who will stop them from their communist revolution. They want zero resistance when they take over and seize (steal) all private property.


You are the most ignorant and pathetic person I have heard here. You are clueless. The people who commit gun crimes don’t get them legally dumbass. Bad guys will always have guns. Look at Chicago and Baltimore. Two Democratic rum areas with strict gun laws. How’s that working there They average 20 to 30 shootings a weekend. Banning guns will increase innocent victims because they will not have anything to defend themselves. These school shootings are because you took faith out of the schools and you pander to the kids. Your teaching them if they don’t agree with something they have to fight for it. Then let’s look at some shootings. Parkland, you idiots missed everything and just jumped at the gun. Let’s see, blame the FBI and the Sheriff’s office as this kid was on the watch list and they did nothing. His mom knew he was crazy and had guns and never said anything before she died. His family and friends he lived with after she died knew he was off and had guns that they would’ve allow in the house so he buried them in the backyard but no one said anything. The school which he was expelled from for bringing bullets to school did nothing. The kids at the school who new him and heard the threats and saw so of the threats on social media said nothing. So who fucked up here. There is your list of who fucked up buy everyone ignored that and just jumped on the gun ban wagon. There are parent whose kids were killed in Parkland and have come out and said it’s not the gun they blame it’s all the mistakes and the shittie school security was the problem. Next we go to Las Vegas. Here a guy over a three day period brought about and hundred guns and thousands or rounds of ammo into the hotel and these morons didn’t notice the big duffel bags coming in for three days. That did raise any suspicion. Just shows how complacent we’ve become. Guns save more lives then they take. The problem is the liberal media doesn’t cover those stories because it hurts there agenda. Why don’t you google it and see. Your an ignorant brainwashed liberal. That’s a shittie way to go through life.

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A mental heath evaluation every 2 years for all gun owners. No exemptions.

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And then we could own absolutely ANY firearm? Fully automatic "weapons of war"? Without exception?
That would be the logical conclusion if public safety were really the concern (it's not).

They will never compromise. EVER!!!

Neither should we and maybe we need to start using these "weapons of war" to actually make war against all these little tyrants.


What weapons of war. Civilians can’t get weapons of war. What the Military uses is completely different then what a civilian can buy. So your just a dumb fucking liberal who has no clue about guns. An AR 15 isn’t an assault rifle. There is no such thing as an assault rifle. It’s a made up term used by ignorant politicians who don’t know there ass from there elbow. What h the news clip with the liberal news and a politician who film a video saying look what this AR 15 does to a watermelon, problem was the idiots didn’t know it was a shotgun not an AR 15. They’re to stupid to know the difference just like you. Come back when you have a clue. Until then STFU.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I assume you were not talking to me. I put "weapons of war" in quotes because it is a completely bullshit, emotional term meant to scare the weak.

There is no such thing as an "assault weapon" but an "assault rifle" is a specific term of art, which is a class of weapon that is highly regulated for civilians (if not effectively banned). An assault rifle is a select-fire weapon that is not sold over the counter.
Assault rifle - Wikipedia

And the whole "weapons of war" bullshit is further nonsensical bullshitary because all firearms have been designed for war, or were derived from those designed for war. The firearm itself was invented for war. So, these bullshit gun-grabbing ass clowns attempting to distinguish deadly firearms from non-deadly firearms are either being completely dishonest or they are painfully ignorant. ALL firearms are deadly. That's the point.

I am so sick of fighting this battle with these gun-grabbing goose-steppers that I am prepared to push a hard campaign for a repeal of all gun laws and the appointment of Supreme Court Judges willing to apply the strictest interpretation of "shall not be infringed" to ALL federal and state laws.

Machine guns for all, bitches!!!

Machine guns or VALHALLA!!!

Sorry I read it wrong. I just wrote another one so don’t take it towards you it another point to go to the gun grabbers who are clueless about guns.

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A mental heath evaluation every 2 years for all gun owners. No exemptions.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
And then we could own absolutely ANY firearm? Fully automatic "weapons of war"? Without exception?
That would be the logical conclusion if public safety were really the concern (it's not).

They will never compromise. EVER!!!

Neither should we and maybe we need to start using these "weapons of war" to actually make war against all these little tyrants.


What weapons of war. Civilians can’t get weapons of war. What the Military uses is completely different then what a civilian can buy. So your just a dumb fucking liberal who has no clue about guns. An AR 15 isn’t an assault rifle. There is no such thing as an assault rifle. It’s a made up term used by ignorant politicians who don’t know there ass from there elbow. What h the news clip with the liberal news and a politician who film a video saying look what this AR 15 does to a watermelon, problem was the idiots didn’t know it was a shotgun not an AR 15. They’re to stupid to know the difference just like you. Come back when you have a clue. Until then STFU.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I assume you were not talking to me. I put "weapons of war" in quotes because it is a completely bullshit, emotional term meant to scare the weak.

