Zone1 Serious Question About Abortion

Just some questions:

1) What is the percentage of men who do acknowledge that they are the father of the baby?

2) What is the percentage of pregnant women who die during labor?

3) Why should any woman be forced to take a pregnancy to term, if they are not ready for it, or it could be dangerous to their health?

4). What is the percentage of men who do not pay for child support?

Good questions.
That sounds like you religious folks that commit horrible genocidal acts when you believe your god has given you permission to do it or some psycho-prophet orders you to commit murder. When some asshole reads the bible and interprets it in such a way that justifies giving poison Kool-Aid to his mindless, sheepish followers.

As an Atheist and Humanist, I consider human life to be the highest principle. I make a distinction between the life of a human embryo and the life of the human being that conceived it. For me, the woman is the actual human being and the embryo or unformed fetus is but a potential human being. The woman decides whether she's going to lend her uterus and womb or not to a gestating embryo, not the government or anyone else.

As humanists, we have clearly defined boundaries on what constitutes right and wrong, just like Christians do. The only difference between us is that you pretend your rights and morality come from an invisible being in another dimension or a "holy book" and we recognize that we are responsible for creating our own morality.

We take responsibility for our own lives and morality, rather than regulating the task to an invisible, imaginary being or heavenly sugar daddy. Our morality is based on the environment (reality) and what we envision would be the best conditions for us and everyone else. Our ethics are based on reason, deliberation, dialogue, human solidarity, and a strong desire to create the very best conditions for our own survival and success as individuals and as a humane, civilized community.

lol I'm not 'religious folk', shit for brains. Your strawmen aren't even original. Commies are never 'humanists', their solutions to all social and economic problems historically has been mass murders of uppity proles, so killing babies because of inconvenience is just par for you sub-human animals.
lol I'm not 'religious folk', shit for brains. Your strawmen aren't even original. Commies are never 'humanists', their solutions to all social and economic problems historically has been mass murders of uppity proles, so killing babies because of inconvenience is just par for you sub-human animals.
What about fascism and mass murder?
fter you force her to carry a pregnancy to term?
What’s good for the goose should be good for the gander…

If one parent gets options they BOTH need to be afforded options. If he has to pay for 18 years, she has to give birth to the child. If she gets to “CHOOSE” not to be mommy, he gets to choose not to be her ATM.

The choices were made when they willingly got into bed together.
What’s good for the goose should be good for the gander…

If one parent gets options they BOTH need to be afforded options. If he has to pay for 18 years, she has to give birth to the child. If she gets to “CHOOSE” not to be mommy, he gets to choose not to be her ATM.

The choices were made when they willingly got into bed together.
The goose doesn’t own the gander.
The goose doesn’t own the gander
Correct, but our current system would suggest she does. She has all of the options available to her and he has no choice but to accept her choice under our current system.

That’s wrong on every level. They were both willing partners in the impregnating act. No force. No coercion. Yet the moment she’s pregnthe loses all say in the matter of how to handle the situation and she gets all the power. That’s not acceptable to me. Either they BOTH need to have optior NEITHER of them should get options.
What about fascism and mass murder?

You don't know what 'fascism' is, you just parrot it because its fashionable with your peer group. Hitler's regime was just as socialist as the Soviet Union or Red China. They are distinctions without a difference, except that Hitler designed spiffier uniforms that are still copied today and popular in certain faggot and sexual deviant clubs, the kind that vote Democrat and support baby killing and sexually mutilating children. They all rely on mass murder as the basic solution to economic and social problems, real or perceived..
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