Serious proposal for the gun control crowd

Is a poor with credit conservative who continuously votes against his own best interests mentally stable?
There is no such thing as a conservative who “votes against his own self-interest”. That is exclusively a left-wing phenomenon. Voting for the government to confiscate what you have and then control your life is the type special kind of stupid that can only come from the left.

Voting for liberty is never voting against self-interest.

I think the following describes you and yours.

"However, I regard the Libertarianism as a kind of business-worshiping cultish religion, which churns out annoying flamers who resemble nothing so much as street-preachers on the Information Sidewalk."

Libertarianism Makes You Stupid
The gun problem and the opioid problem have the same causes. The manufacturers of both knew they were making way, way, way more than was needed for legal purposes.

They deliberately flooded the markets in the name of chasing higher and higher profits.
Dude we do not have a gun problem
What the data says about gun deaths in the U.S.
Sounds like the weapon of choice for killers. Maybe that's why countries with strong gun control have homicide rates a fraction of ours.

Three-quarters of all U.S. murders in 2017 – 14,542 out of 19,510 – involved a firearm.
I don't know why don't you ask Paris how well did their gun ban stop their mass shootings
ask England why they have a knife epidemic.
Obviously, the reason militias are mentioned in the cited amendment is that training/responsibility was expected to go along with the "right" guaranteed, as there are no rights without responsibility.
Then, there is the equally obvious matter of the evolution of firearms to an extent the 'founders' could not have foreseen...
Obviously, the reason militias are mentioned in the cited amendment is that training/responsibility was expected to go along with the "right" guaranteed, as there are no rights without responsibility.
Then, there is the equally obvious matter of the evolution of firearms to an extent the 'founders' could not have foreseen...
Ever heard of the puckle gun?
So, they DO belong in government hands, where we can trust that they will not be used against the people?


Disarm government first. Then, we'll talk. Otherwise, I want fucking machine gun, minimum.

This is the kind of crazy talk I was on about.

Hey, why not let civilians have nuclear weapons, by that logic.

WE MUST BAN ALCOHOL, they said back in the 1910s.

That worked out GREAT.

Banning anything is not only useless but highly authoritative and wrong.

Actually, you should look into the history of Prohibition, and how it was used as the kind of anti-immigrant crazy we are doing now. It was sold in WWI as a way to get those nasty German Immigrants under control, no one really thought their booze was going to be taken away, until it was.
No, you misunderstood. People will not be going to this therapy. The firearms will. The left's official stance is that guns are responsible. So let's get the guns trained in the value of human life and lets get them cleared by professional psychiatrists.

So you were being sarcastic and had no intent to have a serious conversation, then.

If you go back to my original post and read what was actually written, I can say with 100% absolute certainty that there is 0 chance of your concern coming to fruition. But again, it requires you to read what was actually written instead of seeing what you wanted to see in that post.

Okay, I guess we misunderstood when you said you wanted to have a serious conversation about gun control.
Obviously, the reason militias are mentioned in the cited amendment is that training/responsibility was expected to go along with the "right" guaranteed, as there are no rights without responsibility.


That the same sorts howling freedom isn't free wish consistent irresponsibility reeks of cognitive dissonance

[A mental heath evaluation every 2 years for all gun owners.

No exemptions.

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Who does the evaluation? WHO sets the standard for a designation of "Mentally Healthy"?

I think it should be you.

I will not be me, because I UNDERSTAND what "The Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms Shall Not Be Infringed" truly means.
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