There is no such thing as an "assault weapon" but an "assault rifle" is a specific term of art, which is a class of weapon that is highly regulated for civilians (if not effectively banned). An assault rifle is a select-fire weapon that is not sold over the counter.
Assault rifle - Wikipedia

And the whole "weapons of war" bullshit is further nonsensical bullshitary because all firearms have been designed for war, or were derived from those designed for war. The firearm itself was invented for war. So, these bullshit gun-grabbing ass clowns attempting to distinguish deadly firearms from non-deadly firearms are either being completely dishonest or they are painfully ignorant. ALL firearms are deadly. That's the point.

I am so sick of fighting this battle with these gun-grabbing goose-steppers that I am prepared to push a hard campaign for a repeal of all gun laws and the appointment of Supreme Court Judges willing to apply the strictest interpretation of "shall not be infringed" to ALL federal and state laws.

Machine guns for all, bitches!!!

Machine guns or VALHALLA!!!

It wouldn’t let me send you a PM to explain and apologize. Have a great weekend.

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So, they DO belong in government hands, where we can trust that they will not be used against the people?


Disarm government first. Then, we'll talk. Otherwise, I want fucking machine gun, minimum.

This is the kind of crazy talk I was on about.

Hey, why not let civilians have nuclear weapons, by that logic.

WE MUST BAN ALCOHOL, they said back in the 1910s.

That worked out GREAT.

Banning anything is not only useless but highly authoritative and wrong.

Actually, you should look into the history of Prohibition, and how it was used as the kind of anti-immigrant crazy we are doing now. It was sold in WWI as a way to get those nasty German Immigrants under control, no one really thought their booze was going to be taken away, until it was.
Hey, why do we LET government have nukes? Why do we let government have so much fucking power that we, THE PEOPLE, don't have ourselves?

Does government not derive its power FROM THE PEOPLE???

Again, as long as government has nukes, I get nukes. Disarm government, then we'll talk.


Your numbers are way too high
Homicides are around 1300
The rest are police shootings and gang-related.

Your reliable source and working link, please.

Here Are 8 Stubborn Facts on Gun Violence in America

I see the Heritage Foundation glossed-over October 1, 2017.
I see the elitist 1%er doesn't like an armed populous
If I were you I would be concerned about your buddies doing the coup against the president.
The gun problem and the opioid problem have the same causes. The manufacturers of both knew they were making way, way, way more than was needed for legal purposes.

They deliberately flooded the markets in the name of chasing higher and higher profits.


As you know, the vast majority of illegal drugs, cocaine, heroin, Fentanyl, crack, and opioids are either imported, mostly from China and Central America or made on the streets.

Prescription drugs are regulated to the point where legitimate patients are deprived.

Saying, "They deliberately flooded the markets in the name of chasing higher and higher profits" shows total ignorance of economics. A shortage of anything causes the price and profit margin to skyrocket. Comparing the two is foolish.
The left are full of MORONS, I keep asking them why they want more laws on Law abiding citizens that criminals do not obey when 90 percent of all firearm crime is by criminals. Total silence from them.
Because they don't care about crime or public safety. They want to disarm the people who will stop them from their communist revolution. They want zero resistance when they take over and seize (steal) all private property.


You are the most ignorant and pathetic person I have heard here. You are clueless. The people who commit gun crimes don’t get them legally dumbass. Bad guys will always have guns. Look at Chicago and Baltimore. Two Democratic rum areas with strict gun laws. How’s that working there They average 20 to 30 shootings a weekend. Banning guns will increase innocent victims because they will not have anything to defend themselves. These school shootings are because you took faith out of the schools and you pander to the kids. Your teaching them if they don’t agree with something they have to fight for it. Then let’s look at some shootings. Parkland, you idiots missed everything and just jumped at the gun. Let’s see, blame the FBI and the Sheriff’s office as this kid was on the watch list and they did nothing. His mom knew he was crazy and had guns and never said anything before she died. His family and friends he lived with after she died knew he was off and had guns that they would’ve allow in the house so he buried them in the backyard but no one said anything. The school which he was expelled from for bringing bullets to school did nothing. The kids at the school who new him and heard the threats and saw so of the threats on social media said nothing. So who fucked up here. There is your list of who fucked up buy everyone ignored that and just jumped on the gun ban wagon. There are parent whose kids were killed in Parkland and have come out and said it’s not the gun they blame it’s all the mistakes and the shittie school security was the problem. Next we go to Las Vegas. Here a guy over a three day period brought about and hundred guns and thousands or rounds of ammo into the hotel and these morons didn’t notice the big duffel bags coming in for three days. That did raise any suspicion. Just shows how complacent we’ve become. Guns save more lives then they take. The problem is the liberal media doesn’t cover those stories because it hurts there agenda. Why don’t you google it and see. Your an ignorant brainwashed liberal. That’s a shittie way to go through life.

