Serious proposal for the gun control crowd

The gun debate rages on and on with no one really changing their minds. Well, that’s sort of the definition of insanity (doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results each time).

With that in mind, I asked myself how we could approach this issue in a way that hasn’t been done before. There is always a solution to every problem. It’s just a matter of finding it.

So I have a completely serious proposal for the proponents of gun control. If the 2A supporters agreed to use tax payer money to have every single firearm manufactured attend an extensive and comprehensive mental health evaluation (including training firearms on the value of human life), would you then agree to allow all citizens to own any type of firearm they desire - without restriction?

(*Note that I will have 0 tolerance for trolling in this thread and will report every instance. Either answer honestly/seriously or move along to another thread)
....not regulating firearms like they do vehicles [ and not regulating them more ] is doing the same thing over and over
..the US has the highest gun ownership in the world
If the 2A supporters agreed to use tax payer money to have every single firearm manufactured attend an extensive and comprehensive mental health evaluation (including training firearms on the value of human life), would you then agree to allow all citizens to own any type of firearm they desire - without restriction?

Be careful what you wish for. The "mental health" agenda is a trap. "Mental Health" is an ambiguous term that is RIPE for abuse by corrupt politicians, just like "Saturday Night Special" and "Assault Weapon."

When you support giving corrupt politicians (Pelosi, Schumer, Bloomberg, Obama, Feinstein, et. al.) the authority to restrict gun ownership based on a determination of "mental health" you are opening Pandora's Box.

Say we get to that point, where a government agency is assigned the power to determine one's mental fitness before that person can own a gun. WHO defines "perfect mental health"? Do you want someone like Pelosi to determine whether or not YOU are mentally stable enough to own a firearm?

We already see it ... right here on this forum. Leftist morons who have convinced themselves that they are the consummate authorities on ANY topic, and those who disagree with them are obviously "off their meds" or "mentally insane."

"Do you believe in God? Well! Obviously you are not mentally healthy, because as any intelligent liberal knows, GOD DOES NOT EXIST. So you have told us you believe in some sky fairy who can control the universe, and answer your prayers. I'm sorry, but YOU cannot own a firearm. You are obviously mentally unstable..."

DO NOT fall into the trap the liberals have placed before you. It will be far too easy for them to smugly look down at their noses at you and say, "We have determined that you are not mentally healthy., so NO GUNS FOR YOU!"
The gun debate rages on and on with no one really changing their minds. Well, that’s sort of the definition of insanity (doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results each time).

With that in mind, I asked myself how we could approach this issue in a way that hasn’t been done before. There is always a solution to every problem. It’s just a matter of finding it.

So I have a completely serious proposal for the proponents of gun control. If the 2A supporters agreed to use tax payer money to have every single firearm manufactured attend an extensive and comprehensive mental health evaluation (including training firearms on the value of human life), would you then agree to allow all citizens to own any type of firearm they desire - without restriction?

(*Note that I will have 0 tolerance for trolling in this thread and will report every instance. Either answer honestly/seriously or move along to another thread)
....not regulating firearms like they do vehicles [ and not regulating them more ] is doing the same thing over and over
..the US has the highest gun ownership in the world

So. They are the lowest cause of death. Ban cars, knives, pools, drugs oh drugs are banned, lot of good that is doing. Your clueless and brainwashed. Speak when you have something of substance.

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The gun debate rages on and on with no one really changing their minds. Well, that’s sort of the definition of insanity (doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results each time).

With that in mind, I asked myself how we could approach this issue in a way that hasn’t been done before. There is always a solution to every problem. It’s just a matter of finding it.

So I have a completely serious proposal for the proponents of gun control. If the 2A supporters agreed to use tax payer money to have every single firearm manufactured attend an extensive and comprehensive mental health evaluation (including training firearms on the value of human life), would you then agree to allow all citizens to own any type of firearm they desire - without restriction?