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The people who commit gun crimes don’t get them legally dumbass.

Paddock purchased his guns legally, and was able to amass an arsenal because there is no information sharing between States when he made his buying. Thank God there are regulations on tracer rounds or more would have been dead or injured.

He didn't bring his guns into Mandalay Bay in "big duffel bags" but regular sized luggage, and why would it have been noticed when a customer was bring in luggage?

The lady under her Husband is dead. Why don't you share your gun beliefs with him?

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The gun problem and the opioid problem have the same causes. The manufacturers of both knew they were making way, way, way more than was needed for legal purposes.

They deliberately flooded the markets in the name of chasing higher and higher profits.


As you know, the vast majority of illegal drugs, cocaine, heroin, Fentanyl, crack, and opioids are either imported, mostly from China and Central America or made on the streets.

Prescription drugs are regulated to the point where legitimate patients are deprived.

Saying, "They deliberately flooded the markets in the name of chasing higher and higher profits" shows total ignorance of economics. A shortage of anything causes the price and profit margin to skyrocket. Comparing the two is foolish.
The left are full of MORONS, I keep asking them why they want more laws on Law abiding citizens that criminals do not obey when 90 percent of all firearm crime is by criminals. Total silence from them.
Because they don't care about crime or public safety. They want to disarm the people who will stop them from their communist revolution. They want zero resistance when they take over and seize (steal) all private property.


You are the most ignorant and pathetic person I have heard here. You are clueless. The people who commit gun crimes don’t get them legally dumbass. Bad guys will always have guns. Look at Chicago and Baltimore. Two Democratic rum areas with strict gun laws. How’s that working there They average 20 to 30 shootings a weekend. Banning guns will increase innocent victims because they will not have anything to defend themselves. These school shootings are because you took faith out of the schools and you pander to the kids. Your teaching them if they don’t agree with something they have to fight for it. Then let’s look at some shootings. Parkland, you idiots missed everything and just jumped at the gun. Let’s see, blame the FBI and the Sheriff’s office as this kid was on the watch list and they did nothing. His mom knew he was crazy and had guns and never said anything before she died. His family and friends he lived with after she died knew he was off and had guns that they would’ve allow in the house so he buried them in the backyard but no one said anything. The school which he was expelled from for bringing bullets to school did nothing. The kids at the school who new him and heard the threats and saw so of the threats on social media said nothing. So who fucked up here. There is your list of who fucked up buy everyone ignored that and just jumped on the gun ban wagon. There are parent whose kids were killed in Parkland and have come out and said it’s not the gun they blame it’s all the mistakes and the shittie school security was the problem. Next we go to Las Vegas. Here a guy over a three day period brought about and hundred guns and thousands or rounds of ammo into the hotel and these morons didn’t notice the big duffel bags coming in for three days. That did raise any suspicion. Just shows how complacent we’ve become. Guns save more lives then they take. The problem is the liberal media doesn’t cover those stories because it hurts there agenda. Why don’t you google it and see. Your an ignorant brainwashed liberal. That’s a shittie way to go through life.

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The people who commit gun crimes don’t get them legally dumbass.

Paddock purchased his guns legally, and was able to amass an arsenal because there is no information sharing between States when he made his buying. Thank God there are regulations on tracer rounds or more would have been dead or injured.

He didn't bring his guns into Mandalay Bay in "big duffel bags" but regular sized luggage, and why would it have been noticed when a customer was bring in luggage?

The lady under her Husband is dead. Why don't you share your gun beliefs with him?


Yes he did over many years. He was a wealthy man. You have to do a little digging to find out that over the last 10 years he changed and became very reclusive and didn’t speak to people. He was acting strange and none of his friends, family or neighbors noticed. Plus if you read what I wrote as you didn’t because your a brainwashed pathetic liberal scumbags who only knows what his liberal media tells him, is that the Hotel fucked up. Over three days he brought in numerous big duffel bags with about a hundred guns and thousands of rounds of ammo and no one thought that was strange or suspicious. That was my problem there but your to fixated at one thing. Out of that hole thing your only take away was that. That just shows me you don’t know a thing about guns and your pathetic.

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