(*Note that I will have 0 tolerance for trolling in this thread and will report every instance. Either answer honestly/seriously or move along to another thread)
....not regulating firearms like they do vehicles [ and not regulating them more ] is doing the same thing over and over
..the US has the highest gun ownership in the world

So. They are the lowest cause of death. Ban cars, knives, pools, drugs oh drugs are banned, lot of good that is doing. Your clueless and brainwashed. Speak when you have something of substance.

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cars are designed for driving not for killing
comparing cars and firearms is IDIOTIC = you have no argument
--now, pay attention:
....when not used, cars and firearms are the SAME = no deaths --you can't compare them like that
..anyone with an 8th grade education knows you compare by usage--and cars are used so much more that you can't even calculate how much safer they are
for cars you need:
eye test periodically
written test
driver test
must be of 16
etc etc
If the 2A supporters agreed to use tax payer money to have every single firearm manufactured attend an extensive and comprehensive mental health evaluation (including training firearms on the value of human life), would you then agree to allow all citizens to own any type of firearm they desire - without restriction?

Be careful what you wish for. The "mental health" agenda is a trap. "Mental Health" is an ambiguous term that is RIPE for abuse by corrupt politicians, just like "Saturday Night Special" and "Assault Weapon."

When you support giving corrupt politicians (Pelosi, Schumer, Bloomberg, Obama, Feinstein, et. al.) the authority to restrict gun ownership based on a determination of "mental health" you are opening Pandora's Box.

Say we get to that point, where a government agency is assigned the power to determine one's mental fitness before that person can own a gun. WHO defines "perfect mental health"? Do you want someone like Pelosi to determine whether or not YOU are mentally stable enough to own a firearm?

We already see it ... right here on this forum. Leftist morons who have convinced themselves that they are the consummate authorities on ANY topic, and those who disagree with them are obviously "off their meds" or "mentally insane."

"Do you believe in God? Well! Obviously you are not mentally healthy, because as any intelligent liberal knows, GOD DOES NOT EXIST. So you have told us you believe in some sky fairy who can control the universe, and answer your prayers. I'm sorry, but YOU cannot own a firearm. You are obviously mentally unstable..."

DO NOT fall into the trap the liberals have placed before you. It will be far too easy for them to smugly look down at their noses at you and say, "We have determined that you are not mentally healthy., so NO GUNS FOR YOU!"

Is a poor with credit conservative who continuously votes against his own best interests mentally stable?

God cannot be proven nor disproven. If you believe anything else you are mentally unstable.
cars are designed for driving not for killing
So you actually do not care about human life. Cars cause more loss of life than guns. If you cared about human life, the "design" of the item causing the deaths wouldn't be of concern to you.
for cars you need:
eye test periodically
written test
driver test
must be of 16
etc etc
For guns you need: to just read the 2nd Amendment of the United States Constitution.
A mental heath evaluation every 2 years for all gun owners.

No exemptions.

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I don't believe there is a gun control debate. Just liberals trying to disarm American citizens at the behest of the UN.
We voted no on that in 2016 and intend to do it again next year.
The gun debate rages on and on with no one really changing their minds. Well, that’s sort of the definition of insanity (doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results each time).

With that in mind, I asked myself how we could approach this issue in a way that hasn’t been done before. There is always a solution to every problem. It’s just a matter of finding it.

So I have a completely serious proposal for the proponents of gun control. If the 2A supporters agreed to use tax payer money to have every single firearm manufactured attend an extensive and comprehensive mental health evaluation (including training firearms on the value of human life), would you then agree to allow all citizens to own any type of firearm they desire - without restriction?

(*Note that I will have 0 tolerance for trolling in this thread and will report every instance. Either answer honestly/seriously or move along to another thread)
....not regulating firearms like they do vehicles [ and not regulating them more ] is doing the same thing over and over
..the US has the highest gun ownership in the world

So. They are the lowest cause of death. Ban cars, knives, pools, drugs oh drugs are banned, lot of good that is doing. Your clueless and brainwashed. Speak when you have something of substance.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
cars are designed for driving not for killing
comparing cars and firearms is IDIOTIC = you have no argument
--now, pay attention:
....when not used, cars and firearms are the SAME = no deaths --you can't compare them like that
..anyone with an 8th grade education knows you compare by usage--and cars are used so much more that you can't even calculate how much safer they are
for cars you need:
eye test periodically
written test
driver test
must be of 16
etc etc

You picked one example. What about the rest. All more deaths then guns. Anyone with 6th education knows that legal gun owners aren’t the ones committing the crimes. Bad guys who get them illegally do. Everyone I arrested with a gun had a record and the gun was illegal. Maybe 1% of law abiding citizens commit a gun crime. Dumbass.

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The gun problem and the opioid problem have the same causes. The manufacturers of both knew they were making way, way, way more than was needed for legal purposes.

They deliberately flooded the markets in the name of chasing higher and higher profits.


As you know, the vast majority of illegal drugs, cocaine, heroin, Fentanyl, crack, meth, and opioids are either imported, mostly from China and Central America or made on the streets.

Prescription drugs are regulated to the point where legitimate patients are deprived.

Saying, "They deliberately flooded the markets in the name of chasing higher and higher profits" shows total ignorance of basic economics. A shortage of anything causes the price and profit margin to skyrocket. Comparing the two is foolish.
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The gun problem and the opioid problem have the same causes. The manufacturers of both knew they were making way, way, way more than was needed for legal purposes.

They deliberately flooded the markets in the name of chasing higher and higher profits.


As you know, the vast majority of illegal drugs, cocaine, heroin, Fentanyl, crack, and opioids are either imported, mostly from China and Central America or made on the streets.

Prescription drugs are regulated to the point where legitimate patients are deprived.

Saying, "They deliberately flooded the markets in the name of chasing higher and higher profits" shows total ignorance of economics. A shortage of anything causes the price and profit margin to skyrocket. Comparing the two is foolish.
The left are full of MORONS, I keep asking them why they want more laws on Law abiding citizens that criminals do not obey when 90 percent of all firearm crime is by criminals. Total silence from them.
The gun debate rages on and on with no one really changing their minds. Well, that’s sort of the definition of insanity (doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results each time).

With that in mind, I asked myself how we could approach this issue in a way that hasn’t been done before. There is always a solution to every problem. It’s just a matter of finding it.

So I have a completely serious proposal for the proponents of gun control. If the 2A supporters agreed to use tax payer money to have every single firearm manufactured attend an extensive and comprehensive mental health evaluation (including training firearms on the value of human life), would you then agree to allow all citizens to own any type of firearm they desire - without restriction?

(*Note that I will have 0 tolerance for trolling in this thread and will report every instance. Either answer honestly/seriously or move along to another thread)

lefty shrinks with an agenda would be a problem
But if can buy brand new fully auto that would be swell...

Maybe some light armor with a mini
The gun problem and the opioid problem have the same causes. The manufacturers of both knew they were making way, way, way more than was needed for legal purposes.

They deliberately flooded the markets in the name of chasing higher and higher profits.
What a bizarre and idiotic thing to say. A manufacturer cannot “flood the market” because they can only sell as many as their customers are willing to buy.

If customers are demanding 100 widgets and then the manufacturer supplies the market with 100 widgets, it is not “flooding the market”. They are simply meeting demand.

If customers are demanding 100 widgets, and the manufacturer produces 100,000 widgets, they would go out of business almost over night (it costs a manufacturer money for the raw materials, the labor, and for the shipping that brings their product to market). So they would have all of that cost and no sales to cover it.

It’s so annoying when people use buzzwords in an attempt to sound “smart”.
Is a poor with credit conservative who continuously votes against his own best interests mentally stable?
There is no such thing as a conservative who “votes against his own self-interest”. That is exclusively a left-wing phenomenon. Voting for the government to confiscate what you have and then control your life is the type special kind of stupid that can only come from the left.

Voting for liberty is never voting against self-interest.

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